Chap 6 - Capital Structure (No Corporate Taxes)

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Basic Concepts

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 1

1. The value of a firm is the sum of the value of the financial
claims of the firm i.e. firm’s debt and the firm’s equity.
If the goal of the management of
the firm is to make the firm as
valuable as possible, then the
firm should choose the debt-
equity ratio that makes the value
as large as possible.

Value of the Firm

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 2

There are 2 important questions:
1. Why should the stockholders care about maximizing
firm’s value? Perhaps they should be interested in strategies that
maximize shareholders’ value.
Answer: Shareholders will only benefit if the value of the firm
2. What is the ratio of debt-to-equity that maximizes the
shareholders’ value?

Answer: The “optimal” or “target” capital structure is the

debt/equity mix that simultaneously (a) maximizes the value of
the firm, (b) minimizes the WACC, and (c) maximizes the market
value of the common stock.
Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 3

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 4

1. The value of the all equity firm is the same as the
value of the levered firm i.e. Vu=VL
2. Implication: Firms cannot change the total value of
its outstanding securities by changing proportions
of its capital structure.

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 5

 The expected return rises with leverage.
 This leads to MM Proposition II, which says that:
◦ “the expected return on equity is positively related
to leverage because the risk of equity increases with

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 6

EPS 6.00
Imply that higher
5.00 financial leverage Debt
increases the sensitivity
4.00 of EPS to EBIT No Debt

Advantage to
3.00 Break-even debt


Disadvantage to 1.2m
debt EBIT in RM, no taxes
Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 7
1. rWACC for a company is constant either with or without
2. rWACC = B/B+S (rB) + S/B+S (rS)
3. rWACC = r in a world without corporate tax

4. rO = cost of capital for an all-equity firm

= Expected earnings to all equity firm
Unlevered equity

5. rWACC is unaffected by leverage

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 8

rS  r0   ( r0  rB )

r0 rW A C C   rB   rS

rB rB

Debt-to-equity Ratio

Chapter 6 - Capital Structure 9

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