Introduction: Main Characters

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•Introduction •Plot Synopsis

One day… Their teacher(Karen Italia) give them black papers and
There was a girl whose name is Jilliane Morie, ask them to write their future paths on it “While you’re doing that
and she can see the Future. There also a boy I’m going to call you one by one for Career Counseling. So,
Jilliane Morie. Please come with me” their teacher said. They both
whose name is George Morris, and he can see go outside of the room and go another room. Her teacher ask her
the Past. They are both student at White what she want to be in the future while she only reply I don’t
Knight Academy and classmate as well but know. “We’re talking about you future, Lady” Ms. Karen said.
“Why do people want to know the future?” Jill replied. “Life is full
they didn’t know that both of them are of ‘what-if’, so people become worried, and scared. But the truth
Peculiar. is there’s nothing to worry about. The real meaning of future is in
that paper” Ms. Karen said while pointing in the black paper. She
have different thought in mind like ‘Really? The Answer? How is
•Characters this black paper the answer?’. “There is hope in every future, Jill”
Ms. Karen said. ‘She called me ‘Jill’, that’s unusual’ Jill thought. I
*Main Characters look at her, ‘Her personality is full of mysteries. She’s like… a
mind reader? Could it be… that she’s also different… Like me?’ Jill
thought. “Who are you?” Jill asked. “Who am I? I’m the one who
Jilliane (Jill) Morie/ Atria Morales supposed to ask that, Morie… Who are you?” Ms. Karen said. “I’m
Jilliane Morie… and I can see the future” For the first time Jill told
George Morris her secret to someone. Jill look straight in Karen eyes, but in her
surprised. For the first time she met her eyes she saw… nothing…
Cloud Enriquez She didn’t saw the future. Week past and there going to have a
recollection outside their school for one week. They do different
activities and game in their recollection like Wink Murder, Survival
Karen Italia/ Beatrice Morales Game, etc… After their activities and games, Morris and Karen say
the truth about Lucille death and about them being Peculiar.
Cairo Weeks past and they have an upcoming activity. They will go to
Sta. Helena Orphanage to do some volunteer work and to be the
Memoire – an association of people/peculiar representative of their school who will deliver the charity that
their school gather. Aside from that their class officer wants to
who were using other Peculiars to conquer dedicate a song for the orphan children. After they finish the
the universe. charity event in the orphanage they leave the orphanage but
unfortunately, while on their way back to Sentral City their bus
broke. While the students are waiting for the bus to be fix some
*Other Characters student saw a carnival and decided to go to the carnival. While Jill
and her friends are walking they saw a small stage with a sign
Mariah (Aya) Martinez “The Carnies’ Show” after the show end they started to walk
around to see the other games, stalls, booth, show, etc… While
Cris (Baldo) Baldemor walking they saw a horror house and decided to go in. While they
are inside the Horror house someone from shouted “There’s a
Fire!”(May sunog!). People started to be paranoid and started to
Penelope Cruz run and scream. “Please calm down, there’s no fire! There are
only people whose joking around” someone shouted. Jill started to
Stephen Yue find her friends but she fail. She decided to go back to the bus
hoping that her friends are there. While walking she saw a sign
Roman Tadeo board in a tent and suddenly stop, Fortune Telling House. She
come inside and saw a table with a crystal ball on the top and a
girl. “I’ve been waiting for you, sit down” the girl said. ‘I think I
Lord James Ireneo lll
saw her before… Oh, she’s the fortune teller that I see outside our
school’ Jill thought. “You look familiar… Did we see each other
Richard Morie before?” the girl ask. “Oh… I remember, you are the—Hey! Where
are you going?! Jill Morie!” the girl said. And suddenly Jill came
Lily Cortez Morie out of the tent. While running, Jill bump into a woman and the
woman bump(nasagi) the torch behind her and fire started to
↓[The Carnies]↓ spread on the grass field. Jill become stiff. ‘This is all my fault’ Jill
thought. Jill look up and saw a billboard that will fall to her. Jill
want to move her feet but it seems that she cannot moved her
Jinnie Gregorio/Jing Rosca feet because she become stiff, she close her eyes and wait for the
billboard hit her. But to her surprise the billboard didn’t fall on
Finnix her. She open her eyes and look around to see what happen. She
saw a girl whose hand is pointing toward the billboard like she’s
Pascal controlling it. “Jing Rosca…” Jill mumbled. Jill heard a loud blow of
wind, she look around and see Finnix hand absorbing the fire. The
Fortune teller girl approach her and ask if she’s okay. Jill didn’t
notice that she is surrounded by Jing Rosca, Finnix, the fortune
teller, Pascal and Otis who just arrived. ‘What Happened?’ Jill
Seraphina thought. “W-who are you? W-what k-kind of people---“ Jill got cut
off when Jing talk. “Were not Human. What I mean is, Were not
Cecilia ordinary people…just like you” Jing said. ‘So the show before
wasn’t just a magic show. Their powers are true.’ Jill thought. “I-if
↓[The Chain Gang]↓ you are Peculiar, H-how did you stop the… the time?” Jill ask. “I’m
the one who stop 090the time” the little girl said. They went to
the tent and continue their conversation. After the time came
Elizabeth (Eliza) Macaraig back to normal they go back to the bus. Days pass and their
going to have a Cultural Festival and Night Out Concert at school.
Vicente (Vince) Macaraig After few days Jill receive a Begonia with a letter ‘Keep you eyes
open. Smell a rat 12-16’ later that day Jill, Morris, Cloud and
Dean Enclona Baldo received a scholarship for ‘Mnemosyne Institute’. After
class, Jill go to “C’est La Vie” where ‘The Carnies’ are working
Palmera (Palm) Dinoy to ask help to them because she could sense that there is
something going to happen on the Night Out Concert. On the
Night Out Concert… The Carnies found out that the memoire
want to get Jill so they plan on how to protect Jill from the
memoire. Jill go with Karen to escape the school. Karen and
Jill decided to go to Sta. Helena Orphanage. They stay at a
inn near at ‘daambakal’ because the last trip of the train that
is going to Sta. Helena Orphanage already leave. When they
wake up Karen and Jill saw Cairo standing at the end of the
bed. “I won’t harm you, unless you hand her over to me.” •Theme
Cairo said. “I won’t give her to you.” Karen replied. “Karen,
listen. Trust me, you need to hand her to me.” Cairo said. Sci-Fiction
“Don’t touch me” Karen said. “If you didn’t hand her to me I
will kill you.” Cairo said. “I won’t give her to you Cairo. I will
protect her, even if it cost my life.“ Karen said. Cairo don’t
move. “Shoot” Karen commanded. “I said shoot me! Why
can’t you do it?!” “I wanted to ask you this question before,
Did you really love me? Answer me, Please” “If you can’t kill
me now, just let me and my sister escape.” Karen said.
‘Sister? Ms. Karen call me Sister?’ Jill thought. They finally go
to the train station. While they are on the train, to Jill’s
surprise Jing is on the train. Jing told everything to Jill that
she is the sister of Karen and the eyes that she have now is
also from Karen. Jill saw the future in one of the passenger
eyes that there will be an accident. Jill, Karen and Jing try to
prevent the train from the accident but fail in the end. When
Jill open her eyes she’s not on the train anymore. She look
around and saw Seraphina, Pascal, Finnix, Otis and Cecilia.
“What happened to the train? To the people?” Jill asked. “I’m
sorry but…” Seraphina said. “Where is Ate Karen?” Jill asked.
“Jillianne… Cairo got her.” Seraphina said. Miss Marcel(Jill’s
teacher) called her and said that they have to talk and that
they will meet in Sta. Helena Orphanage. After they talk,
Cairo and his disciple arrive and get Jill. “I can’t believe that
Jinnie betrayed us just because of you.” Cairo said. When Jill
look outside she saw the Blank and Expressionless face of
Seraphina, Finnix, Pascal, Otis, and Cecilia. ‘So everything is
Just a lie? They Betrayed me’ Jill thought. Cairo bring Jill to
Mnemosyne Institute. When Jill is at the Mnemosyne Institute
she learn that Culomus come from the Latin word ‘Oculus’
which means eyes and from the famous astrologer,
‘Nostradamus’, who they said is a prophet or a seer. And that
they use Karen eyes because she can see the future but the
information she can gathered is limited so they decided to
build the culomus. She also learn that the ‘Helexia’ is a drug
that they use to control people. Jill do the favor that georgina
ask for. She go to ‘EXPRM’ to save Klein. While she is in ‘HPGs
RM’ she saw Stephen and Ms. Marcel. But before she can free
Stephen and Ms. Marcel, Lady Margaux came. Because Jill,
Jing, Cloud are Hard-headed, Lady Margaux decided to use
the helexia on them but before the scientist inject the helexia
on them. Jing control the scientist to inject it to their selves.
When they escape the ‘EXP RM’ they proceed to the rooftop
where there is a helicopter. Scientist inject helexia to Jill but
to their surprise the helexia don’t affect her system and that
her cells denies the Helexia. Lady Margaux has no choice but
to bring her to the Bastille, an Underground prison cell for
troublesome peculiars. While jill is on the Bastille she met
Eliza, Dean, Vicente, and Palm and they plan on escaping the
Bastille, Mnemosyne Institute rather. After few hours… Jill,
the Chain Gang, The Carnies, and the HGPs finally escape the
Mnemosyne Institute and stay for a while at San Carlos, the
place where Finnix came from and the place that he
accidentaly burn and turn into ashes. After they stay in the
San Carlos they continue their way back to Sentral City. On
their way back to Sentral City Jill found out that the Fire
before wasn’t an accident and that Finnix, Pascal, Otis,
Seraphina betrayed them. They stop at the Rest House of Jill.
While they are staying on the rest house Jill found out that
even without the Culomus she’s a Peculiar.

In the End… While they are staying on the rest house
and after jill knowing the truth, the police came
because the memoire said to the police that the Chain
Gang kidnap Jill since the Night Out Concert. While
they are running on the woods Jing tried to protect
them from the memoire but died in the end. Jill go
back to Senral City while the Chain gang is handle by
the police. Jill ask a favor to Albert to erase the
memory of Jill, Aya, Baldo, Tadeo, Penelope and
Stephen being close together and their memories
about the memoire. Jill have a eye transplant and
decided to live with Karen to start a New life as Atria
and Beatrice morales. ‘The truth is—I am Peculiar, and
I can still see the Future’ ~Jill

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