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Fetal Hepatomegaly: Causes and
Kyle K. Jensen, MD
Karen Y. Oh, MD Fetal hepatomegaly is associated with significant fetal morbidity
Neel Patel, MD and mortality. However, hepatomegaly might be overlooked when
Evan R. Narasimhan, MD numerous other fetal anomalies are present, or it might not be
Alexei S. Ku, MD noticed when it is an isolated entity. As the largest solid organ in
Roya Sohaey, MD the abdomen, the liver can be seen well with US or MRI, and the
normal imaging characteristics are well described. The length of
Abbreviations: BWS = Beckwith-Wiedemann the fetal liver, which can be used to identify hepatomegaly, can be
syndrome, CMV = cytomegalovirus, MCA = determined by measuring the liver from the diaphragm to the tip of
middle cerebral artery, PCR = polymerase
chain reaction, TAM = transient abnormal the right lobe in the sagittal plane. Fetal hepatomegaly is seen with
myelopoiesis infection, transient abnormal myelopoiesis, liver storage and deposi-
RadioGraphics 2020; 40:589–604 tion diseases, some syndromes, large liver tumors, biliary atresia,
and anemia. Some of these diagnoses are treatable during the fetal
period. Attention to the associated findings and specific hepatic and
Content Codes:
nonhepatic imaging characteristics can help facilitate more accurate
From the Department of Diagnostic Radiol- diagnoses and appropriate patient counseling.
ogy, Oregon Health & Science University, 3181
SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, L-340, Portland, OR ©
RSNA, 2020 •
97239. Recipient of a Certificate of Merit award
for an education exhibit at the 2018 RSNA An-
nual Meeting. Received April 15, 2019; revision
requested June 18 and received July 14; accepted
July 30. For this journal-based SA-CME activity,
the authors, editor, and reviewers have disclosed Introduction
no relevant relationships. Address correspon- Enlargement of the liver is an often overlooked yet significant finding
dence to K.K.J. (e-mail:
in the fetus and is highly associated with fetal morbidity and mor-
RSNA, 2020 tality. Hepatomegaly can occur because of a primary or secondary
insult to the fetal liver or in association with genetic or congenital
SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES syndromes. A dedicated search for the cause of the hepatomegaly is
After completing this journal-based SA-CME crucial, because some diagnoses are treatable during the pregnancy
activity, participants will be able to: or require increased prenatal surveillance. The initial diagnosis of
„ Describe normal and abnormal imag- hepatomegaly should trigger an extensive anatomic survey for addi-
ing findings of the fetal liver seen at US tional abnormalities. In addition, some diagnoses that cause hepato-
and MRI.
megaly can be risk factors for future pregnancies; thus, an accurate
Identify fetal hepatomegaly and imple-
diagnosis during the index pregnancy can lead to additional screen-
ment a search pattern for secondary
findings that help narrow the differential ing or treatment in the next one. In this image-rich review of hepa-
diagnosis. tomegaly causes and associations, the normal imaging characteristics
Differentiate the various causes of fetal
„ of the fetal liver, including its size, are described. The specific causes
hepatomegaly. of and anomalies associated with hepatomegaly, including fetal infec-
See tion, aneuploidy, primary hepatic storage and deposition disorders,
syndromes, tumors, biliary atresia, and anemia, are discussed. This
review is intended to enhance imagers’ ability to diagnose hepa-
tomegaly, further identify associated findings, and use additional
clinical and laboratory information to suggest an accurate diagnosis
(Table 1).
590  March-April 2020

for the given gestational age. It is interesting

TEACHING POINTS that the fetal liver grows rapidly during the third
„ At US, the normal fetal liver parenchyma has imaging char-
acteristics that are similar to those of pediatric and adult nor-
trimester, a time when the growth rates of other
mal livers, with intermediate echogenicity, homogeneous fetal parameters (eg, biparietal diameter, femur
echotexture, and a smooth capsular contour. The MRI charac- length) decrease considerably (1).
teristics of the fetal liver reflect the primary role of this organ in As the use of fetal MRI is increasing, so are
fetal erythropoiesis, with increased iron content due to a high MRI examinations of the fetal liver. At US,
fetal hemoglobin level, which results in low signal intensity
with T2-weighted MRI sequences, as well as increased levels
the normal fetal liver parenchyma has imaging
of protein, copper, and zinc, which result in high signal inten- characteristics that are similar to those of pedi-
sity with T1-weighted MRI sequences. atric and adult normal livers, with intermediate
„ The US features associated with congenital syphilis infection echogenicity, homogeneous echotexture, and a
have a predictable pattern, and hepatomegaly is a prominent smooth capsular contour (Fig 1a, 1b) (2). The
and early-manifesting feature of this disease. The sonographic MRI characteristics of the fetal liver reflect the
features of congenital syphilis are seen after 18–20 weeks of
primary role of this organ in fetal erythropoiesis,
gestation, when the fetus is sufficiently immunocompetent to
generate an inflammatory response.
with increased iron content due to a high fetal
„ Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) is a preleukemic syn-
hemoglobin level, which results in low signal in-
drome that causes hepatomegaly almost exclusively in fetuses tensity with T2-weighted MRI sequences, as well
and newborns with trisomy 21. This syndrome develops in up as increased levels of protein, copper, and zinc,
to 10% of trisomy 21 cases. which result in high signal intensity with T1-
„ Congenital hemochromatosis caused by gestational alloim- weighted MRI sequences (Fig 1c, 1d) (3,4). The
mune liver disease (GALD) leads to liver failure and thus is fatal maximal fetal liver length can be measured at US
during the perinatal period. However, it is possible to prevent
in the coronal or sagittal plane and compared
this disease in susceptible patients with use of intravenous
immunoglobulin. Typically, if GALD is identified as the cause
with established normative values on reference
of fetal hydrops or death, in the subsequent pregnancy the charts that relate liver length to gestational age,
maternal patient is treated with intravenous immunoglobulin. with use of 95% confidence limits (1).
Therefore, when hydrops and an enlarged fetal liver are iden-
tified during an index pregnancy, a diagnosis of GALD should
be considered.
Fetal Infection
Hepatomegaly is a feature of fetal infection, with
„ Previously, serial amniocentesis was performed to quantify
bilirubin levels as a measure of hemolysis; however, MCA
the reason for the liver enlargement depending
Doppler US has essentially replaced invasive procedures for on the infecting pathogen. Concomitant imaging
diagnosis and assessment of severe anemia. findings that suggest fetal infection are nonspe-
cific and include fetal growth restriction, hydrops,
echogenic bowel, splenomegaly, cardiomegaly, mi-
crocephaly (often with brain anomalies), abnormal
Fetal Liver Imaging Characteristics fetal calcifications, oligohydramnios, and placen-
The fetal liver is routinely visualized on US im- tomegaly (1). The pathogens associated with fetal
ages, most often on the axial view for abdominal infection can be remembered most easily by using
circumference measurement and on longitu- the acronym TORCH, which stands for toxoplas-
dinal views for fetal bowel assessment. When mosis, other (parvovirus, syphilis, Zika, varicella,
evaluating the fetal liver with US, the fetal liver human immunodeficiency virus, etc), rubella, cyto-
parenchyma, much like the adult liver, should megalovirus, and herpes simplex virus. The cause
be homogeneous in echotexture, and the right of the liver disease may be direct hepatic infection
lobe should be larger than the left. The left lobe leading to fetal hepatitis, or fetal anemia and the
extends variably leftward across the midline, and associated sequelae. The imaging features of the
the confluence of the umbilical vein and portal pathogens that commonly affect the fetal liver—
vein is located slightly right of the midline. US specifically, cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus,
signs of hepatomegaly include the right lobe ex- and syphilis—are discussed in the following sec-
tending caudally beyond the inferior pole of the tions. It should be emphasized that many of these
right kidney, a convex and/or lobulated appear- features overlap.
ance of the hepatic contour, and displacement
of the fluid-filled gastric fundus by an enlarged Cytomegalovirus
left lobe. CMV infection is the most common congeni-
An abdominal circumference that is enlarged tal infection; it affects 0.2%–2.2% of neonates
for the given gestational age is a secondary sign worldwide (5–8). Fetal infection with CMV
of fetal hepatomegaly. Other secondary signs can occur after a primary maternal infection
include an enlarged hepatic vein and spleno- in nonimmune women or owing to a second-
megaly. Hepatomegaly is present when the fetal ary infection in women who were immune to
liver length is longer than the 95th percentile CMV before pregnancy. The rate of primary
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  591

Table 1: Features of Fetal Hepatomegaly

Associated Diagnosis Findings in Addition to Hepatomegaly Key Points

CMV infection Microcephaly, anemia, arthrogryposis, Amniotic fluid PCR performed for
hydrops, growth restriction diagnosis
Syphilis Splenomegaly, placentomegaly, ascites Hepatomegaly is the first finding to
manifest at US and the last finding to
resolve with treatment
Lysosomal storage disorders Ascites, splenomegaly, hydrops; liver Cause of up to 30% of all nonimmune
contour may show in utero cirrhosis hydrops
Trisomy 21 and TAM Other anomalies associated with trisomy Look for enlarged liver in high-risk
21 may be present fetuses as a third-trimester finding;
10%–15% of fetuses develop TAM;
10%–20% of TAM cases progress to
Biliary atresia Absent gallbladder in only one-fourth of “Starry night” fetal liver caused by peri-
cases hepatic fibrosis; high morbidity and
Tumors Other solid tumors are present if the At US, tumors may be isoechoic to liver
tumor is metastatic; tumors are most parenchyma; MRI may better reveal
often adrenal liver tumors owing to superior soft-
tissue contrast resolution
Anemia Elevated MCA peak systolic velocity Transfusion may be performed if neces-
is a prehydrops finding suggestive of sary
Note.—CMV = cytomegalovirus, MCA = middle cerebral artery, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, TAM =
transient abnormal myelopoiesis.

versus secondary infection depends on the The US features of CMV infection are non-
rate of immune individuals in the particular specific (Fig 2). Cholestatic hepatitis, liver
geographic region. For example, in the United insufficiency, and extramedullary hematopoiesis
States, approximately 70% of women are CMV can lead to the occurrence of hepatomegaly and
seroimmune. Twenty-five percent of congenital splenomegaly with CMV infection (5,7,13,14).
infections are primary infections, while 75% of In addition, direct CMV infection of the liver can
these infections are due to a maternal second- cause punctate areas of echogenicity due to liver
ary infection (9). In contrast, in Europe, where calcifications, and focal areas of liver hypoecho-
there is a lower maternal seroprevalence (50%) genicity due to liver necrosis and microabscesses
of CMV, half the cases of congenital CMV are (4,15). Other conditions caused by direct viral
primary infections and half are secondary infec- infection include placentomegaly, oligohydram-
tions (9,10). Regardless of whether the infection nios, echogenic kidneys due to renal infection,
is a primary or secondary process, first-trimester echogenic bowel and bowel perforation due to
transmission of the virus, with the subsequent viral enterocolitis, cardiomegaly due to cardiomy-
prolonged exposure of the fetus to CMV, is be- opathy, and microcephaly and brain anomalies
lieved to be the phenomenon most highly associ- due to brain infection. Fetal growth restriction
ated with fetal and newborn sequelae. can result from direct placental infection, fetal
Because maternal screening for CMV is not infection, or both. Hydrops is a late finding and
routinely performed, fetal infection is first sus- occurs owing to cardiac involvement and overall
pected owing to the features of CMV, and the di- organ failure (4,5,7).
agnosis is confirmed at amniotic fluid polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) testing after amniocentesis Parvovirus B19
(5,7,11,12). Amniotic fluid PCR is more sensi- Parvovirus B19 is another common cause of
tive than amniotic fluid culture analysis for this fetal infection. Approximately 65% of women of
pathogen. Maternal serum testing can be per- childbearing age are immune to parvovirus B19;
formed to look for immunoglobulin G serocon- however, 1%–2% of women in this population will
version, but it is considered a screening test and seroconvert during pregnancy such that they are
only amniotic fluid PCR testing is considered a no longer immune to this virus. The overall risk of
diagnostic test for CMV (5–12). vertical transmission in the seroconverted group is
592  March-April 2020

Figure 1.  Normal fetal liver. (a) Axial US

image of the upper abdomen in a fetus
at 25 weeks gestation shows a normal
liver (calipers). Note the diffusely homo-
geneous echogenicity throughout the
parenchyma. A normal fetal stomach ()
and spleen (arrow) also are seen. (b) Sag-
ittal US image through the right lobe of
the liver (black arrows), with the superior
aspect on the right and the inferior aspect
on the left, best shows the length of the liver. The
measurement is made from the diaphragm to the in-
ferior liver edge. The inferior vena cava (white arrow)
extending to the right atrium confirms the longitudi-
nal right parasagittal plane. The liver length can also
be measured on the coronal view. Normative data for
liver length at various gestational ages are reported
in an article by Vintzileos et al (2). (c) Sagittal T1-
weighted MR image, with the head at the superior as-
pect, shows high signal intensity in a normal fetal liver
(arrows), compared with the signal intensity of the
other fetal soft tissue, owing to higher levels of pro-
tein, copper, and zinc in the liver. (d) Coronal oblique
T2-weighted MR image shows low signal intensity in
the normal fetal liver (arrow), as compared with the
signal intensity in the other fetal soft tissue, due to the
higher iron content in the liver, which is related to its
role in fetal erythropoiesis.

17%–33%, and when severe fetal anemia is present, ilis are directly related to insufficient treatment of
this risk can lead to nonimmune hydrops (8,16,17). the patient with penicillin during pregnancy. The
Parvovirus is a single-stranded DNA virus treatment regimen is determined according to the
that binds to its P antigen on human cells. This stage of disease, and the prevention of congeni-
antigen is expressed on erythrocytes, erythroblasts, tal syphilis is possible with screening and treat-
megakaryocytes, and endothelial cells, as well as in ment of the infected pregnant woman, her sexual
fetal liver, heart, and placenta cells (18). Therefore, partner(s), and the newborn infant (19–24).
parvovirus B19 primarily causes the destruction of All pregnant women should undergo serologic
erythroid cells, with subsequent aplastic anemia, testing for syphilis at the first prenatal visit dur-
which most often is short lived and can be treated ing the first trimester. In high-risk populations,
with fetal transfusion before hydrops occurs. third-trimester maternal screening and additional
Hepatomegaly is not a primary feature of parvovi- testing at delivery are recommended (25).
rus B19 infection, but it can be seen in association Similar to the transmission of most con-
with it owing to the primary attack of liver cell genital infections, the transmission of syphilis
antigens that occurs with the virus and the associa- to the fetus most often occurs via a vertical
tion of hepatomegaly with anemia. transplacental route. In addition, the spirochete
is able to traverse the fetal membranes and
Congenital Syphilis directly infect the amniotic fluid and fetus (23).
Hepatomegaly is an important hallmark finding The chance of vertical transmission of syphilis
of congenital syphilis infection. The Centers for is related to the stage of maternal disease, with
Disease Control and Prevention have recorded the highest transmission rates seen with early
a steady increase in cases of congenital syphilis syphilis infection, especially if the maternal
since 2012, with this infection reported in 16 of patient has secondary syphilis. Transmission
every 100 000 live births in 2016 (19,20). The rates of 59% associated with secondary syphi-
fatality rate associated with congenital syphilis is lis and 50% associated with early maternal
6.5%, and the majority of related deaths (82%) infection, as compared with transmission rates
are stillbirths (20,21). It is important to note that of 29% associated with primary syphilis and
fetal and infant deaths caused by congenital syph- 13% associated with late latent infection, have
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  593

Figure 2.  Amniocentesis-confirmed CMV infection in a fetus at 23 weeks gestation, with subsequent in utero demise. (a) Coronal
US image of the fetal chest (left) and abdomen (right) through the liver shows hepatomegaly (calipers) and echogenic bowel (arrow).
(b) Sagittal US image of the chest (left) and abdomen (right) shows a single area of liver parenchymal echogenicity (arrow), which is
most likely a calcification. Perihepatic ascites () also is seen. (c) Four-chamber US view shows an enlarged heart that is probably due
to CMV infection–related cardiomyopathy, as well as pericardial effusion (arrows). (d) Axial spectral Doppler US image through the
left MCA shows that the peak systolic velocity is elevated for the gestational age of this fetus. This finding suggests fetal anemia that is
probably due to bone marrow suppression in the setting of CMV infection. (e) Coronal T2-weighted MR image of the fetus, with its
head at the superior aspect, also shows hepatomegaly (). Cerebral atrophy (arrows) and ventriculomegaly also are seen. (f, g) Fetal
demise occurred at 27 weeks gestation; postdelivery medical photographs show abdominal protuberance due to hepatomegaly and
ascites (f), skin petechia and bruising (arrows in f) due to anemia, and bilateral club feet (g). In addition to central nervous system
anomalies and fetal growth restriction, CMV infection is associated with arthrogryposis and club feet.
594  March-April 2020

Figure 3.  Syphilis in a fetus at 32 weeks gestation. The fetus was being screened for fetal syphilis (maternal disease was documented).
(a) Coronal US image through the fetal abdomen, with the chest superior and the abdomen inferior, shows an enlarged fetal liver
(calipers). Hepatomegaly is the reference standard and earliest finding in fetuses with congenital syphilis. Dist = distance (for measur-
ing liver length). (b, c) Axial gray-scale (b) and color Doppler (c) US images through the liver, with the spine on the left and the liver
on the right, show an enlarged umbilical vein (calipers in b, arrow in c) with prominent flow. An enlarged umbilical vein is often seen
in association with hepatomegaly, and it may be the first clue that directs the sonographer to measure the liver. (d) Sagittal US im-
age of the anterior placenta shows placentomegaly (calipers), which is another early sign of syphilis. (e) In addition, the sagittal color
Doppler US image shows significant polyhydramnios (amniotic fluid index [AFI], 30 mL), which is considered a late finding of syphilis.
(f) Spectral Doppler US image through the MCA shows the peak systolic velocity to be elevated for the gestational age of this fetus,
consistent with anemia, a late finding of syphilis. Umb-PS = peak systolic velocity in the MCA. The constellation of fetal findings in this
patient, combined with documented syphilis infection, is diagnostic of congenital syphilis infection.

been reported (24). Once an abnormality (or systolic velocity (related to fetal anemia), 27%
abnormalities) of the fetus, placenta, or amni- with placentomegaly, 12% with polyhydram-
otic fluid is suspected at US, the confirmatory nios, and 10% with ascites (26)—demonstrate
diagnosis can be made with amniocentesis, hepatomegaly.
amniotic fluid PCR testing, and amniotic fluid The reason that hepatomegaly is a com-
culture analysis. mon feature of syphilis is believed to be acute
The US features associated with congenital syphilitic hepatitis and, if myocarditis is pres-
syphilis infection have a predictable pattern, and ent, increased extramedullary hematopoiesis
hepatomegaly is a prominent and early-manifest- due to anemia and heart failure (29). Rac et al
ing feature of this disease (Fig 3) (26). The so- (26) found that the sonographic features of fetal
nographic features of congenital syphilis are seen syphilis have a predictable pattern of regression
after 18–20 weeks of gestation, when the fetus with successful treatment of the disease. They
is sufficiently immunocompetent to generate an noted that the earliest manifesting features, plac-
inflammatory response (27). The US features of entomegaly and hepatomegaly, were the last to
syphilis seen in addition to hepatomegaly include regress in the treated fetus, whereas later-man-
placentomegaly, ascites, and polyhydramnios ifesting features such as abnormal Doppler US
(26–28). Hepatic and placental infections occur findings, ascites, and polyhydramnios regressed
early in the course of fetal transmission, and thus early during the course of adequate treatment.
the US findings of placentomegaly and hepato- Therefore, hepatomegaly is the most common
megaly are the earliest signs of congenital syphi- feature to develop early and resolve last after
lis. Approximately 80% of fetuses with congenital adequate treatment, and the presence of this
syphilis—as compared with 33% of fetuses with abnormality in a high-risk patient should raise
an elevated middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak suspicion for possible congenital syphilis.
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  595

Figure 4.  TAM in a fetus with trisomy 21 and duodenal atresia at 28 weeks gesta-
tion. (a) Coronal US image through the fetal abdomen, with the chest at the superior
aspect, shows a dilated stomach (arrowhead) and a persistently fluid-filled duodenum
(), suggesting duodenal atresia. In addition, the liver (arrows) is enlarged, extend-
ing into the pelvis. Hepatomegaly in a fetus with trisomy 21 is suggestive of TAM.
(b) Anteroposterior postnatal radiograph of the chest and abdomen shows the proxi-
mal duodenum () and stomach (arrowhead) to be persistently dilated, consistent with
suspected duodenal atresia. In addition, there is the suggestion of an enlarged liver (ar-
rows). This newborn was found to have TAM, which eventually resolved.

Trisomy 21 and TAM able to consider routinely measuring the fetal liver
Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) is a length in fetuses with trisomy 21 to make a diagno-
preleukemic syndrome that causes hepatomegaly sis of TAM earlier, especially in the third trimester.
almost exclusively in fetuses and newborns with
trisomy 21. This syndrome develops in up to 10% Liver Storage and Deposition Diseases
of trisomy 21 cases (Fig 4). Hepatomegaly, with Liver storage and deposition diseases such as
or without splenomegaly, most often develops in Niemann-Pick disease and congenital hemochro-
the fetus in the third trimester. In 80%–90% of matosis are rare but important causes of fetal hep-
infants born with TAM, the syndrome will resolve atomegaly. Congenital hemochromatosis caused
spontaneously. In 10%–20% of infants born by gestational alloimmune liver disease (GALD)
with TAM, it will progress to myeloid leukemia leads to liver failure and thus is fatal during the
of Down syndrome. Trisomy 21 combined with perinatal period. However, it is possible to prevent
GATA binding protein 1 gene (GATA1) muta- this disease in susceptible patients with use of
tion results in abnormally increased hematopoi- intravenous immunoglobulin (35–38). Typically, if
esis in the liver and spleen, and, in turn, causes GALD is identified as the cause of fetal hydrops or
an increased number of peripheral blast cells death, in the subsequent pregnancy the maternal
(30,31). Hypoechoic hepatomegaly that is due patient is treated with intravenous immunoglobu-
to increased hematopoiesis, blast cell infiltration, lin. Therefore, when hydrops and an enlarged fetal
and liver congestion can be seen at US (32–34). liver are identified during an index pregnancy, a
TAM is also associated with splenomegaly and diagnosis of GALD should be considered.
hydrops (ie, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, Niemann-Pick type C disease is an autosomal
and ascites). Hepatomegaly and hydrops are as- recessive neurovascular lipid storage disease as-
sociated with fetal death, and fetal TAM–related sociated with a poor prognosis. The majority of
stillbirth in up to one-third of cases has been infants with this disease die in the first year of life
reported (30–34). Although the definitive diagno- owing to liver or cardiorespiratory failure (39,40).
sis of TAM is based on laboratory results (>10% The visceral involvement always precedes the neu-
blasts and GATA1 mutation), fetal hepatomegaly rologic involvement. Therefore, hepatomegaly and
can suggest the diagnosis prenatally (30,32). splenomegaly are early prominent findings of this
Confirmation of the diagnosis of TAM in the disorder, and if they are suspected, amniocentesis
fetus requires percutaneous umbilical cord blood can be performed to determine a diagnosis. Other
sampling, and early intervention should be consid- lysosomal storage diseases that can cause hepato-
ered in fetuses with proven TAM. These interven- megaly include Gaucher disease, Wolman disease,
tions include fetal transfusion or early delivery for sialic acid storage disease, and GM1 (monosialo-
treatment of the newborn. Therefore, it is reason- tetrahexosylganglioside) gangliosidosis (41).
596  March-April 2020

Figure 5.  Niemann-Pick disease in a fetus at 24 weeks gestation. (a) Axial US image
through the fetal upper abdomen, with the spine at the superior aspect, shows an en-
larged liver with a nodular surface (arrows), massive ascites (arrowhead), and placento-
megaly (). (b) Sagittal color Doppler US image of the chest (left) and abdomen (right)
shows the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein (thin arrow), the hepatic veins (thick
arrow), and the inferior vena cava (arrowhead) to be dilated. A dilated umbilical vein, re-
gardless of the cause, is often associated with hepatomegaly. (c, d) Coronal T2-weighted
MR image with the chest at the superior aspect (c), and axial T2-weighted MR image with
the spine at the posterior aspect, obtained 1 week later (d) show liver nodularity (arrows)
and ascites (). In Niemann-Pick disease, ascites is rarely associated with hydrops and is
mainly due to liver dysfunction.

The US and MRI features of fetal liver lysosomal storage diseases, ascites in association
involvement with storage and deposition dis- with hydrops is more common (41).
eases such as Niemann-Pick disease tend to Regardless of the type of ascites involvement,
comprise mainly liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, ascites, the diagnosis of recurrent nonimmune hydrops
and nonimmune hydrops (Fig 5). In addition should prompt testing for the described liver
to hepatomegaly, the echogenic portal triads storage and deposition disorders since the asso-
(ie, “starry night” appearance of liver) are most ciated risks of recurrence are high (39–43). Also,
likely due to fibrous expansion of portal spaces the finding of fetal ascites should lead to careful
(35). In Niemann-Pick disease, the reticulo- evaluation of the liver size and morphology and
nodular appearance of the liver surface due to not be dismissed as a feature of hydrops only or
fibrosis and/or cirrhosis is often well seen when erroneously believed to have a urinary origin.
it is searched for owing to accompanying ascites
that facilitates an acoustic window onto the liver Syndromes Causing Hepatomegaly
surface in the fetus. The ascites is secondary to Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is the
liver dysfunction and anemia and can be isolated most common congenital overgrowth syndrome. It
or part of the findings of nonimmune hydrops. is predominantly a multigenetic disorder caused by
It is interesting that with Niemann-Pick type C epigenetic alterations in certain growth regulatory
disease, the ascites is more likely to be isolated genes, and it occurs in approximately one in 13 500
than part of hydrops, whereas with the other live births (4,44,45). BWS was first diagnosed
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  597

Figure 6.  BWS in a fetus at 31 weeks gestation. (a) Coronal US image, with the chest at the superior aspect, shows hepatomegaly
(calipers), with a craniocaudal liver length of 8 cm. According to the nomogram data of Vintzileos et al (2), a normal liver length at 31
weeks gestation is 4 cm. (b) Axial US image through the anterior abdominal wall, with the spine on the right, shows an omphalocele that
consists mainly of bowel (thick arrow). Note the ascites () within the omphalocele sac. The thin arrow points to the membrane cover-
ing the sac. (c) Sagittal US image of an enlarged left kidney (arrowheads) shows associated nephromegaly. Both kidneys were enlarged.
(d) Sagittal US image of the fetal head shows an enlarged tongue (thick arrow) protruding from the mouth and a normal nasal bone (thin
arrow). (e) Surface-rendered three-dimensional US image of the fetal face also shows macroglossia with persistent tongue protrusion.

prenatally in 1980, and the most common prenatal abdominal circumference level.Therefore, hepa-
US findings (Fig 6) include macroglossia, ompha- tomegaly probably has greater significance in the
locele, polyhydramnios, and macrosomia due to diagnosis of fetal BWS than has been recognized.
visceromegaly (of which hepatomegaly is a promi- Because these findings are variably identified
nent feature). In addition, this syndrome is associ- prenatally, a complete sonographic evaluation is
ated with an increased risk of embryonal tumors, necessary for an accurate diagnosis when only
which are rarely identified in utero (4,44,46,47). one finding is identified (49).
Sonographic findings are variably present, and Mulik et al (47) described an anatomic US scan
this can make the diagnosis more difficult. Wil- obtained at 18 weeks gestation that showed only
liams et al (48) developed criteria to describe the increased abdominal circumference, marked hepa-
major and minor features of BWS, with macro- tomegaly, and pancreatomegaly, without character-
somia, macroglossia, and omphalocele being the istic findings of macroglossia or polyhydramnios.
three major findings and the remaining findings Postmortem autopsy findings confirmed the pres-
described as minor. According to the Williams et ence of these findings, and genetic analysis results
al criteria, a diagnosis of BWS is suggested when were consistent with BWS. Therefore, the identifi-
either two major findings or one major finding cation of hepatomegaly should trigger an extensive
and two minor findings are present. In their study anatomic survey for additional abnormalities. Al-
(48), all previously recorded antenatal diagnoses ternatively, other features of BWS should trigger a
of BWS in the literature met these criteria. How- search for hepatomegaly and enlargement of other
ever, it is important to note that the diagnosis of organs. Antenatal diagnosis of BWS is essential for
macrosomia is often based on a large abdominal reducing the morbidity and mortality in cases that
circumference. Of note, the fetal liver is the main are not diagnosed at delivery, most seriously the
contributing organ for the abdominal circumfer- hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia seen in approxi-
ence measurement, being much larger than the mately 50% of BWS cases as a result of altered
fluid-filled stomach and spleen at the standard pancreatic β-cell potassium channels (49,50).
598  March-April 2020

Figure 7.  Jacobsen syndrome, a chro-

mosone 11q deletion disorder, in a fetus
at 34 weeks gestation. (a) Axial US im-
age through the upper abdomen, with
the spine on the left, shows a medially
displaced stomach (arrowhead) second-
ary to an enlarged spleen (arrows). These
findings led to measurement of the liver,
which also was enlarged. Hepatomegaly
is often associated with splenomegaly.
(b) Four-chamber US view of the heart
shows cardiomegaly (heart circumfer-
ence [Circ] > 50% of thoracic circumfer-
ence). Chromosone 11q deletion dis-
orders are associated with anemia due
to abnormal platelet function, which is
probably the cause of the cardiomegaly
in this case. (c) Axial US view through
the posterior neck shows a complex fluid
collection (arrows), a cystic hygroma.
This finding is highly associated with
lymphatic disorders, genetic abnormali-
ties, and syndromes. (d) Axial postnatal
CT image through the upper abdomen
shows hepatomegaly (arrows) and sple-
nomegaly (). Jacobsen syndrome, or
partial 11q monosomy syndrome, is
one of many syndromes associated with
hepatosplenomegaly, and the additional
findings raised suspicion for a genetics-
or syndrome-related diagnosis in this

The antenatal identification of hepatomegaly identification of subtle variants such as spleno-

can also prompt further imaging and clinical eval- megaly, which should prompt measurement of the
uations for less common syndromes. For example, liver to identify associated hepatomegaly.
Jacobsen syndrome is a rare syndrome caused by
monosomy of chromosome 11q, and it occurs in Benign and Malignant
approximately one in 100 000 births (51). Patients Fetal Hepatic Tumors
with Jacobsen syndrome have various pheno- Liver tumors may be a rare cause of fetal liver
typic manifestations, but they most typically have enlargement, and at times they can be isoechoic
characteristic facial, cardiovascular, and gastroin- to the normal liver parenchyma and have the ap-
testinal abnormalities. When Jacobsen syndrome is pearance of primary hepatomegaly. Benign and
suspected, cytogenetic analysis of chorionic villous malignant liver tumors have variable appearances
samples or amniocentesis can be performed to at US, and both tumors tend to be hypoechoic
recognize this syndrome antenatally (52). (Table 2). The most common malignant process
In a recent case of Jacobsen syndrome at our in the fetal liver is hepatoblastoma (Fig 8), which
institution, visualization of the medial displace- portends worse outcomes than do other liver tu-
ment of the stomach on the abdominal circum- mors (54,55). Hepatic hemangiomas followed by
ference view at US led to the identification of mesenchymal hamartoma are the most common
splenomegaly (Fig 7). Further scanning revealed benign processes in the fetal liver (56). Hepato-
hepatomegaly, and antenatal cytogenetic evalu- blastoma typically appears as a lobulated solid
ation revealed abnormality at chromosome 11q. mass with a vascular “spoke-wheel” morphol-
Accurate sonographic evaluation of the fetus is ogy (57). Metastatic neuroblastoma (Fig 9), the
dependent on acquisition of standardized images next most common malignant lesion in the fetal
at specific locations and orientations. In the upper liver, has a nodular heterogeneous hyperechoic
abdomen, the standard anatomic transverse US appearance, with or without vascularity, at US
image obtained for abdominal circumference mea- (58,59). Both hepatoblastomas and neuroblas-
surement is used to localize the stomach on the tomas may contain calcifications, and both can
left in the abdomen, with the branching vascula- grow rapidly during pregnancy, placing the fetus
ture at the midline corresponding to the umbilical at risk for high-output heart failure and hydrops.
vein and right portal vein (53). Familiarity with Hemangiomas can be vascular cystic hypoechoic
the conventional fetal abdominal anatomy enables lesions (60). Mesenchymal hamartomas are typi-
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  599

Table 2: Imaging Findings of Fetal Liver Tumor

Tumor Status Tumor Type Imaging Findings

Benign Focal nodular hyperplasia Hypoechoic lesion with vascularity at Doppler US
Hemangioma Hypoechoic cystic lesion with or without punctate calcifica-
tions; vascularity at Doppler US
Hemangioendothelioma Dilated intrahepatic vessels, elevated maternal serum
Mesenchymal hamartoma Usually a large multiloculated cystic mass
Arterial venous malformations or Multiple enlarged intrahepatic vessels
Simple cysts Anechoic, without vascularity
Intrahepatic meconium pseudocysts Related to perforation, multiple intrahepatic complex cysts
Malignant Hepatoblastoma Solid, spoke-wheel, vascular multilobular mass with or with-
out calcifications
Metastatic neuroblastoma Heterogeneous hyperechoic nodule with or without vascularity

Figure 8.  Hepatoblastoma with the appearance of hepatomegaly. (a) Coronal oblique US image through the liver, with the chest
at the superior aspect, in a fetus at 29 weeks gestation shows an enlarged liver (white arrows) with parenchymal heterogeneity (black
arrows). The diagnosis of a focal mass was not considered, and fetal MRI was not performed. (b) Axial postnatal US image of the
liver shows a large heterogeneous mass (calipers) in the right hepatic lobe. However, the mass is nearly isoechoic to the background
parenchyma (). (c) Coronal T2-weighted postnatal MR image shows the large solid cystic right hepatic lobe mass (arrows), which
has a clearly different signal intensity, as compared with the normal liver (). The findings in this case emphasize the importance of
performing fetal MRI when the liver is enlarged and heterogeneous without a discrete mass at US.

cally large multiloculated cystic masses (61,62). 20 000 live births. The exact cause of biliary atresia
Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia in a fetus may is unclear and is probably multifactorial. However,
appear as a hypoechoic vascular mass (55). Less 90% of cases are generally believed to be isolated
commonly, hepatic hemangioendotheliomas can and 10% are syndromic, with associated poly-
manifest as dilated intrahepatic vessels with a splenia, situs inversus, and other abnormalities
concurrent elevated maternal α-fetoprotein level (66–69). Biliary atresia accounts for half of neo-
(63). Intrahepatic meconium pseudocysts may be natal cholestasis cases, is the most common cause
considered in the appropriate clinical context and of pediatric hepatic transplants, and is fatal if left
appear as multiple complex intrahepatic cysts untreated. Therefore, it is essential to diagnose this
(64). Finally, simple hepatic cysts and arteriove- anomaly as early as possible to guide clinical man-
nous malformations and fistulas have the ex- agement (70–72). However, the prenatal diagnosis
pected US characteristics (65). of biliary atresia is challenging and almost never
definitive. Although the results of many studies
Biliary Atresia (70,71,73) have shown a correlation between non-
Biliary atresia indicates progressive biliary ductal visualization of the gallbladder and risk of biliary
destruction and fibrosis that can lead to hepa- atresia, an absent gallbladder is not diagnostic of
tomegaly and cirrhosis (Fig 10). This anomaly biliary atresia. Alternatively, biliary atresia can oc-
occurs in approximately one in 14 000 to one in cur in the presence of a visualized gallbladder.
600  March-April 2020

Figure 9.  Metastatic neuroblastoma in a fetus at 35 weeks gestation. (a) Sagittal oblique US image through the liver, with the
chest on the right, shows an enlarged liver (black arrows), with a focal heterogeneous mass (white arrows) in the posterior right lobe
suggested. (b) Coronal oblique color Doppler US image, with the chest on the right, shows abnormal tortuous intrahepatic vessels
(arrows) in the area of heterogeneity. (c) Axial US image through the abdomen, with the spine on the right, shows bilateral retroperi-
toneal masses (arrows) separate from the liver mass and superior to the kidneys. (d) Coronal T2-weighted MR image through the up-
per abdomen shows a large infiltrating intermediate-risk hyperintense liver mass (arrows). (e) Coronal postnatal CT image obtained
shortly after birth shows the large heterogeneous mass (black arrows) in the central portion of the liver and the additional metastasis
(white arrows) in the pelvis. (f) Axial postnatal CT image also shows the bilateral adrenal masses (arrows). This case was determined
to be that of a stage IV intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. The patient underwent chemotherapy, with an excellent response at follow-
up 2 years after the birth.

Normally, the fetal gallbladder can be seen as Without associated abnormalities, approxi-
early as 13 weeks gestation and usually by 14–15 mately 3%–5% of patients with a nonvisualized
weeks gestation, and it can be identified as a cystic gallbladder have biliary atresia. The majority
structure to the right of the intrahepatic umbili- of patients with an isolated nonvisualized gall-
cal vein and inferior to the liver (67,71,74,75). bladder are later found to have a gallbladder
Visualization of the fetal gallbladder is now part of or benign gallbladder agenesis (67,71,75). In
the routine detailed fetal anatomic survey exami- newborns, biliary atresia can be confirmed on the
nation. In the second trimester, a nonvisualized basis of an absent or abnormal gallbladder mor-
gallbladder, defined as the inability to identify the phology and a thickened triangular cord, defined
gallbladder at two US examinations performed 1 as greater than 3.4 mm of echogenicity adjacent
week apart, occurs in approximately one in 875 fe- to the right or left portal vein, which represent fi-
tuses. The gallbladder continues to grow for up to brotic changes (68,69). Early treatment can help
36 weeks (67,71,75). The severity of the condition maintain the function of the native liver and help
causing the absent gallbladder varies widely, with decrease the need for early hepatic transplanta-
the differential diagnosis including biliary atresia, tion, decreasing morbidity and mortality (68,73).
cystic fibrosis, ectopic gallbladder, and gallbladder
agenesis (71). A nonvisualized gallbladder with ad- Fetal Anemia
ditional associated abnormalities such as hepato- Fetal anemia (Fig 11) can cause hepatomegaly
megaly increases the risk of biliary atresia three- to owing to one of two mechanisms: hydrops-related
sixfold, with approximately 8% of affected patients liver congestion and liver engorgement from ex-
having biliary atresia and the remaining patients tramedullar hematopoiesis. As the cardiac output
having predominantly cystic fibrosis or enteric increases to compensate for the anemia, high-out-
abnormalities (67,71). put heart failure and hydrops may result (76). In
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  601

Figure 10.  Biliary atresia in a fetus at 30 weeks gestation. (a) Transverse US image through the
upper abdomen, with the spine on the right, shows an enlarged hypoechoic liver (thick arrows)
with innumerable punctate and linear echogenicities (thin arrows), suggesting hepatomegaly and
periportal fibrosis. No gallbladder is visualized in the expected region (oval). (b) Sagittal US image,
with the chest at the superior aspect, also shows the hypoechoic enlarged liver (thick arrows) with
echogenic punctate and linear foci (thin and double-headed arrows). (c) Sagittal T2-weighted MR
image through the fetus, with the head at the superior aspect, shows hepatomegaly (). Note
how the liver extends into the fetal pelvis and beyond the inferior pole of the right kidney (arrows).
Despite an active search, the gallbladder was not seen in this fetus with any MRI sequences or at
any US examinations during the pregnancy.

demise, serial maternal titer measurements are

performed in sensitized maternal patients, and
if critical levels of rhesus antigen D are present
(≥1:32 for anti-RhD), Doppler US of the MCA is
performed in combination with standardized peak
systolic velocity measurements to monitor for fetal
anemia (Figs 2d, 3f, 11e) (79–81).
Previously, serial amniocentesis was performed
to quantify bilirubin levels as a measure of he-
molysis. However, MCA Doppler US has essen-
tially replaced invasive procedures for diagnosis
and assessment of severe anemia (82–84). Once
the Doppler US MCA peak systolic velocity
is greater than 1.50 multiples of the median,
intrauterine transfusion is considered (79,85).
The key to accurate assessment for possible fetal
addition, extramedullary hematopoiesis can affect anemia with MCA Doppler US is the use of the
the degree of hepatomegaly owing to the embryo- appropriate sampling technique, which includes
logic origin of hematopoietic stem cells within the identifying the circle of Willis, placing the Dop-
liver of the developing fetus (77,78). pler gate near the origin of the MCA with a small
The cause of fetal anemia can be categorized sample volume, using a 0° angle of insonation,
as immune mediated or nonimmune mediated. and obtaining serial measurements without fetal
Among the causes of immune-mediated anemias, breathing or motion (80,81).
rhesus D sensitivity is the most common, although Nonimmune causes of fetal anemia include in-
other minor antigens or proteins also can cause herited anemias (eg, α or β thalassemia), congeni-
maternal sensitization. Alloimmunization occurs tal infections (eg, parvovirus), fetal hemorrhage
after the mother becomes sensitized to fetal red (eg, due to fetal or placental tumors, trauma),
blood cell antigens and subsequently develops and a twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (in
maternal antibodies that cross the placenta and the case of monochorionic twins). Inheritance of
cause fetal red blood cell hemolysis and, in turn, α or β thalassemia is autosomal recessive, and if
fetal anemia. When the anemia is severe, hydrops the most severe form of α thalassemia is present,
can result. To prevent hydrops and the risk of fetal the anemia manifests in utero with cardiomegaly,
602  March-April 2020

Figure 11.  Primary fetal anemia caused by a homozygous gene deletion in a fetus at 21 weeks 3 days gestation. (a) Sagittal US im-
age, with the chest at the superior aspect of the fetal body, shows hepatomegaly (), with the liver extending into the pelvis. There
is also pleural effusion (thick arrow) and more subtle evidence of hydrops, trace ascites (thin arrow), and body wall edema (arrow-
heads). (b) Transverse US image at the level of the liver (), with the spine on the right, shows a mildly coarse hepatic echotexture
and confirms the presence of trace ascites (calipers). (c) Four-chamber US view of the heart shows cardiomegaly, with the heart oc-
cupying more than half the volume of the chest, and bilateral pleural effusions (arrows). LT = left, RT = right. (d) Longitudinal color
Doppler US image of the posterior uterus shows a thickened and enlarged placenta, which is suggestive of hydrops. (e) Owing to the
US findings, spectral Doppler US evaluation of the MCA was performed and revealed the peak systolic velocity (Vel) to be elevated
for the gestational age of this fetus and thus suggestive of severe fetal anemia. An intrauterine blood transfusion was performed, and
the hydrops subsequently resolved.

hepatosplenomegaly, elevated MCA Doppler ment indicates a liver length greater than the
peak systolic velocity, and potentially hydrops. 95th percentile. Fetal hepatomegaly can be seen
With this most severe form of thalassemia, all in association with fetal infection, trisomy 21,
four α-globin alleles are deleted and hemoglobin liver storage and deposition diseases, syndromes,
Bart, which cannot effectively transport oxygen, tumors, biliary atresia, and anemia. With some of
forms. Extramedullary hematopoiesis occurs in these diagnoses, such as syphilis and trisomy 21,
the liver and spleen as a mechanism that com- antepartum surveillance of the liver is important
pensates for the anemia. Consequently, hepa- for assessing fetal health and planning delivery or
tomegaly can be a predictor of affected fetuses another fetal intervention.
before the development of hydrops (86), and ex- The cause of fetal liver enlargement may be a
tramedullary hematopoiesis is an additive reason primary insult such as hepatitis related to infec-
for hepatomegaly (78,87). tion, deposition of iron or lysosomes, or primary
tumor, or a secondary process such as extramed-
Conclusion ullary hematopoiesis, edema related to hydrops,
Fetal hepatomegaly is an important finding asso- or metastatic tumor. We highlight the importance
ciated with many diagnoses that have significant of considering diagnoses such as gestational al-
clinical implications. Hepatomegaly should be loimmune liver disease, infection, and syndromes
considered if the fetal liver appears to be enlarged in fetuses with nonimmune-mediated hydrops or
at screening US and the fetal liver measure- unexplained ascites and encourage sonographers
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 2 Jensen et al  603

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