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Test 2
101. The assistant to the personnel director who is responsible for scheduling all the
interviews, insisted that her boss was ________for the next three weeks and she
could not put me in. (A) tied up (B) called on (C) unengaged (D) overindulged
102. Substantial penalties will be _____ whenever a customer withdraws a time
deposit from his or her account prior to the maturity date. (A) asked (B) changed
(C) charged (D) fired
103. When entering the facility, disks authorized by a pass, must be declared and
_______ for viruses. (A) scanning for (B) scanned for (C) with scanning (D) to
104. Two assistants are assigned to _____ attendants’ identification when they arrive
at the conference. (A) remark (B) check (C) notify (D) ensure
105. The director suggested that the envelopes _______ by courier so that the film can
be developed as soon as possible. (A) were sent (B) be sent (C) will be sent (D)
are sent
106. For a sound cooperative relationship between these two firms, a satisfactory
agreement must be both _______ and signed. (A) reached (B) altered (C)
handled (D) engaged
107. Over the past two years, the success of the new manufacturing process _____ the
number of requests for the product. (A) doubled (B) is doubling (C) doubles (D)
has doubled.
108. It’s essential that the research project be conducted ______ the parameters of
time and a limited budget. (A) among (B) between (C) within (D) upon
109. The employees of this firm complained that increases in worker productivity
were not adequately rewarded by significant increases in __________ (A)
complacency (B) compilation (C) commodities (D) compensation
110. Passengers are required to ____ their flight numbers at least 24 hours in advance.
(A) confirm (B) concur (C) conduct (D) concord
111. Please _____the investment guidelines for each Fund in the appropriate
prospectus when opening a new account by exchanging from one Funds account
to an identically registered account. (A) unveil (B) validate (C) vary (D) verify
112. The government study released said that business should implement widespread
use of mathematical formulas to scramble electronic data and _____ the theft of
computer data, wireless communications, and other electronic information. (A)
curbing (B) to curb (C) the curb of (D) curbed with
113. The Center of Computer Technology is holding a “hands-on” exhibit, ____ for
people to experience computer science at work and at home. (A) design (B) to
design (C) designing (D) designed

114. An energetic, motivated regional manager with experience in supervising staff

and dealing with the public is needed for a nation-wide chain of stores
_________ the masses. (A) catering for (B) catered with (C) cater for (D) to
cater with
115. The small workshop rooms are equipped with a lectern, an overhead projector,
and a video recorder____. the charge of $300 per day. (A) with (B) on (C) for
(D) at
116. Researchers predicted that government finance will remain _____ during the
period of the nation-wide Ten Construction. (A) stable (B) authoritative (C)
summarized (D)examined
117. ______too much sodium is known to contribute to hypertension, which is a
factor in half the deaths in the United States each year. (A) Consume (B)
Consuming (C) Consumption (D) Consumed
118. It’s estimated that a country _______higher educational standards for women has
a much lower infant mortality rate as well as fertility rate. (A) it sets (B) which
set (C) to set (D) which sets
119. If blood _______from the stomach right after a meal, digestion of food will be
hampered.(A)has been transferred (B)were transferred (C) will be transferred (D)
is transferred
120. Ms. Smith of Peace Employment Consultants has left her answering machine
________ for people who might phone to enquire about various jobs. (A) turning
out (B) switched on (C) switch out (D) turned on
121. Were the ice of Greenland and Antarctic to melt, the sea level ---- at least 100
feet. (A) would have risen (B)would rise (C) will have risen (D) had risen
122. One of the most striking buildings in the city is the new Lloyd’s building, opened
in 1986, which is thought to ________ an oil refinery. (A) assemble (B) resemble
(C) compose (D) represent
123. For as little as NT$ 660 per month plus a deposit of NT$ 1,999, you can have a
phone ______ in your car, which keeps you in touch with your customers, clients
or office. (A) install (B) installed (C) installing (D) installment
124. If the investors _____ more aware of current trends, they could have avoided
bankruptcy. (A) were (B) are (C) have been (D) had been
125. _______ the stockbrokers said that the market was healthy, they eliminated a
great amount of investment into the stock market. (A) Despite (B) Because (C)
Although (D) However
126. After a careful evaluation and a long discussion, the agent _____ the contract to
us. (A) has awarded (B) awarding (C) awards (D) awarded
127. The ____ full-color pamphlet is designed to introduce you to our complete range

of products, including such collectors’ pieces as “The Old Kentucky Rocking

Chair.” (A) enclosed (C) enveloped (C) enriched (D) entailed
128. The sole proprietorship, the simplest form of business organization is one in
which one person provides the capital, has complete control of the business, and
____ all the profits. (A) keep (B) keeping (C) kept (D) keeps
129. Shares can be ______only with the agreement of other shareholders and cannot
be offered for sale to the general public. (A) transferred (B) transformed (C)
transmitted (D) transfused
130. Medium-sized companies in manufacturing and retailing do not usually become
very large because they must obtain capital for expansion either from their profits
or ________a bank. (A) borrow from (B) by borrowing from (C) leans to (D) by
leaning to
131. "The City of London" refers to a small part of London, _____there is a
concentration of banks, insurance companies and financial markets. (A) where
(B) which (C) with which (D) when
132. We thank for your letter of 20 January 2003, in which you _____ about our
Autocomm car phone. (A) demand (B) inquired (C) request (C) enquired
133. The promotional film provides an informative introduction to our product but we
would like to suggest that one of our representatives ______ you to demonstrate
the exceptional quality of our product. (A) visits (B) visiting (C) visit (D) to visit
134. Because of current fluctuations in the price of our raw materials, it’s hard for us
to give a precise ____________for your order. (A) discount (B) quotation (C)
special order (D) estimate.
135. An explorer will only _____ business in the way of open account trading with
long-standing and trustworthy customers. (A) carry (B) make (C) spend (D) do
136. The banking, insurance, investment, and shipping services _____ important
sources of invisible earnings for the country. (A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) had been
137. A dramatic change was made recently by Barry McGuuigan, ex-featherweight
champion of the world, who is _____boxing to present programmes on BBC
television. (A) giving up (B) giving off (C) giving over (D) giving in
138. Documentary Credits are normally ____ which means that they cannot be
changed or cancelled without the agreement of all parties. (A)irreversible (B)
irretrievable (C) irrevocable (D) irreducible
139. We will be grateful if you could arrange the simultaneous shipment of our order
in accordance _____ the original terms as we agreed. (A) to (B) with (C) with (D)
140. We are terribly sorry that you goods arrived late. The ____ was caused by
mechanical problems with our new machines. (A) cancellation (B) delay (C)

extension (D) confirmation

141. By starting out with a negotiation with your working team about how the time
can be the most effective used, you can avoid conflicts later on.
142. Madison Inn was chosen for the annual company convention because of its large
airy conference rooms which it can be easily partitioned off for small workshops.
143. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which property business and
industry are owed by private individuals but not by the state.
144. Innovation refers to the process of generation, acceptance, and implement of new
ideas, products, or services.
145. The popularity of jogging appears to have decreased since the past couple of
146. When forming and shaping working responsibilities, the only criterion managers
and companies have to go by are employees’ ability in the working task.
147. As a result of continuing expansion, City Bank is seeking the staff who have
related experience and are able to cope with a wide variety of duty in a busy
148. Mr. Huang was offered a job as a junior accounts clerk required by an
established well company to assist in a busy accounts office because of his
previous experience with microcomputers.
149. While living in the hotel, transportation, boutiques, bistros, and much more are at
your fingertips without your even have to step outside the hotel.
150. The employees were told that the new safety inspection schedule would take
effect on the end of the year.
151. Last week the Minister of Trade has announced more taxes on many crops grown
for overseas markets.
152. A total of ten thousand dollars were spent on radio advertising, despite recent
requests for budget-cutting policies.
153, According to the official press release, the government has imposed several new
financial projects for the coming year.
154. In 1984, the world population rose to over 4.7 billion, up almost 85 million from
an estimate made the year ago.
155. The staff will be reimbursed for business travel expenses incurred while an
assignment away from the normal work location.
156. If the air-traffic controller’s strike was to occur, could the seminar be postponed?
Please call me at your earliest convenience.
157.Simply bring your Sky Hawk to the nearest March dealer, allow twenty-four
hours for installation, and we will have new retractors install for you at no

158. The investigation committee recommended that export controls on encryption

technologies were progressively relaxed but not eliminated.
159. A chief information officer, who is responsible to all information system
activities, including system analysis, management reporting, and computer
functions, is immediately needed.
160. Successful economists must have the ability of understanding the effect of world
events on national economies.

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