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Design of Tall Formworks by a Finite-Element Model

Article  in  Journal of Construction Engineering and Management · July 2010

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000177

5 149

4 authors:

Eutiquio Gallego José María Fuentes

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez Francisco Ayuga

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Design of Tall Formworks by a Finite-Element Model
E. Gallego1; J. M. Fuentes2; A. Ramírez3; and F. Ayuga4

Abstract: The design of formworks for holding fresh concrete possesses a difficult engineering challenge. Present standards assume fresh
concrete to have a nonviscous fluid behavior when calculating the lateral pressure to which the formwork walls will be the subject. This
paper describes a finite-element model to determine these pressures, taking into account the interaction between the fresh concrete and the
formwork wall. The use of this numerical model shows that present standards may underestimate the lateral pressures that can be exerted
particularly with respect to tall formworks. The paper also discusses the influence of different mechanical variables on the results returned
by the proposed model. The proposed model may be of use to practicing engineers and of interest to researchers examining load
distributions in formworks.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲CO.1943-7862.0000177
CE Database subject headings: Formwork; Construction; Concrete structures; Computer aided design; Lateral pressure; Finite
element method; Mechanical properties; Sensitivity analysis.
Author keywords: Formwork; Concrete structures; Computer aided design; Lateral pressure; Finite-element method; Mechanical
properties; Sensitivity analysis.

Introduction Traditionally, the pressure exerted by fresh concrete on form-

work walls has been calculated assuming that this material be-
The use of concrete as a structural material in buildings and civil haves hydrostatically as a nonviscous fluid without taking into
engineering projects requires the employment of formworks account the tangential stress derived from the friction forces be-
which must remain in place until setting is complete. The cost of tween the mass of concrete and the formwork encasing it 共re-
these contention structures can reach between 40 and 60% of the ferred to as the “silo effect”兲. Although this method of calculation
total budget of a concrete structure 共Hanna and Senouci 1997兲. provides a wide safety margin, it only satisfactorily reproduces
From a work safety standpoint, formwork design is of the utmost the behavior of fresh concrete in formworks of low height; as
importance; failures frequently lead to serious accidents 共Shapira formworks become taller, the pressure exerted by the concrete can
become quite seriously overestimated 共Arslan 2002; Andria-
1999; Huang et al. 2000兲.
manantsilavo and Amziane 2004; Arslan et al. 2005兲. The study
The shape and mechanical characteristics of formworks de-
of the variables affecting the setting of concrete 共ambient tem-
pend on the project being undertaken. Generally, their dimensions
perature, concrete pouring velocity, characteristics of the mix,
共as well as those of the structural elements that support them兲
etc.兲 has led to the appearance of a number of empirical equations
increase with the complexity of the structure being built. Thus, in
for the determination of the pressure exerted by this material
civil engineering projects such as the construction of viaducts,
共Deutsches Institut für Normung 1980; Harrison 1983; CIRIA
bridges, and retaining walls, it is quite common to use formworks
1985; American Concrete Institute 2004兲. Nevertheless, the de-
of more than 5 m in height.
sign of tall formworks or with a complex geometry is not ad-
equately addressed in these standards and it would require the use
Associate Professor, BIPREE Research Group, Universidad Politéc- of advanced numerical tools.
nica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain 共corre- The use of advanced calculation techniques, such as those
sponding author兲. E-mail:
2 based on the finite-element method 共Zienkiewicz and Taylor
Associate Professor, BIPREE Research Group, Universidad Politéc-
nica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: 1991兲, allows the analysis of the concrete-formwork system as a whole while taking into account the aforementioned concerns
Associate Professor, BIPREE Research Group, Universidad Politéc- 共Kajewski 2005兲. However, the development of a reliable numeri-
nica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: cal model requires the adequate selection of a behavior model for fresh concrete, as well as knowledge of the mechanical variables
Professor, BIPREE Research Group, Universidad Politécnica de that characterize this material.
Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: During the earliest phase of setting, the behavior of fresh con-
crete likened to a non-Newtonian fluid, while at the end of the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 14, 2008; ap-
proved on December 2, 2009; published online on December 14, 2009.
process it behaves like a rock. However, the behavior of fresh
Discussion period open until December 1, 2010; separate discussions concrete is similar to that exhibited by cohesive granular materi-
must be submitted for individual papers. This technical note is part of the als for the most part of setting 共Gardner 1985兲.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 136, No. This work presents a two-dimensional finite-element model
7, July 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/2010/7-803–810/$25.00. 共FEM兲 for simulating the intermediate state of setting of fresh


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共Vidal et al. 2005, 2006兲. The former is assumed to be the rigid
surface and the latter the deformable surface. Hence, the target
surface is the formwork wall and the boundary surface of the
fresh concrete represents the contact surface. The formwork wall
was assumed to be rigid, and the Coulomb model used to deter-
mine the friction between the formwork and the fresh concrete
关Eq. 共1兲兴. The shear stress 共␶兲 was obtained from the normal pres-
sure 共p兲 and the friction coefficient between the formwork and the
fresh concrete 共␮c兲. The fresh concrete-to-wall adherence 共k兲 was
regarded as negligible

␶ = k + ␮c p 共1兲

Fresh-Concrete Behavior Model

Fig. 1. Formwork used in this paper The selection of a theory that adequately describes the behavior
of fresh concrete over most of the setting period was the main
challenge in developing the model. Tattersall 共1976兲 proposed
concrete. An elastoplastic behavior was assumed to characterize that during the earliest phases of setting, fresh concrete could be
the material during this phase of setting. A preliminary validation likened to a non-Newtonian fluid. The formulas proposed by
of the model was performed using experimental values obtained Bingham 共1922兲 and Herschel and Bulkley 共1926兲, which take
by Arslan et al. 共2005兲. Given the scarcity of information on the into account the viscosity and yield stress of fresh concrete 共Fer-
mechanical variables affecting the behavior of fresh concrete, a raris and de Larrard 1998; Petit et al. 2007; Murata and Kukawa
sensitivity analysis was performed to determine their influence on 1992兲, properly describe the initial moments of setting. However,
the distribution of the pressure exerted by this material on form- as setting advances, fresh concrete becomes similar to soil in that
work walls. Pressures predicted by the model were compared to both are weakly bonded particulate systems in a fluid medium
those calculated using different international standards for form- 共Gardner 1985兲. Therefore, a granular cohesive material behavior
work design. was assumed, thus allowing the logic of soil mechanics to predict
the lateral pressures developed on the formwork walls 共Vanhove
et al. 2004兲.
Research Methodology Accordingly, the behavior of the fresh concrete was taken as
being elastoplastic to reflect an intermediate state between the
A FEM has been developed by the writers for the determination fluid and solid forms of the material. A linear isotropic behavior
of lateral pressures in tall formworks. A material model com- was assumed for the elastic region of the fresh concrete 关Eq. 共2兲兴,
monly used for cohesive granular materials has been selected for where the stresses Tij are obtained from the strains Eij via the use
simulating the intermediate state of setting of fresh concrete. The of the Lamé ␭ and ␮ constants. The values of these constants can
values of the mechanical parameters required have been obtained be deduced from those of the Poisson coefficient 共␯兲 and the
from the literature. A sensitivity analysis has been conducted to modulus of elasticity of the material 共E兲 关Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲兴
analyze the influence of the mechanical properties in lateral pres-
sures because of the different types of concretes and the wide Tij = ␭ · Dkk · ␦ij + 2 · ␮ · Dij 共2兲
range of setting conditions. A preliminary validation of the FEM
has been conducted by using the experimental results obtained by ␮ = E/关2共1 + ␯兲兴 共3兲
Arslan et al. 共2005兲. In addition, the numerical results have been
compared to lateral pressures predicted by standards 共Deutsches ␭ = ␯E/关共1 + ␯兲共1 − 2␯兲兴 共4兲
Institut für Normung 1980; CIRIA 1985; American Concrete In-
stitute 2004兲 for different formwork heights: 2.5, 5, 10, and 15 m. To define the plastic region, the plastification criterion of Drucker
The proposed model, which was developed using ANSYS 8.1 and Prager 共1952兲 was used as expressed by Eq. 共5兲, where ␣ and
finite-element software 共ANSYS 8.1 university high option manual ␬ are characteristic variables of the material, I1 is the first invari-
2004兲, allows the analysis of two-sided vertical wall formworks ant stress tensor, and J2 is the second invariant of the deviatoric
of different shapes and sizes. The geometry of a formwork 共Fig. stress tensor. The yield function F is also known as the flow
1兲 is defined by its height 共H兲, the wall inclination angle 共␤兲, the function
upper width of the structure 共UWS兲, and the width of the base
F = ␣I1 + 共J2兲0.5 − ␬ = 0 共5兲
The numerical analysis was performed assuming the plane The Drucker-Prager plastification criterion is really a modification
stress hypothesis, i.e., considering a wall-type formwork of suffi- of the well-known Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Thus, the character-
cient length to obviate the need for including a third dimension. istic variables of the material ␣ and ␬ expressed in Eq. 共5兲 can be
The fresh concrete was simulated using eight-node plane ele- obtained from the two mechanical variable characteristics of the
ments 共which allow plasticity and the effect of shape deformation latter criterion: the angle of internal friction 共␾兲 and the cohesion
on stresses to be taken into account兲 and quadratic interpolation of the material 共c兲 共Chen 1982; Chen and Mizuno 1990兲. The
functions. plastification criterion chosen allows the possibility of using a
The interaction between the fresh concrete and the formwork nonassociated flow rule 共Lubarda 2002兲, which requires knowl-
was represented using the surface-to-surface contact procedure, in edge of the dilatancy angle 共␺兲. The dilatancy angle cannot be
which both the target and contact surfaces have to be specified greater than the angle of internal friction.


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Table 1. Intervals for the Fresh-Concrete Mechanical Parameters Obtained from the Literature and Considered in the Parametric Study
Mechanical parameter Symbol Interval References Selected value
Angle of internal friction 共degrees兲 ␾ 2–40 30
Cohesion 共kPa兲 c 2–10 5
Dilatancy angle 共degrees兲 ␺ 2–40 20
Modulus of elasticity 共kPa兲 E 2 ⫻ 103 – 2 ⫻ 106 2 ⫻ 104
Poisson coefficient ␯ 0.30–0.45 0.40
Concrete-to-wall friction coefficient ␮c 0.01–0.20 0.05
L’Hermite 1949; Ritchie 1962; Olsen 1968; Alexandridis and Gardner 1981.
Krauß and Hariri 2006.
Djelal et al. 2004.

Mechanical Parameters using the experimental results obtained by Arslan et al. 共2005兲
with a formwork 2 m in height, 1 m in length and 0.15 m in
In agreement with the above, the mechanical variables required
by the proposed model include the angle of internal friction 共␾兲,
The tests undertaken by Arslan et al. 共2005兲 involved a normal
the cohesion 共c兲, the dilatancy angle 共␺兲, the modulus of elasticity
concrete made of Type I cement, natural sand 共0–3 mm兲, crushed
共E兲, the Poisson coefficient for fresh concrete 共␯兲, and the friction
sand 共3–7 mm兲, and crushed gravel 共7–15 mm兲 in the proportion
coefficient between the concrete and the formwork walls 共␮c兲.
1:1:1.4:1.75. The cement content in the mix was 400 kg/ m3; the
The values for these variables, except the wall friction coefficient
water/cement ratio was 0.48, and the density was 2 , 400 kg/ m3.
values, can be obtained experimentally in triaxial tests.
The pressure recorded at the base of the formwork by strain gauge
The first triaxial tests for the determination of the angle of
plates varied between 18.00 and 26.96 kPa, depending on the
internal friction and the cohesion of fresh concrete mixtures date
formwork material 共Populus nigra, Pinus silvestris, plywood, or
from the end of the 1940s 共L’Hermite 1949兲. Later, Ritchie
steel兲 and whether or not oils were used to facilitate the removal
共1962兲, Olsen 共1968兲, and Alexandridis and Gardner 共1981兲 in-
of the formwork, as shown in Table 2.
vestigated the influence of the composition and consistency of the
For a formwork of the above shape and size and when con-
concrete, the water-cement relationship, and the setting tempera-
templating the fresh concrete mechanical parameters specified in
Table 1, the proposed model returned a maximum normal pres-
Alexandridis and Gardner 共1981兲 obtained values for the angle
sure on the formwork walls of 20.17 kPa quite similar to the
of internal friction of 34°–41° and cohesion values of 2–6 kPa for
experimental values reported by Arslan et al. 共2005兲. Fig. 2 shows
samples of fresh concrete at different temperatures 共4 – 20° C兲 and
the pressure distribution on the formwork wall obtained with the
different stages of setting 共40, 80, 120, and 160 min兲. Ritchie
共1962兲 and Olsen 共1968兲 obtained much lower values for the
angle of internal friction 共2°–10°兲 in concretes with high cement
contents 共aggregate: cement⬍ 4兲. Therefore, in the present para- Numerical Results and Discussion
metric study, the angle of internal friction was taken as ranging
from 2° to 40° and the cohesion range as 2–10 kPa. The range for
the dilatancy angle was assumed to be equal to that of the angle of Comparison of Pressures Obtained by the Numerical
internal friction since its value cannot exceed that of the angle of Model and the Formwork Design Standards
internal friction. A comparison of the results obtained with the FEM and the lateral
Wide ranges were selected for the Poisson coefficient and for pressures predicted according to standards 共DIN 18218, CIRIA
the modulus of elasticity of the fresh concrete, in accordance with
the variability shown by these variables during setting 共Krauß and
Table 2. Lateral Pressures Measured by Arslan et al. 共2005兲 at the Base
Hariri 2006兲. The coefficient of friction between the fresh con-
of Experimental Formworks 2 m in Height, 1 m in Length, and 0.15 m in
crete and the formwork wall was that reported by Djelal et al. Width
共2004兲. The value of this variable 共range of 0.01–0.20兲 depends,
among other factors, on the rate of placement of the concrete, the Lateral pressure
type of mix used, and the use of products to facilitate the removal 共kPa兲
of the formwork. Formwork surface Minimum Mean Maximum
Table 1 shows the intervals for the different mechanical vari-
Populus nigra 19.94 20.93 21.88
ables taken into account in the parametric study plus the values
Populus nigra 21.77 22.85 23.74
selected for the comparison of the results obtained with the nu-
共watered with concrete mold oil兲
merical model and the formwork design standards.
Pinus silvestris 18.01 19.91 21.15
Pinus silvestris 21.39 23.68 25.11
Validation of the FEM 共watered with concrete mold oil兲
Plywood 19.22 21.48 22.81
The validation of the FEM requires the comparison of numerical
Plywood 22.47 24.55 25.96
results with lateral pressures measured in experimental proto-
共watered with concrete mold oil兲
types. The writers of the paper are working now in the implemen-
Steel 24.70 26.19 26.97
tation of an experimental setup in order to achieve this objective.
FEM — 20.17 —
However, a preliminary validation of the model was done by


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above standards were as follows: Type I cement with neither ad-
mixtures nor retarding agents, a slump of 100 mm in the Abrams
cone, a density of 2 , 000 kg/ m3, a setting temperature of 20° C,
and a concrete pouring velocity of 3 m/h.
Table 1 shows the values selected for the mechanical param-
eters required by the numerical model that simulates the behavior
of the fresh concrete. Mean values were selected within the range
obtained from the literature for these mechanical parameters.
The American standard ACI 347-04 proposes pressures be ob-
tained from Eq. 共6兲, where the maximum lateral pressure on the
wall of the formwork 共Pmax兲 depends on the rate of placement of
the concrete 共R, ranging from 2.1 to 4.5 m/h兲, the temperature of
the concrete during placement 共T兲, a nondimensional correction
factor that refers to the specific weight of the fresh concrete 共Cw兲,
and a coefficient related to the type of cement and additives used
in the mix 共Cc兲

Fig. 2. Distribution of normal pressures exerted by fresh concrete on Pmax = CwCc关7.2 + 1,156/共T + 17.8兲 + 244R/共T + 17.8兲兴 共6兲
a vertical formwork 2 m in height and 150 mm thick determined
using the proposed model The German standard DIN 18218 proposes a series of expressions
for the calculation of the pressure on formwork walls 关Eq. 共7兲
shows the final expression兴. In this case, the rate of placement of
108, and ACI 347-04兲 is presented in this section. Different the concrete 共R兲 is the main variable used to calculate the maxi-
heights for the formwork 共2.5, 5, 10, and 15 m兲 were considered, mum lateral pressure on the wall of the formwork 共Pmax兲. In ad-
while the same width 共0.5 m兲 and length 共5 m兲 were assumed for dition, two coefficients 共K1 and K2兲 that depend on the
all cases. consistency of the fresh concrete 共determined using the Abrams
The characteristics of the concrete mix and the execution con- cone test兲 are also used. This standard contemplates a 3%
ditions employed in the calculations using both the FEM and the increase/reduction in the maximum lateral pressure for every 1 ° C

Fig. 3. Distribution of lateral pressures using the proposed model and the different standards for vertical formworks: 共a兲 2.5; 共b兲 5; 共c兲 10; and
共d兲 15 m in height


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Fig. 4. Influence of the angle of internal friction 共␾兲 on the distribu-
tion of normal pressures against the formwork walls

difference between ambient temperature and a base temperature

of 15° C
Pmax = K1 + K2R 共7兲
Finally, the British CIRIA Monograph 108 proposes that the pres-
sure be calculated using Eq. 共8兲, where the maximum lateral pres-
sure exerted by the concrete 共Pmax兲 is obtained by means of the
density of the fresh concrete 共D兲, the rate of placement of the
concrete 共R兲, the height of the formwork 共H兲, and three coeffi-
cients that take into account the size and shape of the formwork
共C1兲, the composition of the mix 共C2兲, and the effect of the tem-
perature of the concrete at placing 共C3兲
Pmax = D关C1R0.5 + C2C3共H − C1R0.5兲0.5兴 共8兲
Fig. 3 shows the pressure distribution curves and the maximum
values obtained from the model and the standards in the four
studied formwork walls 共H1 = 2.5 m, H2 = 5 m, H3 = 10 m, and
H4 = 15 m兲.
The pressure exerted on the formwork wall when assuming a
hydrostatic behavior for the concrete is greater than that returned
by the different standards or the FEM and becomes even greater
with the height of the formwork. This occurs because either the
frictional effects between the fresh concrete and the formwork Fig. 5. Influence on lateral pressures exerted by fresh concrete due to
wall or the internal frictions of the fresh concrete are not consid- 共a兲 the Poisson coefficient; 共b兲 the concrete-to-formwork wall friction
ered by the hydrostatic hypothesis. coefficient
For formworks of up to 5 m in height, the pressures obtained
by the standards are greater than those obtained by the FEM.
However, in taller formworks 共10 m or more兲 the maximum pres-
sure values obtained with the proposed model are considerably not the case. For a formwork of height 10 m, standard ACI
greater than those obtained with the standards. These standards 347-04 provides a wider safety margin than its counterparts.
make the assumption that, after a certain formwork height is However and despite the different variables contemplated by the
reached, the pressure remains constant; However, according to the different standards 共such as the rate of placement of the concrete
pressure distribution obtained with the proposed method, this is and the temperature, etc.兲, the maximum pressure predicted by the


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Fig. 6. Influence on lateral pressures exerted by fresh concrete due to 共a兲 cohesion; 共b兲 dilatancy angle; and 共c兲 modulus of elasticity of the fresh

proposed FEM was 37% higher than the highest estimate of any height of 4.25 m was reached 共Fig. 4兲. After this height, however,
of the standards 共71.0 kPa compared to 54.09 kPa兲. and when the angle of internal friction was ⬍20°, the pressure
For formworks greater than 15 m in height, the CIRIA stan- increased as the angle of internal friction became smaller. The
dard calculated a maximum pressure slightly greater than that maximum pressure 共95.30 kPa兲 corresponded to an angle of in-
obtained with ACI 347-04. The maximum pressure determined by ternal friction of 2°. For the most common types of concrete, the
the proposed model, however, was 54% greater 共85.59 kPa com- literature 共Ritchie 1962; Olsen 1968; Alexandridis and Gardner
pared to 55.42 kPa兲. 1981兲 offers angles of internal friction of ⬎20°; in such cases,
International standards 共DIN 18218, CIRIA 108, and ACI 347- this variable would have no influence on the pressure distribution
04兲 propose simplified equations for the design of formworks and patterns obtained by the proposed model.
their predictions provide accurate results for regular formworks The Poisson coefficient 共␯兲 was found to have a strong influ-
up to 10 m. All of these standards consider that a hydrostatic ence on the pressure exerted on the formwork walls, increasing it
pattern of pressures appears in most part of the formwork wall. by up to 56% 共64.2–100.2 kPa兲 as the coefficient increased from
This assumption leads to an overestimation of lateral pressures, 0.30 to 0.45 共Fig. 5兲. The friction coefficient between the fresh
which is not very significant for reduced height formworks 共Fig. concrete and the formwork wall 共␮c兲 also seems to exert a sig-
3兲. nificant influence, especially at heights of over 2 m. Fig. 5 shows
However, standards consider that lateral pressures remain con- the increase in maximum pressure to be 111% 共36.5–76.9 kPa兲
stant from a certain depth until the bottom in tall formworks 共over over the interval of values selected for this variable 共0.01–0.2兲.
10 m兲. This hypothesis may lead to an underestimation of lateral The cohesion of the fresh concrete 共c兲, the dilatancy angle 共␺兲,
pressures for high rates of placement of fresh concrete in tall and the modulus of elasticity for fresh concrete 共E兲 appear to have
formworks. On the other hand, the assumption of a hydrostatic no influence on the distribution of pressure, as determined by the
pattern of pressures leads to a great overestimation of lateral pres- proposed model, when within the intervals indicated in Table 1
sures in tall formworks unless self-compacting concretes are used. 共Fig. 6兲. The values adopted for the mechanical parameters that
The use of the proposed FEM allows obtaining a more accurate represent the behavior of the fresh concrete influence on the mag-
pattern of lateral pressures in formworks. nitude of lateral pressures predicted by the developed FEM 共Figs.
4–6兲. The parametric study shows that for regular concretes with-
Parametric Analysis out retarders or fluidizers only the Poisson ratio 共␯兲, the friction
coefficient between the fresh concrete and the formwork wall
The scarcity of information relating to the mechanical parameters
共␮c兲, and the angle of internal friction 共␾兲 influence on the lateral
necessary for the construction of the proposed model demanded a
pressures exerted over the formwork wall. Experimental tests
sensitivity analysis be performed to assess their influence on the
should be carried out for determining the values of these me-
distribution of the pressures obtained 共Gallego et al. 2007兲. This
chanical parameters for each specific project.
was performed taking into account the 10-m-high formwork de-
scribed above. The value of each variable shown in Table 1 was
separately varied over the range shown in the same table while
maintaining the selected values for the other variables constant. Summary and Conclusions
The results obtained are shown in Figs. 4–6.
The angle of internal friction 共␾兲 seemed to have no influence The present work shows the possibilities offered by numerical
on the distribution of pressures on the formwork walls until a calculation methods in the determination of the pressure exerted


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Table 3. Influence of the Fresh-Concrete Mechanical Parameters on the Pressure Exerted on Formwork Walls
Parameter E ␯ c ␾ ␺ ␮c
Influence No Yes No Yes No Yes
Interval of variation of the maximum pressure 共kPa兲 65 65–100.2 65 65–95.3 65 36.5–76.9
Maximum increase 共%兲 0 56 0 48 0 111
Influence only exerted when ␾ is greater than 20°.

by fresh concrete on formwork walls; the proposed method allows K1 ⫽ coefficient that depends on the consistency of
the study of the concrete/formwork system as a whole and can be the fresh concrete;
used to simulate different situations. K2 ⫽ coefficient that depends on the consistency of
Based on the results obtained with the proposed model, the the fresh concrete;
following conclusions can be drawn: k ⫽ fresh concrete-to-wall adherence;
1. The experimental formulas in international standards for P ⫽ normal pressure, in kPa;
formwork design are quite safe for formworks smaller than 5 Pmax ⫽ maximum lateral pressure on the wall of the
m in height but may underestimate the pressures exerted by formwork, in kPa;
fresh concrete on the walls of larger formworks. R ⫽ concrete rate of placement, in m/h;
2. The use of numerical models requires knowledge of the val- T ⫽ temperature of the concrete during placement;
ues of different fresh concrete mechanical variables and of Tij ⫽ stress tensor;
others describing the contact between the concrete and the ␣ ⫽ characteristic variable of the material;
formwork walls. The literature, however, contains only scant ␬ ⫽ characteristic variable of the material;
information in this regard. ␭ ⫽ Lamé constant;
3. The Poisson coefficient 共␯兲 and the angle of internal friction ␮ ⫽ Lamé constant;
共␾兲 were found to influence the pressures predicted by the ␮c ⫽ friction coefficient between the formwork and
proposed model, while the modulus of elasticity 共E兲, the co- the fresh concrete;
hesion 共c兲, and the dilatancy angle of the fresh concrete 共␺兲 ␯ ⫽ Poisson’s coefficient;
had no influence over the range tested. Table 3 shows a sum- ␶ ⫽ shear stress, in kPa;
mary of the influence of the different mechanical variables ␾ ⫽ angle of internal friction; and
contemplated on the pressure distribution of fresh concrete ⌿ ⫽ dilatancy angle.
on formwork walls.
4. The variable with the strongest influence on pressure distri-
bution was the friction coefficient between the fresh concrete References
and the formwork wall 共␮c兲. The value of this variable de-
pends, among other factors, on the material of the formwork Alexandridis, A., and Gardner, N. J. 共1981兲. “Mechanical behaviour of
wall and whether or not oils are used to facilitate the removal fresh concrete.” Cem. Concr. Res., 11共3兲, 323–339.
of the formwork; maximum pressure variations of over 111% American Concrete Institute. 共2004兲. “Guide to formwork for concrete.”
may be seen. ACI 347-04, Farmington Hills, Mich.
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