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TASK: 5.











What is a lesson plan?

It is the organization of the teacher in advance of a class, where he identifies the goal that
he wants to achieve with the students, proposes a didactic sequence that helps to achieve
that goal. The lesson plan motivates, guides and helps the teacher to be clear about what he
wants to achieve with his students, organizing the interests of the teacher and the students.
It helps that the teacher has the order of the learning processes, manages to identify the
progress of the students, learning styles and skills.

Why is it important to plan a lesson?

They are important for English teachers, since it allows:

• To the teacher to think about the contents, resources, the sequence, the time and the
• To the teacher to show security and confidence of his profession.
• To the teacher as didactic structuring of what he needs in his classes to achieve
significant learning.

What are the different elements that must be included in a lesson plan? Describe

• Learning objectives: helps teachers and students identify what they want to achieve
and learn.
• Contents: Themes and knowledge that the students will learn.
• Activities: They allow the teacher to observe and assess how the process has been
with each student.
• Assessment: Helps to identify if the student learned or not.
• Materials: necessary elements to develop the class.

What are the steps or stages in a lesson plan development? Describe them.

 Organize time, material, objectives.

 Motivation for students: to enter into context with what they want to work with.
 Learning activities: Student interaction with knowledge.
 Application activities: Interaction and appropriation of knowledge in different
situations that shows the achievement.
 Evaluation: Evidence obtained through a strategy that allows the student to achieve
evidence of learning results
Level Grade 5th
Topic The family.
Structure and  The family.
 Present simple.

 Wh questions.

 Physical characteristics.

 Vocabulary: tal, short, pretty, handsome, angry, ugly, fat, crazy, fat, funny,
intelligent, friendly, pólice, thin, brad.

 Vocabulary: football, basquetball, Athletics, volleyball.

Standard  I write short simple texts on topics in my environment.

Specific  Listening: I identify who they are talking to me from their physical
Standars description.

 Reading: I recognize, in a short narrative text, aspects such as what, who, when
and where.

 Writing: I describe the personal traits of people around me

 Speaking: I ask and answer about the physical characteristics of familiar


Objetives Linguistic objetive:

Use the present simple, the verb to be to refer to your family members and express
some characteristics.

Communicational objetive:
Use simple present tense to communicate and express some characteristics of family

Pedagogical objetive:
Use audiovisual media to reinforce the themes worked on in class, such as videos,
audios or other elements.
We are going to use the following materials: cards, lottery, cardboard, markers, colors,
pencil, photographs of family members, TV, tape recorder.


This lesson focuses on the family as a central theme, so that later elements such as some qualifying
adjectives can be implemented that allow them to be given physical characteristics of the members of the
family, and the questions will also be used.

In addition to the implementation of the present simple to create sentences that allow describing family
members, such as when, where, what, which and why.

Stage 1: Initial Activities

Warm up or The children will find a family lottery where they will play, an audio of the family will
Introduce the be played, as they mention a member in the audio, the student covers and who will
topic cover the entire lottery board, those children will be the winners.
Pre-teaching At this time, we are going to take the vocabulary that we have been able to remember
vocabulary in the previous moment, for this, we are going to organize in a 1/8 of cardboard, a
family tree with his family, where we write:

 Grandfather and Grandmother.

 Father and mother.

 Brother and sister.

 Uncle and aunt.

 Cousin.

I socialize in front of my patners.

Stage 2: Development Activities

Sing a song/ 1. We are going to observe the following video where we are going to recognize
watch story/ the qualifying adjectives that can be used to physically describe the members of
reading and the family. While they are watching the video, they are going to organize the
matching vocabulary that I need to describe my father, mother, brother, sister,
activity grandfather, grandmother, cousin or uncles.

2. We are going to sing the song of the adjectives, where we are going to base the
adjectives with which we are going to describe our family.

Asking 1. At this moment, we are going to use the WH questions as means to interact with
Questions the learning obtained so far, therefore, we will review what each one means:
 Why? --- ¿Por qué?
 What? --- ¿Qué?
 Who? --- ¿Quién?
 How? --- ¿Cómo?
 Where? --- ¿Dónde?
 When? --- ¿Cuándo?

2. With the teacher's help I answer the following questions:

 What is mother´s name?
 Who is she?
 Where is your father?
 When your daughter come to the school?
 How about your brother?

exercise Each one must carry the photograph of several relatives, and we will prepare the
following identification card for each:

This is my:
What is your name? Her/his name is:
How is old he/she? He/she is ____ years old.
What is your favorite music? Her/his favorite music is:
What is your favorite sport? Her/his favorite sport is:
What is he/she like? He/she is ____________________
In this file we are going to use the adjectives to describe our relatives according to their
photography, vocabulary such as sports and music.

Stage 3: Final Activities

My Family Taking into account what has been previously worked, we are going to organize the
pronunciation of the file, which will be socialized at home wuth teacher´s help.

Evaluation Each student will be given a form, where they will do the following:
• Point to family members with sun ombre in English.
• Sing the song “Family´s members”.
• Write the characteristics of the family members that they indicated above.
• I answer the questions that the teacher will ask orally.

Setting They will make a brief description of each one, taking into account the work done in
Homework the class, with the help of the vocabulary learned. To do this, they will make a play
card with plasticine and cardboard where each one is drawn and decorated with
plasticine. Then, they will describe each one, for example. I am tall, I am intelligent.


Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice (Approaches and

Methods in Language Teaching, pp. 30-39). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Available in:
Piñeiro, M. (2009). Principles of Lesson Planning: A Guide for Student Teachers. Revista
Káñina, 33(2), pp. 201-209. Universidad de Costa Rica. Available

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