(Minimum of 10 Literatures) : Process

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Chapter 2


Identifying Existing Process (Minimum of 10 literatures)

 (citation) foreign to local

 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Identify existing process"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)
How do you write a synthesis in research?


 Gather literature that addresses your research question.

 Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and
identify key concepts.
 Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so
that you can draw conclusion.
 No citation.

Describe the design of the proposed system? (Minimum of 10


 (citation) foreign to local

 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Identify existing process"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)
How do you write a synthesis in research?


 Gather literature that addresses your research question.

 Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and
identify key concepts.
 Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so
that you can draw conclusion.
 No citation.

Describe the features of the proposed system? (Minimum of 10


 (citation) foreign to local
 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Identify existing process"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)
How do you write a synthesis in research?


 Gather literature that addresses your research question.

 Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and
identify key concepts.
 Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so
that you can draw conclusion.
 No citation.

Test the acceptability of the proposed system? (Minimum of 10


 (citation) foreign to local

 Synthesis at the end of the literature review for "Identify existing process"
 Synthesis 1 Paragraph only (no citation)
How do you write a synthesis in research?


 Gather literature that addresses your research question.

 Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and
identify key concepts.
 Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so
that you can draw conclusion.
 No citation.


1. Your RRL must be align to your SOO

2. Make a citation clear and concise (not to short)
Read it carefully and understand the content
Make user naka align ang content
Don’t copy and paste the whole content but rather paraphrase
it (used this webtool https://www.quillbot.com/)

Identifying Existing Process

The existing process of The Adelphi College is done manually. In a

typical manual or paper, each admission, registration, scheduling will

have a history and will be stored in folder file (The Adelphi College,


The pen-and-paper method is the old way of scheduling

appointments for a workgroup and institutions, in which all scheduling

is funneled through an appointments secretary with a central calendar.

The adoption of pen-and-paper method is helpful for practicing

handwriting in same traditional manner. Pen-and-paper can be digitized

in various fashions, including by scanning and data entry (Davidson,


Every operation function that the school handles are processed

through written forms. The data’s collected by School admission with a

printed form and student will fill out the printed form, registrar give

student their schedule in a written paper with subject code, subject

name, time and day School admission handles variety of inquiries such

as student/faculty schedules, subjects and fees (The Adelphi College,


Manual processing can be a very tricky and mind numbing

process. Every data consists of transferring data from a physical state

into a digital state with other various procedures involved as well.

Scheduling management has become necessary in academic institutions

where several students may require limited resources in faculty time. In

most of the cases there is little if any management and it can be quite

inconvenient. A scheduling management also usually includes the

planned start and finish date, duration, and resources assigned to each

activity (Lymperidis & Dasygenis, 2015).


Lymperidis, E., Dasygenis, M., (2015) Online Platform for Academic Schedule
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Western Macedonia

Manual processing is quiet timing consuming when inserting some

data/information such as room, subjects taken and preferences. Some

inquiries of students can be answered but not in detail such as TBA

indication to rooms. Everyone knows that humans are not perfect and

there are going to be times when mistake are made, whether it is spelling,

grammar or punctuation. Some other mistake are made during timetable

scheduling of student and faculty. Some few components have been

inserted into accounts such as the use of resources such as rooms or

facilities, schedules of subjects taken and offered by other units and

schedule preferences, all of the factors that affect schedule (Pandey et.

al, 2019).

We can still say that the chances of conflict-free scheduling are

heavier during manual checking than using any modern technologies.

Manual process can be lead to many conflict such as room assigned,

faculty schedules, student’s schedules and student’s accounts. Even

voice over process which some of the company use to ease their

schedule. Yet it is too risky for just voicing out the schedules of the

student/faculty. It might lead to wrong schedule or tentative schedule

(Pandey et. al, 2019).

Pandey, A., Modi, O., Chauhan, A. S., Mohan, S., (2019) Campus Connect: A training
scheduling system, Student, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Retrieved from:

Every school year, tertiary institutions are faced with the tedious

task of drawing up academic timetables that satisfies the various courses

and the respective examination being offered by the different

departments. The child including their parent might be glad if they feel

and see the beauty of the service in school through the enrollment. If

parents feel not so comfortable with the school because of very long and

time-consuming enrollment procedure then they might confused if they

still want their child to enroll (Harris, 2015).

Other students encounter difficulty with class planning when they

do not receive adequate academic advising, independently of course

scheduling, as they progress through high school and college (Harris,


School schedules procedures for each class should also be done,

which is an incredible and time-consuming activity. Most educational

institutions have resorted to manual generation of their timetables

which according to statistics takes much time to get completed and

optimal. Timetabling problem is a special case of scheduling problem.

It’s involves scheduling a number of students, teachers, and classrooms

into a fixed set of periods. An optimal schedule would be one where no

teacher, student or classroom is used more than once in any given

period. (Loizas, 2018).


Harris, D.M., (2015) Exploring the impact of traditional and block scheduling: An
examination of high school student achievement (algebra, biology and English),
attendance rates, and disciplinary incidents (Doctoral Dissertation, University of
Maryland). Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 76 (3-A)(E)

Retrieved from:


Most schools and institutions are now employing a variety of

techniques that allow them to reach out to students. And with modern

analytical tools, these campaigns may appear successful. Yet all

marketing strategies would be short of enrolment expectations if the

university does not have an open and intuitive way to respond to

marketing campaign inquiries or the means to develop good relationships

with prospective students (Keystone Academic, 2020).

For admission process, the student need go to cashier and pay

his/her enrollment fees. But for other reasons like old student the

cashier needs to search for student ledger in the account file to allocate

the student’s previous/latest outstanding bill for the said semester. The

Student registration form will show student subjects, miscs, laboratory

and unit fees. Student must pay initial deposit or full payment to be

officially enrolled at the institution. All fees will be stored in ledger book

of the student to know if student has balance or fully paid for the

enrollment (The Adelphi College, 2015).

The Design of the Class Scheduling Management System

The Class Scheduling Management System is perceived to make

everyone’s job easier by adding predictability to the environment. By

using scheduling systems, employees will know exactly when their part

will begin and when it will end.

Computer automation is a control system that manages industrial

workplace processes. Computerization is concerned with interrelating

different, but interconnected transactions in the management system.

The researcher used computer automation to lessened human errors and

processing time, designed to enable productivity to be boosted and

resulting in high product quality. This can result in a system with well-

integrated processes that can perform much more quickly and

accurately than a manual system (Rodriquez, 2019).

Through the inter-connectivity of computer across the world,

nearly anyone and anything is a just seconds away. Everything is now

cyber-connected like communication, business, education,

entertainment, health and other sectors of the society are being

influenced by the use of the internet procedure. The researcher adopted

the used of internet for convenient of the admin, faculty, and students in

processing admission, schedules, check-list and many more (Custodio &

Castro, 2016).

The design of the Class Scheduling Management System and

explain the accessibility with the database in easiest way. This database

implemented by using web application program language PHP and

database management system MySQL. This is to supply the boundary

for admin and instructors to nominate coursework including, instructor

table, course table, timetable, classroom table, day’s table and give

comments on each coursework (Abdullah & Hussan, 2019).

Database is built and maintained by employing a database

programming dialect. The foremost common database dialect is SQL,

but there are numerous "flavors" of SQL, depending on the sort of

database being utilized. Each flavor of SQL has contrasts within the SQL

sentence structure and are planned to be utilized with a particular sort

of database. Database is described as a databank or a data store,

abbreviated as DB. A database could be expansive amount of recorded

advanced data. It can be looked, referenced, compared, changed or

controlled with an ideal speed and negligible with a minimum cost .

(Abdullah & Hussan, 2019).

A faculty loading software should have inputs of the faculty

information, their field of specialization, as well as the number of

students and classroom where the course should take place. Every

course that is offered has a set of parameters required to be assigned in

order for it to be placed inside a schedule (Nueva Ecija University of

Science and Technology, 2015).

Automatic scheduling system is a web based system in order to

manage collaborative function of the system, so it can be accessed

anywhere and at any time it is needed. The proposed system will help six

type of users such as students, parents, faculty, accountant, librarian,

registrar, and administrator. Application user will enter the data

required by the system. System will store the data will be used in

schedules recommendation process for students. Some information such

as students, parents and faculty will store in data and will be used for

master list (Fiarni et. al, 2015)


Rodriquez, E. (2019). Computerized Enrollment System

Retrieved from:

The system enables students to take the classes they need in a

timely manner and contributes to on-going cost containment efforts

through efficient space utilization and good stewardship of our valuable

institutional resources. The primary goal of the academic scheduling

process is to maximize the probability that all students receive their

choice of courses required for graduation on a timely basis (within the

prescribed number of semesters) by providing a conflict-free resource

environment (staff, space, and courses) which minimizes operating and

capital costs (North Dakota State University, 2019).


North Dakota State University (2019). Course and Event Classroom Scheduling Compliance

Retrieved from:


With the use of Class Scheduling System, it is easy to arrange

class schedules, instructors load and room utilization for the students
and faculty in every department. Without a well-organized system,
classes are delayed and there are instances that the number of students
in a class is considerably big. Conflicting schedules of faculty members is
another problem caused by the absence of an automated system
(Mangansakan, 2018).

Online Internet College Management System (CMS) which is

applicable to an educational institution or college. CMS is an intranet-

based application which aims to provide information in an organization

at all management levels. The program can be used for the college as a

method of knowledge and information management. The system can be

used for tracking college attendance. Students as well as logging in

workers may also access or check all of the college records (Joshi,


After the admission, student need go to cashier and pay for

initial/down payment his/her school fees. To make it easier the cashier

will be asking to hand over his/her registration/platting form, the

cashier needs to search on the database for the fees in the account file

and allocate the student’s previous/latest outstanding bill for the said


The features of the Class Scheduling Management System

The system designed by the researchers through the aid of

PHP Web-Programming Language, MySQL Database and has the

following features are password entry for protection from

authorized users, browsing of complete student information for

quick assistance, menu-driven command for quick assistance,

back-up in case of virus entry to the system and printing of

reports, class schedule, student class schedule, student id,

faculty/employee id and student list. Exact information depends

upon the data supplied by the user. The system is responsible for

proper accessibility of students and faculty/employees records and

maintenance of database.

In the study of pavel, the researcher explores the relevance of

research in Class Scheduling Management System addresses all

the critical functions, and some of them quite challenging, like

scheduling, classroom management, student billing, keeping track

of the outstanding lesson, classroom, reporting, open balances and

more. He mentioned that a class scheduling system should provide

database for storing records and information. Which the end-user

such as students, faculty and encoder can add, edit, delete, save

and update their records or information if some changes occur.

(Abdullah, 2019).

The researcher used dashboard which is a type of graphical user

interface which often provides at-a-glance views of key performance

indicators (KPIs) relevant to a particular objective or business process for

an advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget.

(Wikipedia, 2020).

An academic year or school year is a period of time

which schools, colleges and universities use to measure a quantity of

study. Colleges and universities vary widely. Some closely follow the K-12

break schedule, others have the same but longer breaks to accommodate

students who live farther away and wish to return home for holidays. The

researcher used admin personnel to set and manage academic

year/session. With this features it help our admin/registrar to manage

the length of the study for students. (Wikipedia, 2020).

Class session is a unit of the course, which is informed by the

goals for the curriculum, the specific course, and the specific module of

your course. Usually a class session involves between one and three

separate class meetings and deals with a specific and discrete chunk of

course content. The assignment of courses, time blocks, and classrooms

impacts strategic planning issues such as the need for new buildings,

expansion of course offerings and admission policies. The researcher

used classes module to manage the class session scheduling, especially

when it comes to academic lecture, is a very complex endeavor (UCAT,


Information System has become the backbone of the modern

education. IS allows school to store valuable student information and

helps administration manage the school and the district as a whole.

Technology has taken over their lives and using it in the classroom can

create enthusiasm, better learning outcomes, and sustain interest in all

subjects areas in academic. Using Information System (IS) to

accomplish, learning, teaching, management, collaboration and

communication functions within the educational environment

(Wikibooks, 2018).

The new developed enrollment system for college centralizes all

relevance information about courses, units and student grades. By

switching to online enrollment, school administrators can easily keep

track of student records and payments, avoiding fraud or any leakage

through corruption. They can also easily export their student databases,

send out newsletters, school schedules, and other important

announcements via email or SMS (Valencia, 2015).

The researcher used student module for master list of students of

all courses and school year this includes regular, irregular and drop

outs. Module consist of student info, personal info, student grade,

submitted documents, enrolled subjects, passed and failed subjects

(Wits IT Solutions, 2017).

A secure, web accessible interactive computer system that allows

you access to your grade reports, transcripts, schedule of classes, and

remaining balance for the semester and register for your classes online.

In the study of ajayi, academic course scheduling is a complex operation

that requires the interaction between different users including

instructors and course schedulers to satisfy conflicting constraints in an

optimal manner. Academic lecture scheduling is a major administrative

activity in any academic institution. A number of courses taught by the

corresponding lecturers are allocated into a number of available

classrooms and a number of timeslots, subject to constraints (Ajayi et

al., 2015).


Ajayi,, O. O., Ojeyinka, T., Adefila, O. A., ,Iyare, R. N., Lawal, M. A., Isheyemi, O. G.,
(2015). Academic Course Scheduling Decision Support System

Retrieved from:


Academic institutions are the regular users of such time tables.

They need to schedule their course to meet the need of current duration

and facilities that are available to them. However, their schedule should

meet the requirement of new course addition and newly enrolled

students to fresh batches. This research may result in rescheduling the

entire time table once again for its entire batches and to be scheduled in

shortest possible time before the batches course start. It is best for

school admin to secure and give a relevant schedule information for

students. The researcher used timetables for faculty and students with

allotted relevant information about the class subject, class room, and

number of student enrolled on this schedule. (Yelure & Chavhan,




Retrieved from:

Imagine that everyone remember each college location and the

schedules are important. In the study of shrestha, the research is

consists of role of knowledge management for the development of an

application by sharing and exchange of information between individuals

and the administration. The university will be benefited in at least a

small way through the paper. The students of Kathmandu University

(KU) manage their o class schedule when searching for their lecture

room. It is done to suggest broadly to refer for an intelligent class

scheduling and location on the KU 's central campus. A need for the

information world to make the development of such an app accessible

every day has motivated us to come up with (Shrestha, 2018).

Shrestha, G. S. R., (2018). Intelligent Class Scheduler in Kathmandu University

Retrieved From:

Through the class booking information system it is expected that

the secretariat can easily record class booking data and easily oversee

the use of classrooms to avoid disputes between lecturers caused by the

use of classrooms from other lecturers who are not entitled to classrooms

(Mauluddin, 2019).

Mauluddin, S., (2019). Usability Measurement of Classroom Booking Information
System Integrated with Course Scheduling Information System

Retrieved from:

Test and Acceptability of Class Scheduling System

The scheduling and loading system is articulated to allow the

defining of teaching assignments to the time slot system by applying

knowledge-based approach, appropriate heuristic functions and rule sets

to load correct courses to faculty and allow a search for the best slot on

multiple viable slots within the decision support framework. Scheduling

and loading system for both student and faculty must have a proper rule

set to make the information correct to faculty and students. A case study

presents an approach for user, to achieve improved quality of software

development through applying best slot on multiple viable slots (Ortega

et. al, 2015).

Courses are assigned and scheduled in such a way that the total

preference is maximized. We develop the mathematical model of the

problem in form of a linear integer program. The small sized problem can

be solved to optimality using commercial software. We then develop three

different metaheuristics based on artificial immune, genetic and

simulated annealing algorithms. These three solution methods are

equipped with novel procedures such as move and crossing operators.

The parameters of the proposed metaheuristics are first tuned, and then

they are evaluated with optimal solutions found by the model. They are,

furthermore, evaluated by comparing their performance. The

experiments demonstrate that the artificial immune algorithm performs

better than the other algorithms (citation here).

Scheduling is the problem of performing a set of given tasks by a

set of limited resources. Among important scheduling problems,

university scheduling (US) problem attracts great attention from both

artificial intelligence and operations research. In classical US problems, a

set of events (such as courses and exams) is assigned to a number of

'classroom-time' slots so as to satisfy a set of constraints (citation here).

The university course schedule (UCS) problem is NP-hard and

includes two decisions: instructor assignment and class scheduling. In

the instructor assignment, we determine which instructor would present

what courses. In the class scheduling, we specify in which class each

course would be presented. The decisions have to be made in such a way

to fulfil a set of constraints. It takes into consideration instructor’s

professional qualifications, preferences about courses and days,

reasonable distribution of overtime among the instructors and

availability of equipment and facilities. It, moreover, avoids any conflict

in instructors’ schedules and classrooms (Yazdani et. al, 2017).


Yazdani, M., Naderi, B., Zeinali, E., (2017). ALGORITHMS FOR UNIVERSITY COURSE

Retrieved from:

An electronic system for students' registration in the dormitories

directorate in Kirkuk University and distributing them to the rooms is

designed depending on degree of kinship and specialization of students.

The proposed system allows users to provide the required supplements

for students' registration in the dormitories via the Internet. This led to

facilitating the registration process without spending much time. In

addition, it helps the personnel to access the students' data as fast as

possible which lead to facilitate the process of paper transactions that

the dormitories directorate deals with it by providing the electronic

achieving (Jihad, 2018).

Jihad, K. H., (2018). Kirkuk University Journal/Scientific Studies (KUJSS) Volume 13,
Issue 2, June (2018).
Retrieved from:

The unscheduled courses/lectures list will be assigned later to the

timetable using several procedures executed in a sequence. The

approaches were tested on some subjects’ instances and the results were

analyzed with some statistical tests to determine the best setting of

heuristics in the construction approach. The result shows that the

construction approach with combination of largest degree followed by

saturation degree heuristic, generate the maximum number of

population of initial timetables. The result from this approach can be

used in the improvement stage of metaheuristic algorithm that uses

population-based approach (citation here).

Allocating the lectures to classrooms and periods is determined on

satisfying several constraints, so that a feasible timetable can be

produced. A feasible timetable is a timetable with no hard constraint

violation, but perhaps contain soft constraint violation. The soft

constraint violation is showed by amount of penalty cost (Wahid et. al,


Wahid, J., Rahman, S. A., Din, A. M., Hussin, N. M., (2019). Constructing population of
initial university timetable: design and analysis

Retrieved from:


The literatures presented are useful, serving as bases for the

development of the system which will facilitate the development of The

Adelphi College.


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