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by Thawatchai Phrueksrisakun

Tel. 089-5462557
What is MS Excel?
MS Excel is a software developed and manufactured by Microsoft
Corporation for data manipulation. Excel allows users to organize,
format, calculate, and analyze data with formulas using a spreadsheet
system broken up by rows and columns. Excel can also generate
reports and charts.
Excel supports programming through Microsoft's Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA), which is a dialect of Visual Basic.
Programming with VBA allows spreadsheet manipulation that is
awkward or impossible with standard spreadsheet techniques. You
may write code to have Excel automate tasks such as sending email,
printing document in MS Word, deleting files, renaming files in a
folder, etc.
Basic Vocabularies in MS Excel
• Cell: The rectangular shaped area on a worksheet that is created by the intersection of
columns and rows.
• Active Cell: The cell that you will input data. It will have bolder gridlines around it.
• Range: A block of cells that can be selected, manipulated, named, or formatted as a
• Rows: The horizontal divisions of a worksheet that are identified by numbers. There are
1,048,576 rows.
• Columns: The vertical divisions of a worksheet that are identified by letters. There are
columns A to XFD which are 16,384 columns
• Worksheet: An electronic spreadsheet that lets you enter, analyze, and calculate data.
Within a workbook, worksheets can share information, and calculations pertaining to
several worksheets can be performed at one time.
• Workbook: The Excel file that stores your information. Each workbook may contain
numerous worksheets.
• Objects: Anything that is placed on cell such as picture, chart, textbox, etc.
Components of Excel Screen (Version 2016)
Quick Access Toolbar Title Bar Ribbon Command

Name Box

Row Worksheet Area Formula Bar

Active Cell Column

Sheet Tab Status Bar

Components of MS Excel Windows
• Command is an icon on the ribbon.
• Quick Access Toolbar is a small, customizable toolbar that exposes a set of
Commands that are specified by the application or selected by the user.
• Ribbon is the set of buttons and icons grouped in specific categories.
• Title Bar is a bar on top of a window which shows the filename and any notice.
• Name Box is the box to the left of the formula bar that displays the cell that is
currently selected in the spreadsheet.
• Formula Bar is a toolbar at the top of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet window.
It shows the contents of the current cell and allows you to create and view
• Sheet Tab displays worksheet name and is used for selecting both single and
multiple sheets.
• Status Bar is at the bottom of Microsoft Office programs displaying status on
options that are selected to appear on the status bar.
- can be displayed in 3 ways. (click )
1) Auto-hide Ribbon: Ribbon is not displayed.
2) Show Tabs: display only Ribbon Tab
Tip: When using Show Tabs, if you click at the bottom right of the Ribbon, it will
change the display to Show Tabs and Commands.

3) Show Tabs and Commands: display both Ribbon Tab and Command Icon.
Tip: If you click at the bottom right of the Ribbon, it will be displayed as Show

Tip: Press Ctrl + F1 to switch Ribbon displays between 2) and 3).

Open Workbook (Version 2016)
Go to File => Open ; there are many ways to open Workbook.
1. Recent: The recent files/folders will be listed (you can pin a frequently-used workbooks).
2. This PC: Open Workbook from special folder/path
3. Computer: Browse File. The recent folders will be listed (you can pin a frequently-used
Select to list recent

Click Workbook
to open/folder

Click to pin a

Save Workbook (Version 2016)
1. Save an active file: File => Save or click on the Quick Access Toolbar

!!! When you save a new file at the first time, it is always Save As.
2. Save As is for saving a current file as a new file (name must be specified): File => Save As ;
select path as follows:
- Recent: Save a file on recent folder.
- This PC: Save a file on specific folder/path.
- Browse: Select path to save a file
Click to pin

Select Folder

Enter Workbook Name

Select path Select File Type

Display a picture
instead of Excel Icon
Save Workbook
File Types:
Excel Workbook (xlsx): Workbook version 2007 and later versions; containing
1,048,576 row and 16,384 columns; cannot store Macro
Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (xlsm): Workbook version 2007 for storing
Macro (Remark: other file types ending with “m” can also store Macro)
Excel 97-2003 Workbook (xls): Workbook version 2003 and earlier versions
containing 65,536 rows and 256 columns and can store Macro
Excel Template (xltx, xltm, xlt): Workbook Template (when opening
Workbook using Windows Explorer and then Save, it is always Save As.)
CSV (csv): Comma Separated Value text file which is normally used for
uploading data from Excel to other programs
PDF (pdf): For saving a file to PDF File Type
Caution! If you change file type from .xlsx to .xls, data beyond row 65,536 and
column 256 will disappear. 9
Workbook Views
You can change View by 1) View Ribbon => Workbook Views or 2) View Bar at the
bottom right of the worksheet
Page Layout View Page Break Preview

Normal View: Default view

Page Layout: to see how your printed document will look including margin,
headers, footers, etc.
Page Break Preview: give you a nice overview of where pages break when you
print the document. Use this view to easily click and drag page breaks. The grey
area will not be printed out.
Full Screen (Version 2007 - 2010): to see pages in full screen; the Ribbon will
be hidden.
!!! Display or Hide Ruler / Gridlines / Formula Bar / Headings at Show section
Zoom (Zoom in/out the screen)
To Zoom screen, go to View Ribbon or Zoom Bar at the bottom right of a
View Ribbon => click => select zoom level

View Ribbon => click to set back to Normal screen (100%)

View Ribbon => click to Zoom only selected cell(s)
Zoom Bar => scroll zoom tab to the left to Zoom Out or scroll tab to
the right to Zoom In or click - / +
Zoom Bar => Click to set back to Normal screen
Tip: Press Ctrl + Scroll Mouse up/down = Zoom in / Zoom Out

Select Cell / Range
 Select Cell: to specify a cell that you will enter data or format. You
can select a cell by:
1. Click the cell
2. Use arrow keys on the keyboard to go to the cell
 Select Adjacent-Ranges
1. Hold Left-hand Mouse Click and drag a mouse to cover cell ranges
2. Use arrow keys on the keyboard to go to the first cell, then hold Shift +
the arrow key to cover the last cell
 Select Non-adjacent Range: Hold Ctrl + Left-hand Mouse Click at
the cell
 Select all cells: Click at the junction of row and column

Enter and Edit Data in A Cell
• To enter data: Select Cell => type data => press Enter or arrow key
• To cancel entering data: press Esc
1. To edit data in a cell
1.1 Double Click the cell or
1.2 Select the cell and then press F2
2. Move insertion point using arrow keys to the position that will be edited
or click into the position that will be edited

Insertion point showing

where to be edited

Enter and Edit Data in A Cell (Cont’d)
• Edit cell in the Formula Bar
1. Select a cell that will be edited
2. Formula Bar will show data from the selected cell, left-hand mouse
click in the Formula Bar where you want to edit, then press Enter

Insertion point showing

where to be edited
• How to enter the same data in the range of cells
1. Select a range of cells
2. Enter data
3. Press Ctrl + Enter; data will be filled in the selected range of cells
Tip: Press Alt + Enter in a cell for line break in the cell
Press Ctrl + Z for Undo and Ctrl + Y for Redo
Insert Cells
Right-hand mouse click on the cell => Insert

3-Select Insert Option

2- Click Insert

Shift cells right: insert a cell and shift an existing cell to the right
Shift cells down: insert a cell and shift an existing cell down
Entire row: insert a new row and shift an existing row down
Entire column: insert a new column and shift an existing column down
Tip: Press Ctrl + Shift + + for inserting cell
Insert Rows / Columns
• Right-hand mouse click in front of row number or column header =>
Tip: Format Painter icon will pop up below the row number or next to
the column header. The options of Format Painter are:

• Format Same As Above / Left

• Format Same As Below / Right
• Clear Formatting: delete all formats
Tip: Press Ctrl + Shift + + for inserting row/column while selecting
row/column 16
Delete Cell
Right-hand mouse click in front of row number or column header => Delete

3-Select Delete Option

2- Click Delete

• Shift cells left: Delete a selected cell, and shift the rest of the row to the left
• Shift cells up: Delete a selected cell, and shift the rest of the row up
• Entire row: Delete entire row
• Entire column: Delete entire column
!!! If the deleted cell links to another cell, there will be Error #REF! at the
destination cell.
Tip: Press Ctrl + - for deleting cell 17
Delete Rows / Columns
• Right-hand mouse click in front of row number or column header
=> Delete
• Delete Row: other rows automatically shift up
• Delete Column: other columns automatically shift to the left

!!! If the deleted row or column link to another cell, there will be Error
#REF! at the destination cell.
Tip: Press Ctrl + - for deleting row/column while selecting row/column

Clear Cell
Besides data, Cell also contains format such as cell color, border, comment
and hyperlink. To clear cell, select icon on Home Ribbon.
• Clear All: To clear everything from the selected cells.
• Clear Formats: To clear only the formats that are applied to the
selected cells.
• Clear Content: To clear only the contents in the selected cells, leaving
any formats and comments in place. (= press Delete)
• Clear Comments: To clear any comments that are
attached to the selected cells.
• Clear Hyperlinks: To clear any hyperlinks that are
applied to the selected cells.

Hide Row / Column
To hide row/column in a worksheet, do the following:
1) Right-hand mouse click on the row number or column header (to select
multiples row/column, hold Ctrl key when selecting rows/ columns)
2) Select Hide 1- Right-hand
mouse click

2- Click Hide

Tip: Short-cut key: select a cell => Ctrl + 9 (hide row) / Ctrl + 0 (hide
Unhide Row / Column
To display hidden rows/columns in a worksheet:
1) Select area that covers hidden rows/columns
2) Right-hand mouse click = > Unhide
1- Select area that covers
hidden rows/columns

2- Right-hand mouse
click, select Unhide

Tip: Short-cut key: select area that covers hidden rows/columns =>
Ctrl + Shift + 9 (unhide row) /Ctrl + Shift + 0 (unhide column)
Unhide Row / Column
To unhide a single row/column, do the following:
1) Move cursor next to the hidden row/column, the cursor will change to
2) Double click to unhide the last hidden row/column
1- cursor change to

2- Double Click

To unhide all rows/columns, do the following:

1) Click at the junction of rows and columns
2) Right-hand mouse click on the row number/column
Header => Select Unhide or press Ctrl + Shift + 9/Ctrl + Shift + 0
mouse click
Scroll through a Worksheet
If there are so many worksheets that cannot be displayed on the tab sheet,
you can scroll through a worksheet by: Move to Move to
Option 1 : Click on the navigation arrow the left the right
Option 2 : Short-cut key
- Ctrl + Page Down to move to worksheet on the right
- Ctrl + Page Up to move to worksheet on the left
Tip: Right-hand mouse click on the navigation arrow will display the list
of all worksheets, then you can select the worksheet you want.
1-Right-hand mouse click
2-Double Click
on sheet name

Rename Worksheet
Option 1: Right-hand mouse click on Tab Sheet => Select Rename => Type Sheet
2-Click Rename

mouse click

Option 2 : Double Click Tab Sheet Name => Type Sheet Name
Tab Color
Right-hand mouse click on Tab Sheet => Select Tab Color => Select Color
3-Select Color

2-Click Tab
mouse click
Move Worksheet
Option 1: Drag the Tab Sheet to a new position
Option 2: Right-hand mouse click on Tab Sheet => select Move or Copy
=> Select the sheet name in Before sheet section: (If you want to move a
worksheet to another workbook, select the workbook in To book: section.)
2-Click Move
or Copy… 3-Select Workbook

3-Select “Before
1-Right-hand sheet:”
mouse click

Copy Worksheet
Option 1: Hold Ctrl + Drag active sheet tab and drop to the left / right
Option 2: Right-hand mouse click on Tab Sheet => select Move or Copy
=> Select the sheet name in Before sheet section: (If you want to move a
worksheet to another workbook, select the workbook in To book: section.)
=> select Create a copy
2-Click Move
or Copy… 3-Select Workbook

3-Click Create a copy 3-Select the sheet name in

1-Right-hand Before sheet: section
mouse click 26
Delete Worksheet
Right-hand mouse click on Tab Sheet => Select Delete => Select Delete
2-Click Delete

3-Click Delete

mouse click

Hide Worksheet
Right-hand mouse click on 2-Click Hide
Tab Sheet => Hide
mouse click
Unhide Worksheet
Right-hand mouse click on any Tab Sheet => Unhide => select a worksheet
to unhide
3-Select worksheet to unhide

2-Click Unhide
mouse click 28
Hide Workbook
On View Ribbon => Hide

Unhide Workbook
On View Ribbon => Unhide => select a workbook to unhide

Adjust Cell Height and Cell Width
• To increase or decrease row height, move cursor to the bottom
border, the cursor will change to , then drag down (increase
height) or drag up (decrease height)

• To increase or decrease column width, move cursor to the right

border, the cursor will change to , then drag to the right
(increase width) or left (decrease width)

Adjust Cell Height and Cell Width
• To adjust cell height or width to a cell automatically, Double Click on
the bottom border of row/right border of column (Autofit)
• Tip: If a cell displays #####, it means the column isn't wide enough to
display the value. You have to increase column width to see the value.

• To adjust width and height for the entire worksheet:

1. Click the top left of the worksheet to select all cells.
2. When you adjust cell height or width of row/column, it will apply to all
cells in the worksheet.

• You can split a worksheet vertically and horizontally to make it easier
for a user to work with lots of data.
• On View Ribbon => Split => The mouse pointer will change to a
double - headed black arrow when you are over the split box, drag
mouse to adjust the screen.

• To turn off the Split, go to View Ribbon => Split Click on the Split
icon to turn off the split screen feature
Freeze or Lock Rows and Column
• When you freeze panes, you keep specific rows or columns visible
when you scroll in the worksheet.
• To freeze, go to View Ribbon => Freeze Panes
- Freeze Panes: To lock rows at the top and columns on the left side of
the active cell
- Freeze Top Row: To lock the first row (row 1)
- Freeze First Column: To lock the first column (column A)

• To unfreeze : Go to View Ribbon => Freeze Panes => Unfreeze

Panes 33
Arrange Windows
• To arrange all open workbooks in case you work with multiple
workbooks at the same time.
• Go to View Ribbon => Arrange All => select Arrange option
- Tiled: to have Excel arrange and size the windows so that they all fit side
by side on the screen
- Horizontal: to have Excel size the windows
equally and place them one above the other.
- Vertical: to have Excel size the windows equally and place them
side by side.
- Cascade: to have Excel arrange and size the windows so that they
overlap one another with only their title bars showing.
- Windows of active workbook: Open active workbook in full screen.
Data Type
• Data Types available in Excel:
 Text: A Unicode character data string. Can be strings, numbers or dates
represented in a text format.
 Number: Integers or real numbers that can be used in calculation.
 Date: Dates and times in an accepted date-time representation. Excel for
Windows bases all dates on what is commonly referred to as the 1900 date
system, which recognizes 1/1/1900 as the first date with a stored value of 1.
The last date that Excel recognizes is December 31, 9999 or 12/31/9999, which
it stores as 2958465. If you use Excel on a Macintosh computer, dates are based
on a 1904 date system, which means 1/1/1904 has a value of 1 and 12/31/9999
has a value of 2957003.
Date format can be set to display as Date or Integer. To enter Date data,
type "/" to separate day, month, year (date format depends on the setting in
Windows (Control Panel => Region) ; e.g., 30/1/2559
Data Type
• Data Types available in Excel:
 Time: use : to separate hour, minute, second; e.g., 10:30:52
 Function / Formula: an expression which calculates the value of a cell;
Function / Formula must begin with equal sign (=).
• Enter correct date/time format so that it can be used in calculation; e.g.
to calculate the difference between two dates.
• When entering number in a cell, Excel will change it to number format.
If the entered number starts with 0 such as 001, Excel will record it as 1.
Tip: If you want to enter 0 in front of number, type '  '001 but data
stored in a cell will be Text, not Number. (You can also set format to
display 1 as 0001, see in Format Cell – Number : Custom)

Format Cell
• Format Cell: you can change many of the ways it displays data
in a cell.
• There are two ways to format cell.
1. Format Cell at Home Tab in the Ribbon.

Format Cell
2. Format Cell at Format Cell Windows. You can go to Format Cell
Windows by:

2.1 Right-hand mouse click on the cell, select Format Cells…

2.2 Select the cell and press Ctrl + 1 (use 1 button on keyboard, NOT on
num pad)
Format Cell - Number
Format Cell Categories:
1. Number is used for general display of numbers.
1.1 General: No specific number format. Excel displays the proper format
1.2 Number: Options include: the number of decimal places, whether or
not the thousands separator is used, and the format to be used for negative
Sample of Result Display
Decimal places

Thousands separator
Format of negative numbers

Format Cell – Number
1.3 Currency: Options include: the number of decimal places, the symbol used for
the currency, and the format to be used for negative numbers. This format is used
for general monetary values.
Sample of Result Display

Decimal Places
Currency Symbol
Format of negative numbers

1.4 Accounting: Options include: the number of decimal places, and the symbol
used for the currency. This format lines up the currency symbols and decimal
points in a column of data.

Format Cell – Number
1.5 Date: Select the style of the date from the Type list box.
Sample of Result Display
Date Format
Location. This is related to
Date Format.

1.6 Time: Select the style of the time from the Type list box.

Sample of Result Display

Time Format
Location. This is related to
Date Format.

Format Cell – Number
1.7 Percentage: Format as a percent
Sample of Result Display
Decimal Places

1.8 Fraction: Select the style of the fraction from the Type list box.
Sample of Result Display

Fraction Format

1.9 Scientific: Displays a number in exponential notation.

Sample of Result Display
Decimal Places

1.10 Text: Cells formatted as text will treat anything typed into the cell as
text, including numbers. 42
Format Cell – Number
1.11 Special: Select one of the following from the Type box: Zip Code,
Zip Code + 4, Phone Number, and Social Security Number.
Sample of Result Display

Special Format
Location. This is related to
Date Format.

1.12 Custom: you can create your own custom number format.
Sample of Result Display

Create Number Format

Select Format

Delete Format (only Custom Format)

Format Cell – Number
1.12 Custom (cont’d)
i) Custom Number Formats:
 Use ; to separate sections. The first section is the format for positive
numbers, the second for negative numbers, and the third for zero
 0 Digit placeholder that displays insignificant zeros. For example, for
custom code #,00 => 9.2 will display as 9.20
 # Digit placeholder that represents optional digits and does not display
extra zeros.
 , Thousands separator. Excel separates thousands by commas if the
format contains a comma surrounded by '#'s or '0's. For example, if the
format is #.0,, and you type 15,500,000 in the cell, the number 15.5 is
displayed (2 commas = 000000). 44
Format Cell – Number
ii) Date Formats:
 d - Display the day as a number without a leading zero.
 dd - Display the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 ddd - Display the day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat).
 dddd - Display the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday).
 m - Display the month as a number without a leading zero.
 mm - Display the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 mmm - Display the month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec).
 mmmm - Display the month as a full name (January-December).
 yy or yyyy - Display the year as a two-digit number or four-digit number
 bb or bbbb – Display Buddhist Era year as a two-digit number or a four-digit
 ว ด ป – Display the same results as d m b but in Thai text or number.

Format Cell – Number
iii) Time Format
 h - Display the hour as a number without a leading zero.
 hh - Display the hour as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 m - Display the minute as a number without a leading zero.
 mm - Display the minute as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 s - Display the second as a number without a leading zero.
 ss - Display the second as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 ช น ท – Display the same results as h m s but in Thai number.
 [h]: Elapsed time, in hours. If you are working with a formula that returns a
time where the number of hours exceeds 24, use a number format similar to
 ddd dddd mmm mmmm will be displayed based on the Region setting of your
computer. If you want to have the result displayed in English, enter b1. For
example, b1dd-mm-yyyy
Format Cell – Number
• !!! When “Format Cell – Number” is applied, text or number data
displayed on the screen may differ from the data entered in a cell.
• You can Format Number on Home Ribbon
Currency Select Format-Number

Percentage Increase/Decrease Decimal Place

Comma Style Open Format Cell - Number Window

• If you want to add text in custom format, you can type text within “ ”.
• Type color name in [ ]; e.g., [red] to change font color. The color set in
Custom cannot be changed by using Format Font
• [Color Name] can be used with Number Format -- positive, negative,
zero --together with a specified color such as
Format Cell - Alignment
2. Alignment: To position text and numbers, change the orientation and specify
text control in cells
2.1 Text alignment: control the horizontal, vertical alignment and indention
2.1.1) Horizontal
- General: Text data is left-aligned, and numbers, dates,
and times are right-aligned.
- Left: Aligns contents at the left edge of the cell.
- Right: Aligns contents at the right edge of the cell.
- Center: Centers the text in the selected cells.
- Fill: Repeats the contents of the selected cell until the cell is full.
- Justify: Force the data to fill the entire width of the column, wrapping text to
additional lines, if necessary. Aligns wrapped text within a cell to the right and left.
- Center Across Selection: Centers a cell entry across the selected cells.
- Distribute: Distribute data across the width of cell
Format Cell – Alignment
2.1.2) Vertical
- Top: Aligns cell contents along the top of the cell.
- Center: Centers cell contents in the middle of the cell from top to bottom.
- Bottom: Aligns cell contents along the bottom of the cell.
- Justify: Justifies the cell contents up and down within the width of the cell.
2.1.3) Indent
2.2 Text control
- Wrap text: to wrap the text in the selected cell. The number of wrapped lines
depends on the width of the column and the length of the cell contents.
- Shrink to fit: to fit option decreases the font size of the text in a cell until all the
contents of the cell can be displayed.
- Merge cells: combines two or more selected cells into a single cell.

Format Cell – Alignment
2.3 Right-to-left - Text direction: you can change the direction of text
when entering and justifying text.
2.4 Orientation: set the amount of text rotation in the selected cell.
• You can Format Alignment on Home Ribbon
Text Control
Vertical / Horizontal Alignment
Open Format Cell - Alignment Window
Increase/Decrease Indent

• Use "Center Across Selection" to center a cell entry across the selected

Format Cell - Font
Select Font
3. Font - Regular
Select Font - Italic (Ctrl + I)
- Bold (Ctrl + B)
Select Underline format Set Font Size
Set Font Color
Select Effects format
- Strikethrough
- Superscript Return to Normal
- Subscript Font format
• Format Number on Home Ribbon
Increase/Decrease Font Size
Select Font
Set Font Color
Bold / Italic / Underline Open Format Cell - Font dialog box
• You can format some parts of Text Font by clicking into a cell, select
text and then format Font.
Format Cell - Border
4. Border: set border format of a cell
Select Presets
Select Border Style None = no border
Outline = outline border
Inside = inside border

Select Border Color Result Display

(Click Mouse in the box to draw a border line)

Create border each side

• Format Border on Home Ribbon
Select Border Style

Format Cell - Fill & Protection
5. Fill: set cell background
Select Background
Color Select Pattern Color
Select Pattern Style
Select Background
Effect Select more
background colors Result Display
Select Background
Color of a Cell

• Format Fill on Home Ribbon

6. Protection: To protect cell
6.1 Locked: cell(s) will be edited when Protect Sheet
6.2 Hidden: Formula Bar will not show data when Protect Sheet
• Locked and Hidden will be applied when
Protect Sheet 53
Move / Cut Cell
You can use Move / Cut command to move data in the cells to other cells.
1) Right-hand mouse click (RHMC) a cell => Cut => RHMC a destination
cell => Paste
2) Ctrl + X a cell that will be cut => Ctrl + V or hit Enter on a destination
3) Select a cell that will be cut => Home Ribbon => click => select a
destination cell => click
4) Select a cell that will be cut => move a cursor to the corner of a cell, the
cursor will change to => drag to a destination cell

Copy Cell
There are many ways to copy cell.
1) RHMC a cell => Copy => RHMC a destination cell => Paste
2) Ctrl + C a cell => Ctrl + V or hit Enter on a destination cell
3) Select a cell => Home Ribbon => click => select a destination cell
=> คลิก
4) Select a cell => move a cursor to the bottom right corner of a cell, the
cursor will change to => drag to a destination cell (If a copied cell is
number, it will be auto-filled. You can select =>Copy Cells to
cancel Autofill)

Copy Format
Copy only Format Cell by:
1) Select a cell
2) Go to Home Ribbon => click , then a cell border will
Show moving dash line
3) Select a cell to be Paste Format

Tip: Double-click , if you want to apply the same formatting to multiple

places in the document. To cancel, press ESC or click again.

You can add note to a cell by using comment. To insert comment:
1) RHMC => Click Insert Comment
2) Enter Comment

A cell with comment will have red triangle on the top right corner. Move
a cursor on a cell to see comment box.
- To edit comment: RHMC a cell => Edit Comment
- To show/hide comment: RHMC a cell => Show/Hide Comment
- To delete comment: RHMC a cell => Delete Comment

Tip: Shift + F2 to Insert / Edit Comment

A hyperlink is a link from a document that moves to another cell or opens a page /
file when you click it. The hyperlink itself can be text or a picture.
To create a hyperlink:
1) RHMC a cell or Object => Hyperlink
2) Create Hyperlink
2.1) Link to another file => Existing File or Web Page => Browse a destination file

2.2) Link to a location in a workbook => Place in This Document =>
select a worksheet and specify a cell to be linked
!!! If a workbook name has been changed, a hyperlink must be updated.

Destination Cell

Destination Worksheet

Mathematical Calculation and Functions
Mathematical Operators : + - * / ^ %
Order of Operations:
1) ( )
2) %
3) ^
4) * and /
5) + and -

Mathematical Calculation and Functions
Comparison Operators: (The result is True or False.)

Comparison Meaning Example

< Less than = 12<20
<= Less than or equal to = 12<=20
> Greater than = A3>15
>= Greater than or equal to = 12>=B4
= Equal to = C3=D1
<> Not equal to = A1<>B1

Mathematical Calculation and Functions
: To perform mathematical operations, always type = or +, then
i) Type number or
ii) Type cell reference that will be calculated; e.g., A1 C3 or
iii) Select a cell containing data, followed by mathematical operators.

Tip: It is recommended that you refer to cells instead of typing data

(numbers) directly so that when data change the result will be updated

Mathematical Calculation and Functions
To use functions, do the following:
1) Type function in a cell directly
1.1) Type = or + followed by function name
1.2) Type (
1.3) Enter required function arguments; separate each argument by ,
1.4) Type ) and press Enter
2) To select function on Ribbon
2.1) On Formulas Ribbon => Click function type => Click function name and enter
required arguments
2.2 On Formulas Ribbon => Insert Function => Select function and enter required
Tip: On Home Ribbon => Select AutoSum to enter Sum Function
And other basic Math Functions

Mathematical Calculation and Functions
- A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used
in a formula. There are three types of cell reference.
1. Relative Reference: By default, all cell references are relative references. When
copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and
columns. For example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to row 2, the
formula will become =A2+B2.
2. Absolute Reference: When copied across multiple cells, absolute references do
not change. An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a
dollar sign ($). It can precede the column reference, the row reference, or both. For
example, =$B$1+$C$1
3. Mixed Reference: A combination of relative and absolute reference (mixed
reference). When copied across multiple cells, some references change based on the
reference types of the starting cell and destination. For example, =$B1+$C1
Calculation Results on the Status Bar
- When you select two cells are more, the Status Bar shows the basic
calculation results.
- To select non-adjacent cells, hold Ctrl button and click a cell.

Tip: If Text Cells are selected, only Count shows on the Status Bar.
- By default, the Status Bar displays Average Count and Sum, Right-hand
mouse click on the Status Bar to customize its display; e.g. add MAX, MIN
; remove AVERAGE, etc.

Spelling Check
:check spelling and grammar in your document.
1) On Review Ribbon => Spelling
2) Select a word in Suggestions:, click Change or Change All. If you don’t
want to edit, select Ignore Once or Ignore All, then Excel will check the
rest until finish, there will be a screen “The spelling check is complete for
the entire sheet.”
Misspelled Word
Ignore = don’t change


Select a word

1-Click Spelling


Page Margin
On Page Layout Ribbon => Margin
• Normal
• Wide
• Narrow
• Custom Margin: specify custom page margins

Print data in the center on

page horizontally / vertically

Orientation and Size
Change Page Orientation Change Paper Size
- On Page Layout Ribbon => Orientation - Page Layout Ribbon => Size
 Portrait
 Landscape

Page Break Preview
Page breaks are dividers that break a worksheet into separate pages for printing.
Excel inserts automatic page breaks based on the paper size, margin settings, scale
options, and the positions of any manual page breaks that you insert.
To set Page Break Preview:
1) On View Ribbon => Page Break Preview
2) Drag blue line to set printing area. The dotted line shows printing area of each
page (Page Break) can be adjusted. The grey area will not be printed out.
* To go back to normal screen, go to View Ribbon => Normal

2-Set Page Break 2-Set Printing Border

1- Click Page Break Preview

Set Print Area
To set Page Layout Ribbon
1) Select a range of cell
2) Page Layout => Print Area => Set Print Area

Clear Print Area
- If the print area has been set and additional data are added later in the cell
outside print area, you have to edit the print area.
- There are two ways to cancel print area.
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => Print Area => Clear Print Area
2) Go to Page Break Preview => RHMC anywhere in the
worksheet => Reset Print Area

Scale a Worksheet for Printing
You can scale a worksheet for printing by shrinking or enlarging its size to
better fit the printed pages.
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => click the Dialog Box Launcher at the
bottom right corner of Page Setup group
2) At Adjust to:, adjust % of a worksheet to be printed; compare to the
normal size of a worksheet

Fit a worksheet to the Paper Width of Printed Pages
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => click the Dialog Box Launcher at the
bottom right corner of Page Setup group
2) To print a worksheet on a specific number of pages, in both Fit to boxes,
enter the number of pages (wide and tall) on which you want to print the

Repeat Rows or Columns on Every Printed Page
If a worksheet spans more than one page, you can print row and column
headings or labels (also called print titles) on every page to ensure that the
data is properly labeled.
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => Print Titles
2) To specify rows/columns to repeat => click at the end of Rows to
repeat at top / Columns to repeat at left => select rows/columns

Print Rows and Columns Headings
By default, Microsoft Excel does not print the column headings (A, B, C,
etc.) or row headings (1, 2, 3, etc.) that you see on screen. If you want to
print them, do the following steps:
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => Print Titles
2) Select Row and column headings check box

Header / Footer
You can add headers or footers at the top or bottom of a printed worksheet.
1) On Page Layout Ribbon => Click at the bottom right of Page Setup group
2) Click Header/Footer Tab => Select Header / Footer format
3) To create your own Header / Footer, click Custom Header… / Custom

- Go to File Ribbon => Print
No. of copies to be

Show Print Preview

Choose Set Printing
Printer Properties

Specify Print Settings

Page to print

Print Collated or Uncollated

Portrait or Landscape Orienation Enlarge Print Preview
Paper Size Show Margins
Set Margins Set Page Setup Change Print
Custom Scaling Preview Page

Charts are used to display series of numeric data in a graphical format to make it
easier to understand large quantities of data and the relationship between different
series of data.
Create a Chart
1) Select data to create chart. In case of non-adjacent data, hold Ctrl to select data for
X and Y axes.
2) On Insert Ribbon => Select Chart Type
Tip: Recommended Charts Command – Let Excel will select the proper chart based
on selected data.

A sparkline is a tiny chart in the background of a cell.
To create Sparkline:
1) On Insert Ribbon => Select the type of sparkline that you want to create
2) Select Data Range (select only cells containing numbers) and select area to place
the sparkline in Location Range
To delete Sparkline, click a cell containing Sparkline => Design Ribbon => Clear

How to sort:
1) Click a cell in the column you want to sort
2) On Data Ribbon
2.1) Sort ascending => Click
2.2) Sort descending => Click
2.3) Sort Setting =>
Sort by = Select column to be sorted
Sort On = Select option to sort
- Values = Numbers
- Cell Color = Cell Background Color
- Font Color
- Cell Icon = Icon in a Cell
Order = Sorting Order 80
To filter out specific values:
1) Click any cell in a range of data
2) On Data Ribbon => Click , there will be a drop-down arrow
in the column heading.
3) Click in the column you want to filter
- Remove check markato deselect item
- You can sort data on Filter Screen
- Filter by Color: filter data by specific
- Text Filters: filter data by word or text
- Number Filters: filter only number
To remove filter: Go to Data Ribbon => Click again
To clear filter: Go to Data Ribbon => Click 81
Flash Fill
: Flash Fill is the new Excel feature in version 2013. It is on by default and
automatically fills your data when it senses a pattern.
To turn Flash Fill on:
1) Edit data in a cell that is adjacent to the original cell (must be on the
same row)
2) Select a cell in a row next to the edited => On Home Ribbon => Fill =>
Flash Fill or press Ctrl + E

Decorate Worksheet Using Data Table
: Use Format as Table to make the worksheet looks professional
1) Click any cell containing data
2) On Home Ribbon => Click => Select Format
3) Edit the selected area for Data Table

 To insert object in Excel: Go to Insert Ribbon => Select Object Type
• Picture: any pictures
• ClipArt: the ready-made illustrations
• Shapes
• SmartArt: Diagram
• Other objects; for example, Word File, PDF File : =>
 To Hide Object: Click Object => Format Ribbon => Selection Pane =>
Click Object will be hidden. To display the object, click again.

 To set Layer order of the Object: click object or object name => click
Technique: Align Objects on Worksheet
An Object must be selected first.
1) Format => Align
2) Shift + Left-hand mouse click >> Move Object vertically or
horizontally only
3) Ctrl + Left-hand mouse click >> Copy Object
4) Ctrl + Shift + Left-hand mouse click >> Copy Object to the same plane
5) Alt + Left Click >> Move Object to the corner of a cell
6) Ctrl + arrow keys >> Move Object in single pixel
7) Shift + arrow keys >> Resize Object (Excel Version 2010 and later
8) Alt + Left/Right arrow keys >> Rotate object

Tip: Select many objects => Home => Find & Select => Select Objects 85
Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of
commands that are independent of the tab that is currently displayed.
To add/remove buttons on QAT
1) Click at the end of QAT bar => select button(s) you want to

2) RHMC the icon on the Ribbon => Add to QAT

To remove buttons from QAT:
RHMC on the command button => Remove from QAT
To shift QAT to be above or below the Ribbon:
RHMC on QAT => Show QAT Below / Above the Ribbon
Quick Access Toolbar
- To add a command to Ribbon: File => Options => Quick Access Toolbar
=> at Choose commands from select Commands Not in the Ribbon => Add
- To move a command in QAT: select a command, then click

Customize Ribbon
- To customize Tab / Command button on Ribbon: go to File => Options
=> Customize Ribbon
- To move Tab / Command button on Ribbon: select Tab / command, then

Technique: Using AutoFill to fill Number Series in the Cells
• There are many ways to fill number series in the cells automatically
1. Put a Cursor at the bottom right of a cell that contains a number, the Cursor will
be changed to => drag the Cell to get the same number => click => select
Fill Series

2. Select at least two consecutive cells that contain the cardinal numbers (e.g. 1,2,3)
=> put a Cursor at the bottom right of the last selected Cell, the Cursor will be
changed to => drag the Cell to get the cardinal numbers filled in the cells
3. Put a Cursor at the bottom right of a cell that contains a number, the Cursor will
be changed to => press Ctrl + mouse click on the cell
4. In case of consecutive numbers in the column, double clicks at the bottom right
of a cell, the cardinal numbers will be filled based on the consecutive data.
Technique: Find/Replace using Wildcard
• Ctrl + F => Find Ctrl + H => Replace
• Find What = a word/text that you want to find
Replace with = a word/text that you want to replace

• Wildcard is a character used in Find/Replace/Search data in a cell with specific

* represents all characters ? represents a character
• Example:
- *022 = search/find a cell that contains 022 after alphabets/ numbers; e.g., A022 Ward022
- Dept?? = search/find a cell that contains two alphabets/numbers after the word “Dept”;
e.g., DeptID, DeptA1, Dept31
Technique: Find/Replace the Wildcard character
• As the ? and * Wildcard are the special characters used in
Find/Replace, you cannot type ? or * directly in Find/Replace
• Tip: Type ~ in front of ? or * when finding ? or *
• How to Type ~ => Hold Shift and then Hold ~

Technique: Delete word/text in a cell
• Tip: Enter word/text that will be deleted in “Find what:”
and leave blank in “Replace with”

Paste Special
• Paste Special is to paste data in the specific styles/options, unlike the
normal Paste which will paste in the same styles/options as the original
• Two methods to enter the Paste Special screen:
• Method 1: After copying Cell or Cell Range ,
go to File -> Paste -> select Paste Special
or select the desired Paste Special icon

Paste Special (Cont’d)
• Method 2: after copying Cell or Cell Range, go to the Cell that you will
paste data, then right-hand mouse click, select Paste Special or select the
desired Paste Special icon

** Shortcut for entering the

Paste Special screen:
Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste Special (Cont’d)
• Paste Special options:
1. Paste
1) All: paste all the stuff in the cell selection (formulas, formatting, etc.).
This is what happens when you pastes normally.
2) Formulas: paste all the text, numbers, and formulas in the current cell
selection without their formatting.
3) Values: convert formulas in the current cell selection to their calculated
4) Formats: paste only the formatting from the current cell selection,
without the cell entries.
5) Comments: paste only the notes that you attached to their cells
6) Validation: paste only the data validation rules into the cell range that
you set up with the Data Validation command.
Paste Special (Cont’d)
7) All using Source theme: paste all the
information plus the cell styles applied to
the cells. *
8) All except borders: paste all the stuff in the cell selection without copying any
borders you use there.
9) Column widths: apply the column widths of the cells copied to the Clipboard to
the columns where the cells are pasted.
10) Formulas and number formats: include the number formats assigned to the pasted
values and formulas.
11) Values and number formats: convert formulas to their calculated values and
include the number formats you assigned to all the copied or cut values. *
12) All merging conditional formats: To merge the copied formats with existing
conditional formats in the paste area (In a normal Paste, the Conditional Formatting
of the existing cell will be deleted.)
* No. 7) available only in Excel Version 2007 and later version, 11) available
in Excel Version 2010 and later version
Paste Special (Cont’d)
2. Operation - some simple math
calculations can be performed based on
the value(s) in the copied or cut cell(s) and the value in the target cell(s):
1) None: Excel performs no operation. This is the default setting.
2) Add: Excel adds the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard to the values in
the cell range where you paste.
3) Subtract: Excel subtracts the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard from the
values in the cell range where you paste.
4) Multiply: Excel multiplies the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard by the
values in the cell range where you paste.
5) Divide: Excel divides the values you cut or copy to the Clipboard by the
values in the cell range where you paste.

Paste Special (Cont’d)
3. Others
1) Skip blanks – Select this check box when you want Excel to paste
only from the cells that are not empty; e.g. when you pasted data
copied from Column A to Column B by using Skip blanks, data in
Column B will not be replaced by Blank cells from Column A.
Before After

Paste Special (Cont’d)
2) Transpose – Select this check box when you want Excel to change the
orientation of the pasted entries; e.g., if the original cells' entries run down the
rows of a single column of the worksheet, the transposed pasted entries will run
across the columns of a single row.
Before After

3) Paste Link - Click this button when you want to establish a link between the
copies you're pasting and the original entries. That way, changes to the original
cells automatically update in the pasted copies.

Basic Short-cut Key
- Ctrl + X = Move / Cut Cell - Ctrl + C = Copy Cell
- Ctrl + V = Paste (For Paste Cell, you can use Enter instead)
- Ctrl + Z = Undo - Ctrl + Y = Redo
- Ctrl + Scroll Mouse up/down = Zoom In / Zoom Out
- Alt + Enter (in a cell) = go to the new line
- Ctrl + Page Up = Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right.
- Ctrl + Page Down = Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left.
- F2 = Go in to a cell to edit data
- Ctrl + F1 = Display/Hide Command Bar on Ribbon
- Shift + arrow key = select a range of cell
- Shift + arrow key (in a cell) = select characters in a cell
- Ctrl + Shift + arrow key = select adjacent cells based on the arrow key
- Ctrl + 9 = Hide row - Ctrl + Shift + 9 = Unhide row
- Ctrl + 0 = Hide column - Ctrl + Shift + 0 = Unhide column 100
Objective: To help student get familiar with Excel
Instruction: Create a database which contains data with the following
 Have at least 10 records; i.e., 1 record = 1 row (excluding column header)
 Have at least 4 unique column data
 Be related to you; e.g., your assets or collections, spending, etc.
 Must not contain any blank cell. None of any blank cell in database
 Look professional - Neat and nice format; e.g., correct number format,
nice color and border
 Create chart to present your database
Deadline: Please send me the file via at least 2
days before the next class.
Remark: Your database must be original!!!! 101

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