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MEC 435



3. FADIAL 2019660304


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


MARCH 2020 – JULY 2020



1. Type of Product 1

2. Introduction 1-2

3. Reason for Choosing the Specified Product

i. Defining Problem
ii. Gathering Information 3 - 23
iii. Concept Generation and Selection
iv. Evaluation of Concept

4. Intended Improvements 24

5. Discussion of Products 25 - 27

6. Part Lists of Finalized Conceptual Design 28

7. References 29

The type of product chosen by designers is an item to help elderly and people who has
spinal problem. Designers intend to design the item with an invention that consists wheelchair,
sticks and pneumatic system. The product is intended to be designed with an invention which
it can be moved, changed structure and controlled by joystick.


As time passes by, people will get older and have a higher probability of getting a
disease. Lower back pain is a most known common disease among human population. There
are about 80% of the population facing this problem at some point in their lives. The problem
is the most common health problem among older adults that results in pain and disability.
Lower back pain can be acute, sub-acute or chronic. Older adults, aged 65 years or above, are
the second most common age group to visit physicians due to the problem. Nonetheless, this
problem can still affect all people regardless of their ages, whether they are old or young.
Low back pain is among the top 10 diseases and injuries that account for the highest
number of DALYs worldwide estimated by the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study. In
about 23% of cases, it becomes a long-term problem, while in 5%, it becomes immobilizing.
Due to that, motion disability among Malaysians has rose up drastically as the time goes.
Many influences have been listed out in order to find a proper way to help and prevent this
problem before it becomes worst.
Some of the medical organizations has invented many alternatives in helping out to
overcome such problem and maintain a good shape of our fellow Malaysians. For such,
wheelchair is considered the most widely used and the most important piece of permanent or
temporary equipment is for the chronically disable person. This invention supports the
person’s body segments, serves as a device in which of from which he/she performs activities,
and as a substitute form of ambulation. In the line of magnitude of this product, the important
question that can be raised is whether the existing wheelchair provide enough support,
mobility and adaptability that can fulfill disabled person demands.

For generations the wheelchair is also commonly used assistive devices to promote
mobility and enhance quality of life for people who have difficulties in walking. Despite its
quality, a wheelchair still unable to be used primarily in rough outdoor environments because
it is not robust enough, less stable and difficult to propel over rough ground. The only place
that wheelchair was able to be maneuver is on a smooth ground such as in a house or hospital.
Users need unable to get in and out of the wheelchair easily due no additional assist in helping
consumers to stand up and sitting down properly. Plus, due to its build-up material and the
way of its fixed build-up designed, most of consumers would just throw out their wheelchair
and buy a new one rather than sending for repairs which cost them even more. Therefore, a lot
of wheelchair designs were not able to meet customers demand and need due to its fixed
build-up design and its maneuverability.
To overcome this problem, a good invention must be designed to aid stated issues.
Having a wheelchair that can be used in rough ground would bring a better function so that
they can be used everywhere.
The designers also prompted to design a wheelchair which can help the person to stand
on his/her own feet. To rationalize this idea, we use sticks and pneumatic system in order
change the build-up design from fixed to flexible and for the wheelchair to support more
The designers want to build a wheelchair which can also be easily to repair. This is to
ensure that the users spend less money on repairing it instead of buying the new one that can
cost them even more.


i. Defining Problem

Most of Malaysians have ongoing back pain. It’s the leading cause of disability in
people in our country. Spinal sickness has many types of deceases. It often happens because
something is off in the way our spinal joints, muscles, discs, and nerves fit together and move.

As the spine ages, people mat start feeling aches and pains. Most of the old generation
suffers from osteoarthritis where cartilage and bones break down. Inactive people may also go
through the same phase as they are not fully active on sports and exercises. Certain type of
deceases may lead to the disability of motion. Something such as slipped discs and spinal
stenosis may affect body posture where people who suffered may not easily to stand up
straight and having trouble to walk properly.

Depending on the cause of the ill, any possible treatment may include lifestyle
changes, surgery or any medication. We as an engineer design a technology that may be a
universal natural cure of these problems.

a) Benchmarking

Stick Wheelchair Flex-forma Chair

Performance Very excellent in Provides more The combination of

assisting physical comfortability and space for assisting and moving
motion of a person the disabled. It also ensures the disabled for a
for a short distance safety for consumers longer distance. With
the aid of some
innovations, it also
helps a person to stand
up properly and safely.

Ergonomic Fordable & non- Gives more comfortless Good for spines,
consumable spaces since users do not have to comfortable, and
equipment to be walk around. Instead, they excellent in providing a
kept around can have somebody to push way for consumers to
them around sit and stand up

Warranty 1 year Average of 2 years based on Average of 5 years

its specifications based on product

Marketing Sell online and in Sell online, health Sell online, electronic
health department department store and housing store, certain
store. wheelchair companies pharmacies and our
own company

Price RM 100 depending Average of RM 1500 based Average of RM 2500

on its quality on its quality and due to its custom parts
specifications based on customers
demand & budget

Portability Does not consume The product is portable l. Lighter than a

spaces. Foldable But due to its weight, it’s a wheelchair that makes
ones are more bit hard to be carried around it portability a lot easier
convenient to be by manpower
carried around

b) Product Design Specification

Table 1: Product Design Specifications

1. Product identification • Ergonomic
• Function: To help people that have back bone
problem and assist motion ability among the
disabled and elderly
• Special feature: adjustable seat angle and height,
motorized movement, lightweight
2. Market identification • Target market: 1000 – 2000 units/year
• Branding strategy: online shop and medical

3. Key project target • Time to complete project: 6 – 8 months

4. Physical description • Expected dimension: Universal

• Body frame material: stainless steel of chassis,
cushion, rubber of roller
• Wheel size: Small roller of wheelchair
5. Financial requirement • Time to complete project & key project dateline: 1

• Pricing policy: 10% discount if purchase more than

3 flex-forma

• Warranty policy: 1 year on parts and maintenance

6. Life cycle target • Motor change after 6 - 7 years

• End of life strategy: users send back to company

for recycle
7. Social, Political and Legal • Safety and product reliability: must comply to
requirement safety standard

• Automatic stop Flex-Forma movement and wheels

lock if motor malfunction
8. Manufacturing specification • Fabric for seat and neck rest is purchased from
fabric company

• Roller and cushion would be manufactured

• Stainless steel body frame and footrest will be

made in house production and assembly.

ii. Gathering information

To decide the quality of a product that will be created, the input received from the end
consumer demands that little details be gathered. The input obtained from the customer will
include a well-defined, reliable and detailed overview of how the product should be
constructed and invented. Several approaches are used in the information gathering process to
achieve final product for our product.

a) Questioning

Designers used the questioning method as it is the easiest method to gather the
information. Few questions had been randomly been asked within the elderly and people with
spinal problems which are “Are the wheelchair meet their demand? What difficulties they
encountered by using wheelchair? Are they being able to afford the cost of a new wheelchair
and opinion regarding the added pneumatic system?”.

b) Observation

Some of the most common approaches used during the collection of information was
by using the conventional observation approach. Method of observation was achieved by
checking out the local hospital. As designers examine how many people use wheelchairs and
sticks to move. Also, designers collected some information about wheelchair costs and user
satisfaction rates about it.

c) Existing document

In order to strengthen our sources of knowledge, designers had carried out some
previous studies on existing paper, in particular in an effort to improvise the way to enable
elderly and people with spinal problems to be able to move freely and stand on their own feet.
Moreover, a few previous studies on wheelchair service provision and the impact of powered
mobility on the exploratory play of disabled children also help us in developing a better
design and specification for our product.

d) Brainstorming

Several brainstorming sessions were held by discussion between the members, as this
helps to create suggestions and recognize the challenge of design. This approach entails
getting few suggestions from the members of the team because it is a free-thinking
atmosphere in which the solution space is expanded.

e) Modern method

Designers are helped by a new way of collecting knowledge that makes it easy for
them to get the outcome quicker and reliable by implementing Joint Application
Development (JAD) which is a technique framework involving consumers or end users in
software process development.

iii. Concept Generation and Selection

Functions of main parts


Stick Wheel Cushion Chassis Handle

To help the patient To give the chair To a suitable To make the chair To give a hand of
get better when movement smooth position when stable and can the patient can put
walk patient use carry the weight of at the handle
the patient

Figure 1: Functional of Main Parts

Advantages of parts


4 Feet Stick Adjustable Stick Stability Stick Wooden Stick Shoulder Crutches

Provide moderate Provides more Less expensive

stability Able to extend the stability and Can give more
to stand up stick to stand up easy to create strength to walk

Figure 2: Type of Stick


Plastic Wheel Big Wheel Stainless Steel Bicycle Wheel Stainless Steel
& Plastic Wheel Wheel

Less expensive Less quantity to

and use Able to cover the Moderate quantity Able to survive
easy to repair if and able to survive wheel to use long
broken long term and easy to repair

Figure 3: Type of Wheel


Gaming Cushion Cotton Cushion Flexible Plastic Hard Plastic Ergonomic

Cushion Chassis Cushion

Able to fit Provides soft and Easy bring to Can be used over a Able appropriate
human body suitable to sit anyway long period of to the
and flexible time human body

Figure 4: Type of Cushion


Round Chassis Rectangle Chassis Physical Chassis Square Chassis Flexible Chassis

Provides stability Provides more Ergonomics Provides moderate Able to flexible

stability stability and smooth

Figure 5: Chassis


Stainless Steel & Plastic Handle Flexible Handle Hard Plastic Gaming Chair
Plastic Handle Handle Handle

Able to suitable Safety and easy Easy to use and Can be used over a Suitable to fit
the ergonomics use keep long period of human body

Figure 6: Type of Handle

The chair is designed to help patient move to everywhere. The movement of the chair is using system of a controller. Besides, this system also
can transform the chair position to stand up position. The functional decomposition are follows:

Using a controller Using a controller to Using stick for

to transform chair make a movement patient walk without
to stand up withstand up position chair system
The patient sits
comfortably in the

Using a controller to
make a movement with
sitting on chair position

Figure 7: Functional Decomposition


Table 2: Morphological Chart



Adjustable Stick Stability Stick

4 Feet Stick Wooden Stick Shoulder Crutches


Plastic Wheel Big Wheel Stainless Steel & Bicycle Wheel Stainless Steel
Plastic Wheel Wheel


Gaming Cushion Cotton Cushion Flexible Plastic Hard Plastic Cushion Ergonomic Cushion


Physical Chassis Square Chassis

Round Chassis Rectangle Chassis Flexible Chassis


Stainless Steel and Hard Plastic Gaming Chair

Flexible Handle
Plastic Handle Plastic Handle Handle Handle


Often freehand, that are used by designers such as architect, engineers and interior
design as quick and simple way of exploring initial ideas for designs. They are not intended
to be accurate or definitive, merely a way of investigating and communicating design
principles and aesthetic concept.

Conceptual Design 1:

Figure 8: Conceptual Design 1


1. Stick : Adjustable Stick Able to extend the stick

2. Wheel : Stainless Steel Able to survive long

3. Cushion : Ergonomic Cushion Able appropriate to the
human body
4. Chassis : Rectangle Chassis Provides more stability

5. Handle : Stainless Steel and Able to suitable the ergonomics

Plastic Handle

From the morphological analysis, for the chair part, the stick is adjustable stick. The chair can
be adjusted to user convenience. This chair can be use in the house or in the indoor area
because the wheels is suitable for indoor uses. This chair can help patient that can’t stand
because it can adjust flat then back to the normal position. The cushion for spinal patients
because it is so soft and comfortable. The handle is flexible according to the chair condition.

Conceptual Design 2:

Figure 9: Conceptual Design 2


1. Stick : Stability Stick Provides more stability

to stand up
2. Wheel : Bicycle Wheel Moderate quantity to use
and easy to repair
3. Cushion : Hard Plastic Can be used over a
Cushion long period of time
4. Chassis : Square Chassis Provides moderate stability

5. Handle : Flexible Handle Easy to use and keep

This chair is same as normal disable chair. But the concept was change. The cushion is hard
so not comfortable for patients. The wheel can be used for indoor and outdoor activity
because it is same with the normal tires that use in the industry. The leg support can help
support the leg from reach the land.

Conceptual Design 3:

Figure 10: Conceptual Design 3


1. Stick : 4 Feet Stick Provide moderate stability

to stand up
2. Wheel : Stainless Steel & Able to cover the wheel
Plastic Wheel
3. Cushion : Cotton Cushion Provides soft and suitable to sit

4. Chassis : Flexible Chassis Able to flexible and smooth

5. Handle : Gaming Chair Handle Suitable to fit human body

The design was inspired from lazy chair. The cushion was so comfortable for patients, but the
cushion was so hard to handle because it needs to be sunk to avoid it from broken. The
handle also comfortable because the cushion is same. The wheel suitable for the indoor usage
only because the material not may be scratches effect of the rocky road and the chassis can
break due to the hard effect from the tires.

Conceptual Design 4:

Figure 11: Conceptual Design 4


1. Stick : Shoulder Crutches Can give more strength to walk

2. Wheel : Big Wheel Less quantity to use

and able to survive long term
3. Cushion : Flexible Plastic Easy bring to anyway
Cushion and flexible
4. Chassis : Physical Chassis Ergonomics

5. Handle : Hard Plastic Can be used over a

Handle long period of time

This concept same as uses disable chair. The different is the cushion was renovated to the
better one to make the patient more comfortable. The wheel uses the rubber material so it can
be use indoor and outdoor usage. The handle material is sponge so the patient can put their
hand comfortably.

Conceptual Design 5:

Figure 12: Conceptual Design 5


1. Stick : Wooden Stick Less expensive and

easy to create
2. Wheel : Plastic Wheel Less expensive and
easy to repair if broken
3. Cushion : Gaming Cushion Able to fit
human body
4. Chassis : Round Chassis Provides stability

5. Handle : Plastic Handle Safety and easy use

This design we come out with the gaming chair design. The cushion same as the gaming
chair cushion. The patient can sit with in the long time due to the cushion factor. The handle
is hard and a little beat not comfortable. The chassis same with the normal office chair
chassis. It is not suitable for outdoor uses and the material not suitable for long term uses.

iv. Evaluation of Concepts

Pugh chart or decision matrix method or organized concept selection, invented by Stuart
Pugh, is a qualitative technique used to compare the best products by rank into the multi-
dimensional options. It is frequently used in engineering for making design decisions but can
also be used to rank investment options, vendor options, product options or any other set of
multi-dimensional entities. A basic decision matrix consists of establishing a set of criteria
options which are scored and summed by comparing it to datum or control product to gain a
total score which can then be ranked. Importantly, it is not weighted to allow a quick
selection process. A weighted decision matrix operates in the same way as the basic decision
matrix but introduces the concept of weighting criteria in order of importance. The resultant
scores better reflect the importance to the decision maker of the criteria involved. The more
important criteria, the higher the weighting it should be given. Each of the potential options
are scored and multiplied by the weighting given to each of the criteria in order to produce

Table 3: Pugh Chart


CHAIR 1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5
DURABLE 0 + 0 0 0 0
EASY TO USE 0 + 0 + + +
WEIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 0
COST 0 0 - 0 - 0
SAFETY 0 + 0 0 + -
MAINTENAN 0 - 0 - 0 -
AFFORDABLE 0 + + + 0 0
PORTABLE 0 - 0 - 0 0
+ 0 4 1 2 2 1
0 8 2 6 4 5 5
- 0 2 1 2 1 2
NET SCORE 0 2 0 0 1 -1

Based on the above table, Design 1 has the most total of (+) compared to the others. Net
score Design 1 has the highest number which is 2 followed by Design 4 which is 1. Design 2
and 3 has the same score is 0 and the last one is Design 5 which is the score is -1. So after
calculating the Pugh Chart, we decided to choose the highest net score which is Design 1 as
our product.


1. A set of flexible-form chair

Designers selected a few designs to be benchmarked. In current market, wheelchairs have sold
their product in one-fixed design. Unlike the Flex-forma chair, all of the parts can be sold
custom based on user’s demand. Also, this product came up with automatically powered chair
which makes it more reliable and pass work effort. Customers can also ask for an extra safety
equipment to ensure users safety.

2. Disability management

Flex-forma chair takes reasonable accommodations in recovering / assisting users in a more

practical and productive manner in terms of motion. It also helps users to automatically
positioned their body in an ergonomic position possible.

3. Increase independence

The chair allows users to get around and undertake daily routines normally without assistance.
An automatic Flex-forma Chair provides more independence due to its ease-of-use and ability to
traveling sitting or standing position without experiencing fatigue and effortlessly.

4. Socialization

Of most concern when a loved one experiences limited or decreased mobility is the difficulty,
they can face taking part in social activities. We know that socialization is vital for emotional
and physical health. Flex-forma Chair, along with other mobility aids, can allow the user to
continue to enjoy their favorite activities, whether that’s a walk around the local park, visiting
the local shops or heading to a gallery. A wheelchair gives the user a more active lifestyle that
may result in a more positive outlook on life.


a) Contribution of Society

Flex-Forma Chair can provide a freedom of disable person and can change their life into the
better one. Majority of people who used this product was suffer from the disability which is
result of an accident or a medical condition. This wonderful product will help many disabled
people regain some of their independence and mobility. Some of it are motorized but most of it
was powered by the user by rotating the wheel by itself or others can help push it from the back.
They can do many favored activities and keep can make a move to archive their dreams to be
the better person.
Todays, this product can make many adjustments to accommodate wheelchair users by
made it comfortable for public use areas. It can help users go to shopping with ease and comfort.
Some users don’t have someone to accompanying them 24 hours a day. So, this motorized
disabled chair can come in very handy as the joystick located on the armrest to help the users
control it by itself. In addition, this chair can be controlled with voice command or head
movement which suitable for who didn’t able to control with their arms. It is great to see how
the technology can help those with disabilities enjoy their life and freedoms to do anything like
a normal person currently enjoy.

b) Function that have Ethical Requirement

An interesting piece of highly specific transforming furniture: The Flex-Forma Chair, which is
designed to go from rolling chair to stand-up mobile ambulation. It serves the purpose of
assisting users in mobility in a manageable way, thus helping society become more independent.
However, ethical requirement is required in providing independence and assisting society to
ensure its safety usage and how it contribute in helping disabled people.

• Legislations

The Flex-Forma Chair has the same legislation as wheelchair due to its build-up material and
design purposes. Currently only some Flex-Forma Chair services offer equipment on a
temporary basis and it is not compulsory for the health organizations to provide the chairs to
people who are immobile for a few months unless they bought their own Flex-Forma Chair

For people with short-term mobility problems should not buy the chair since it would be a waste
to use it for a short amount of time. Medical department should suggest in using a wheelchair
which is cheaper and still serve the purpose to assist the people with motion disability. In same
time, wheelchair could maintain some sense of their life and help them to get to work, reduce
their dependency on their family and friends, and sometimes speed up their recovery time.

In the process of providing equal opportunities for the disabled, considerable initiatives have
been taken by the Malaysian government. According to Persons with Disabilities Act 2008,
emphasizes that disabled people are entitled to equal opportunity in all circumstances. So, the
legislations that applied to Flex-Forma Chair is plan to:

a) Promote of the rights of people with disabilities to participate equitably in the life of the
b) Provision of appropriate public and private infrastructure to support people with disabilities,
having regard to their type or types of disability, gender, cultural background and income.
c) Promote of positives attitudes and behaviours which respects the right to equal access and
dignity for people with disabilities

• Environment

Flex-Forma Chair must be able to engage in many of life’s activities. Plus, the it is used to
enhance functions, improve independence and enable a person to fully engage with their
lifestyle and daily activities. Regional health authorities that provide health services to both
urban and rural populations should provide the community with information that categorized
Flex-Forma Chair will be an act of confidence as a body function. Despite being a
multifunctional chair, selected mobility device should not pose harm to the user in any way.
health care professional may conclude that an inappropriate piece of equipment could put an
individual at risk for pressure sores. Judging from it, the design and material of building Flex-
Forma Chair must be checked by health authorities to ensure the chair’s safety.

Flex-Forma Chair’s target is to provide appropriate treatment, that is, fairness and equitability
about what may be owed an individual. It also promotes making health care services available to
all individuals fairly. It becomes critical when a professional must advocate to ensure that a
patient receives the appropriate and desired devices for the resources of that patient. In
Malaysia, letters of medical necessity may need to be written to obtain the appropriate wheeled
mobility device. All in all, it is all about moral requirement of health care.

• Standards

Flex-Forma Chair’s with standards procedure such as safety pf product to the user. There are not
have sharp corner that can harmful the user when use it. The stainless steel is cover with cushion or
plastic to prevent the hard part when user sit on the chair. Other than that, user can use with
suitable position and prevent from back pain. So, our product is suitable to create and give
advantages to the patients.


Figure 13: Finalised Conceptual Design


Sally. M Taylor; (March 2005); Ethical Principles Involved in Wheeled Mobility Decisions;
International of MS Health;

Maddie Rawling;( July 2018); The Ethical Implications of Autonomous Wheelchairs; Braze

Brodie M. Sakakibara, William C. Miller; (May 2015); Health, Personal, and Environmental
Predictors of Wheelchair-Use Confidence in Adult Wheelchair Users; Journal of
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