Demand Analysis

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Demand Analysis

There are 95 students that we have taken our survey and 70% of the
students were aged 15-18years old and most of them are females. We
asked them if they were fond of drinking milk tea and 75% of the
students agreed and the remaining 16% disagreed. And for the size of
the milk tea, out of 95 students there are 44 students would like to
purchase medium sized milk tea, 29 students for the small sized and 20
students for the large. And for the sinkers there are 63 students who
agreed to put a sinker in their milk tea and 23 other that disagreed. And
for those who wants to put a sinker in their milk tea, 46 of theme chose
the pearls, 26 students chose the gulaman, 14 students chose the pudding
and the remaining 4 students chose others according to what sinker they
want. We also ask them what flavor they want to prefer in buying a milk
tea the most in the demand flavor is the Matcha because there are 29
students who chose this flavor, 23 for Wintermelon, 23 for Choco
Oolong, and 20 students for Vanilla Caramel. In the form of packaging
36 students wanted a Plastic Cups with Container cover, 32 students
prefer for Biodegradable Cups, 20 students for prefer Plastic Cups that is
sealed and 3 of them chose others. And lastly we asked them if how
much are they willing to spend in every sized of the milk tea, there 67
students who are willing to pay 45php-65php for a small-sized milk tea,
67students also agreed that they are willing to pay 55php-65php for the
medium-sized milk tea and 71 students agreed that they are willing to
pay 71php-80php for a large-sized milk tea.

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