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I will explain the comparison of the political system and the

United States and Indonesian elections

for that I will introduce myself first

my name is theophilianus yani
class b
political science study program
Political Systems and Elections in the United States

In the United States, there are in fact two major differences in the political
system that operates there. This difference is also shared by other major
countries. Why does this happen? This turned out to include the increasing
power of the upper house in the United States in the legislative branch. This of
course affects the scope of power that will be broadly held and controlled by the
United States Supreme Court. In America, there is a separation of powers where
between the legislative and executive branches, the domination of these two
political parties will be very different. As a large superpower, the United States
is an example of a country that runs an advanced democracy, this of course will
have a considerable influence, where the role of the third party will have
political influence on other big countries.
Indeed, it is quite a lot to discuss how different the United States is in politics.
Because this country does implement a democratic political system which is
flexible enough but accepted by all its people. The overlap in the jurisdiction of
the United States will of course reflect the history of the United States itself in
general. Basically, the federal government is deliberately created by the states.
With such a system, since the colonies were established separately and had their
own authority, the government which governed their respective territories
would be independent and free in determining their will. In this effort, local
government units in the states would be created by the colonies. Of course,
these colonies will carry out their assigned functions and have specific tasks for
the state. Today, as the United States of America expands, of course the federal
government will take part by suggesting that the new states must imitate the
existing system and implement it in state government.
while in

Indonesia is a legal state that is in the form of a unitary

government in the form of a republic and a presidential
system of government with a parliamentary character.
Indonesia does not adhere to a system of separation of powers
but rather a division of power. Although the majority of the
population is Muslim, Indonesia is not an Islamic country.

The executive is led by a president who is both the head of

state and the head of government. In carrying out his duties,
the president is assisted by a vice president as assistant to the
president whose position is above the ministers and also as
president's supervisor. Legislative power is divided between
two rooms in the People's Consultative Assembly / MPR,
namely the People's Representative Council / DPR and the
Regional Representative Council / DPD. The judicial branch
consists of the Supreme Court / MA and a Constitutional
Court / MK which jointly hold judicial powers. Inspective
power is controlled by the Supreme Audit Agency, which has
representatives in every province and district / city throughout
the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.



General Elections are held every 5 years to elect DPR

members, DPD members, and DPRD members which are
called legislative general elections (Pileg) and to elect the
President and Vice President or the so-called presidential
elections (Pilpres). The general election in Indonesia follows a
multiparty system.

There is a big difference between the Indonesian political

system and other democratic countries in the world. Among
them are the People's Consultative Assembly which is the
hallmark of Indonesian local wisdom, the Constitutional Court
which is also authorized to adjudicate disputes over the results
of general elections, the form of a unitary state that applies the
principles of federalism such as the existence of a Regional
Representative Council, and a multi-party border system
where each party Participants in the general election must
meet the 2.5% threshold to be able to place their members in
the People's Representative Council or in the Regional
People's Representative Council / Regency / City DPRD.

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