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No. Date Document Reference

1. 26-Aug-20 Letter PTRPW-PTBP1/OCGC/20/L-569 Contractor submitted EOT Claim Proposal
(from Contractor to Engineer) attributable to 6 (six) delay events. Total
proposed EOT is 255 days. Delay Event 4 for
Covid-19 is calculated until July 2020.

2. 21-Sep-20 Letter PTMBN/PTRPW/2020/563 Engineer issued his determination for EOT and
(from Engineer to Contractor) evaluates the EOT from 255 days become 160

3. 3-Nov-20 Informal Opinion Dispute Board stated that Contractor reserves its
(Dispute Board Meeting) right to (i) submit a claim for Cost associated
with the EOT, and (ii) submit a further claim for
delay due to Covid-19 as from 1 August 2020.

4. 5-Nov-20 Letter PTRPW-PTBP1/OCGC/20/L-617.A Contractor acknowledged Engineer

(from Contractor to Engineer) determination of 160 days and DB informal
opinion above.

5. 5-Nov-20 Letter PTMBN/PTRPW/2020/612 Engineer acknowledged receipt Contractor letter

(from Engineer to Contractor) and would like to discuss for EOT Finalization.

6. 6-Nov-20 Letter AL-316/14/1/OP-20 Dirjen request that EOT proposal shall be

(from Dirjen to KSOP Patimban) submitted one times as final EOT, any impact of
Covid-19 should be calculated after July 2020.

7. 6-Nov-20 Letter UM.002/02/XI/PKG1-PTB/2020 In response to Dirjen Letter above, Employer

(from Employer to Engineer & Contractor) invite a meeting for EOT Finalization

8. 6 & 7-Nov-20 Minutes of Meeting Contractor presented EOT calculation for Covid-
(Employer, Engineer, Contractor) 19 impact starting from 1 August until 31
October 2020, there is another 50 days EOT
should be added, so total proposed EOT
become 210 days.

9. 7-Nov-20 Letter PTRPW-PTBP1/OCFC/20/L-622 Based on MOM above, Contractor confirmed an

(from Contractor to Engineer) EOT 210 days to complete the remaining works
as agreed by the Parties.

10. 9-Nov-20 Letter PTMBN/PTRPW/2020/620 Engineer determined that EOT 210 days is
(from Engineer to Contractor) reasonable time to be granted to Contractor to
complete the remaining works, and asking for
the revised Construction Schedule.

11. 9-Nov-20 Letter PTMBN/PMU-P1/2020/077 Engineer determined that EOT 210 days is
(from Engineer to Employer) reasonable time to be granted to Contractor to
complete the remaining works.

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