Ing. de Minas - Ingles Ii - Grupo-A: Respuesta

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Comenzado el Friday, 6 de November de 2020, 09:56
Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 6 de November de 2020, 09:59
Tiempo empleado 2 minutos 47 segundos
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1
Rewrite the sentences below by changing the verb to be into the past simple (was / were).
I am tired now.
Puntúa 1,50
sobre 1,50

Respuesta: I was tired yesterday.

Pregunta 2 Choose the correct answer:


Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Seleccione una:
a. I was at the cinema.
b. I were at the cinema.
c. He was at the cinema.

d. I am at the cinema.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 3 Choose the correct answer:


Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Seleccione una:
a. is/was
b. is/was
c. am/were

d. am/was

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 4
Fill in the gaps with was or were / wasn't or weren't
Peru wasn't a British colony.
Puntúa 1,50
sobre 1,50
Pregunta 5
Rewrite the sentences below by changing the verb to be into the past simple (was / were).
These are my teachers.
Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Respuesta: These were my teachers.

Pregunta 6 Read the passage and fill in the blanks.

Last week we__ ____at the museum. There ___ ____a big statue. ___ ___ very old and amazing. The
Puntúa 5,00
sobre 5,00 museum ___ ___ interesting place to visit and the tickets __ ____ very expensive, just $5. The museum __

____ crowded, there were just 10 people.

Respuesta correcta were was

It was was an

Pregunta 7 Choose the correct answer: weren't wasn't


Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Seleccione una:
a. was

b. am
c. were
d. are

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 8 Choose the correct answer:


Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Seleccione una:
a. It is sunny.

b. It were sunny.
c. It was snowy.
d. It was sunny.

Respuesta correcta
Pregunta 9 Choose the correct answer:

Puntúa 2,00
sobre 2,00

Seleccione una:
a. weren’t
b. wasn’t
c. was
d. were

Respuesta correcta

◄ Attendance: Nov. 6th.

There was / There were ►

Volver a: 9.2 Grammar: Wa... 

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