5 Ways To Find Limitless Motivation

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For Life

Want to crush it at the gym and love life for the next 20, 30, even 40 years?

Pay close attention. This is how you do it.

#1 - ALWAYS CHASE A GOAL or TARGET. When I was new to training my motivation

would come in waves. I would hit the gym hard for 3 months. I’d lose some fat, gain some
muscle, and eventually, I started to feel like a stud. Unfortunately, that’s when my
motivation vanished into thin air. I skipped the gym for months until I inevitably looked in
the mirror and hated what I saw and the cycle continued.

It took me years to figure out that my problem was that I had no clear goals. Not having a
clearly defined goal is a huge mistake. Working towards a new goal often acts as a new
stimulus on the body. Different targets give you the chance to succeed in a new area and
the challenge will help you with long-term motivation and confidence. To keep the eternal
flame blazin, look for new challenges and new goals. Whether it’s a competition, an
event, or competing against your own previous records, always set your sights on a
target. Once you reach it, re-focus and find a new challenge.

#2 - ALWAYS BE LEARNING. Humans are innately curious creatures. We have

something called “epistemic curiosity”. This is our love of knowledge and desire to learn
new things. In fact, our brain views knowledge as a pleasurable experience with the
reward being a lesson learned.

One of the things I love about fitness is that there is no shortage of new stuff to learn.
Over the past 10 years I've taken dozens of certifications, courses, workshops, and
watched thousands of hours of video but where I learn the most is from self-

Whether you’re adding an additional exercise to your current training, using a twist on a
classic exercise, or adopting an entirely new training style, changing or upgrading your
training can result in a positive response that will keep you fired up to keep going back to
the gym for years to come.

#3 - INVEST EFFORT INTO RECOVERY. Training is stress, it's that simple. Work,
family, and life in general are all additional stressors on the body. While stress in small
doses is a positive (and required) response, too much can be physically damaging and
mentally taxing. Over time, his will significantly affect your performance in the gym and in
life, leading to disappointing results and lagging motivation.

It's important to focus on keeping the body in a parasympathetic (relaxed) state to help
recovery, hormonal balance, and a general sense of well being. Basically, you need
balance – counters to all that stress.
The most common examples include sleeping at least 8 hours a night, getting a
massage, supplementing wisely when needed, having a morning and bedtime ritual
(meditation/breathing, movement, gratitude, hydration), and even a post-eating protocol,
like a 10-20 minute casual walk after the main meal of the day.

Am I suggesting that you go out and do all of the above all at once? Hell no. You're not a
Munk. You have to find what works for you. That said, finding a yin (way to relax) to your
yang (the stresses of life) is key to stoking the fire of consistency.

#4 - DON’T BE A 'LONE' WOLF. Humans have evolved to value community and

connection for survival. It's in our DNA. There’s a reason CrossFit, martial arts, and even
Zumba are popular. These communities have huge social benefits. That camaraderie can
build friendships and bonds that last a lifetime.

If you’re struggling with focus and motivation, a simple solution is to look for a training
buddy or a fitness community. The right partner or group can immediately and
dramatically create a positive response in initial drive and motivation, and keep you

There is a caveat to keep in mind though. You should never be the number one guy in
your group, but you should be striving to be number one. Once you are the leader of the
pack, it's time to move on up. Adding new training and better partner(s) can bring fresh
ideas and concepts to the forefront.

#5 - LOVE THE GYM. Take a step back and reflect on how beautiful, powerful, and
impactful the gym can be. First, we should all be grateful that we live in a society that
easily grants access to the gym of your choice. Many people don't have that privilege.

Second, remember that the gym can be your sanctuary – your place to forget, your place
to switch off from the world, your rehab from your shitty day, your antidepressant, your
place to right wrongs and to positively change your mindset.

Maintaining this perspective and being conscious of the mental health benefits is a sure-
fire way to keep going back to the gym for years to come.

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