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Monthly Test

Name: ___________________________SEX_________ Room: _________________
date: ____________/_________/________ Score: _________/ 100
Level: __Jetstream Elementary A_____ Time: 5.30 P.M - 6. 30 P.M
English Instructor: _______________________ Duration: 60 minutes

I. Vocabulary
- Complete the words below. 10pt

- Unscramble the word below 10pt

0. ons son
1. ratgodehmrn ____________________
2. eortbrh ____________________
3. adfrngahrte ____________________
4. osuicn ____________________
5. emorht ____________________
6. tafhre ____________________
7. utan ____________________
8. drghtaednurag ____________________
9. elncu ____________________
10. ssreti ____________________
II. Grammar
- Use the verb “Be (am, is, are)” to correct subjects. 20pt
1) I (be) _am____ tired.
2) I (be) _____ hungry.
3) I (be) _____ late!
4) He (be) _____ cool.
5) She (be) _____ pretty.
6) It (be) _____ fast.
7) John (be) _____ excited.
8) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____ my friends.
9) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____ watching a movie.
10) Hadil (be) _____ kind.
11) Alisa (be) _____ young.
12) The hammer (be) _____ new.
13) My mother and father (be) _____ cooking dinner.
14) Rachel (be) _____ driving to
15) You (be) _____ nice.
16) We(be)_____sleepy.
17) They(be)_____funny.
18) Nikkos and Billy (be) _____ playing at the park.
19) The students (be) _____ studying English.
20) The test (be) _____ hard!
21) My best friend (be) _____ coming to my house.

III. Reading (30pt)

Hi! My name is Anthony. I’m six years old. I’m from

Canada, I live in a nice house not far from Montreal.
In the picture you can see my family. I have a
sister, parents and grandparents.
My mother Nicole is a stewardess. She flies to
different countries. She likes her job. I like her job,
too. She always brings us some presents and
My father Edward is a programmer. He is 40. He
is a very kind man. We go to the park every day. He always plays with us and helps me with
My sister Jessica is only 5, but she is a nice girl. We seldom fight. We go to the
kindergarten, but we are in different groups. She likes riding her bike and skating in winter. I
like playing basketball with my friends or my father.
My grandparents are very old. My granny is 60 and my grandfather is 63. However, they
are quite active. We live together. We often play table tennis with my granddad. In summer
we like going to the park for a picnic. We fly a kite and play with our dog. We are a friendly

1. They are a family of six. __________
2. Anthony is seven. __________
3. Anthony’s mother is a teacher. __________
4. Anthony’s father is a programmer. __________
5. They live together in a big house. __________
6. They usually go to the playground. __________
7. Anthony’s sister Jessica is four. __________
8. Anthony’s grandparents are active. __________

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