Materi Dan Soal Kelas 8

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What is Opinion?

Opinion dalam bahasa indonesia berarti opini yang maknanya  pendapat atau pandangan maupun
anggapan seseorang terhadap suatu peristiwa atau permasalahan tertentu. Namun pandangan atau
opini seseorang bisa jadi berbeda-beda. Hal ini tergantung dari sudut pandang yang digunakan oleh
masing-masing orang.

Ciri - Ciri Opinion

 Kurang dapat untuk dibuktikan kebenarannya

 Bersifat Objektif
 Berdasarkan perasaan, perkiraan, atau kemungkinan
Contoh Kalimat Expressing Opinion
 In my opinion.....
 I think.....
 What I mean is.....
 Personally I think.....
 In my experience.....
 According to me.....
 I strongly believe that.....
 As far as I am concerned.....
 From my point of view.....
 As I understand.....
 As I see it.....
 I reckon.....
 I am compelled to say.....
 By this I mean.....
 To my mind.....
 Would like to point out that.....
 In my humble opinion.....
Agreeing with an Opinion (Setuju dengan sebuah opini)
 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn't agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.
 I agree, I never thought of that.
 Neither do I.
 That's a good point.
 I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion (Tidak setuju dengan sebuah opini)
 I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don't agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 By this I mean.....
 I disagree with you.
 I think you are wrong.
 That's not the same thing at all.
 It is not justified to say so.
 I am not convinced that.....
 I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.

Choose the correct expression to fill in the blank.

1. Doni: ... our English class is very boring.

Tito: I think so too. The teacher should use more English games to make it fun.

A. I agree

B. I think

C. I don't like it

D. I disagree.

2. ... children should play outside more.

A. I can't believe

B. I learn that

C. In my opinion

D. Do you think that.

3. Tita: Today is very busy.

Dina: I agree.

Tita: ... of our new manager?

Dina: I think she's very good at managing the office.

A. What do you think

B. Do you think

C. Do you agree

D. What should we think

4. What do you think of the new shopping mall near our school?

A. I don't think so.

B. I agree.

C. I disagree.

D. I don't know.

5. Sinta: I feel that students should do more discussion at class.

Jeni: ... Discussion can help us to develop our critical thinking skill.

A. I agree.

B. I disagree.

C. I'm not sure.

D. I don't think so.

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