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“Calidad, Pertinencia y Calidez” CENTRO DE


Name : Kevin Manuel Gualacio Bustamante Class : Six level

Date : Monday, September 21st, 2020 SCORE : /TEN

Choosethe correct phrasal verb: go on/ pick up/ come back / come up with /go back / find out /
come out/go out/ point out/ grow up/ set up/ turn out /get out/ come in(to)/take on.

1. He came back (returned to a place where the

speaker is) before I left.

2. It’s lovely watching my children grow up

(become adults).

3. She went back (returned to a place where the

speaker is not) to school.

4. He pointed out (showed / mention) the stars to

the children.

5. He went back (returned to a place where the

speaker is not) to Poland last year.

6. He came up with (thought of an idea) a solution.

7. Please come in (enter a place where the

speaker is)!

8. At the end of the film, it turned out (in the

end we discovered) that John was a good guy.

9. Could you pick up (get someone from a

place) Lucy later!

10. We need to find out (get information) how

much it costs.

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