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. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................4


SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES..................................................................................7

ACTUATOR-STRUCTURE INTERACTION..................................................................................8

LITERATURE SURVEY....................................................................................................................10


NUMERICAL RESULTS...................................................................................................................24



Figure 1 piezoelectric effect.......................................................................................................6

Figure 2 Laminated composite substrate integrated with a PFRC layer..................................13

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of a lamina of PFRC..................................................................14


Performance of a layer of piezoelectric fibre reinforced composite (PFRC) material as the

distributed actuator for smart composite plates has been investigated in this thesis. The

investigation is performed by finding the exact solutions for static analysis of simply

supported symmetric cross-ply laminated composite plates with PFRC layers bonded at the

top and the bottom surfaces. The axes of elastic symmetry in the orthotropic layers are

parallel to reference axes. The fibers of the PFRC layer are aligned with the length of the

substrate plate. When the PFRC layer is activated with applied electric field, the overall

laminated plate acts as a smart composite plate. The exact solutions are obtained for static

analysis of this smart composite plate subjected to mechanical and electrical loads. The

results suggest the potential use of PFRC materials for the distributed actuators of smart

structures with both thick and thin substrate composite plates.

Structures with surface-mounted or embedded sensors and actuators that have the capability

to sense and take corrective actions are referred to as smart structures. Such structures

possess the superior mechanical properties of composite materials. They also incorporate the

additional inherent capability to sense and adapt their static and dynamic response.

Piezoelectric materials such as PZT are widely used as sensors and actuators. Multifunctional

structural materials possess attributes beyond the basic strength and stiffness that typically

drive the science and engineering of the material for structural systems. Appearance of

sophisticated forms of structural design in aerospace and other allied industries has

necessitated the development of new types of construction which have high Strength-to-

weight ratio. This has resulted in creating substantial interest in new high strength, Low-

density materials which have greatly helped in evolving new composite materials and

methods of construction. In general, two classes of such structures can be identified, namely,

laminated composites and multi-layer sandwiches. Laminated composite plates are widely

used in industries such as aerospace, aircraft and automobile because of their high specific·

strength and stiffness. Such plates are now-a-days used in civil engineering construction also

to replace conventional materials like wood and concrete, particularly in prefabricated

constructions. These laminated composite plates have flexible anisotropic property that can

be tailored to match the loading environment of the structural element through the variation

of fibre orientation and stacking sequence. In fibre-reinforced laminated structures, weight

savings of as much as 40% to 50% over conventional metallic structures have been achieved

in some structural components and an overall weight reduction of about 3 5% has been

reported. Such weight saving advantages is possible with composite materials because a
designer has the added facility of being able to design not only for a given load but also for

its various directional components.


Piezoelectricity was first discovered in 1880 by Pierre and Jacques Curie when they found

that certain crystals, most notably quartz and Rochelle salt, produced a surface charge un-der

a compressive load. This generation of electric charge under mechanical loading is known as

the direct piezoelectric effect. One year later, the opposite (or converse) piezo-electric effect,

where an induced voltage will cause mechanical deformation, was mathematically proven by

Gabriel Lippman and later experimentally observed by the Curie brothers. The natural

crystals that were initially discovered exhibited weak coupling between the mechanical and

electrical domains. More recently however, synthetic piezo-electric materials have been

created with increased coupling that enable the use of piezo-electricity in practical

applications. The piezoelectric effect exists in several crystalline materials due to the polarity

of the unit cells within the material. This polarity leads to the production of electric dipoles in

the material which give rise to the piezoelectric properties. The application of mechanical

strain causes rotation of the dipoles, leading to an apparent charge flow that can be measured

as current by placing electrodes on opposite faces of a piezoelectric material (direct

piezoelectric effect). Similarly, the application of a voltage across the material will cause

rotation of the dipoles which results in an induced strain in the material (converse

piezoelectric effect).

The electromechanical coupling of piezoelectric materials allows their ability to act as both

sensors when operating in the direct effect, and as actuators when operating in the converse

effect, thus piezoelectric material is a versatile solution in many applications. A wide variety

of piezoelectric devices are available commercially. The most common piezo-electric

material is lead zirconate titanate, a piezoelectric ceramic known as PZT. Piezo-electric

ceramics are widely used, however, they are extremely brittle. In an effort to create flexible

piezoelectric material, several piezoelectric fiber-based materials have been developed. These

materials contain thin extruded strands of piezoceramic fiber embedded in an epoxy matrix

with flexible surface electrodes. Piezoelectric fiber-based materials have the advantage of

being flexible and can be mounted on curved surfaces however; their coupling is typically

weaker than that of monolithic ceramics. Additionally, piezoelectric polymer material, most

notably polyvinylidene fluoride or PVDF, provides the highest degree of compliance but the

weakest coupling. The wide range of piezoelectric materials allows for their use in a variety

of diverse applications.

Figure 1 piezoelectric effect

In general, the structures/systems mounted with active (smart) materials are referred to as

smart systems/structures. These systems/structures contain active members, which carry

loads, and function as sensors and actuators that are distributed in nature. The phenomena in

the above-mentioned piezoelectric and piezomagnetic materials with and without thermal

effects fall into the category of distributed sensing and actuation utilized in smart structures
PZT-5H have been used by many researchers for energy harvesting under the resonant

harmonic excitation mainly because of their high sensitivity and precision.

PZT-5 (A, H) These soft piezoceramics are good in application that require high

sensitivity and precision. Thus, they can be used in sensors, piezoelectric energy

harvestors, receivers and low-power generators. We are usingPZT-5H in this smart

structure. PZT-5H is another soft piezoceramic material possessing even higher

sensitivity, extremely high permittivity and piezoelectric constant. But, its operation

is limited due to its lower time stability and Curie temperature.

Though a large number of studies have been reported on smart plates, there is a need for

more basic studies on the behaviour of smart composite plates. The behaviour of laminated

composite plates with piezoelectric elements under static loading The effect of actuator

voltage on the static behaviour of such plates, having different edge conditions and width-to-

thickness ratio is studied.


The research and development trend towards multi-functional materials, i.e., materials

characterised by several functional properties utilised in practice rather than their structural

properties, has lead the necessary step towards establishing the essential ingredients for the

evolution of smart materials. Smart materials have the capability to execute specific functions

intelligently in response to changes in environmental stimuli. Intelligence, at the most

primitive levels in materials, may be classified by three primitive functions associated with

sensing, processing and actuation. The sensor function associated with an intelligent material

is typically employed to detect and monitor information characterising the external

environmental stimuli imposed upon a material or to measure the behaviour within the

material itself. The processor evaluates and records the detected information provided by the
sensor function and retrieves relevant datasets concerning previous experiences and

judgemental algorithms. The final actuator function provides appropriate actions in response

to the data furnished by the sensory function to the processor function. The information

network function systematically transmits the information between the sensors, processors

and actuators in order to achieve the desired response. The phrase 'smart structural system'

refers to a wide variety of active material and passive structural systems. In other words, the

structures with surface-mounted or embedded sensors and actuators that have the capability

to sense and take corrective actions are referred to as smart structures. The feedback circuitry

linking sensing and actuating is external to the sensor and actuator components. On the other

hand, the intelligent structural systems involve smart components in which the functions of

sensing, feedback control and actuating are all integrated.


Piezoelectric elements, which form the active material part, are assumed to be very thin and

perfectly bonded to the structure. This assumption of perfect bond between the structure and

the piezoelectric elements ensures displacement continuity at their interface. The strain in the

piezoelectric element of a smart structure comprises of two components: the free strain

(piezoelectric strain) which would result when a voltage is applied to the piezoelectric

element without any external load applied to the base structure, and a mechanical strain

arising from load produced on the piezoelectric element because of deformation of the base

structure to which it is attached.

The concept of incorporating some degree of intelligence or smartness in a structure or a

system is gaining wide acceptance for utilization in a variety of practical applications from

aircraft to medical diagnostics. In smart structures, sensors and actuators are made integral
with the structure to change its properties in response to environmental demand. A laminated

composite plate can be made smart by adding sensor and actuator elements. Piezoelectric

materials are widely used as actuators and sensors for smart structures. These materials are

solids, which generate an electric charge in response to a mechanical deformation, or

conversely, they develop mechanical deformation when subjected to an electric field. This

property permits them to be used both as sensors and actuators. The common commercially

available industrial piezoelectric materials are the piezoceramics such as lead zirconate

titanates (PZT-5H).

In this present study we are finding exact solution of simply supported sandwich laminated

beam plate structure with PFRC Layers bonded at the top and the bottom surfaces.

Use of piezoelectric materials as distributed sensors and/or actuators, has been

significantly increasing during the past decade for active control of vibration of high

performing lightweight smart structures (Bailey and Hubbard, 1985[1]; Crawley and

Luis, 1987[2]; Baz and Poh, 1988, 1996[3]; Lee et al., 1991[4]; Ray et al., 1993[5]; Gu

et al., 1994[6]; Ray, 1998[8], 2003[11]; Sto¨bener and Gaul, 2000[9]; Dong and Tong,

2001[10]; Ray and Reddy, 2004)[12]. These materials induce an electric potential/

charge when they are subjected to a mechanical load by virtue of the direct piezoelectric

effect and are deformed due to the externally applied voltage/charge by virtue of the

converse piezoelectric effect. Use of piezoelectric materials as distributed sensors and

actuators is attributed to these two phenomena. When the elastic structure is coupled

with a layer/patch of these materials acting as distributed sensors and/or actuators, the

resulting structure is known as the smart structure or adaptive structure or intelligent

structure. The concept of developing smart structures has also been extended to achieve

active control of sound radiated from the flexible structures (Steven et al., 2001[13];

Henry and Clark, 2002[14]).

The main drawback of the existing monolithic piezoelectric materials is that the control

authority of these materials is very low as their piezoelectric stress/strain coefficients are

of very small magnitudes. As the active damping of smart structures depends on the

control authority of the piezoelectric materials, tailoring of the piezoelectric stress/strain

coefficient may improve their control authority and hence the damping characteristics of

lightweight smart structures can be improved. The existing micromechanical analysis

(Smith and Auld, 1991[15]) of the vertically reinforced piezoelectric composites reveals
marginal improvement of the effective piezoelectric coefficient. Since, these composites

are vertically reinforced they tune the thickness mode of oscillations and are not suitable

for causing bending mode of actuation. So, in an endeavor to tailor the piezoelectric

properties, authors Mallik and Ray (2003)[16], and Ray and Mallik (2004)[17] newly

proposed the concept of longitudinally piezoelectric fiber reinforced composite (PFRC)

materials and investigated the effective mechanical and piezoelectric properties of these

composites. The main concern of the investigations was to determine the effective

piezoelectric coefficient (e31) of these new concept PFRC materials which quantifies the

induced normal stress in the fiber direction due to the applied electric field in the

direction transverse to the fiber direction. Authors predicted that this effective

piezoelectric coefficient becomes significantly larger than the corresponding coefficients

of piezoelectric material of the fibers. Note that the significant achievement of active

control of smart structures depends mainly on the magnitude of these piezoelectric


Pagano developed three dimensional elasticity solutions for the bending problem of

laminated plates. Many other researchers have given analytical solutions to the bending,

vibration and buckling problems of laminated composite plates. However, exact analytical or

variation solutions cannot be developed when complex geometries, arbitrary boundary

conditions or non-linearities are involved. Therefore, one must resort to approximate methods

of analysis that are capable of solving such problems. The improved effective piezoelectric

coefficients of the above mentioned longitudinally piezoelectric fiber reinforced composite

materials motivated the authors to theoretically establish this new smart composite material

as the better candidate material for the distributed actuator of smart structures than the

existing monolithic piezoelectric materials. Theoretical analysis involves either exact

solutions or numerical solutions of the problems using numerical tools. However, it is well
known that the exact solutions are not possible for anisotropic problems with general

boundary conditions and arbitrary loadings. Still the exact solutions for simple cases are

important to verify the numerical solutions for more general problems. As the PFRC material

is a tailor made smart composite material, the effect of variation of piezoelectric fiber

orientation in the PFRC layer would be an important study to determine the optimum fiber

orientation such that the control authority of the PFRC layer becomes maximum. For such

study, it is not possible to obtain the exact solutions because of the fact that the variation of

the piezoelectric fiber orientation results into anisotropic piezo-composites and therefore one

must develop an efficient numerical model such as the finite element model of smart structure

with PFRC layer as the distributed actuator to determine the optimum piezoelectric fiber

orientation. But to verify this numerical model, the available literature (Pagano, 1970[18]) on

the exact solutions of smart composite plates can not be used in a straight forward manner as

it is concerned with the existing isotropic monolithic piezoelectric materials while the

proposed PFRC material is a new composite material. Thus it appears that the possible exact

solutions for the analysis of this piezoelectric fiber reinforced composite material as the

distributed actuators of smart structures should essentially be addressed first to verify

subsequently the numerical and experimental models of more general and practical problems

for complete investigation of the performance of this new piezoelectric fiber reinforced

composites. Hence, in that endeavour exact solutions for static analysis of simply supported

laminated composite plates integrated with a layer of PFRC material are derived and this

paper is concerned with these exact solutions to demonstrate the performance of this PFRC

layer as a distributed actuator.

Consider a simply supported rectangular laminated substrate plate made of N number of

orthotropic layers as shown in Figure 2. The length, width and thickness of plate are

denoted by a, b and h, respectively. simply supported symmetric cross-ply laminated

composite plates with PFRC layers bonded at the top and the bottom surfaces, acting as a

distributed actuator of the plate. Figure 3 schematically represents the constructional

feature of a lamina made of the PFRC material considered in this study. The mid plane

of the substrate plate is considered as the reference plane.

Figure 2 Laminated composite substrate integrated with PFRC layers.

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of a lamina of PFRC.

The origin of the laminate co-ordinate system (x, y, z) is located on the reference plane

in such a way that x=0, a and y=0, b indicate the boundaries of the substrate plates. Also,

the thickness co-ordinate z of the top and bottom surfaces of any layer is denoted by h k+1

and hk, respectively and k denotes the layer number of the layer. The axes of elastic

symmetry in the orthotropic layers are parallel to reference axes. The fibers of the PFRC

layer are aligned with the length of the substrate plate. When the PFRC layer is activated

with applied electric field, the overall laminated plate acts as a smart composite plate. In

order to obtain the exact solutions for static analysis of this smart composite plate

subjected to mechanical and electrical load, the expressions for displacements, stresses,

electric displacement or electric potential are to be derived for each constituent layers of

the plate satisfying all the governing field equations, boundary conditions and the

interface continuity conditions. The expressions for stresses and displacements in each

orthotropic layer of the laminated substrate are available in the literature (Pagano, 1970)

[18] and will be used in this analysis. Hence, only the expressions for displacements,

stresses, electric displacements and potential at any point in the PFRC layer are required

to be derived here.
The constitutive equations for the material of the PFRC layer are given by Mallik and

Ray (2003)

C k12 C13
σ kx C11 0 0 0 ϵ kx 0 0 e 31

{ }[ ] { }[ ]
k k k k k
σy C12 C 22 C23 0 0 0 ϵy 0 0 e 32

k k k k k
σz C13 C 23 C33 0 0 0 ϵz 0 0 e 33
k = k k +
Ey (1)
σ yz 0 0 0 C 44 0 0 ϵ yz 0 e24 0
ϵ xz e 15 0 0
k k k
σ xz 0 0 0 0 C55 0
σ xy 0 0 0 0 0 C k66 ϵ kxy 0 0 0



{ }[
Dy = 0
0 0 e 15 0
0 e 24 0 0
D z e31 e32 e 33 0 0 0
] [
ϵ ky
ϵ kz
ϵ kyz
ϵ kxz
ϵ kxy
ε 11 0 0
+ 0 ε 22 0
0 0 ε 33 ]{ }

in which, σ kx , σ ky andσ kz are the normal stresses in the x, y and z directions respectively, the

superscript k denotes the k-th layer in concern and for PFRC layer, k=N+1; 𝞼xz and 𝞼yz are

the transverse shear stresses; 𝞼xy is the in-plane shear stress; 𝞮x, 𝞮y, 𝞮z, 𝞮xz, 𝞮yz and 𝞮xy are the

corresponding strains; Cij (i, j=1, 2,...,6) are the elastic constants; e 31, e32, e33, e24 and e15 are

the piezoelectric stress coefficients; e11, e22 and e33 are the dielectric constants; Dx, Dy and Dz

are the electric displacements in the x, y and z directions, respectively; Ex, Ey and Ez are the

applied electric field components in the x, y and z directions respectively.

The two governing field equations for a piezoelectric medium are the stress equilibrium

equations and the charge equilibrium equation. The stress equilibrium equations are given by
∂ σ kx ∂ σ kxy ∂ σ kxz
+ + = 0, (3)
∂x ∂ y ∂z

∂ σ kxy ∂ σ ky ∂ σ kyz
+ + = 0, (4)
∂x ∂y ∂z

∂ σ kxz ∂ σ kyz ∂ σ kz
+ + = 0, (5)
∂x ∂ y ∂z

and the charge equilibrium equation is

∂ D kx ∂ D ky ∂ D kz
+ + =0 . (6)
∂x ∂y ∂z

Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) in Eqs. (3)–(6) and then using the strain-displacement relations

and electric filed-potential relations the following partial differential equations are obtained:

∂ 2 uk 2 k 2 k
k k ∂2 v k k ∂2 w k k ∂ u k ∂ u ∂2 ϕ
C 11 + C s1 + C s 2 +C 66 +C 55 + es 1 =0 , (7)
∂ x2 ∂ x∂ y ∂x ∂ z ∂ y2 ∂ z2 ∂x ∂z

∂2 v k 2 k 2 k
k k ∂2 uk k ∂2 w k k ∂ v k ∂ v ∂2 ϕ
C 66 + C s1 + C s3 +C 22 +C 44 +e s2 =0, (8)
∂ x2 ∂ x∂ y ∂ y∂ z ∂ y2 ∂ z2 ∂y∂z

∂2 w k 2 k 2 k 2 k 2 2 2
C 55 k ∂ u k ∂2 v k + k ∂ w +Ck ∂ w + e ∂ ϕ +e ∂ ϕ +e ∂ ϕ =0 ,
+ Cs2 + Cs3 C 44 33 15 24 33 (9)
∂ x2 ∂ x∂ z ∂ y∂ z ∂ y2 ∂ z2 ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂ z2

∂2 w k 2 k 2 k 2 2 2
e 15 ∂2 uk + e ∂2 v k +e ∂ w +e ∂ v −ε ∂ ϕ −ε ∂ ϕ −ε ∂ ϕ =0,
+ es 1 s2 24 33 11 22 33 (10)
∂ x2 ∂ x ∂z ∂ y∂ z ∂ y2 ∂ z2 ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂ z2
in which,uk, vk and wk are the mechanical displacement components at any point in the kth

layer along x, y and z directions, respectively, 𝟇 is the electric potential function for the

PFRC layer and

C ks 1=C k12+C k66 ,

C ks 2=C k13+C k55 ,

C ks 3=C k23+C k44 ,

e s 1=e31+ e 15∧e s 2=e 32+ e24 .

In the present investigation, the simply supported boundary conditions as considered by

Pagano (1970) will be used for obtaining the exact solutions of Eqs. (7)–(10) and are

given by

σ kx =v k =w k =0 at x=0 , a∧σ ky =u k =w k =0 at y=0 , b (11)

Also, it has been assumed that the edges of the PFRC layer are suitably grounded such that

the electric potentials at the edges of the layer are zero. Thus,

𝟇 = 0 at x = 0, a and y = 0, b, (k= N+1) (12)

For a particular mode of deformation, the admissible displacement and electric potential

functions satisfying the boundary conditions depicted in Eqs. (11) and (12) can be expressed


uk ( x , y , z ) cospx sinqy 0 0 0 Uk(z)

{ }[
v ( x , y, z) =
w ( x , y , z)
ϕ( x , y , z )
sinpx cosqy
sin px sinqy
]{ }
V k ( z)
W k (z )
sinpx sinqy ϕ( z)
mπ nπ
in which, p= and q= and m, n denote the mode numbers. The functions U k (z), Vk (z),
a b

Wk (z) and 𝟇 (z) appearing in Eq. (13) describe the variations of the displacement and

electric potential functions with respect to thickness co-ordinate and may be assumed as (Ray

et al., 1993)

[ U k (z ) V k ( z ) W k ( z) ϕ( z) ] = [ U 0 k V 0 k W 0 k ϕ0 ] e tz (14)

where, U0k, V0k, W0k, 𝟇0 and t are the unknown constants to be determined. At this juncture, it

may be mentioned again that the authors Mallik and Ray (2003) predicted the effective

coefficients of the piezoelectric fiber reinforced composite (PFRC) considered in this study

using micromechanics and found that the effective piezoelectric coefficients e32, e33, e15 and

e24 of the PFRC layer are much smaller than the effective piezoelectric coefficient e 31 which

is mainly used for the active flexural vibration control. Hence, for the ease of solutions the

coefficients e32, e33, e15 and e24 are assumed to be negligible as compared to the coefficient e31.

In the sequel, the use of Eqs. (13) and (14) in Eqs. (7)–(10) results into a set of homogeneous

algebraic equations. These are expressed in a matrix form as follows:

a11 a12 a13 t a14 t U0k 0

[ a12

−a14 t

a23 t 0
−a13 t −a23 t a33
a 44
]{ } { }
V 0k
0k =


The various coefficients appearing in (15) are given by

a 11=C k55 t 2-ā 11, a 12=- pq C ks 1, a 13= pC ks 2,

a 14= p e31, a 22=C k44 t 2−ā 22, a 23=q C ks 3,

a 33=Ck33 t 2−ā33, a 44=ā 44−ε 33 t 2, ā 11=C k11 p2+ Ck66 q2,

p2+ Ck22 q2, ā 33=C55
ā 22=C66 p 2+ Ck44 q 2 and ā 44=ε 11 p 2+ ε 22 q2. (16)

Using the last three equations of (15), the unknown constants V0k, W0k and ϕ 0 can be

expressed in terms of the unknown constants U0k as follows:

V 0 k = F 1k U 0 k , W 0 k = F 2 k U 0 k , and ϕ 0= F 3 k U 0 k (17)

in which the coefficients F1k, F2k and F3k are functions of the characteristic parameter t

and are obtained as

1k−a13 a23 t 2 +a12 a33 t (a13 a13−a 13 a13 ) a14 t

F = , F 2 k= 2 2 and F 3 k=
a23 a23+ ¿ ¿ a13 a13+(a¿ ¿13) t ¿ a 44


In order to find the non-trivial solutions of the unknown U 0k, Eqs. (17) and (18) are

substituted into the first equation of (15) and the following characteristic equation is


A1 t 8 + A2 t 6 + A3 t 4+ A 4 t 2 + A5=0 (19)


A1=C k55 C k44 C k33 ε 33,

A2= g2 ε 33+g3 Ck44 C k33,

A3= g6 ε 33+ g7,

A 4= g8 ε 33+ g9,

A5=−g8 ā 44.

g1=ā 33 C k44+ā 22 C k33 – (ā ¿¿ 23)2 ¿ , g2=g1 Ck55+ā 11 Ck44 C k33-(a¿ ¿13)2 Ck44 ¿

g3=ā 44 Ck55+(a¿ ¿14 )2 ¿, g4 =a 23 a13+a 12 Ck33

g5=ā 22 a13 +a 12 a23, , g6= g4 a 12+ g5 a13- g1 ā11-ā 22 ā 33 C k55,

g7=(a¿ ¿13)2 Ck44 ā 44 ¿- g1 g 3-ā 11 ā 44 C k44 C k33

g8=¿ ā ā ā33−ā33 (ā ¿¿12)2 ¿¿ , g9 =g 3 ā22 ā 33+ ā 44 (g 1 ā 11−g 4 a12−g5 a13 ) .

11 22

Now it is obvious that the solutions of u k, vk, wk and 𝟇 depend on the nature of the roots of

the Eq. (19). For the PFRC layer considered here all the roots of Eq. (19) are four pairs of real

quantities. Denoting these pairs of roots by ±tj (j =1, 2, 3 and 4), the expression for the axial

displacement uk (k=N+1) in the PFRC layer can be derived as

u =∑ {α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } cospx sinqy (20)

where aj and bj (j=1, 2, 3 and 4) are the unknown constants to be determined from the

prescribed boundary and interface continuity conditions. Also, as the roots of Eq. (19) are

real, a little insight into the expressions of F1k, F2k and F3k given by (18) reveals that F1k is

even function of t while F2k and F3k are odd. Hence, by use of the roots of Eq. (19) in (18) and

in conjunction with (20), the solutions of vk, wk and / for the PFRC layer can be derived as


v k =∑ { α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } F 1j k sinpx cosqy (21)

w k =∑ {α j sinh ( t j z ) + β j cosh ( t j z ) } F 2j k sinpx sinqy (22)

(t ¿¿ j)2
F 1k
j =ā 33 a12 −g 4 ¿
C k44 C k33 (t¿¿ j)4 −g1 (t ¿¿ j)2 + ā22 ā 33 ¿ ¿

(t ¿¿ j)3−g5 t j
F 2j k =a13 Ck44 k k 4 2
C44 C33 (t ¿¿ j) −g 1( t¿¿ j) +ā 22 ā33 ¿ ¿

3k a14 t j
Fj = 2 (24)
ā44 – ε 33 (t¿¿ j) ( j=1,2,3∧4 ) .¿

Finally, using the constitutive relations given by (1) and (2), the expressions for stresses and

electric displacements in the PFRC layer (k=N+1) are derived as follows:

σ =∑ (− p Ck11 −q C k12 F1j k +C k13 F 2j k t j +e 31 F 3j k t j ) {α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } sinpx sinqy


σ ky =∑ (−p C k12−q C k22 F1j k +C k23 F 2j k t j ) {α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } sinpx sinqy (26)

σ =∑ (−p C k13−q C k23 F 1j k + Ck33 F 2j k t j) {α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } sinpx sinqy
z (27)

σ kyz=∑ Ck44 ( q F2j k + F 1j k t j ) {α j sinh ( t j z ) + β j cosh ( t j z ) } sinpx cosqy (28)

σ kxz =∑ C k55( p F 2k
j +t j ) { α j sinh ( t j z ) + β j cosh ( t j z ) } cospx sinqy (29)

σ kxy =∑ Ck66 ( p F1j k +q) { α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } cospx cosqy (30)
D x =∑ −ε 11 F 3j k {α j sinh ( t j z ) + β j cosh ( t j z ) } cospx sinqy (31)

D y =∑ −ε 22 F 3j k {α j sinh ( t j z ) + β j cosh ( t j z ) } sinpx cosqy (32)

D z=∑ (− p e31−ε 33 F 3j k ¿t j) {α j cosh ( t j z ) + β j sinh ( t j z ) } sinpx sinqy ¿ (33)

It should be noted that the solutions for each layer of the substrate contain six unknowns

(Pagano, 1970). Present solutions for the PFRC layer require eight unknowns to be

determined. Thus, in order to investigate the performance of the PFRC layer as a distributed

actuator for laminated composite substrate, all together (6N+8) unknown constants are

required to be determined. This can be accomplished by satisfying the prescribed boundary

conditions as well as the interface continuity conditions as described below

On the top surface of the piezoelectric layer, the prescribed boundary conditions are

σ Nz +1 ( x , y ,h N +2 )=f 0 sin px sin qy , σ Nxz+1 ( x , y ,h N +2 )=0 ,

σ Nyz+1 ( x , y ,h N +2 )=0 , and ϕ ( x , y , h N +2 )=V sin px sin qy , (34)

Where f0(N/m2) and V(volt) are the amplitudes of externally applied sinusoidal surface

traction and electric potential functions, respectively.

The bottom surface of the PFRC layer is grounded such that potential at this surface

becomes zero, i.e.

ϕ ( x , y , h N +1 )=0 (35)

At the interfaces between any two layers continuity conditions for displacements and inter-

laminar stresses must be satisfied. These are provided by the following expressions:
uk ( x , y , hk +1 )=u k+1 ( x , y ,h k+1 ) , v k ( x , y , h k+1 )=v k+1 ( x , y , hk +1)

w k ( x , y , hk+1 ) =w k+1 ( x , y ,h k+1 ) , σ kz ( x , y , h k+1 )=σ k+1

z ( x , y , hk +1 )

σ kyz ( x , y , hk+ 1) =σ k+1

yz ( x , y ,h k+1 ) , σ kxz ( x , y , hk +1 )=σ k+1
xz ( x , y , hk+1 ) (36)

in which, k = 1, 2, 3,...N.

At the bottom surface of the bottom most layer of the substrate the following boundary

conditions must be satisfied:

σ 1z ( x , y , h1 )=0,

σ 1xz ( x , y , h1 ) =0,

σ 1yz ( x , y , h1 )=0, (37)

It is obvious that, the satisfaction of the boundary and the interface continuity conditions,

given by Eqs. (34)–(37), results into 6N+8 number of simultaneous algebraic equations with

same number of unknown constants and thus these 6N+8 unknown constants can be uniquely


In order to assess the performance of the PFRC layer as a distributed actuator, both

symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-ply substrates are considered for numerical examples.

The following material properties for the layers of the substrates are considered for

evaluating the numerical results:

E L =172.9GPa , =25 ,G ¿ =0.5 ET , G TT =0.2 ET , υ ¿=υTT =0.25 ,

in which the symbols used for the material properties of the layers of the substrates have their

usual meaning. The thickness of each layer of all the substrates is considered as 1 mm. The

piezoelectric fiber and the matrix of the PFRC layer are made of PZT5H and epoxy,

respectively. Considering 40% fiber volume fraction, the following elastic and piezoelectric

coefficients of the PFRC layer are obtained by using the micromechanics model derived by

the authors Mallik and Ray (2003) and are used for computing the numerical results.

C 11=32.6 GPa , C 12=C21=4.3GPa ,C 13=C 31=4.76 GPa , C22=C 33=7.2 GPa ,

C 23=3.85GPa ,C 44=1.05GPa ,C 55=C66 =1.29GPa ,

−6.76C 9C 9C
e 31= , ε 11=ε 22=0.037 e− , ε 33=10.64 e−
m 2
Vm Vm

The results are evaluated with and without applying the electrical potential distribution on the

actuator surface for different values of length to thickness ratios s(=a/h) and m=n=1 in the

definition of p and q. The following non-dimensional parameters are used for presenting the

numerical results.
The results are evaluated with and without applying the electrical potential distribution on the

actuator surface for different values of length to thickness ratios s(=a/h) and m=n=1 in the

definition of p and q. The following non-dimensional parameters are used for presenting the

numerical results.

1 k k k
¿ ´¿ ¿) = 2 (σ x ,σ y , σ x y ),

1 k k
(σ´xz , σ´yz) = f s (σ xz , σ yz ),

1 k
(σ´ z) = f (σ z ),

ú = u k, and
f 0 s3 h

100 E T
ẃ = 4
wk ,
f0s h

When the thickness of the PFRC layer is considered to be negligibly small as compared to

that of the substrate and the PFRC layer is not subjected to the applied voltage, the responses

of the cross-ply substrates (0°/90°/0°) are compared with the existing results ofāā the

identical substrates without having PFRC layer and are presented in Table 1.

s V ú(m) ẃ(m) σ´ y (MPa) , σ´xy (MPa)

100 0 0.004 -0.412 -0.4731 0.018

100 -100 0.025 -1.482 -2.4710 0.0840

100 100 -0.018 0.680 1.6210 -0.048

It may be observed from this table that for negligible thickness (2 X 10) 8 m) of PFRC layer,

the present solutions are in excellent agreement with the existing solutions of the substrates

without integrated with the PFRC layer. This comparison may be considered as a procedure

to verify the present method of solutions. Next, assuming the thickness of the PFRC layer as
250 µm, and the amplitude of distributed sinusoidal mechanical load as f0=40N/m2

(downwards), the mechanical displacements and stresses in the cross-ply substrates

(0°/90°/0°) are computed with and without applying the externally applied voltage to the

PFRC layer. These are presented in Table 2 for various aspect ratios (s). The results presented

in Table 2 clearly reveals that when the PFRC layer is subjected to externally applied voltage,

it counteracts the deformations caused by the applied mechanical load and thus the layer can

act as a distributed actuator for distributed parameter control system. It may be noted from

the constitutive equations of the piezoelectric material that the magnitude of the induced

normal stress depends on the magnitude of the applied voltage and the piezoelectric

coefficients while the stresses and deformations in the substrate as well as in the PFRC layer

due to mechanical load only depend on the aspect ratio of the substrate, material properties of

the substrate layers and the intensity of the applied mechanical load. As the aspect ratio

decreases i.e. the substrate becomes thick, the stresses also decrease. Hence, for a particular

applied voltage and intensity of applied mechanical load, the PFRC layer has to counteract

the less amount of deformations in case of thick substrate .

Thus the PFRC layer becomes more effective in case of thick plate substrate than the thin.

The through-thickness behavior of the substrate due to the action of the activated PFRC layer

has been investigated for a thin (s=100) symmetric cross-ply (0°/90°/0°) substrate. . The

axial deformation of the substrate without the applied voltage to PFRC layer indicates that the

substrate predominantly undergoes bending. When the PFRC layer is subjected to an applied

voltage, the midplane of the substrate also undergoes axial displacement. This reveals that the

coupling of bending and stretching occurs in the substrate due to the activated PFRC layer. In

conformity with the axial displacement, the axial normal stresses in each layer of this

substrate also vary linearly with the thickness coordinate These indicate that using a

relatively low applied voltage (100 V), substantial amount of induced stress can be developed
in the substrate against the stress due to mechanical load only. The stress reversal also takes

place due to the change in polarity of the voltage applied to the PFRC layer. the activated

PFRC layer significantly affect the transverse normal stress distribution across the thickness

of the substrate. For the vertically downward mechanical load the magnitude of transverse

normal stress decreases with the positive voltage and increases with the negative voltage.

Both the transverse shear stresses are affected by the actuation caused by the PFRC layer The

distribution of across the thickness of the substrate indicates that increases significantly in the

layer in contact with the activated PFRC layer and decreases in the other layers for voltage

with positive polarity When the voltage becomes negative,stresses in x direction increases in

all the layers of the substrate The activated PFRC layer also affects the distribution of inplane

shear stress ,across the thickness of the substrate.

This paper deals with the exact solution of simply supported sandwich beam structure with

PFRC Layers bonded at the top and the bottom surfaces material which acts as the distributed

actuator for the composite plates. The PFRC material considered here is a new smart material

with enhanced effective piezoelectric coefficient as compared to its constituent monolithic

counterpart and the piezoelectric fibers are oriented longitudinally along the length of the

substrate plates. When the PFRC layer is subjected to a positive voltage, it counteracts the

deformations caused by the vertically downward mechanical load and vice versa. The

activated PFRC layer significantly an effects the distribution of all in plane and transverse

stresses across the thickness of the substrate and is efficiently able to actuate both thick and

thin plates. For a particular mechanical load, as the deformation in the thick plate is less than

that in the thin plate, the PFRC layer becomes more effective in counteracting the

deformation of thick plate than that of the thin plate. The activated PFRC layer also causes

coupling of bending and stretching even in case of symmetric cross-ply plate. Based on the

study in this paper, it may be concluded that a layer/patch of piezoelectric fiber reinforced

composite material can act as an excellent distributed actuator for smart structures. The

results may serve the purpose of verifying the numerical models, required to investigate the

performance of PFRC layers with different fiber orientations as the distributed actuators for

other substrates such as laminated angle-ply substrates.


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