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“A Comparative Study on the Coping Styles and Quality of Life

of Selected Dentistry Students Enrolled in an Online Learning Modality

in a Selected Private University”

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will provide some insights and are beneficial to the

Dentistry students. This study will be beneficial to dentistry students enrolled this
school year because it will give an outlook on the coping and quality of life of
enrolled this school year through online classes. As a result, these students will gain
feedback on how to handle the different mode of learning and not hinder them from
their lifestyle especially in dentistry where patient interaction and practical
application necessary.

Dentistry professors. This study will be beneficial to dentistry professors because it

will give them insights on proper strategies in handling online classes to students
wherein different persons have different ways to cope to online learning. It will also
help them be aware to situations where some students may be left behind and have
proper counter-measures to ensure that the new learning style is applicable to all
and have a quality education.

Private University. This study will be beneficial to different private universities to

know what to implement in order to have a quality education when it’s online learning.
Universities can put limitations and enforce guidelines to impose for students
and professors to have a balanced learning and improvement of quality education.

Future researchers. This study will be a guide and reference for other researchers
who would like to conduct a similar study or further expound on the subject matter that
will benefit other college courses as well not just dentistry.

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