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Classroom consequences

Before I call your parents you will get Three warnings, you may Not: Sleep in class, Talk
without raising your hand, Get out of your seat without permission, Eat in class, Use a cell
phone during class or bring toys to the classroom.

I will call home and schedule a parent conference when you: Are Truant, are inappropriately
hugging or kissing another, When you leave of class without permission, Noncompliance,
Cheating/copying, Hurting a classroom pet, Have to many unexcused absences, and When
you use vulgar language, or hurtful gestures towards another student.

You will Immediately be sent to the principles office if you: Use offensive racial terms, Throw
objects, and when you are caught stealing.

You will face Severe consequences if you: Are in Possession of a weapon, assault a teacher,
Damage school or other’s property, and/or Fight with another student.

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