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Grace Placido

EDU 201

Professor Steven J. Saladino


Clark County Schools Seek Diversity in Pursuit of Teachers

The article titled “Clark County Schools Seek Diversity in Pursuit of Teachers” informs

the readers that CCSD has the desire to hire teachers form different backgrounds, officially

hispanic teachers. In this article I found the topics of wanting to hire Latino teachers and the

growing population of Latino students was interesting to me. The article says that nearly 50

percent of the students population in CCSD are Latinos and the books says buy 2060 America’s

population of latinos will increase from 55.4 to 119 million. I believe that it’s important to have

more Latino teachers so that the latino students can relate and connect more with there teaches.

In the article I learned that the CCSD district is trying to make their teachers more diverse

to have their students be more comfortable. I assumed that CCSD didn’t really care about the

lack of diversity among the educators the hire. I have been a CCSD student K-12 and I’ve only

seen two Latino teachers throughout the 13 years of my school career. It was really disappointing

to see that hardly of the educators in my school had a similar or same cultural background.

However, I am glad that CCSD is taking the initiative to try and hire a diverse group of educators

not just Lations but African-American Students, and other minorities. Both the textbook and

article have similar stories about a teacher immigrating from Latin-America and learning

English, which has helped them encourage students to try and learn the English language. I think

because teachers have the same or a similar background as their teacher they feel more
connected and could possibly help them push themselves by thinking if their teacher could do it

then they could to.

If the increase of divers educators improve students graduation rates or have students

strive for more by going aiming for higher diplomas such as the Career Readiness diploma then

CCSD is on track to achieve their goals on their strategic plan. I think CCSD should continue to

push and encourage Latinos to become an educator, by having more diverse teachers it could at

least stop one student from giving up and dropping out. CCSD needs to accommodate all of their

students, they are the most important ones they need to think about. Reading this article and this

chapter in the textbook encourages me to become a teacher.

The article and the textbook have similar ideas as to why more Latino educators are

needed, and I believe that with the increase of latino educators we’ll see a decrease in the Latino

dropout rate. I hope in the near future the diversity of teachers in CCSD will change dramatically

and become equal or close to equal.

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