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Video Review of Ruth Sienkiewica

Sage Smith

University of Utah
This interview of a woman with cerebral palsy was incredibly revealing. Her name is

Ruth Sienkiewica, and she is talented, smart, and capable. Although she had a rocky childhood,

she was able to learn to communicate with those who tried to hear her. In her interview, Ruth

emphasizes three main points. She talks about how her diagnosis turned into a stigma that

stagnated her learning. This led to her next topic of communication, which is arguably the most

important aspect of our lives. Lastly, Ruth mentions the importance of self-esteem in those who

have developmental disabilities. This video shows the importance of treating those with

developmental disabilities with respect and patience; I believe that we can all learn a lot about

how to do this from Ruth’s vivid monologue.

Before I watched this video, I imagined it being in a different format. I thought that it

might be in Ruth’s home with her family. However, it was portrayed like any other video

interview. I had no idea that an individual with cerebral palsy could be so independent. She does

have to have a caretaker, but she is completely capable of choosing what she would like. Her

mind is completely functional, and this isn’t the case for some with cerebral palsy. In the

textbook is says that about “40-67% of children with CP will have intellectual disabilities.” Ruth

is unique in her abilities, just like every case differs from another.

A stigma from a medical diagnosis can be damaging. In Ruth’s case, she was called an

unteachable imbecile and that stalled her learning for years. This diagnosis was inaccurate and

didn’t give the individual any chance to prove it wrong. Although diagnoses are usually correct,

they should not be seen as the defining characteristic for every individual. Cases vary, and each

person should be treated for their situation. I think that this is an issue that affects everyone with

a medical diagnosis, be it physical, mental, or psychological. It seems as though they are branded

as damaged goods, and this should be changed. If when Ruth had been diagnosed with Cerebral
palsy someone had investigated her individual abilities, they would have found sooner how

capable she is. This can be said for many others with diagnoses. People should not be labeled as

their disability because this can take opportunities away from them, rather they should be aware

of something they have, but also be able to know what exactly they are capable of because they

are people first.

Another issue that becomes apparent from this video is that it is necessary to make an

effort to communicate with individuals with cerebral palsy. This goes hand in hand with finding

out where individuals abilities are. For Ruth, she can understand English perfectly. Her problem

was conveying what she wanted to say. She learned to communicate with just her eyes, but only

after someone tried to hear her. It is not conventional to communicate with one’s eyes, however,

it used to not be normal to speak sign language with the hearing impaired. It takes time and effort

but is worth giving an individual an opportunity to choose for themselves. Patience and

perseverance are the most important thing when learning to communicate and continuing that

communication daily.

Ruth felt misunderstood and worthless as she was growing up, but her self-esteem grew

once people started to try with her. Ruth says that good communication is central to her

independence. Communication and self-esteem are undeniably linked. Once she started to

communicate her self-esteem grew, which helped her to want to keep trying to interact with

others. It is interesting that Ruth asked to start the interview with a video of a deaf comedian

relaying her account when she first me Ruth. This woman had walked straight up to her and

started to make her laugh. She was not afraid to offend her, but she treated her just like she

would anyone else. I think that understanding that people with developmental disabilities are not

useless is extremely important! This comedian realized that she could talk to her as a person and
be heard. All Ruth wants is to be treated like she is like anyone else, and she feels good about

herself when people understand that.

In the reading from the textbook, it outlines what exactly cerebral palsy is. One of the

phrases that really stuck out in the reading was when it stated “The effects of CP vary in each

person depending on the severity of the damage to the brain. Some may have cognitive

impairments and minimal physical problems, and while others may have a clear physical

disability, but not a cognitive one.” This can be related to the video because every case of

cerebral palsy is different. I think that this is one point that Ruth tries to point out. Therefore,

stigmatisms can occur from diagnoses because the disability is not completely understood.

From this video we can learn three important issues from Ruth Sienkiewica about

cerebral palsy. Those diagnosed with cerebral palsy should not be diminished for their disability.

They need to be understood not belittled. Trying to communicate is the key to understanding

those who may not speak like others. It takes time and patience but is worth the independence

that is achieved. Finally, these two factors work together to increase the self-esteem of those with

cerebral palsy. This is important because it helps them to want to keep trying. Individuals with

developmental disabilities should be viewed with respect and patience. We see that Ruth is a

capable and intelligent woman who has cerebral palsy but values her independence, and she

should be treated that way.

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