Biohydrogen Production: Prospectsand Limitationsto Practical Application

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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

Biohydrogen production: prospects and limitations to practical

David B. Levina; b;∗ , Lawrence Pittb , Murray Loveb
a Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3P6
b Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3P6

Accepted 24 March 2003

Hydrogen may be produced by a number of processes, including electrolysis of water, thermocatalytic reformation of
hydrogen-rich organic compounds, and biological processes. Currently, hydrogen is produced, almost exclusively, by elec-
trolysis of water or by steam reformation of methane. Biological production of hydrogen (Biohydrogen) technologies provide
a wide range of approaches to generate hydrogen, including direct biophotolysis, indirect biophotolysis, photo-fermentations,
and dark-fermentation. The practical application of these technologies to every day energy problems, however, is unclear. In
this paper, hydrogen production rates of various biohydrogen systems are compared by 6rst standardizing the units of hydro-
gen production and then by calculating the size of biohydrogen systems that would be required to power proton exchange
membrane (PEM) fuel cells of various sizes.
? 2003 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biological hydrogen production; Dark-fermentation; Fuel cells

1. Introduction with many technical challenges, from the production of suf-

6cient quantities of hydrogen to its storage, transmission,
Energy is vital to global prosperity, yet dependence and distribution [2].
on fossil fuels as our primary energy source contributes Hydrogen may be produced by a number of processes,
to global climate change, environmental degradation, and including electrolysis of water, thermocatalytic reformation
health problems [1]. Hydrogen (H2 ) o=ers tremendous po- of hydrogen-rich organic compounds, and biological pro-
tential as a clean, renewable energy currency. Hydrogen cesses. Currently, hydrogen is produced, almost exclusively,
has the highest gravimetric energy density of any known by electrolysis of water or by steam reformation of methane.
fuel and is compatible with electrochemical and combus- Biological production of hydrogen (biohydrogen), using
tion processes for energy conversion without producing (micro) organisms, is an exciting new area of technology
carbon-based emissions that contribute to environmental development that o=ers the potential production of usable
pollution and climate change. Hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen from a variety of renewable resources. Biological
related hydrogen technologies provide the essential link systems provide a wide range of approaches to generate
between renewable energy sources and sustainable energy hydrogen, and include direct biophotolysis, indirect biopho-
services. The transition from a fossil fuel-based economy tolysis, photo-fermentations, and dark-fermentation [3–5].
to a hydrogen energy-based economy, however, is fraught While biohydrogen systems can produce H2 , no commer-
cial systems are yet available, and questions concerning the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-250-472-4069; fax: +1-250- practical application of biohydrogen loom large. Can bio-
472-4075. hydrogen systems be developed as practical and commer-
E-mail address: (D.B. Levin). cial applications? For example, can biohydrogen systems be

0360-3199/03/$ 30.00 ? 2003 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
174 D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

integrated with hydrogen fuel cell technologies to generate Table 1

electricity at a practical scale? The energy produced by a range of fuel cell sizes as a percentage
One of the major limitations to the practical application of of coastal residential loads in British Columbia, Canada
biohydrogen systems is that scientists who study biohydro- Fuel cell Yearly energy Percentage of BC hydro load
gen systems do not talk to engineers who develop hydrogen output power production
fuel cell technologies (and vice versa). Thus, the rates of hy- kW KWh Non-Electrically Electrically
drogen produced by biological systems are unknown to fuel heated house heated house
cell engineers and the amounts of H2 required for practical (%) (%)
applications, such as fuel cells, are unknown to biohydrogen
0.25 2190 17 11
researchers. Moreover, the rates of hydrogen produced by 0.50 4380 34 22
the various biohydrogen systems are expressed in di=erent 0.75 6570 51 34
units, making it diFcult to assess and compare the rates and 1.00 8760 68 45
amounts of hydrogen synthesized by di=erent biohydrogen 1.50 13,140 101 67
technologies. 2.00 17,520 135 89
In order to assess the potential application of the vari- 2.50 21,900 169 112
ous biohydrogen systems, we have calculated the size of 3.00 26,280 203 134
bioreactors that would be required to supply suFcient H2 to 4.00 35,040 270 179
4.60 40,296 311 206
proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) to generate
5.00 43,800 338 223
enough electricity to meet the energy demands of a typi-
cal house located in the Paci6c Northwest of North Amer-
ica (British Columbia, Canada). The choice of a PEMFC is
based on the idea that biohydrogen systems might best be
used as a means of delivering small, distributed power sys- 60-day storage system. Without a storage system, electricity
tems to communities. If a biohydrogen system can deliver would need to be supplemented from a backup supply dur-
enough H2 to power a PEMFC for 24 h, on a continuous ing the times that the fuel cell would fail to meet demand.
basis, and the fuel cell system can produce enough electric- For non-remote locations, the conventional electrical grid
ity to supply the electrical demand year round, then the bio- would be a more economical source than batteries or diesel
hydrogen system could have a truly useful, and potentially generators.
commercial, application. Alternatively, the size of the fuel cells could be increased
In British Columbia, the average non-electrically heated so that suFcient electricity is generated to meet peak load
house uses 12; 971 kWh of electricity every year, while an demands. A 5 kW PEMFC would provide suFcient power
electrically heated house requires 19; 606 kWh (BC Hy- to meet the peak load demand of an electrically heated house
dro, unpublished data). This amount of energy could be without diFculty, but would generate excess energy dur-
produced by PEMFCs with output ratings equal to the ing non-peak load periods. This could create an interest-
average electrical loads, approximately 1.5 and 2:5 kW, re- ing scenario in which a residential fuel cell unit, fuelled by
spectively (Table 1). However, electrical demand varies on hydrogen produced biologically, could have potential as a
diurnal and seasonal bases, and there are large di=erences small-scale distributed power generator. Several utilities in
between the residential demand pro6les of di=erent re- the US are beginning to o=er “net-metering” programs that
gions. In northern latitudes (such as the province of British allow customers to sell unused electricity (from residential
Columbia in Canada, or Canada in general), peak residential solar installations or electric vehicles, for instance) back to
energy demands increase signi6cantly in winter, while in the grid [6].
more southerly latitudes (Southern California, for example) In this paper, several biohydrogen systems and their
peak residential energy demand occurs in summer. rates of H2 production are described. Following this, we
While PEMFCs of 1.5 and 2:5 kW would produce suF- describe several fuel cell systems, their fuel requirements,
cient energy to meet an average residential load, they would and their limitations. We then calculate the size of biore-
fail to meet demand during peak load hours (typically the actors required to supply suFcient H2 to power PEMFCs
late afternoon and early evening) and would produce excess of 1:5 kW (minimum averaged load for non-electrically
energy during periods of low demand, assuming they run heated homes), 2:5 kW (minimum averaged load for elec-
at a constant output. Taking variations in peak residential trically heated homes), and 5:0 kW (excess output to cover
energy demand into account, the 1:5 kW fuel cell system peak load demand without storage or grid supplement) for
would fail to meet the load requirements for 3722 h of the each biohydrogen system.
year (∼ 42%), while the 2:5 kW fuel cell would fail to meet The calculated bioreactor sizes are meant to serve as rela-
load requirements for 3918 hours of the year (∼ 45%). tive measures of scale, so that we may determine if a partic-
To meet demand, the 1:5 kW fuel cell would require an ular biohydrogen system has any hope of practicality. They
energy storage system capacity equivalent to approximately are not intended as de6nitive or absolute values. Much of
20 days load, and the 2:5 kW fuel cell would require a the data used in our analysis was obtained in laboratory
D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185 175

bench-scale experiments with pure, de6ned substrates, and The anode reaction (1) generates two electrons for every
in some cases with pure cultures of known bacteria. We ac- molecule of H2 reacted. The charge transfer for the reaction
knowledge that scaling up biohydrogen systems to 1000 l or is given by
more will be a great challenge with respect to substrate com- charge = zF × amount of reactant; (4)
position and supply, culture impurities, and removal of gas
products from the aqueous phase, as well as H2 separation, where z is the number of electrons transferred per molecule
puri6cation, and storage. The intent of this paper is, there- of fuel (z = 2 for H2 ) and F is the Faraday constant,
fore, to provide a benchmark by which we may determine 96; 485 Coulombs (C). The maximum thermodynamic
which biohydrogen system(s) o=er the greatest potential for e6ciency (max ) of a fuel cell is de6ned as the ratio of the
practical applications. electrical energy produced in the cell (PgQf = change in
Gibbs free energy) to the energy that would be produced by
burning the fuel (PhQf = change in enthalpy of formation):
2. Methods PgQf
max = : (5)
Descriptions of the biohydrogen systems and their rates The maximum cell voltage (Emax ) is the voltage that would
of H2 production were gathered from the literature and from result if all the fuel’s energy were transformed into electrical
direct, personal communications with scientists. One major energy:
obstacle to comparison of di=erent biohydrogen systems is −PhQf
that di=erent units of H2 synthesis rate are used for di=er- Emax = : (6)
ent biohydrogen technologies. Rates of H2 production are
reported variously as ml of H2 =ml of culture/h, l of H2 =l of For H2 fuel, PhQf is −285:85 kJ=mol (HHV) and z = 2. Emax
culture/h, mol of H2 =l of culture/h, nmol of H2 =g of pro- is, therefore, 1:48 V. The actual cell e6ciency can be related
tein in the culture/h, or mol of H2 =mg of chlorophyll (chl) to the cell voltage Vc as follows:
a=h. In the following analysis, rates of H2 production by the Vc
cell eFciency = : (7)
various biohydrogen systems were converted to a standard Emax
format; mmoles of H2 =l of culture/h, and is expressed as Since part of the fuel entering the fuel cell always passes
mmol H2 =(l × h). through unused, a fuel utilization coe6cient ( f ) is de6ned
For systems that reported the rate of H2 production as as
ml of H2 =ml=h or l of H2 =l culture/h, the rates were con- mass of fuel reacted in cell
f = :
verted to the standard format by dividing the number of l mass of fuel input to cell
(or the fraction of a l in the case of ml of H2 =ml of cul- Hydrogen fuel cells often have a fuel utilization coe6cient
ture/h) by 24.8 to derive the number of moles (1 mole H2 ( f ) approaching 0.95 [7]. The overall cell e6ciency () is
occupies 24:8 l at 303 K(=30◦ C), a common temperature at therefore
which mesophilic bacteria are cultured) and standard pres- Vc
sure (1 atm = 760 mm=Hg = 101:3 kPa). For systems that  = f : (8)
reported the rate of H2 production as nmoles of H2 =g of
The cell voltage, if not known, can be calculated by rear-
protein in the culture/h, the rates were converted to the stan-
ranging Eq. (8):
dard format by multiplying the concentration of protein in
the culture (usually given as mg protein/ml of culture) by Vc = : (9)
the nmoles of H2 =mg of protein in the culture times 1000,
giving the moles of H2 =l of culture. For systems that re- To calculate the rate of H2 consumption (rate of fuel use) of
ported the rate of H2 production as mol of H2 =h=mg of chl a PEMFC, the charge is divided by time yielding the current
a, the rates were converted to the standard format using the (I ), in amperes. The rate of fuel use can be calculated for a
number of mg of chl a=l of culture. Because the protein and single cell, where z = 2:
chlorophyll content can vary for each type of culture, con- I
fuel usage = (mole=s):
centrations used in each calculation were based on values 2F
reported by authors. For a stack of n cells:
The rate of H2 consumption by PEMFCs was calculated In
fuel usage = (mole=s): (10)
as described below based on well established equations [7,8] 2F
The anodic, cathodic, and overall reactions in a PEMFC are The output power (Pe ) of the stack with cell voltage Vc
(calculated using Eq. (9), above) is given by
H2 (g) → 2H+ (aq) + 2e− ; (1)
Pe = Vc In;
1 + −
O (g)
2 2
+ 2H (aq) + 2e → H2 O(l); (2) therefore,
I= :
H2 (2) + 12 O2 (g) → H2 O(l): (3) Vc n
176 D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

Table 2 Green algae, under anaerobic conditions, can either use H2

Flow rates of H2 required to power PEM fuel cells as an electron donor in the CO2 -6xation process or evolve
Size of PEMFC H2 Uow rate required
H2 . Hydrogen production by green microalgae requires sev-
eral minutes to a few hours of anaerobic incubation in the
(kW) (g/h) (mol/h) (SL/h) dark to induce the synthesis and/or activation of enzymes
involved in H2 metabolism, including a reversible hydroge-
1.0 49 23.9 577.7
1.5 73 35.9 866.6
nase enzyme. The hydrogenase combines protons (H+ ) in
2.5 121 59.9 1444.3 the medium with electrons (donated by reduced ferredoxin)
5.0 243 119.7 2888.5 to form and release H2 . Thus, green microalgae possess the
genetic, enzymatic, metabolic, and electron-transport ma-
50% eFciency, 95% H2 utilization rate, average cell voltage chinery to photoproduce H2 gas. The synthesis of H2 per-
0:779 V. mits sustained electron Uow through the electron-transport
chain, which supports synthesis of ATP [9].
The process of algal photosynthesis oxidizes H2 O and
Substituting this into Eq. (10) gives the fuel usage as a evolves O2 . Light energy absorbed by photosystem II (PSII)
function of output power and cell voltage: generates electrons which are transferred to ferredoxin,
Pe using light energy absorbed by photosystem I (PSI). A
fuel usage = (mole=s): (11)
2Vc F reversible hydrogenase accepts electrons directly from the
To express fuel usage as a mass 8ow rate (kg=s), it is nec- reduced ferredoxin to generate H2 [10]. Because the hy-
essary to multiply Eq. (11) by the molar mass of the fuel drogenase enzyme responsible for evolution of molecular
(2:02 × 10−3 kg=mol for H2 ). Similarly, to express fuel us- H2 is highly sensitive to O2 , photosynthetic production of
age as a volumetric 8ow rate (SL/s), the density of the fuel H2 and O2 must be temporally and/or spatially separated.
is required (8:4 × 10−5 kg=SL at NTP for H2 ). Substituting In a two-phase process, CO2 is 6rst 6xed into H2 -rich sub-
the above 6gures into Eq. (11) yields the following relations: strates during normal photosynthesis (Phase 1), followed
by light-mediated generation of molecular H2 when the mi-
2:02 × 10−3 kg=mol Pe
H2 usage = croalgae are incubated under anaerobic conditions (Phase
2Vc F 2). Phase 2 of the two-stage process can be achieved by
Pe incubating the microalgae in medium that does not contain
= 1:05 × 10−8 × (kg=s)
Vc sulfur-containing nutrients [9].
When culture of the green alga Chlamydomonas rein-
= 1:25 × 10−4 × (SL=s): (12) hardtii are deprived of inorganic S, the rates of O2 synthesis
Vc and CO2 6xation decline signi6cantly within 24 h (in the
For hydrogen fuel cells, the storage volume (Vs ) required light). The reason for this loss of activity is due to the need
at a temperature Ts of 25◦ C (298 K) and a given pressure for frequent replacement of the H2 O-oxidizing protein D1 in
Ps is estimated by assuming hydrogen to be an ideal gas, the PSII reaction centre [11]. Depletion of sulfur blocks the
following the relation: Ps Vs = nRTs . synthesis of the D1 polypeptide chain (32 kDa), which con-
This was rearranged to solve for volume and convert to tains many sulfur containing amino acids, such as cysteine
standard units (litres): and methionine. While photosynthetic capability declines
nRTs greatly, respiration continues, and after approximately 22 h
Vs = 1000 ; (13) of sulfur deprivation, C. reinhardtii cultures maintained in
the light become anaerobic, and begin to synthesize H2 [9].
where Ps is storage pressure, in kPa, n is the number of Based on this phenomenon, systems for sustained H2
moles of H2 required, and R is the universal gas constant gas production in C. reinhardtii have been developed
8:314 × 10−3 kJ mol=K. The Uow rates of H2 required to [12,13]. The rate of H2 production by C. reinhardtii re-
power PEMFCs of various sizes were calculated using the ported by Kosourov et al. [12] was 7:95 mmol H2 =l of
above equations and are presented in Table 2. culture after 100 h, which corresponds to approximately
0:07 mmole H2 =(l × h). Melis et al. [13] reported similar
3. Biohydrogen systems
3.2. Indirect biophotolysis
3.1. Direct biophotolysis
Cyanobacteria can also synthesize and evolve H2 through
Photosynthetic production of hydrogen from water is a bi- photosynthesis via the following processes:
ological process that can convert sunlight into useful, stored Light energy
chemical energy by the following general reaction: 12H2 O + 6CO2 −−−−−→ C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 ; (15)
Light energy Light energy
2H2 O −−−−−→ 2H2 + O2 : (14) C6 H12 O6 + 12H2 O −−−−−→ 12H2 + 6CO2 : (16)
D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185 177

Cyanobacteria (also know as blue-green algae, cyano- light energy and reduced compounds (organic acids).
phyceae, or cyanophytes) are a large and diverse group of Light energy
photoautotrophic microorganisms, which evolved and di- C6 H12 O6 + 12H2 O −−−−−→ 12H2 + 6CO2 : (17)
versi6ed early in Earth’s history [14]. Cyanobacteria con-
tain photosynthetic pigments, such as chl a, carotenoids, and These photoheterotrophic bacteria have been investigated
phycobiliproteins and can perform oxygenic photosynthe- for their potential to convert light energy into H2 using waste
sis. They are a morphologically diverse group that includes organic compounds as substrate [21–25] in batch processes
unicellular, 6lamentous, and colonial species. Within the 6l- [26], continuous cultures [27,28], or cultures of bacteria im-
amentous cyanobacteria, vegetative cells may develop into mobilized in carrageenan [29], in agar gel [30], on porous
structurally modi6ed and functionally specialized cells, such glass [24], on activated glass [31], or on polyurethane foam
as the akinetes (resting cells) or heterocysts (specialized [23].
cells that perform nitrogen-6xation; [15]). The nutritional In general, rates of hydrogen production by photo-
requirements of cyanobacteria are simple: air (N2 and O2 ), heterotrophic bacteria are higher when the cells are im-
water, mineral salts, and light [16]. mobilized in or on a solid matrix, than when the cell are
Species of cyanobacteria may possess several enzymes free-living. Continuous cultures of Rhodopseudomonas
directly involved in hydrogen metabolism and synthesis of capsulata and Rhodobacter spheroides were reported to
molecular H2 . These include nitrogenases which catalyze produce H2 at rates that range from 40 to 50 ml H2 =l of
the production of H2 as a by-product of nitrogen reduction culture/h [21,32,33], 80 ml to 100 ml H2 =l of culture/h
to ammonia, uptake hydrogenases which catalyze the oxida- [25]. Continuous cultures of Rhodospirillum rubrum were
tion of H2 synthesized by the nitrogenase, and bi-directional reported to produce H2 at a rate of 180 ml H2 =l of culture/h
hydrogenases which have the ability to both oxidize and [28]. Cultures of Rb. spheroides immobilized on porous
synthesize H2 (reviewed by Tamagrini et al. [15]). glass, on the other hand, were reported to produce H2 at
Hydrogen production by cyanobacteria has been stud- a rate of 1:3 ml H2 =ml=h (1:3 l H2 =l of immobilized cul-
ied for over three decades and has revealed that eFcient ture/h) [24]. Rates of H2 production by Rb. spheroides GL1
photoconversion of H2 O to H2 is inUuenced by many fac- immobilized on activated glass were 3.6 –4:0 ml H2 =ml=h
tors [17]. Hydrogen production has been assessed in a [31,34]. If the system of culturing Rb. spheroides on porous
very wide variety of species and strains, within at least 14 glass could be scaled-up without compromising the rate of
genera, under a vast range of culture conditions [17]. The H2 synthesis, this would result in rates of 3.6 –4:0 l H2 =l
rates of H2 evolution are as wide-ranging as the species of immobilized culture/h, which would correspond to
and conditions used in these studies. Rates of H2 pro- 0:145 mmol H2 =(l × h) to 0:161 mmol H2 =(l × h).
duction by non-nitrogen-6xing cyanobacteria range from
0:02 mol H2 =mg chl a=h (Synechococcus PCC 6307) to
3.4. Hydrogen synthesis via the water–gas shift reaction
0:40 mol H2 =mg chl a=h (Aphanocapsa montana) [18].
of photoheterotrophic bacteria
These rates are very low compared with those of hetero-
cystous cyanobacteria, which range from 0:17 mol H2 =mg
Certain photoheterotrophic bacteria within the superfam-
chl a=h (Nostoc linckia IAM M-14) to 4:2 mol H2 =mg
ily Rhodospirillaceae can grow in the dark using CO as the
chl a=h (Anabaena variablilis IAM M-58) [19].
sole carbon source to generate ATP with the concomitant
Because of the higher rates of H2 production by Anabaena
release of H2 and CO2 [35–37]. The oxidation of CO to CO2
species and strains, these have been subject to intense study
with the release of H2 occurs via a water–gas shift reaction:
for the past several years. Mutant strains of A. variabilis
have demonstrated signi6cantly higher rates of H2 produc- CO(g) + H2 O(l) → CO2 (g) + H2 (g); PG◦
tion compared with wild-type strains. A. variabilis PK84,
for example, produced H2 at a rate of 6:91 nmol=g of pro- = − 20 (kJ=mol): (18)
tein/h (in 350 ml cultures). When A. variablis PK84 was
cultured under conditions of nitrogen starvation, the rate In these organisms, however, the reaction is mediated by
of H2 synthesis was 12:6 mol=g of protein/h (in 350 ml proteins coordinated in an enzymatic pathway. The reaction
cultures). The concentration of total protein in the culture takes place at low (ambient) temperature and pressure.
was 28:2 g=ml of culture [20]. Assuming no change as the Thermodynamics of the reaction are very favorable to
culture volume is scaled up, a 1 l culture would contain CO-oxidation and H2 synthesis since the equilibrium is
28; 200 g protein and would produce 355; 320 nmol H2 =h strongly to the right of this reaction.
or approximately 0:355 mmol H2 =(l × h). Stoichiometric amounts of CO2 and H2 are produced dur-
ing CO-oxidation [37]. The enzyme that binds and oxidizes
3.3. Photo-fermentation CO, carbon monoxide:acceptor oxidoreductase (carbon
monoxide dehydrogenase = CODH) is part of a membrane
Purple non-sulfur bacteria evolve molecular H2 catalyzed bound enzyme complex [37,38]. Rubrivivax gelatinosus
by nitrogenase under nitrogen-de6cient conditions using CBS is a purple non-sulfur bacterium that not only performs
178 D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

the CO–water–gas shift reaction in darkness, convert- When butyrate is the end-product, a theoretical maximum
ing 100% CO in the atmosphere into near stoichiometric of 2 moles H2 per mole of glucose is obtained:
amounts of H2 , it also assimilates CO into new cell mass in
the light (via CO2 6xation) when CO is the sole source of
C6 H12 O6 + 2H2 O
carbon [39,40]. Even when an organic substrate is available
with CO, R. gelatinosus CBS will utilize both substrates
→ CH2 CH2 CH2 COOH + 2H2 + 2CO2 : (20)
simultaneously, indicating that the CO-oxidation pathway
is fully functional even when a more favorable substrate is
included [41]. Thus, the highest theoretical yields of H2 are asso-
R. gelatinosus CBS exhibits a doubling time of 7 h in ciated with acetate as the fermentation end-product. In
light when CO serves as the only carbon source [42,41]. practice, however, high H2 yields are associated with a
The mass transfer of CO may be enhanced by a high ratio mixture of acetate and butyrate fermentation products,
of gas phase to liquid bacterial suspension, and by stirring and low H2 yields are associated with propionate and
the culture vigorously. The hydrogenase from this organism reduced end-products (alcohols, lactic acid). Clostridium
is tolerant to O2 , exhibiting a half-life of 21 h when whole pasteurianum, C. butyricum, and C. beijerinkii are high
cells were stirred in full air [43]. H2 producers, while C. propionicum is a poor H2 producer
A speci6c rate of CO oxidation to H2 production of [44].
0:8 mmol=min=g of cells, dry weight (cdw) [41] was mea- Hydrogen production by these bacteria is highly de-
sured using a low-density culture (6nal OD660 ¡ 0:2), pendent on the process conditions such as pH, hydraulic
stirred at a high rate (250 rpm), and supplemented with retention time (HRT), and gas partial pressure, which a=ect
20% CO in the gas phase. Because the conversion of CO metabolic balance. Thus, fermentation end-products pro-
to H2 is stoichiometric, this corresponds to a rate of CO duced by a bacterium depend on the environmental condi-
uptake and conversion of approximately 1:34 g CO=h=g tions in which it grows. Reduced fermentation end-products
cdw, or 48 mmol CO=h=g dcw. An OD660 of 2.0 yields like ethanol, butanol, and lactate, contain hydrogen that has
2:0 g R. gelatinosus CBS cdw/l. This corresponds to not been liberated as gas. To maximize the yield of H2 , the
a H2 production rate of 96 mmol H2 =2 g cdw/h or metabolism of the bacterium must be directed away from
96 mmol H2 =(l × h). alcohols (ethanol, butanol) and reduced acids (lactate)
towards volatile fatty acids (VFA). C. pasteurianum is a
classic H2 and VFA producer, but its metabolism can be
3.5. Dark-fermentation directed away from H2 production and towards solvent
production by high glucose concentrations (12.5% w/v), by
Hydrogen can be produced by anaerobic bacteria, CO (which inhibits Fe-hydrogenase), and by limiting Fe
grown in the dark on carbohydrate-rich substrates. Fer- concentrations [45].
mentation reactions can be operated at mesophilic (25 The partial pressure of H2 (pH2 ) is an extremely impor-
–40◦ C), thermophilic (40 –65◦ C), extreme thermophilic tant factor for continuous H2 synthesis. Hydrogen synthesis
(65 –80◦ C), or hyperthermophilic (¿ 80◦ C) temperatures. pathways are sensitive to H2 concentrations and are subject
While direct and indirect photolysis systems produce pure to end-product inhibition. As H2 concentrations increase,
H2 , dark-fermentation processes produce a mixed biogas H2 synthesis decreases and metabolic pathways shift to pro-
containing primarily H2 and carbon dioxide (CO2 ), but duction of more reduced substrates such as lactate, ethanol,
which may also contain lesser amounts of methane (CH4 ), acetone, butanol, or alanine. As the temperature increases,
CO, and/or hydrogen sul6de (H2 S). The gas composition however, conditions that favor reaction (15), shown above,
presents technical challenges with respect to using the are less a=ected by H2 concentration. Continuous H2 syn-
biogas in fuel cells (see below). thesis requires pH2 of ¡ 50 kPa at 60◦ C [46], ¡ 20 kPa at
Bacteria known to produce hydrogen include species of 70◦ C [47], and ¡ 2 kPa at 98◦ C [48].
Enterobacter, Bacillus, and Clostridium. Carbohydrates are Some pure cultures of Clostridium species can degrade
the preferred substrate for hydrogen-producing fermenta- insoluble starch without pre-treatment, while some pure cul-
tions. Glucose, isomers of hexoses, or polymers in the form tures of Enterobacter species can degrade soluble starch
of starch or cellulose, yield di=erent amounts of H2 per [49]. Species of Clostridium generally yield high rates of H2
mole of glucose, depending on the fermentation pathway synthesis using xylose as a substrate. For example, Taguchi
and end-product(s). When acetic acid is the end-product, a et al. [50] found that a pure strain of Clostridium (species
theoretical maximum of 4 mole H2 per mole of glucose is No. 2) could produce H2 in a continuous culture, at pH 6.0,
obtained: using xylose (a major product of hemicellulose hydrolysis)
as substrate. In other studies with a variety of natural sub-
C6 H12 O6 + 2H2 O strates, the rate of H2 production varied with the speci6c
substrate used [51–53]. The best rate obtained with a pure
→ 2CH3 COOH + 4H2 + 2CO2 : (19) culture of Clostridium (species No. 2) was 21:03 mmol H2 =
D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185 179

(l × h) using 3% xylose as substrate [53]. The yield, 3.6. Fuel cell technologies
after 5 h HRT, was 2.36 mol of H2 per mole of
xylose. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that create an elec-
Stable fermentation processes capable of using non-sterile tron Uow using charged ions. A variety of di=erent fuel cells
feedstocks, however, require mixed cultures of bacteria en- systems have been developed. They di=er in the type of
riched from natural sources. Such mixed cultures are re- electrolyte used, in the operating conditions, in their power
ported to contain mostly species of Clostridium. Lay et al. density range, in their application, and each has its advan-
[54] observed a rate of 1600 l H2 =m3 =day (66:7 ml H2 =l of tages and disadvantages (reviewed by Larminie et al. [7];
culture/h), and a yield of 2:14 mol of H2 per mol of hex- Table 3).
ose using a 0.75% solution of soluble starch. H2 synthesis Alkaline fuel cells (AFC) utilize hydroxyl ions (OH− ) as
was obtained with a HRT of 17 h, at an organic loading the mobile ion (derived from potassium hydroxide, KOH),
of 6 g of total organic sludge per litre of culture, at 37◦ C, operate in the 50 to 200◦ C range, and are extremely sensitive
and a pH of 5.2. This system produced H2 at a rate of to the presence of CO2 . Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC)
64:5 mmol H2 =(l × h). utilize protons (H+ ) as the mobile ion and operate at ap-
Using 6xed-bed bioreactors containing mesophilic bacte- proximately 200◦ C. PAFC systems were the 6rst fuel cells
ria (predominantly Clostridium spp.) derived from domes- produced commercially and are used as stationary power
tic sewage sludge, Chang et al. [55] compared the use of sources, generating up to 200 kW of electricity. Many are
expanded clay matrices or activated carbon as support ma- in use in the USA and in Europe. The high operating tem-
trixes for the bacteria within the bioreactors. The HRT was perature and corrosive nature of the electrolyte makes them
varied from 0.5 to 5 h. At an HRT of 1 h, with sucrose unsuitable for use in mobile and transportation applications.
as substrate (20 g=l of culture), the activated carbon ma- Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) utilize carbonate ions
trix bioreactor produced 1:3 l H2 =l of culture/h. The use of (CO2− ◦
3 ) as the mobile ion, operate at approximately 650 C,
a hollow-6ber micro6ltration membrane increased the rate and can take H2 , CO2 , CO, and/or CH4 as fuel, which means
of H2 production to 3:0 l H2 =l of culture/h. H2 production they can use natural gas, coal gas, or biogas as fuel sources.
began 2–3 days post-inoculation and was continuous over a Like PAFC, MCFC are used as stationary power sources,
2-week period. This corresponds to a rate of approximately generating electricity in the MW range. Solid oxide fuel
121 mmol H2 =(l × h). cells (SOFC) utilize oxygen radicals (O2− ) as the mobile
Ueno et al. [56] observed rates of H2 production of up ion and operate between 500◦ C and 1000◦ C. Like MCFC,
to 198 mmol H2 =l of culture after 24 h, using an unde- SOFC can utilize H2 , CO, and/or CH4 as fuel, which means
6ned population of bacteria, enriched for spore-forming they can use methane, coal gas, or biogas as fuel sources.
Clostridium species, at thermophilic temperatures (60◦ C). Carbon dioxide is not utilized as a fuel and is discharged as
With sugar factory wastewater as the substrate, a yield of a waste gas. Like other high-temperature fuel cell systems
2:52 moles of H2 per mole of glucose was observed. Max- (PAFC and MCFC) SOFC systems are used as stationary
imum H2 synthesis was obtained with a HRT of 12 h, at power sources, generating electricity from the low kW to
an organic loading of 5 g of total organic sludge per litre the MW range.
of culture, at a pH of 6.8. The bioreactor was mixed at PEMFC utilize hydrogen protons (H+ ) as the mobile ion,
a rate of 200 rpm and argon gas was used to replace the operate in the 50 –100◦ C range, require pure H2 and are
gas phase. H2 synthesis did not begin until the 26th day extremely sensitive to the presence of CO. Of all the fuel
of operation, but once H2 production began, gas evolution cell systems that are available, PEMFC systems are espe-
was observed for at least 20 days for each HRT cycle, and cially suitable for mobile and transportation applications,
was continuous for a total of 212 days [56]. This system and PEMFC engines have been demonstrated successfully in
produced H2 at a rate of 8:2 mmol H2 =(l × h). both cars and buses. Small PEMFCs, in the 1–10 kW range,
Hydrogen production by the extreme thermophiles are also under commercial development as small stationary
Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus and Thermotoga el@i power units to provide electricity to homes and small busi-
is currently under investigation [57]. The maximum rate nesses. Because of their imminent commercial applications,
of H2 production by C. saccharolyticus on sucrose (10 g=l of PEMFC technologies are under intense research and devel-
culture) was 8:4 mmol H2 =(l × h). The maximum rate of opment. The rate of H2 consumption by PEMFCs is usually
H2 production by T. el@i on glucose (10 g=l of culture) was expressed in kg of H2 =s or in mol of H2 =s. We have cal-
2.7–4:5 mmol H2 =(l × h). Maximal H2 production rates culated the rates of H2 consumption by PEMFCs of several
were observed during exponential growth phase, which sizes and expressed them as g H2 =h or mol H2 =h (Table 2).
was in the order of 8–12 h, within a total growth cycle
(lag phase to stationary phase) of approximately 2 days. 3.7. Rates of biohydrogen synthesis
The total amount of H2 produced during these batches
were 110 mmol H2 for C. saccharolyticus cultured on su- A comparison of H2 production rates reported for several
crose (at 10 g=l), and 76 mmol H2 for T. el@i cultured on biohydrogen systems is presented in Table 4. Conversion
glucose. of reported units of H2 production to the standardized unit
180 D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

Table 3
The fuel constraints for di=erent fuel cell types (adapted from [30])

Fuel cell type PEMFCa AFCb PAFCc MCFCd SOFCe

(operating tempt.) (80◦ C) (200◦ C) (220◦ C) (600 –700◦ C) (800 –1100◦ C)

Component in fuel gas

H2 Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel
CH4 Diluent Diluent Diluent Diluent Diluent
CO Poison if ¿ 10 ppm Poison Poison if ¿ 0:5% Fuel Fuel
CO2 Diluent Poison Diluent Diluentf Diluent
S (H2 S and COS) Poison if ¿ 10 ppm Poison Poison ¿ 50 ppm Poison ¿ 1 ppm
a PEMFC—proton exchange membrane fuel cell.
b AFC—alkaline fuel cell.
c PAPF—phosphoric acid fuel cell.
d MCFC—molten carbonate fuel cell.
e SOFC—solid oxide fuel cell.
f CO must be supplied to cathode of MCFC.

Table 4
Comparison of the rates of H2 synthesis by di=erent technologies

BioH2 System H2 synthesis rate H2 synthesis rate References

(reported units) (converted units)

Direct photolysis 4:67 mmol H2 =l=80 h 0:07 mmol H2 =(l × h) [29]

Indirect photolysis 12:6 nmol H2 =g protein/h 0:355 mmol H2 =(l × h) [51]
Photo-fermentation 4:0 ml H2 =ml=h 0:16 mmol H2 =(l × h) [60,61]
CO-oxidation by R. gelatinosus 0:8 mmol H2 =g cdw/min 96:0 mmol H2 =(l × h) [71]

Mesophilic, pure straina 21:0 mmol H2 =1 l=h 21:0 mmol H2 =(l × h) [56]
Mesophilic, unde6nedb 1; 600:0 l H2 =m3 =h 64:5 mmol H2 =(l × h) [32]
Mesophilic, unde6ned 3:0 l H2 =l=h 121:0 mmol H2 =(l × h) [8]
Thermophilic, unde6ned 198:0 mmol H2 =l=24 h 8:2 mmol H2 =(l × h) [66]
Extreme thermophilic, pure strainc 8:4 mmol H2 =l=h 8:4 mmol H2 =(l × h) [67,68]
a Clostridium species #2.
bA consortium of unknown microorganisms cultured from a natural substrate and selected by the bioreactor culture conditions.
c Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus.

(mmol H2 =(l × h)) reveals the wide range of H2 synthesis 3.8. Biohydrogen: prospects for practical application
by di=erent biohydrogen systems. Light-dependent biohy-
drogen systems (direct photolysis, indirect photolysis, and Our analyses indicate that photosynthesis-based systems
photo-fermentation) all have rates of H2 synthesis well be- do not produce H2 at rates that are suFcient to meet the goal
low 1 mmol H2 =(l × h). dark-fermentation systems, all pro- of providing enough H2 to power even a 1 kW PEMFC on
duce H2 at rates that are well above 1 mmol H2 =(l × h). The a continuous basis (Table 5). This does not mean that these
rates of H2 synthesis by an unde6ned consortium of ther- systems should be abandoned. There may be applications
mophilic Clostridium [56] and by the extreme thermophilic other than our hypothetical objective to which they may be
Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus [47,57] are very sim- more suited. Moreover, continued research will no doubt
ilar (8.2 and 8:4 mmol H2 =(l × h), respectively). A pure result in signi6cant improvements in their respective tech-
strain of mesophilic Clostridium [53] demonstrated very nologies, and thus in the rates of H2 production (see below).
good rates of H2 synthesis with xylose as a substrate (21.0 Thermophilic and extreme thermophilic biohydrogen sys-
mmol H2 =(l×h), and two dark-fermentation systems that uti- tems would require bioreactors in the range of approximately
lized unde6ned consortia of mesophilic bacteria [55,54,58] 2900 –14; 600 l to provide suFcient H2 to power PEMFCs
had impressively higher rates of H2 synthesis (64.5 and of 1.5 –5:0 kW, and a bioreactor of approximately 5700 l
121:0 mmol=H2 =(l × h), respectively). would be required to power the 5:0 kW fuel cell using the
D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185 181

Table 5
Is Biohydrogen practical? The size of bioreactor required to power PEM fuel cells of di=erent output

BioH2 system H2 synthesis rate Size of bioreactor requiredb to power a:

(mmol H2 (l × h))a 1:0 kW FC(l) 1:5 kW FC (l) 2:5 kW FC (l) 5:0 kW FC (l)

Direct photolysis 0.07 3:41 × 105 5:12 × 105 8:56 ×105 1:71 × 106
Indirect photolysis 0.355 6:73 × 104 1:01 × 105 1:69 × 105 3:37 × 105
Photo-fermentation 0.16 1:49 × 105 2:24 × 105 3:74 × 105 7:58 × 105
CO-oxidation by R. gelatinosus 96.0 2:49 × 102 3:74 × 102 6:24 × 102 1:25 × 103

Mesophilic, pure strainc 21.0 1:14 × 103 1:71 × 103 2:85 × 103 5:70 × 103
Mesophilic, unde6nedd 64.5 3:71 × 102 5:57 × 102 9:29 × 102 1:86 × 103
Mesophilic, unde6ned 121.0 1:98 × 102 2:97 × 102 4:95 × 102 9:89 × 102
Thermophilic, unde6ned 8.2 2:91 × 103 4:38 × 103 7:31 × 103 1:46 × 104
Extreme thermophilic, unde6nede 8.4 2:85 × 103 4:28 × 103 7:13 × 103 1:43 × 104
a Conrested units.
b Approximate volumes. Calculated volumes were rounded up to nearest whole value.
c Clostridium species #2.
d A consortium of unknown microorganisms cultured from a natural substrate and selected by the bioreactor culture conditions.
e Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus.

pure culture of mesophilic Clostridium sp. (strain No. 2). nosus CBS can assimilate into new cell biomass using
The size of bioreactors required for these systems are very organic compounds, such as butyrate or propionate, as a
large, and thus these systems may be considered impractical carbon source and ATP as an energy source [59]. Thus, in
for our hypothetical application at this time. addition to reformation of CO and H2 synthesis, this pro-
Some dark-fermentation systems and the CO–water shift cess could be incorporated into an integrated energy system
reaction of R. gelatinosus CBS, however, appear promis- to sequester CO2 in light, after H2 is recovered from the
ing. Bioreactors of reasonable size would be suFcient to system. Bioreactors of 1000 –1500 l in the basement of a
power the 5.0 kW fuel cell using unde6ned consortia of home is not unthinkable. Before electrical and natural gas
mesophilic bacteria, enriched for Clostridium species. The heating, it was normal for North American homes located
system reported by Chang et al. [55] in particular appears in northern latitudes to have, in their basements, tanks of
most promising. A bioreactor of approximately 500 l (495 l, heating oil that were approximately this size.
in Table 5) would provide enough H2 to power a 2:5 kW While dark-fermentation systems and the CO-water shift
PEMFC, while a bioreactor of approximately 1000 l (989 l, reaction may have practical applications, there are a number
Table 5) would provide suFcient H2 to power a 5:0 kW of technical challenges that must be considered and over-
PEMFC. The CO–water shift reaction of R. gelatinosus CBS come before these systems can be used to produce H2 to
is intriguing as it o=ers the potential to capture and reform power a PEMFC. The most signi6cant of these problems
CO, and produce H2 . A bioreactor of approximately 624 l is whether the systems can be scaled up to volumes large
would be required provide enough H2 to power the 2:5 kW enough to generate the required Uow rate (22:1 mol H2 =h
PEMFC, while a bioreactor of approximately 1250 l (1247 l, for the 5:0 kW fuel cell). The working volume of the biore-
Table 5) would provide suFcient H2 to power a 5:0 kW actor described that produced 121 mmol H2 =(l × h) was 3 l,
PEMFC. and used sucrose (at 20 g=l of culture) as the carbon source
By way of comparison, the current state-of-the-art for for bacterial growth [55]. The biogas produced was 25 –35%
distributed, on-site production of hydrogen is via station- H2 and 65 –75% CO2 . Further research is required to deter-
ary electrolyzers which can generate H2 from H2 O at a rate mine if the rate of H2 production will remain at high levels
of 1000 l=h, or 40:3 mol=h (see if these systems are scaled up to much larger volumes (183 l
Equivalent rates of H2 synthesis could be achieved by a or more), and if carbon sources other than pure sucrose can
bioreactor of approximately 334 l using a dark-fermentation be used. The major challenge for the CO–water shift reac-
system, or by a bioreactor of approximately 420 l contain- tion is the problem of mass transfer: the gas must be avail-
ing R. gelatinosus CBS. able to the bacteria, in solution, at a suFcient concentra-
The CO-water shift reaction of R. gelatinosus CBS of- tion that the bacteria can absorb and metabolize eFciently.
fers an additional advantage. The CO–water shift reaction This may require radically new technologies and bioreactor
also yields equi-molar amounts of CO2 , which R. gelati- designs.
182 D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185

3.9. Biohydrogen: future directions reduced substrates. The concentration of CO2 also a=ects
the rate of synthesis and 6nal yield of H2 . Cells synthesize
Both light-dependent (direct photolysis, indirect photol- succinate and formate using CO2 , pyruvate, and reduced
ysis, and photo-fermentation) and dark-fermenation biohy- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) via the hexose
drogen systems are under intense investigation to 6nd ways monophosphate pathway [3]. This pathway competes with
to improve both the rates of H2 production and the ultimate reactions in which H2 is synthesized by NADH-dependent
yield of H2 . Hydrogen production by direct photolysis using hydrogenases (which oxidize NADH to NAD+). EFcient
green algae is currently limited by three parameters [60]: (i) removal of CO2 from the fermentation system would reduce
solar conversion eFciency of the photosynthetic apparatus; competition for NADH and thus result in increased H2 syn-
(ii) H2 synthesis processes (i.e. the need to separate the pro- thesis.
cesses of H2 O oxidation from H2 synthesis); and (iii) biore- In dark-fermentation processes, this problem is com-
actor design and cost. A number of approaches to improve pounded by the fact that the gas produced is a mixture of
H2 production by green algae are currently under investi- primarily H2 and CO2 , but may also contain other gases
gation. These include genetic engineering of light gathering such as CH4 , H2 S, or ammonia (NH4 ). Moreover, the H2
antennae [61], optimization of light input into photobioreac- content of the gas mixture may be low (¡ 50%). PEMFCs
tors [62], and improvements to the two-phase H2 production require high-purity H2 (¿ 99%) and cannot tolerate CO at
systems used with green algae [63,64]. concentrations ¿ 10 ppm [7]. To both maintain continu-
Hydrogen production via indirect photolysis using ous H2 synthesis and remove diluting (CO2 ; CH4 ) and/or
cyanobacteria can be improved by screening for wild-type contaminating (CO) gases, rapid removal of the gases and
strains possessing highly active hydrogen evolving enzymes puri6cation of the H2 are essential.
(nitogenases and/or hydrogenases), in combination with Methods to enhance H2 production by removal of H2 and
high heterocyst formation [17]. Genetic modi6cation of CO2 include sparging with N2 or argon (Ar) gas and ap-
strains to eliminate uptake hydrogenases and increase levels plying a vacuum to the head space to reduce the H2 partial
of bidirectional hydrogenase activity may yield signi6cant pressure [72]. An increase in H2 production of over 50%
increases in H2 production. For example, a mutant strain of was obtained after periodic sparging with N2 [73]. Too much
Anabaena (AMC 414), in which the large subunit of the sparging, however, dilutes the H2 and creates a serious prob-
uptake hydrogenase (hupL) was inactivated by a deletion lem with respect to separation of the H2 from the sparging
event [65], produced H2 at a rate that was more than twice gas.
that of the parent wild-type strain, Anabaena PCC 7120 Removal and selective puri6cation of H2 has been
[66]. Finally, optimization of cultivation conditions such demonstrated using membrane technologies. A hollow
as light intensity, pH, temperature, and nutrient content, as 6ber/silicone rubber membrane e=ectively reduced biogas
well as maintaining low partial pressures of H2 and CO2 partial pressure in a dark-fermentation system, resulting
(see below) will contribute to increased H2 production. in a 10% improvement in the rate of H2 production and a
Many of the parameters that limit H2 production 15% increase in H2 yield [74], and a non-porous, synthetic
by green algae and cyanobacteria also apply to photo- polyvinyltrimethylsilane (PVTMS) membrane was used
heterotrophic bacteria used in photo-fermentation systems. for production of high-purity H2 from three di=erent H2
E=orts to improve H2 production in these bacteria also producing bioreactor systems [75].
include elimination of competing microorganisms, such Substantial gains in H2 production can also be
as microalgae, using light 6lters [67], co-cultures of pho- achieved through optimization of bioreactor designs. Using
toheterotrophic bacteria with di=erent light utilization 6xed-bed bioreactors containing an unde6ned consor-
characteristics [68], two-phase fermentation systems in tium of mesophilic bacteria, Chang et al. [8] observed
which photoheterotrophic bacteria utilize substrates pro- rates of H2 synthesis far greater than other studies
duced by anaerobic bacteria during dark-fermentation pro- (121 mmol H2 =(l × h)). This remarkable rate of H2 pro-
cesses [69], novel photobioreactor designs [70,68], and use duction was achieved using activated carbon as a support
of speci6c waste streams as substrate for photo-fermentation matrix that allowed retention of the H2 producing bacteria
[71]. within the bioreactor, plus a membrane 6lter system to
Dark-fermentation systems also appear to have the great remove the biogas and maintain low gas partial pressures.
potential to be developed as practical biohydrogen systems. A theoretical study of H2 production by (hyper)thermo-
Substantial improvements, however, can be made through philic bacteria in a high rate bioreactor was conducted by van
rapid gas removal and separation, bioreactor design, and Groenesttijn et al. [76]. In this system, (hyper)thermophilic
genetic modi6cations in the microorganisms. bacteria would be growing as a bio6lm within an anaerobic
Improvements in gas separation will contribute to signi6- trickling 6lter containing packing material with a very high
cant increases in H2 production. As discussed above, the pH2 surface area. The liquid-suspended biomass substrate would
is an extremely important factor for continuous H2 synthesis. be passed continuously through the 6lter, so that the biomass
As H2 concentrations increase, H2 synthesis decreases and substrate, the H2 producing bacteria, and the resulting gas
metabolic activity shifts to pathways that synthesize more phase would be in close proximity. Low H2 and CO2 partial
D.B. Levin et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 173 – 185 183

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