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ARMM history and

Published August 11, 2008 1:09pm

ARMM HISTORY ARMM's precursors

• Amid escalating hostilities between government
forces and the MNLF in the 1970s, President Marcos
issued a proclamation forming an Autonomous
Region in the Southern Philippines. However, in a
plebiscite, the people opted against it and chose to
remain in the existing Western and Central Mindanao
• In 1979, Batas Pambansa No. 20 created the
Regional Autonomous Government in Western and
Central Mindanao regions.
ARMM history
• The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM) was created a few years after the Aquino
administration initiated dialogues with the Moro
National Liberation Front to resolve the Muslim
secessionist problem.
• ARMM was created in 1989 by virtue of The Organic
Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(RA 6734). In a plebiscite, only four provinces out of
the several areas proposed to be included in ARMM
opted to join the area of autonomy: Maguindanao,
Lanao del Sur, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.
• ARMM conducted its first elections in 1990.


• February 12, 1990 • Zacaria Candao

• March 25, 1993 • Liningding Pangandaman

• September 9, 1996 • Nur Misuari

• November 26, 2001 • Parouk Hussin

• August 8, 2005 • Zaldy Puti U. Ampatuan

• Sources: COMELEC, NSCB

• RA 9054 amended RA 6734 in 2001. The amended

law expanded ARMM's area of autonomy. In a
plebiscite, Basilan and Marawi City (in Lanao del Sur)
opted to join ARMM.
• RA 9054 lapsed into law, without the signature of
President Arroyo.
• In 2006, a new province was carved out of
Maguindanao: Shariff Kabunsuan. Shariff Kabunsuan
became the sixth province of ARMM, joining
Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and
• In July 2008, the Supreme Court promulgated a ruling
that voided the creation of Shariff Kabunsuan.
Comelec says the Supreme Court’s ruling has no
effect on the ARMM elections as the decision is not
yet final.
• 1 regional governor
• chief executive of the regional government
• assisted by a cabinet not exceeding 10 members
• appoints the members of the cabinet, subject to
confirmation by the Regional Legislative Assembly
• has control of all the regional executive commissions,
agencies, boards, bureaus and offices
Executive Council
• advises the Regional Governor on matters of
governance of the autonomous region
• Executive Council = regional governor + 1 regional
vice governor + 3 deputy regional governors (each
representing the Christians, the Muslims, and the
indigenous cultural communities)
• the regional governor and regional vice governor have
a three-year term; maximum of three terms; deputies'
terms are co-terminus with the term of the regional
governor who appointed them
Regional Legislative Assembly
• legislative branch of the ARMM government
• composed of regular members (3 members/district)
and sectoral representatives
• three-year term; maximum of three consecutive terms
• exercises legislative power in the autonomous region,
except on the following matters:
◦ foreign affairs
◦ national defense and security
◦ postal service
◦ coinage and fiscal and monetary policies
◦ administration of justice
◦ quarantine
◦ customs and tariff
◦ citizenship
◦ naturalization, immigration and deportation
◦ general auditing
◦ national elections
◦ maritime, land and air transportation,
◦ patents, trademarks, trade names and copyrights
◦ foreign trade
◦ may legislate on matters covered by the
Shari’ah , the law governing Muslims
ARMM powers and basic principles
• As stated in RA 9054, ARMM "shall remain an integral
and inseparable part of the national territory of the
• The President exercises general supervision over the
Regional Governor.
• The Regional Government has the power to create its
own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and
charges, subject to Constitutional provisions and the
provisions of RA 9054.
• The Shari ah applies only to Muslims; its applications
are limited by pertinent constitutional provisions
(prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment).
• In July 2008, the Supreme Court declared
unconstitutional a section in RA 9054 which granted
the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to create
provinces and cities. The court held that creating
provinces and cities is a power that only Congress
can exercise. (Comelec says the Supreme Court's
ruling has no effect on the ARMM elections as the
decision is not yet final.)

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