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As we all know that this is the time when whole world is worst hit by the coronavirus, which
got genesis from the Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China and that has affected more than
200 hundred countries and lakhs of people so far, it is causing so much terror among the
peoples because there is no Vaccine available so far and in some cases even the symptoms
are not visible for a long time. To lessen the fear and to fight this virus we have to be
prepared in each section legally, socially, economically and politically then only we can
conquer this disease which seems insurmountable right now as the cases and deaths are
raising day by day. The worst hit countries like USA, Italy, Spain are also focusing on each
and every sector to overcome this situation. So how can one be prepared in these sector in a
country lets first talk about the legal aspect of this situation as right now section 144 is
imposed in many places and nationwide lock down is in force and legally everyone is bound
to stay at home and not to come out of their houses and if they try to violate these rules which
are in force they will be legally punished for instance you can be punished under various
sections like section 188 of ipc - which deals with punishment for violation of order
promulgated by the government, section 269 of ipc – which deals with a negligent act which
may cause spread of infection, section 270 of ipc malignantly spreading virus and may more
laws are there so people much follow them and they will ultimately lead us towards a victory
against the coronavirus. Legally more that we can expect is to make some changes in law or
new reforms to support the daily wage earners because they are not getting paid and many of
them even don’t have any means to sustain their lifes because they earn on daily basis and
survive by that earning only as now there is no job for them there is no money left so they
should get some help not only legally but politically as well government should give some
assistance to them at least either monetary or by providing food. As they have no job to do
many of them are returning to their homes from distant places to their home towns without
any transportation which is very tough for them and this is putting them as well as other in
risk for instance if they are going to their home town where there is no case and they got
infected while travelling or in any way so it will going to spread in that are as well which was
previously safe. That is why prime minster Modi ji also asked everyone to remain their only
where they are so the spread should be restricted which will help and make it fast to eliminate
this disease.
Socially also we are doing a stupendous work by following social distancing and staying at
our homes. The major role will be played by the social efforts or the societal efforts as this is
a disease which requires united efforts of the society. Already socially we are putting much
efforts to fight against coronavirus but what else we can do? Socially still many people and
areas are their which are not having proper knowledge about the virus mainly in the
backward areas so we should do something to provide information even to those areas as well
and make them aware about this disease because they even don’t know what are the
symptoms of this disease and how it is affecting us, so this must be done to and proper check
up facilities should be provided to the most backward areas as well because in villages and
backward areas the facilities are not properly available which is very dangerous because
without proper facilities they have to suffer and this may spread in those areas with great
pace. More and more check up and testing should be done which is the only way to come on
the real stats regarding the patients of the coronavirus, as of now only 93 persons are tested
for 1 lakh in India which is very low in comparison to the countries like Norway (19,528),
Switzerland (18,256), Italy (11,436).

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