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І. Поєднайте слова та вирази з перекладом

1. job a) журналіст
2. chef b) музикант
3. TV presenter c) шеф-кухар
4. journalist d) менеджер з продажу
5. lawyer e) офіціант
6. musician f) юрист
7. sales manager g) поліцейський
8. florist h) диктор на телебаченні
9. police officer i) флорист
10. waiter j) робота

11. profession k) сантехнік

12. fashion designer l) ветеринар
13. plumber m) інженер
14. model n) модел’єр
15. teacher o) учитель
16. personal assistant p) професія
17. vet q) гид
18. guide r) бухгалтер
19. accountant s) модель
20. engineer t) особистий асистент

2.Виберіть правильну форму дієслова

1. I (do) this work by 2 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will have done

b) will do

c) have done

2. You already (pay) this bill.

a) had paid

b) will pay

c) have paid

3. Ann (come) today.

a) has come

b) came

c) will have come

4. The chef (cook) dinner by the time you come.

a) had cooked

b) will have cooked

c) has cooked

5. The boys (run) away before the muster saw them.

a) ran

b) will run

c) had run

6. We (finish) building the house by the next year.

a) finished

b) will have finished

c) finish

7. She (write) the test by 2 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will write

b) will have written

c) has written

8. You already (hear) about this job.

a) have heard

b) will hear

c) had heard

9. Tom (buy) this today.

a) has bought
b) bought

c) will have bought

10.The teacher (check) test by the time you come.

a) had checked

b) has checked

c) will have checked

11.The children (stop) laughing before the teacher heard them.

a) stopped

b) will stop

c) had stopped

12. We (return) home by the next week.

a) will have returned

b) returned

c) return

3.. Складіть резюме, включаючи подані пункти



Date of birth:

Home Address:




Work experience:


Personal Qualities:

4. Напишіть розповідь за поданою темою, включаючи таку інформацію:

My future profession

- what profession you have chosen;

- why;

- what you are going to be in ten years.

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