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1 What is the difference between search engine marketing and Internet marketing?

Search Engine Marketing is specific to marketing your brand/service/products through

search engines. It can be in the form of organic search results where landing pages are
aimed for higher ranking, or in paid search results, where ads are aimed to display at
maximum exposure for targeted keywords at minimal cost possible.
Internet marketing covers a broader range of channels. It includes search engine
marketing, email marketing / EDM, social media, and so on.

2 What is Quality Score and how does it affect your work as paid search specialist?

State the definition of Quality Score without being too bookish. It’s important to
understand what it is, rather than remembering what it literally means.
Quality Score’s a part of Google’s way of determining ranking of AdWords ads. This can
be achieved by, among others, improving relevance between ad copies and keywords,
improving quality of landing pages. By obtaining high quality score for my keywords, I
can reduce expenses for my PPC campaigns.
Reducing operating costs is what clients have in mind, right?

3 If we rank high on our brand terms in organic results, do we need to rank well on paid search?

Yes, you may need to rank well on paid search even if you have high rankings within
your organic search keywords. That’s because ranking high on organic search, even for
your selected terms does not mean automatic success in achieving your business goals.
If the ROI for paid search campaign is better than the organic search campaign, it
makes more sense to do so. Also, paid search ads on top reinforce the presence of top
organic search results. They make your brands/products/services look more credible.
PPC Interview Questions and Answers

4 How do you manage large set of keywords (hundred thousand to millions)?

It is prerequisite to mention automatic bid tools to manage this huge paid search
campaign. But merely saying so does not mean you’re off the hook. It helps to explain
classification of keywords, grouping them according to priorities, business objectives
and target audience so that if business strategies change, campaigns can easily be
Can also mention classification of keywords according to importance such as “high”,
“medium” or “low” and those that are of secondary importance, low performance, and
those keywords that are candidates for removal.
Explaining clearly how the number of keywords grew tremendously by stating
methodologies for keyword research, usage of match types, negative keywords and
describing timing phases helps, too.

5 How do I reduce costs of my paid search campaigns?

Don’t immediately answer open-ended questions that lead to answers based on multiple
assumptions. Costs of acquisition? Cost per click? You can’t answer accurately a
question that isn’t accurate itself. When in doubt, you should also have the freedom to
ask question before you release your thoughts.
Some interviewers are fond of tricky questions.
6 How do you respond if your client’s competitor bought the same trademarked keyword?

Perhaps you did contact that offending party, stated the violation terms, but it still
refuses to budge to your polite request.
Answers may vary according to where a campaign is going to take place. In certain
markets such as the UK (update: now more), Google allows bidding for trademarked
keywords. But if you’re sure that you’re not covered by this policy and feel that a
violation has been committed, lodging a complaint to Google is the next logical option.

7 Describe the structure of a Google AdWords paid search campaign

Google AdWords PPC advertising structure is composed of one or multiple accounts (if
necessary). An account can handle up to 25 campaigns. Each campaign can handle up
to 100 ad groups. Yahoo Search Marketing campaigns can have up to 1,000 keywords
and 20 ads within an ad group.
Of course, we don’t have to know these max keyword numbers as we don’t need to fill
each ad groups to the max. We only need to fill our ad groups with the most targeted
keywords available.

8 How do you differentiate paid search programs of Google, MSN and Yahoo?

One way to differentiate these three are through presentation of strengths and
weaknesses of each.
Google AdWords
Advantage: Most robust and corners majority of all paid search traffic
Disadvantage: Due to its big number of advertisers, cost per click is generally more
Yahoo! Search Marketing
Advantage: Lower pay per click cost compared to Google AdWords
Disadvantage: Way behind Google AdWords in terms of reporting features
MSN adCenter
Advantage: Studies show that users of adCenter are more likely result to conversions
Disadvantage: Weakest PPC interface compared to Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search

9 How do you describe building your keyword list?

Building a list of keywords used for any organic or paid search campaign should be
Identify your audience
Who are the target audience of this campaign? What would they probably be using to
look for my products and services? Knowing your audience is the first sign of a
successful paid search campaign.
Review your existing offerings
Based on what search terms people are using, do I have these terms? What are the
possible landing pages? Does my website have content voids?
Look at your competitors
Look at competitors and analyze how they position themselves. Are they using the
same terms as I do? Broader or more specific?
Check web analytics results
History will be recorded on web analytics tools: keywords used, their effectiveness in
driving sales or leads and other useful information. Such data should give us idea on
which keywords yielded better ROI.
Expand keywords using various tools
Based on keywords gathered so far, expansion is made possible through various tools
available: Google AdWords keyword tool, WordTracker, KeywordDiscovery, and so on.
From this big list, we can sort, prioritize and group these keywords according to
importance, timing or other segmentation methods.

10. What’s your methodology in creating ad copies?

This question wants to find out how you would come up with ad copies. Are they
compelling and paint an accurate picture of the intended message? You may answer it
based on the following guidelines:
Find out why your ad copy should be more effective than others
Your ad’s ability to answer basic questions
Testing the ad copy; we’ll never know how effective it is until we put it to the test
What’s your take on bidding for competitor’s trademark keywords?
This is a tricky question that should be addressed properly. PPC Hero has good
guidance on this: citing the issue of legality and best-practice because it’s either you
can or you can’t bid on a competitor’s trademark terms. Recent development in Google
AdWords paid search has paved way for non-trademark owners to bid for previously
exclusive trademark keywords. By being active on what’s going on in the industry, this
means you’ll always be on top of things as they happen. And that’s a good thing for
prospect employers.

11. What is your strategy on geo-targeting ads?

The question will seek answer on how you’d approach ads that are displayed for specific
locations. Is it just based on IP filter or should you extend it? For example, if I want to
advertise for “seo hong kong” keyword only to users who are located in Hong Kong, an
IP targeting methodology will only display the ads if their location (IP address) is
associated with Hong Kong.
But what if someone from UK wants to find a Hong Kong SEO agency to optimize its
Traditional Chinese content? An extension of this IP targeting should also be based on
the keyword itself so that if someone else outside of Hong Kong uses the exact match
of the phrase, the ad should still be displayed.
I hope these PPC interview questions and answers list are fairly helpful and assists you
in formulating possible answers on questions that relate to the ones I highlighted in this

What is the difference between search engine marketing and Internet marketing?

Search Engine Marketing is specific to marketing your brand/service/products through

search engines. It can be in the form of organic search results where landing pages are
aimed for higher ranking, or in paid search results, where ads are aimed to display at
maximum exposure for targeted keywords at minimal cost possible.
Internet marketing covers a broader range of channels. It includes search engine
marketing, email marketing / EDM, social media, and so on.

What is Quality Score and how does it affect your work as paid search specialist?
State the definition of Quality Score without being too bookish. It’s important to
understand what it is, rather than remembering what it literally means.
Quality Score’s a part of Google’s way of determining ranking of AdWords ads. This can
be achieved by, among others, improving relevance between ad copies and keywords,
improving quality of landing pages. By obtaining high quality score for my keywords, I
can reduce expenses for my PPC campaigns.

If we rank high on our brand terms in organic results, do we need to rank well on paid search?

Yes, you may need to rank well on paid search even if you have high rankings within
your organic search keywords. That’s because ranking high on organic search, even for
your selected terms does not mean automatic success in achieving your business goals.
If the ROI for paid search campaign is better than the organic search campaign, it
makes more sense to do so. Also, paid search ads on top reinforce the presence of top
organic search results. They make your brands/products/services look more credible.

How do you manage large set of keywords (hundred thousand to millions)?

It is prerequisite to mention automatic bid tools to manage this huge paid search
campaign. But merely saying so does not mean you’re off the hook. It helps to explain
classification of keywords, grouping them according to priorities, business objectives
and target audience so that if business strategies change, campaigns can easily be
Can also mention classification of keywords according to importance such as “high”,
“medium” or “low” and those that are of secondary importance, low performance, and
those keywords that are candidates for removal.
Explaining clearly how the number of keywords grew tremendously by stating
methodologies for keyword research, usage of match types, negative keywords and
describing timing phases helps, too.

How do I reduce costs of my paid search campaigns?

Don’t immediately answer open-ended questions that lead to answers based on multiple
assumptions. Costs of acquisition? Cost per click? You can’t answer accurately a
question that isn’t accurate itself. When in doubt, you should also have the freedom to
ask question before you release your thoughts.

Some interviewers are fond of tricky questions.

How do you respond if your client’s competitor bought the same trademarked keyword?

Perhaps you did contact that offending party, stated the violation terms, but it still
refuses to budge to your polite request.
Answers may vary according to where a campaign is going to take place. In certain
markets such as the UK (update: now more), Google allows bidding for trademarked
keywords. But if you’re sure that you’re not covered by this policy and feel that a
violation has been committed, lodging a complaint to Google is the next logical option.

Describe the structure of a Google AdWords paid search campaign

Google AdWords PPC advertising structure is composed of one or multiple accounts (if
necessary). An account can handle up to 25 campaigns. Each campaign can handle up
to 100 ad groups. Yahoo Search Marketing campaigns can have up to 1,000 keywords
and 20 ads within an ad group.
Of course, we don’t have to know these max keyword numbers as we don’t need to fill
each ad groups to the max. We only need to fill our ad groups with the most targeted
keywords available.

How do you differentiate paid search programs of Google, MSN and Yahoo?

One way to differentiate these three are through presentation of strengths and
weaknesses of each.
Google AdWords
Advantage: Most robust and corners majority of all paid search traffic
Disadvantage: Due to its big number of advertisers, cost per click is generally more
Yahoo! Search Marketing
Advantage: Lower pay per click cost compared to Google AdWords
Disadvantage: Way behind Google AdWords in terms of reporting features
MSN adCenter
Advantage: Studies show that users of adCenter are more likely result to conversions
Disadvantage: Weakest PPC interface compared to Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search

How do you describe building your keyword list?

Building a list of keywords used for any organic or paid search campaign should be

Identify your audience

Who are the target audience of this campaign? What would they probably be using to
look for my products and services? Knowing your audience is the first sign of a
successful paid search campaign.

Review your existing offerings

Based on what search terms people are using, do I have these terms? What are the
possible landing pages? Does my website have content voids?

Look at your competitors

Look at competitors and analyze how they position themselves. Are they using the
same terms as I do? Broader or more specific?

Check web analytics results

History will be recorded on web analytics tools: keywords used, their effectiveness in
driving sales or leads and other useful information. Such data should give us idea on
which keywords yielded better ROI.

Expand keywords using various tools

Based on keywords gathered so far, expansion is made possible through various tools
available: Google AdWords keyword tool, WordTracker, KeywordDiscovery, and so on.
From this big list, we can sort, prioritize and group these keywords according to
importance, timing or other segmentation methods.

What’s your methodology in creating ad copies?

This question wants to find out how you would come up with ad copies. Are they
compelling and paint an accurate picture of the intended message? You may answer it
based on the following guidelines:
Find out why your ad copy should be more effective than others
Your ad’s ability to answer basic questions
Testing the ad copy; we’ll never know how effective it is until we put it to the test
What’s your take on bidding for competitor’s trademark keywords?

This is a tricky question that should be addressed properly. PPC Hero has good
guidance on this: citing the issue of legality and best-practice because it’s either you
can or you can’t bid on a competitor’s trademark terms. Recent development in Google
AdWords paid search has paved way for non-trademark owners to bid for previously
exclusive trademark keywords. By being active on what’s going on in the industry, this
means you’ll always be on top of things as they happen. And that’s a good thing for
prospect employers.

What is your strategy on geo-targeting ads?

The question will seek answer on how you’d approach ads that are displayed for specific
locations. Is it just based on IP filter or should you extend it? For example, if I want to
advertise for “seo hong kong” keyword only to users who are located in Hong Kong, an
IP targeting methodology will only display the ads if their location (IP address) is
associated with Hong Kong.
But what if someone from UK wants to find a Hong Kong SEO agency to optimize its
Traditional Chinese content? An extension of this IP targeting should also be based on
the keyword itself so that if someone else outside of Hong Kong uses the exact match
of the phrase, the ad should still be displayed.
I hope these PPC interview questions and answers list are fairly helpful and assists you
in formulating possible answers on questions that relate to the ones I highlighted in this

Based on which Google places ads in first place?

Google decides to give rank 1 in ads depending upon CTR(quality score) x CPC bid.
What is CTR?

CTR – Click through rate. It is number of times your ad is clicked.

How many campaigns can I run in one adwords account?

25 Campaigns

How many adgroups can I run under one campaign?

2000 adgroups

How many ads can I run per adgroup?

50 ads per adgroup

How much characters can I place in one ad?

For one ad 4 rows are given

25 characters for headline
35 characyers per text row(including URL)

How can you Improve Conversion Rates?

Creating and testing campaign with different keywords and choosing that perform well.

IS PPC effective advertisement for search engine rankings?

Google or any other search engine don`t mix PPC ads with search rankings.

What is Quality Score?

Quality Score is Score give to your ads that attain by keywords. The Higher the quality
score the less you need to pay for a Top Position of your ads. It is given upon CTR.

Which companies are offering PPC advertisement?

Yahoo, MSN and Google are among top most PPC advertisers.

What is Page rank? Explain it?

(A) Google page rank algorithm helps search engines to realize the value of a page. It
ranks your website on basis of quality links it has. It is given by Google depending upon
keyword, backlink sites, and content.

Why I need to go for adwords for PPC?

Because Adwords assures that 80% of internet users sees your product or service.
How to achieve good CTR?
Here are few things that need to be kept in mind for CTR
Target your ads to right audience
Select correct keyword matching
See that you target your ads by location and language
Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords
Calculate how much you can afford for the day
test your ads on daily basis, change if you don`t get any response from users
Give google users a good reason to click your ad
1)what is Google Adwords?
Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or
services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites which have partnered with
Google. Google will show your text ad when it matches your keyword you had added.
2) Explain how Adwords work?
Adwords will work on a bidding system If you Bid Higher Price Than your competitor you
will show on top of the Google Page. Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you
only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web
3) Explain why to use Google Adwords?
The traffic that comes through surfing organically often visits the website for information
it takes time to show our website organically, whereas the traffic via pay per click knows
what they are clicking on and what they want to buy. we can show them ads tailored, 
So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.
4) Explain what is Ad rank?
Your Position on google search results is also known as Adrank. Your adrank depends
upon Quality score and bid.
5) Explain how does Ad Rank impact Cost-Per-Click?
The CPC opponents pay when someone clicks on their ads is mostly influenced by ad
rank. Your CPC can be calculated by following way.
Your Price = The ad rank of the person below you/ your quality score + $0.01

6) Explain how does a Google auction work?

Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result is such that users find ads
that are relevant to what they are viewing The search engine processes the request and
runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertiser’s CPC.
7) Explain what gets entered into a Google Account?
Once the advertisers define set of keywords that they want to bid on to show up their ad
on search results, Google will pick a keyword from your account which is most related to
the auction with the maximum bid specified as well as the associated ad. One can even
check whether their keyword is showing up right now by clicking on keyword diagnosis.
8) Explain what is Google Quality Score?
It is the estimation of the quality of ads, keywords and landing page. A higher quality
score can lead to lower prices and better positions it is reported on 1 to 10 scale format
and also quality score depends on these factors like CTR, Ad relevance, and landing
page quality.The more relevant your ad is to the user the more likely is that you will see
the higher quality score because they might Interact with your ad.
9)What are Automatic bidding strategies?
The Automated bidding strategies are as follows:
I.Maximize Clicks:-
Automatically set bid to help to get as many clicks as your budget.
II.Target Search Page Location:-
Automatically set your bid to help increase the chances that your ad appear at the top
the page or on the 1st page of search results.
III.Target Out Ranking Share:-
You choose a domain you want to outrank and how often you want to outrank.
IV.Target CPA:-
Automatically set bids to help to get as many conversions as possible at the target CPA
you set.Some conversations may cost more or less than your target CPA.
V.Enhance CPC:-
Automatically adjust manual bids to try to maximize conversions.
10)Explain what is an ad group in Google Adwords?
An ad group is a set of your keywords, ads, and landing pages. Google recommends
categorising your keywords into different adgroups.
Eg: Let’s take a real estate example

2BHKAdgroup = 2 bhk in Bandra, 2 bhk apartment for sale etc.

3BHKAdgroup = 3 bhk in Andheri, 3 bhk apartment for sale in India etc.

11)Explain How conversions are tracked in Google Adwords?

Conversions are tracked in google AdWords when we place conversion tracking code
on the particular page or action a visitor takes on the website.
12) Mention some of the Google Adwords Ad Extensions?
Different ad extension can enhance the increase in traffic. Some of the common Ad
extensions used in Ad Words are as Follows:-
Sitelink Extensions
Call Extensions
Review extension                                                                                                               
Mobile app extensions
Location Extensions
Price Extensions
Seller ratings                                                                                                                     
Promotion extension
13) Mention in Google Adwords that options can’t be changed after creating an account?
After creating AdWords account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.
14) Explain how you can improve conversion rates?
To improve conversion rates we need to create different adgroups matching ads with

Example: For party shoe keyword I should show visitor Party shoe related ad. I cant
show them Sport shoe ad which decreases our Ad relevancy.

15) Mention the number of characters for Adwords Expanded Text ad?
The limit for AdwordsExpanded text ad is
Headline line 1st: 30 characters
Headline line 2nd: 30 characters
Website URL: 15 characters
Description: 80 characters
Destination URL: 1028 characters
In URL No images are allowed.

16) Explain what is the meaning of CTR & how you can calculate?
CTR stands for Click through rate. CTR tells the number of visitors visited your website
after clicking on your ad. The formula for calculating CTR is given as follows
CTR = Number of Clicks / Number of impressions X 100

17) Mention what is the type of Keywords?

There are no specific types of Keywords however they are classified on the basis of
how likely is going to be clicked by visitors and they differ from business to business.
Research Keywords: It tends to contain one or two words
Consideration: It tends to contain two or three words
Purchase: It must have more than three words
Loyalty or Brand: This must be shorter- Starbucks
18) Explain what is Google Ad API?
API stands for Application program Interface. Google Ad API is designed for
representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties who use AdWords
extensively. It allows developers compile an application that directly interacts with
Google Adwords server.
19) Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?
With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things:
You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and landing pages.
Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts.
Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on
20) Explain how you can track conversions in Google Adwords?
In Google Adwords, Conversion tracking can be done in following ways Tracking
purchases by including basic tracking code provided by Adwords and changing it with
extra code unique to your particular e-commerce platform View-through conversion
window options tracks when a person sees your ad but does not click it (impression) By
enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that Adwords will serve
the ads it feels are likely to be clicked  By accessing search funnels inside tools and
analysis, you can also know when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and
how frequently they saw your ad before converting.
21) Explain what are the other two options for bidding other than CPC(Cost per Click)?
CPC stands for Cost per click. Rather than CPC we have other two options are Cost per
Thousand Impression (CPM) and Cost Per Action (CPA).
22)What are the Targeting options in Search network ads?
23)What are the Targeting options in Display network ads?
Interests and topics
Auto & Manual
24)Different sizes of display ads?
I.Square and rectangular image ads
accepted size for square: 200*200, 300*300
accepted size for rectangular image ads: 300*250
II.Leaderboard image ads
accepted size: 728*90, 468*60
III.Skyscraper image ads
accepted size:160*600, 300*600
25)what are the access levels in AdWords?
I.Email Access
II.Read-only Access
III.standard Access
IV.Admin Access
26)what are the different types of billing strategies?
There are three different types of billing strategies:
I.Automatic billing
II.Manual billing
III.Monthly invoice
I.Automatic billing
It automatically increases the billing based on your ads.
II.Manual billing:
By manually we can do the billing.
III.Monthly invoice
if we want to do monthly invoice the company must complete at least one year of
registration. You must spend 5000$ at least in a month.
27)What is Ad rotation?
If you have multiple ads within an ad group your ad will rotate because no more than
one add from your account can show at a time.
28)What is Rotate Evenly?
When an ad group is enabled will rotate the ads in the ad group evenly for a 90 day
29)What is Rotate Indefinitely?
The setting delivers your add more evenly into an adoption but does so far an indefinite
amount of time and does not optimize.
30)What is IP Exclusions?
You can exclude IP address from campaigns so, that all adds to the campaign are
blocked from computers and networks associated with those IP address. Most of your
coworker’s keep on checking your ads directly by searching for keywords on Search
them amaturely wasting money. Warn them to check ads on adpreview tool which is a
free tool provided by Google.
31)What are Adwords Experiments?
Adwords Experiment tool allows you to test changes to your account by suggesting in
tips to follow.
32)what is Keyword Insertion?
It lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in an ad group, this can help
make your ads more relevant to the user
searching for what you offer.
There are three different types of keyword insertion:
I.Title case
II.Sentence case
III.Lower case
I.Title case:
The first letter of all your keywords should be capital.
{Keyword: Default Text}
II.Sentence case
Only First letter of keyword will be capital.
III.Lower case
No letter should be capital.
33)What is Dynamic search ad?
It uses the Google organic web crawling technology to automatically target relevant
search queries based on retailers website contains.
Advertisers with the content rich website will see the best results by using dynamic
search ads.
Example: Dynamic search ad option is mostly used by e-commerce websites like
Amazon, facebook etc.

34)What are the targeting options in Dynamic search ad?

All web pages
Specific web pages
page feed
35)What is an Opportunities tab?
It is an entire section dedicated to helping to improve your campaign. It can help you to
discover new keywords Improve bid amount, budget etc.
36)What are Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool?
Google search results page for specific terms this helps you to see which ad and ad
extension is showing for the keyword. A tool in your account that helps to identify why
your add or ad extension might not be appearing at a specific time.
37)What is Over delivery credit?
Over delivery credit is when AdWords show your ad more than what your daily budget
would normally allow, your daily cost would be up to 20% more than average daily
budget but in complete monthly billing period you will never be charged more than your
monthly charging limit.
38)What are Invalid Clicks?
Clicks on the ad that Google considers to be ill legitimate such as unintentional clicks or
clicks resulting from malicious software.
39)Guidelines for search ads?
I.All caps are not allowed
II.Click Here is not allowed
40)What is Remarketing?
Remarketing helps you reach people who have visited your website or used your
app.there are two types of Remarketing. Google records cookies for showing them
remarketing ads.
I.Standard Remarketing:
It will show an ad to your past visitors as they browse display network websites and use
display network apps.
II.Dynamic Remarketing: Target People who have visited your website for a particular
product or services.
41)What is PLA?
Product Listing Ads (PLA), This ad strategy is used to advertise products ads on Google
search and Google partners.
This campaign is also called as shopping campaign mostly used by E-commerce
42)What are Converted Clicks?
Converted Click is a metric which is used to track the total number of clicks which
resulted in a conversion.
43)What is Price Extension?
Price Extension is used to display the price of a relevant product.
44)What is meant by Search queries?
Search queries are the exact keywords for which your ads were triggered. By checking
out search terms daily we can remove negative keywords which are resulting CPL
45)What is Campaign Management?
Campaign Management is a process of creating and managing an advertising campaign
for a company on Google Adwords. You may be assigned a client.
46)What is Click tag?
Click tag is used to track a total number of clicks on the links from different sources.
47)What is Google Adwords Double Serving Policy?
It means the advertiser cannot advertise for same keywords from multiple accounts.
The purpose of this policy is to avoid showing ads of same companies which may
48)How can you improve Quality Score?
I can Improve Quality Score by using optimization techniques in the campaign like
adding up negative keywords, Segregating keywords accordingly with Adgroups and
changing ads.
49)what is Keyword density?
Placing the relevant keywords throughout your content is very important it helps search
engines work out what your content is about.
50)What is Ad unit?
Ad unit represents an ad location on one or more pages of your website an ad unit
object include size an id and the unique name the id is used to identify ad unit objects.

1.what is Google Analytics?

Google analytics is the most powerful tool to check the performance of our website. Google
Analytics has two types of services one is a free service provider and the another is paid tool, as
all of us knows paid tool is very costly. So maximum website owners uses free service it is very
useful for search engine optimization (SEO) that is used for marketing purpose and helps you to
track the all performance records for your website like live users, Keywords, Location, Gender.
2.what is session?
it is a group of Actions that takes place in your webpage or website with in a particular time
period. A single Google Analytics session will contains multiple  page views.
3.what is page view?
it is recorded every time when a page is viewed so when a visitor hits a back button or refresh
button still the page views are recorded everytime a page is opend in browser.
4.What is bounce rate?
A visit with one page view doesnot matter but how long the visitor was on the page or off they
left it is a visit with only one interaction.
5.What is Users?
In google analytics the users are that have had atleast one session with in selected date range
repeated and new both are counted.
Go to Audience Click On Active Users Here You Can find active users

Overview of Users
Report in Google Analytics
6.what is goal in Google Analytics?
It is versatile way to measure how well your site or app fullfill your target objectives.
you can setup an individual goals to track discrete actions like tranction with minimum purchase
amount or the amount of the time spent acroos the stream.
7.what is Aquasition report in Google Analytics?
Aquasition report provides a window on the user Aquasition by channel, campaign, keyword,
and source media.
Channels in the aquasition reports are rule based grouping of the most common sources of
Here are the Images Shown Below of Aquasition Overview in Google Analytics

Overview of Aquasition

erview of Aquasition Report
8. what is behaviour in Google Analytics?
This section contains reports designed to help you impore the content on your site to meet the
needs and expetations of visitors
It shows how frequently each page on a site was view 100k for high bounce rate on the landing
Here are the images below shown how is the overview of Behaviour in Google Analytics

Overview of

of Behaviour
9.what is Report in Google Analytics?
To identify the landing pages that are needed to be rewritten or redesigned to be more effective.
To Know more about report in google analytics: Click Here
10.How many types of custom Reports in Google Analytics?
There are 3 types of custom Reports in Google Analytics.they are
II.Flat Table
III.Map overlay
11.what is Explorer?
A Standard Google analytics report that consist line graph and data table that include dynamic
the elements like search, sort and secondary dimensions.
12.What is Flat Table?
A static sortable table that displays that data in rows.
13.What is Mapoverlay?
A Map of the world of different regions and countries displaying in darker colours to indicate the
traffic and engagement Volume.
14.What is site search button?
If you have a site search button on your website. You want to know what the people are
searching for when they come to your site.
This is mainly useful for E-Commerce site.
15.What is Cohort in Google Analytics?
Cohort means a group of user who share the same content with same time.
They are four sections
I.Cohort type
II.Cohort size
IV.Date range
16.what is Cohort type?
The cohort type have a close similarity  to table column that contains total number of users data
in cohort, currently only one position is available in cohort type  that is called acquisition date.
17.What is Attribution model?
An attribution model in Google analytics is rule that will firmly decide.
How credit will be designated  for conversions and sales to touch points in the conversion paths
is called attribution model.

18.What is Time lag report Indicate?

Time lag in between original session and a goal completion.
19.What are UTM parameters?
UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. Parameters that are added to url’s in order to track
organic traffic referral traffic and CPC (Cost Per Click) traffic.
20.What is Assisted Conversion?
Assisted Conversion in Google Analytics is when one traffic results in after goal completion
through different traffic source.
21.Why it is useful to assign a value to your Goal in Google Analytics?                                    

Google analytics assigning a goal value is very important that helps you to tack out your goals
from conversions.
22.How can you see where the visitors are clicking most on your website?
This can be identified or seen with the help of In-Page Analytics.

23. What is UA tracking code?

U.A stands for Universal Analytics. The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the
admin section of web property.

24. What are the different elements of Event Tracking in Google Analytics?                          
There are three elements in event tracking. They are as follows
I. Categories
III. Actions

25. What is RPC in Google Analytics?

RPC stands for Revenue per Click is a metric available in Google Analytics for using of E-
Commerce tracking.

26. How to identify the most trending pages on my website in Google Analytics?
Google Analytics Helps Out to solve all Problems here to find out if you want to find out what
are the top pages that the users are visiting on my website then in Google Analytics go to
behavior there you can find the trending topics or most visited topics of your website.
27. How can you identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to my website?
The keyword column displays traffic that are coming from organic and paid.
28. What is event tracking in Google Analytics?
If you want to track the particular event in Google analytics then you can use the customization
code and track the particular event

29. What is a Search Depth in Google Analytics?

Search Depth in Google Analytics is the average number of page visitors viewed after
performing a search on site.
30. How can you identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to my website?
The keyword column displays traffic that are coming from organic and paid.
31. What is event tracking in Google Analytics?
Event tracking includes the Google Analytics code customization and it is used to track a
specific occasion or an action on a website like a tick, download of documents,
files, software’s etc.
32. What is a Search Depth in Google Analytics?
Search Depth in Google Analytics is the average number of page visitors viewed after
performing a search on site.
33. What are cookies in analytics?
Cookies are the text files which are stored on the client computer.
34. Difference Between Clicks and Visits?
Click is an action performed on a site or a particular product.
Users are spending time on site is called visit.
35. What is the use of Track Page View in Google Analytics?
Track Page View is used to register a pageview in Google Analytics
36. What is Demographics in Google Analytics?
Demographics in Google Analytics shows the age group of people who is visiting our website.
37. What is site speed and how to check in Google Analytics?
This is where you measure the speed of your site or app.
A slow loading website can be frustrating for users and can hurt your advertising and search
Find and fix slow pages to improve your conversion rates and make your users happier.
The Site Speed reports measure two aspects of latency:
Page load time (latency) for a sample of page views on your website pages.
This will helps you to see the different loading times in different pages and areas etc.
No setup is required.
Go to Site Speed > Page Timings to see your data.
If you want to track the loading time or speed of any visit or an event that you want to track.
This can include measuring how quickly specific images load, how long it takes for your site to
respond to specific button clicks, etc.
To collect this data, you’ll need to add _track Timing method calls to the source code of the
interactions you want to track.
Go to Site Speed > User Timings to see your data. Set up User Timings.
38. What is page timings in Google Analytics?
The Page Timings report view allows you to see which pages load the fastest and which ones are
By fixing slow loading pages, you may be able to improve your conversion rates.
It’s particularly important that landing pages load quickly.
To identify slow landing pages, go to Page Timings and select Page as the primary dimension in
the table.

39. What is Distribution and map overlay in Google Analytics?

In speed analysis, it will not ravel the total thing it does not gives the detailed information.
Click the Distribution tab to see how load and execution times vary. To see the speed detail for a
specific page or event, drill
down into the page or timing category in the Explorer tab, and then click over to the Performance
Latency can vary according to geography. You may be able to fix international latency by adding
To see how latency breaks down by geographic area, switch to the Map Overlay tab.
This report defaults to show speed range by Country/Territory. To see speed detail for a specific
city, drill down into the country or territory, then click over to the Explorer tab or the
Distribution tab.

40. What is event report in Google Analytics?

The Events reports show how people use interactive elements in your site or app.
For example, many websites contain video players, games, and other interactive experiences.
Simply tracking page views doesn’t allow you to capture these kind of interactions.
When a user interacts with a video player, no page view is generated.
Other examples of interactions that don’t generate page views are Ajax-based activities, file
downloads, and clicks on links that take the user to another site.
To see event data, you’ll need to decide what kinds of interactions you want to track,
decide how you want to organize these events into Categories, Actions, and Labels, and
work with your web/app development team to implement events in your source code.
Read the Event Tracking Guide for more information.

41. What is category in Google Analytics?

The Category is at the top of the hierarchy. It’s a way to bundle user activity together.
“Slideshow”, “Videos”, and “Downloads” are good examples of categories, though you can be as
specific or broad as your content requires.

42. What is Action in Google Analytics?

The action is literally what the user does. For example let us consider a video player the actions
performed on this are play, pause, share, get embed link, etc.
43. What is Label in Google Analytics?
Label Provides a bit more information about the user’s action.
44. What is E-Commerce tracking in Google Analytics?
E-Commerce tracking is a snippet of code you can include on your site or app to collect
transaction data like product sales, purchase amounts, and billing locations, and connect it to
your Google Analytics account.
In Google Analytics Click On Admin You Can View  E-Commerce Tracking

E-Commerce Tracking in
Google Analytics
45. What are the different types of product linking in Google Analytics?
The different types of product linking in Google Analytics are:
  I.Adwords linking
  II.Ad sense linking
  III.Ad exchange linking.
  V.DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM)
  VI.DoubleClick Campaign Manager
  VII.DoubleClick Search
  VIII.Google Play                                                IX.Postbacks
  X.Search Console
46. Whai is Search Console and how to link with Google Analytics?
Search Console can help you understand how users find your site through Google search.
Identify ways to attract more attention to your site and prioritize development efforts.
To Know more about link your google analytics with search console: Click Here 
47. What are Network referrals in Google Analytics?
Identify the networks and communities where people engage with your content. Learn about
each community, and identify your best performing content on each network.
48. Do Google Analytics will track Actual click path of individual visitor or not?
Yes, Google Analytics will track each and every click and click path of each and individual
49. what is the formula of ROI?
ROI stands for Return On Invest
The formula of ROI is:
(Revenue – Cost) / Cost
50. In Google Analytics session time is 30 minutes and how to change it to 45 minutes?
By default session time is 30 minutes an we can change it to 45 minutes by click on admin
section and clicking on the session settings.
51. What is multi channel funnel report?
The Multi-Channel Funnels report shows how your marketing channels i.e., sources of traffic to
your website work together to create sales and conversions.
52. Auto tagging is used in which type of traffic?
Auto tagging is a feature used in Ad words Campaign Traffic.

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