Polygonal Polyhedral Shape: Solution Precision

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Mesh is the practice of generating a polygonal or polyhedral shape that

approximates a geometric domain. It is also known as "grid generation".
The collection of elements and nodes are called mesh and the assembly of all
meshes called finite element model.

Mesh Quality:
The quality of mesh can be determine by the following factors:

Rate of Convergence:
The rate of convergence is directly proportional to mesh quality that is greater the
rate of convergence the enhanced will be the mesh quality. That means the correct
solution has been achieved faster. A lower mesh quality might be leave certain
important phenomena’s such as the boundary layer that occurs in fluid flow. In this
case the solution could not converge or the rate of convergence will be reduced.
Solution Precision:
Solution precision is directly proportional to mesh quality that means better mesh
quality provides a more accurate solution. For example, a user can improve the
mesh at certain areas of the geometry where the uncertainty is high, thus increasing
the reliability of solutions in that region. It also means that if a mesh is not
sufficiently developed then the accuracy of the solution is limited. So the mesh
quality is decided by its required precision.
CPU Time Required:
As the mesh size and quality refined CPU take more time. It is however an
undesirable factor. For a high quality mesh where the number of cells per unit area
is high the CPU required time will be relatively very large. So the Time requirement
will be proportional to the number of elements.
Grid Independent result:
If the iteration are done and the desired parameters of fluid does not vary with
respect to mesh elements, then it characterizes that further variation in elements
doesn't vary your computational results and is labeled as Grid Independent Results.
It is an important tool to know how good your mesh is from the point of purpose of
absolute results.
Before you create the mesh For Finite Element Analysis you need to select a type of
mesh. Select one of the following mesh types on the basis of your model geometry:
Generating a solid mesh of you model. The meshing procedure creates a finest
model of the solid volume of your meshed model with a network of three-
dimensional tetrahedral or pyramidal elements. This includes the results that
tetrahedral solid elements for all solid chunk in your model and the elements for any
beam, spring, mass, rigid link, or weighted etc. link idealizations.
It Generates a mesh of triangular or quadrilateral elements for shell idealizations
definite through shell pairs. The results identifies the elements at the mud surface of
your model and the elements for any beam, spring, mass, rigid link, or weighted etc.
link idealizations.
It Generates a mesh of triangular or quadrilateral elements on a models quit surface
if you define shell idealization on those surfaces. The results identifies the elements
that you created on a quit surface and the elements for any beam, spring, mass, rigid
link, or weighted etc. link idealizations.
It Generates a mesh of triangular or quadrilateral elements on a models exterior
surface. The results identifies the elements that you created on a quit surface and
the elements for any beam, spring, mass, rigid link, or weighted etc. link
It Generates one dimensional mesh . The results identifies the elements that you
created on a one dimensional body and the elements for any beam, spring, mass,
rigid link, or weighted etc. link idealizations.

1. [Saeed_Moaveni]_Finite_element_analysis_theory
2. http://home.ku.edu.tr/~akabakcioglu/teaching/math506/FEM.pdf
3. http://www.descargas.simulsoft-
4. http://support.ptc.com/help/creo/creo_pma/italian/index.html#page/simulate/si

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