Chapter 7: Basic Plumbing Tools For Drainage Pipes and Fittings

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1. Hacksaw
2. Closet auger
3. Plunger
4. Rule
5. Blow torch
6. Lead pot
7. Pouring ladle Rule/ Push-pull tape. This is
8. Joint runner used to measure pipes to be Blow Torch- this is used as a
9. Ball peen hammer cut and for measuring the run of source of heat when melting
10. Cold chisel the pipes. lead and heating the soldering
11. Caulking irons copper for calk joint.
12. Soldering copper
13. Tin snip
14. Plumb bob
15. Plumb level
16. File

Lead Pot. This is used as a Pouring Ladle- this is used for

vessel for holding lead to be scooping up melted lead to be
melted. This is also known poured into cast iron soil pipes
as Melting Pot. to make a calk joint.
Hacksaw. This is used for
cutting pipes.

Joint runner. This is used to

close the gap between the hub Ball Peen hammer- this is
and the spigot of a cast iron used for caulking.
soil pipe while molten lead is
poured into the joint of a
Closet Auger. This is used for horizontal pipe run. This is also
removing clogs in drain pipes, known as Pouring rope.
usually at water closet, urinal
and lavatory stoppage.
Gold chisel- this is used for
cutting cast iron pipes and for
boring holes.
Calking Iron- this is used for
Tin snip. This is used for
caulking oakum and lead for
cutting G.I. sheets for straps to
bed and spigot joints.
anchor pipes.
Plunger. This is used to clear the
trap at floor drains, or minor
obstructions through a pumping
action. This is also known as
Plumber’s friend or Plumber’s
Soldering Copper. This is
used for soldering lead on Plumb Level. This is used to
flashing of vent pipes on G.I. establish and guide grades on
Roofing. horizontal drain pipe runs.
File. This is used to remove
the burrs of cut pipes.

Plumb Bob. This is used for

establishing vertical runs for


Providing water in buildings is one of the most critical utility requirements. A building
without water supply is unfit for human habitation.

Generally speaking, potable water is supplied from a local utility through a public water

For buildings without public water system, an alternative source of water must be
considered, such as springs, wells and rain water.

In most conditions, springs are shallow wells with water supply just a few meters from
the ground surface. If this is the source of domestic water supply, careful attention must
be given to yield and purify. The flow may stop during dry season or surface water may
get contaminated.

Spring water can be developed so as to secure maximum protection from contamination

by excavating sufficiently to locate the true spring openings and to insure a secure
foundation for the encasing structure. This structure is known as a spring box which
serves as a collector for spring water. Water collected from the spring box flows to a
larger storage tank and then to the distribution pipes.

The determination of the yield of the spring water source employs a very simple
procedure. They are as follows:

1. Channel the flow of the spring into a collection basin. Make sure that the basin
collects all available flow.
2. Place an overflow pipe through the dam so that the collected water flows freely
through the pipe. There should be no leakage around the pipe.
3. Put a bucket of known volume (for example, a 10-liter bucket) under the overflow
pipe to catch the flow.
4. With a watch, measure the amount of time it takes to fill the bucket. At this
instance, the rate of flow can be determined.
5. Check the rate of flow per day if it is sufficient to supply the daily water demand
of the occupants.


It takes a spring 60 seconds to fill a 10-liter bucket. Determine if its daily yield is
sufficient to the water demand of the community of 200 people. The average daily water
consumption per person is 60 liters.


 Determine the rate of flow ( in liters/ second)

Rate of Flow= 10 liters = 0.16 liters/ second

60 seconds

 Determine the daily yield ( liters/day)

Daily yield= 0.16 liter x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours

Second 1 minute 1 hour 1 day
= 13, 824 liters per day
 Determine total daily water demand

Total demand= 200 persons x 60 liters/ person / day

= 12,000 liters per day

Therefore, the spring with the daily flow of 13,824 liters can sufficiently meet the
demand of the community of 200 people.


Wells are holes or shafts sunk into the earth to obtain water from an aquifer. An aquifer
is a water-bearing formation of gravel, permeable rock or sand that is capable of
providing water, in usable quantities, to springs or wells.

The design and proper construction of a well require scientific knowledge of

hydrogeology, common sense and practical experience.

The types of wells generally refer to the method of its construction, which are:

1. Dub
2. Bored
3. Driven
4. Drilled
a. Percussion or standard
b. Rotary
c. Reverse-circulation rotary
d. Jetting

1. Dug wells- These are wells 60 centimeters or more in diameter dug through
the soft upper soil. The sides may be of masonry or concrete to prevent from caving-in.
It is necessary that the well should be impervious to a depth of at least 3 meters.

2. Bored wells – these are constructed using either hand or power driven earth
auger. A well casing is lowered to the bottom of the hole. After the boring is complete,
cement grout is poured to fill the gap between the bored hole and the well casing. This
is to prevent contamination.

3. Driven wells- a driven well is done by forcing into the earth a 60 to 90

centimeter long piece of perforated steel tube attached to a pointed screen called a
“drive point”. This type of well varies from 32 mm diameter at a depth of 3 to 12 meters.

4. Drilled Wells- A drilling rig is used to drill the well hole and then a casing or
tubular pipe is forced down the hole to prevent it from caving-in. when a water-bearing
stratum of sufficient capacity is found, a well screen is set in place to permit the water to
flow into the casing and to hold back the fine material. The depth of this well is limited
only by the distance one must dig to obtain an adequate supply of fresh water, even
down to 450 meters.


In terms of resource conservation, rainwater is an attractive alternative. Rain water is

soft and is near to the purest state in the hydrological cycle. However, air pollution
causes rainwater to be acidic which corrode non-ferrous pipes and cause rusting and
clogging of steel pipes.

In spite of these conditions, rainwater collection system remains a viable water source
alternative. This system typically employ a cistern or covered reservoir tanks to store
water collected from roofs or other relatively clean, impervious surfaces. The collected
rain can be used for flushing water closets and urinals, as well as for landscape
purposes wherein potable water is not necessary.

The city council of Cebu promulgated City Ordinance No. 1711 otherwise known as the
“water conservation and Flood Prevention ordinance”. This ordinance requires all
projects to provide a permanent rainwater tank or container proportionate to the roof
area. These are stated as follows:

A. For commercial, Industrial and Institutional buildings

One cubic meter of tank/ container for every fifteen (15) square meters of roof
area and deck, up to a maximum of seven (7) cubic meters.

B. For Residential Buildings (Php 500,000.00 and above project cost)

One cubic meter of tank/ container for every fifteen (15) square meters of roof
area and deck, up to a maximum of three (3) cubic meters.


There are two methods that can be used in determining the size of the storage tank for
rain water:

1. The use of Cebu city Ordinance 1711 which states that for every fifteen (15)
square meter of roof area, one (1) cubic meter of rain water can be collected.
This is the short method of sizing the cistern.
2. The use of the rain fall data of the locality. This is the long method of determining
the size of the cistern.


As part of the design problem, it was required that 5 water closets, 2 urinals and
2 slop sinks of a school building in Cebu city be provided with an alternative source of
water supply, specifically from rainfall catchment. Your are to determine the size of the
rainwater cistern based on the following givens or assumptions:

1. Water closets shall be flush tank types

2. Rainfall data of Cebu is available from PAGASA
3. Roof area is 1,000 square meter.
4. Capacity of cistern to satisfy 30 minute duration of water demand
5. Rainfall catchment efficiency is 80%.


1. Solving for rainwater demand load

Water closet: 5 x 5 WSFU = 25

Urinal : 2 x 5 WSFU = 10
Slop Sink : 2 x 10 WSFU= 20
Total demand= 55 WSFU

 From tables of valves, the equivalent for 55 WSFU is 29 GPM

 The estimate daily demand is:

Daily demand = 29 gallons x 30 mins. = 870 gallons

 The estimated annual demand is:

Annual Demand= 870 gallons/ day x 365 days = 317,550 gallons

Or 1,201,926.75 liters
 The estimated average monthly demand is:

1,201,926.75 liters / 12 = 100,160.56

100.16 cubic meters

2. Determining the rain fall data from PAGASA ( average precipitation rate in
January 109.00m July 196.70
February 71.10 August 152.70
March 54.60 September 186.70
April 58.60 October 201.40
May 120.90 November 162.30
June 177.00 December 137.70

Average annual rainfall: 1628.70 mm

3. Solving for the amount of available rain water per month:

Available rain water = monthly rain fall x roof area x 80%


January 109.00 x 1000 x 0.80 87, 200 liters

February 71.10 x 1000 x 0.80 56, 880
March 54.60 x 800 43,680
April 58.60 x800 46,880
May 120.90 x 800 96,720
June 177.00 x 800 141,600
July 197.70 x 800 157,360
August 152.70 x 800 122,160
September 186.70 x 800 149,360
October 201.40 x 800 161,120
November 162.30 x 800 129,840
December 137.70 x 800 110,160
TOTAL 1,302,960 liters

Average Monthly supply: 1,302, 960 / 12 = 108,580 liters

4. Add the available rain water cumulatively

January 87,200 liters July 630,320

February 144,080 August 752,480
March 187,760 September 901,840
April 234,640 October 1,062,960
May 331,360 November 1,192,800
June 472,960 December 1,302,960

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