Week 4 Seminar Tuition Fees

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IFP0510 Week 4

Tuition Fee Increases in the UK

Read through the articles below and answer the questions. Use information
from them to write two paragraphs discussing the impact of the rise in tuition
fees for University students in the UK. Write in correctly formed paragraphs,
using the PEE structure.

Question 1: What percentage of students are now more likely to study nearer to
Question 2: What did the HEFCE research conclude?
Question 3: What do you think the author means by a ‘student finance learning
Question 4: In the second article which group contributes £25.8bn to the UK
Question 5: What is a bursary?

Higher tuition fees are distorting the choices poorer

students make
Graeme Atherton


Tuition fees have been at the forefront of political parties’ pre-election campaigning,
but what do we really know about how the cost of higher education affects the
number of students going to university, and the choices they make when applying?

What happened following the trebling of tuition fees in 2012 has surprised virtually all
of those working in higher education and politics: for full-time young students (the
situation is quite different for part-time older students) applications have not fallen.
For young people from deprived neighbourhoods it has actually increased. 

This may encourage some to argue that young people are immune to the impact of
rising costs, and that it may even be possible – and desirable – to further increase
fees. This would be a dangerous step to take. 

Fees may not be deterring many from going to university, but they are distorting the
choices young people make at the application stage, and once they start their

Research undertaken by the National Education Opportunities Network (Neon),

involving nearly 1,500 year 13 students from eight different areas of the country
applying to university this year, showed that those from lower participation
neighbourhoods were 20% more likely to choose to study near to home, and to live
at home while studying, than those from the highest participation neighbourhoods. 

The research showed that if fees were reduced to £6,000 then 45% of respondents
would choose a different course and nearly 60% would work less during term time. 

More recently, the focus has rightly turned to whether learners from widening access
backgrounds are reaching their potential when they enter higher education. 

Access without success is not really access at all – especially when fees are so high.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England’s (Hefce) own research in 2013
showed that students from disadvantaged backgrounds are significantly less likely to
get graduate jobs, an upper 2:1 or even complete their course. 

Perhaps it’s not surprising that these students aren’t doing as well. Driven by
financial concerns, they are choosing courses they don’t really want to do, in places
they don’t really want to be, and are spending time working rather than studying.

What can universities do about this though? The research from Neon provides some
initial clues. 

Over 40% of all the respondents did not know whether they were even eligible for a
grant, and less than one fifth of those who responded (18%) knew that they could
borrow up to around £5,700 per year towards maintenance costs if they live away
from home outside London. 

There are still big gaps in young people’s understanding of the university finance
system, and their perceptions of university are formed long before they apply. That’s
why we need the government, universities, Student Finance England and schools
and colleges to collaborate to construct a student finance learning ladder that would
outline for young people, parents and those who advise both groups, what young
people should know at different points over their educational progression. 

No one is suggesting that year 7s should know exactly how much maintenance grant
they are entitled too, but they should know something about what university costs.
And prospective students should certainly know what they are entitled too when they

As the first cohorts of students graduate later this year with an average debt of over
£40,000, universities have to ensure that these students have done sufficiently well
to make this investment worthwhile. Supporting them to make the best choices they
can will go a long way to doing this.


UK university applications fall by 4%, Ucas figures show

By Katherine Sellgren BBC News education reporter

13th July 2017

The number of people applying for UK university places has fallen by more
than 25,000 (4%) on last year, data from the admissions service Ucas shows.

The figures show a sharp decline in those applying to study nursing courses - down
19% - and a continued fall in the number of mature students, notably in England and
Northern Ireland.

The number of EU students planning to study in the UK has fallen by 5%.

It is the first decline since fees were last increased in England, in 2012.
Fees in England will increase to £9,250 this year, and student loans are subject to
an increase in interest rates - rising from 4.6% to 6.1% from this autumn.

University leaders said a number of factors could be fuelling the fall in applicants,
including Brexit, higher fees and funding changes for trainee nurses and midwives.
From 1 August, new nursing, midwifery and most allied health students in England
will no longer receive NHS bursaries - instead, they will have access to the same
student loans system as other students.

Four nations

The latest Ucas figures show the number of people who had applied to UK
universities for the coming academic year by the 30 June deadline was 649,700 -
compared with 674,890 in 2016.

There have been reductions in applicants from all four countries in the UK. There

 437,860 applications from students in England - down 5% from 459,430 last


 48,940 from Scotland - down 1% from 49,470

 22,530 from Wales - down 5% from 23,740

 20,290 from Northern Ireland - down 4% from 21,110

Applications from EU students fell from 51,850 in 2016 to 49,250 this year.

However, applicants from overseas countries outside of the European Union are up
2%, from 69,300 in 2016 to 70,830 this year.

There has been a significant drop in mature students (those aged 25 and over) in
England and Northern Ireland - down 18% (11,190) and 13% (220) respectively.

Dr Mark Corver, Ucas director of analysis and research, said: "Within the figures,
there are contrasting trends.

"How these trends translate into students at university and colleges will become
clear over the next six weeks, as applicants get their results and secure their places
and new applicants apply direct to Ucas's clearing process."

Mature students

Prof Les Ebdon, director of Fair Access to Higher Education, said: "The downward
trend in mature student numbers is now one of the most pressing issues in fair
access to higher education.

"Undoubtedly, the reasons behind the fall are complex and multiple, but universities
and colleges should look to do what they can to reverse the decline in mature
student applications, as a matter of urgency."

Dame Julia Goodfellow, president of Universities UK, said universities recognised

that there were a number of issues to address.

"Continuing to communicate to European applicants that they are welcome and

enrich our education system is important," she said.

"The decline in part-time and mature student entrants must also be addressed.

"We recognise also the concern about the total cost of going to university.

"Any analysis needs to cover the cost of maintenance and the interest rate on the

Sarah Stevens, head of policy at the Russell Group, said it would be a concern if EU
students were being put off by the uncertainties of Brexit.

"It's positive that applications from overseas students outside the EU have risen
slightly," he said.

"International students bring social and cultural diversity to our campuses and this
benefits all students, and they contribute £25.8bn to the UK economy."

The Department for Education pointed out that the number of 18-year-olds applying
for university was at record levels despite the fall in the overall number of applicants.

A spokeswoman said: "Higher education reforms will give people more choice and
universities will be expected to continue improving access and participation in higher

"The government is committed to supporting all young people to reach their full
potential - whether that is going to university, starting an apprenticeship or taking up
a technical qualification."

Pam Tatlow, chief executive of MillionPlus, said the application data from Ucas was
"not good news".

"As predicted, the abolition of bursaries has depressed rather than increased
applications for nursing and there will be no additional nurses trained in spite of
ministers' assurances," she said.

"There is no doubt that the government's approach to Brexit is damaging and is

creating huge uncertainties, both for EU students and UK universities."


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