Task 2:: Developing Challenging But Obtainable Goals For My Client

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Task 2:

Developing challenging but obtainable goals for my client:

Goal 1:
For the first goal, I will try to improve and build up my client fitness elements to increase his
performance. I will in general guide my customer as far as improving his speed and coordination, in
order to allow his steps, match the beat of the song. Moreover, I will try for my customer to increase the
coordination of muscles in his lower and chest area, which aides in the arm and leg coordination while
doing his step sentence.

Goal 2:
Thinking about the territories of progress for my customer as far as his physical exhibition, I will focus on
my customer to achieve higher heart stimulating exercise routine with length of two minutes effectively
and easily imbedding a middle of the road force through improving the components of my customer
associating them utilizing a few developments. I look forward in increasing his coordination with the
rhythm and the beat, alongside applying the fundamental development components for step aerobics
that impact the use of space which is meant to improve his utilization of space appropriately. The
advancement of his physical presentation as far as these territories would further lead to a brilliant

Exercises for Goal 1 (fitness development):

Health/skill fitness Name of Drill How to perform? Justification

Speed and Agility Lateral Plyometric Throughout using the This helps in increasing
Jumps natural body weight. the stability in the leg,
Starting with squatting the coordination, and
straight down. Then reduces the risk that
pushing through the are caused from the
heels quickly, pushing sports injuries; which is
upwards and sideways through increasing the
and towards the other balance.
side of the line while
jumping. This is done
for 30-60 seconds
Forward Running, High- As the name implies, This increases the basic
knee Drills you need to forward speed in the body.
run while moving your While also it increases
legs to a high-knee the foot coordination
angle. and speed field in most
Coordination Jump Rope Drills This drill is about using This help in increasing
the rope while the coordination of the
jumping. body, especially the
Target through rings This drill is about This helps in increasing
shooting a ball through the coordination
a ring, while doing a between the leg and
squat. the hand movements.

Training plan for Goal 2:

The first week:

my customer and I will pick a tune that coordinates her capacity to do the progression vigorous exercise
and practice the essential developments in step high impact exercise however mostly concentrating on
the leg developments not the arm development because of that later on we will rehearse for the arm
developments, my customer changed her tune in light of the fact that the principal melody that she has
done her progression heart stimulating exercise execution was not as quick as she needs so she pick
another tune that has higher speed, we will rehearse for 1hr and 3min its ordinary to commit errors at
the starting in light of the fact that later on we will rehearse more and build up the customers execution
and aptitudes I won't drive her into giving a valiant effort so I can see what she is skilled to do from
moves without including power and force.

The second week:

we will do rehearses for the essential developments yet including power and vitality and concentrating
on the two arms and leg developments then my customer will begin to applying moves to the tune that
was picked then practice on the space (course, confronting, level, floor example) and power (vitality,
quality, progression of developments) notwithstanding the arm developments, I will include the force of
the training so I can see her improvement and work for 1hr and 8 min and begin remembering the
moves as indicated by the beat of the melody picked what's more, be finished with the principal 1min
and 40 seconds of the 2min that must be acted in

week 3.

The third week in the wake of having all the developments as a main priority begin preparing on the left
seconds to complete 2minutes, later on in the wake of rehearsing on the developments and finished
with the 1min the customer must put more power and vitality to upgrade the nature of the moves and
the execution and spotlight on the space, arm and leg developments, power I will include high force by
utilizing all the development components and rehash the routine commonly without any mix-ups so the
customer can play out her last her 2min that incorporates her own inventiveness of including moves
from different games and moves while building up her presentation and building up her arm
developments, power, space and keeping up her adaptability we will rehearse for 1hr and 10min.

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