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Kirn | RACT AGREEMENT Soe ON TINIAIZOSORaH/SCAS DESIGN AND BUILD OF MIXED USE BUILDINGS — COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD (BP18A) SUPPLY OF MANPOWER EMENT is made and entered on the 15% of October 2020 Between, egistered Office is at P.O. REDCO CONSTRUCTION - ALMANA (CR No, 20303), whose Registered C 8 Box: 23300, Doha, Qatar with Tel, No.: +974 4469 0276 and Fax. No.: +974 4469 0734, (hereinafter called the “FIRST PARTY"). And ZAHARATALSURUR GENERAL CONTRACTING W.L.L., whose Registered Office is at P.O. Box: 19305, Doha, Qatar with Tel, No.: +974 4483 3565, (hereinafter called the “SECOND PARTY’) Preamble WHEREAS, the “FIRST PARTY” has entered on a Contract Agreement with M/s. LUSAIL REAL ESTATE COMPANY W.L.L. (hereinafter called the “EMPLOYER?) for the DESIGN AND BUILD OF MIXED USE BUILDINGS - COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD (BP18A) (hereinafter called the “PROJECT’), located in Doha Qatar: AND WHEREAS, the scope of works includes to provide the Supply of Manpower (hereinafter called the WORKS’) as per the site requirements and the SECOND PARTY has agreed to execute the said WORKS, which are described in these Sub-Contract Agreement documents forming part of the Agreement, CLAUSE 1: SCOPE OF WORK ‘The SECOND PARTY has agreed to the Supply of Manpower as per the following scope of works: 1.1 The SECOND PARTY shall supply the required manpower/workers to our company as per the project request and the requirements of FIRST PARTY’s Human Resources Department. 1.2 ‘The SECOND PARTY shalll provide qualified skilled workers to perform the works, 1.3. The SECOND PARTY shall be fully responsible for the visa, medical requirements, medical! insurance, worker's compensation insurance, and for all legal matters concerning the workers, 14 The SECOND PARTY shall provide standard PPE and basic tools, and workers must have a proper orientation and awareness of project Safety Rules and Regulations. Workers violating the saiety rules and regulations shall be removed from the site in discretion of the FIRST PARTY's Safety Officer and/or Project Manager. 1,9 ‘The transportation of the workers from the accommodation to job site and back to their accommodation shall be provided by the SECOND PARTY. 1,6 The SECOND PARTY shall provide, proper shelter (housing/accommodation) a food for the workers. ‘Supply of Manpower ~Sub-Contract Agreement No, P-28U/A/2020/S28/SC:4.99 Page-1-0f 6 lla - ile gay alana ideo Construction es srg4tsa sea Fe e744 004 0 aox2s200 Doh. swmaccalmara com om 7 18 19 1.10 23 24 25 2.6 ailall INS AL Mana The workers al be under te supervision of dhe FIRST PARTY, In oe any orks Taare FIRS’ shall give notice to the SE\ al face ne ant as tee hall provide an immediate replacement, The FIRST PARTY has the discretion to remove the workesivhic are no longer requted onthe PROVECT: ‘Staff'& Worker Entry Requirements nt Entry Requirement Driver's License Copy a tro Fi 0 iH b. Car/Equipment Registration Copy 1D Picture (2 pcs) Passport Copy ENERAL CONDITIONS The SECOND PARTY shall execute and complete the Sub-Contract WORKS in pacordance with the site requirements and up to the satisfaction of the FIRST PARTY, ENGINEER and EMPLOYER ip the event of SECOND PARTY's appointment as the Sub-Contractor for this scope unected by the EMPLOYER, this Sub-Contract Agreement shall be deemed to be Bull and void. The FIRST PARTY is not liable for any consequences arising out of is matter. The SECOND PARTY may not assign the whole or any part of the Sub-Contract WORKS without the prior written approval of the FIRST PARTY. The SECOND PARTY shall comply with the site requirements to the approval of the FIRST PARTY, ENGINEER and EMPLOYER, where required and applicable, Compliance with the Quality Assurance System shall not relieve the SECOND PARTY of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities, The SECOND PARTY shall submit a copy of their company’s Workmen Compensation Insurance to the project site prior to the deployment of worker(@). CLAUSE 3: SUB-CONTRACT PRICE 31 3.2 3.3 34 The Re-Measurable Sub-Contract Unit Price for this particular work shall be as follows: Cost Code | item Category Rate (QAR/Hour) 01450 1 | Helper 42.00 01450 2 | Stoel Fixer 15.00 The Final Sub-Contract Price shall be based on the actual quantities of work done at site, checked and accepted by the FIRST PARTY’s Project Manager ot Authorized Personnel, ‘The regular working hours shall be 10 hours per day & 6 days per week. The regular day overtime rate and the overtime rate on Fridays and holidays shall be calculated as 125% and 150% of the above rates, respectively. CLAUSE 4: COMMEN( & CO! 1 41 The SECOND PARTY shall commence the WORKS with expedition and diligenc without delay in accordance with the requirements of the FIRST PARTY. ‘Supply of Manpower - Sub-Contract Agreement No. P-281/A/202082B/SC.99 Page-2- of 6 lal Gel gy Tok974. 4539008 Fax 274449 or34 CLAUSE 5: PERFORMANCE BOND 5,1 Not Applicable . ject site (inside the site Policy, provided to cover the PROJECT, excluding the SECOND PARTY"s staf, workers, vehicle, equipment and machinery. a 6.3 “Risk and Period of Insurance The SECOND PARTY shall cffcct, at hia sole experas, inwurande with insurance ois siactory to the FIRST PARTY, against such ries as exe ceehen sete in Clause. 6,3 and in such amount and for'the benefit of such persone ets specified therein. Unless, the said specified above otherwise provides the SEnOny PARTY shall Fiainiain stich insurance from, the time that He first enters upon meee and until the completion of WORKS. O4 Gis SECOND PARTY shall deliver to the FIRST PARTY after award of this Sub- Contract WORKS and prior to commencing WORKS or within tan (10) days from 65 The SECOND PARTY shall give an advance notice not lees than thirty (30) days in Wiinnd tp the RIRST PARTY ripe tolicantcellation, termination (ar quotes) chant Policies of insurance. 72 The SECOND PARTY is instructed to indicate the Sub-Contract Reference on all -fivoices before submission to the FIRST PARTY; invoices without Sub-Contract Reference shall not be accepted and processed. ‘Supply of Manpower —Sub-Contract Agreement No, P-281/A/2020/82B/SCA-99 Page -3- of 6 Al Mat loll -Cleliitl g43, nxn 30) “= Keren SEAUBE 8: TERMINATION te this tract Agreement by - all be entitled to terminate SUT pie 's or to complete the WORKS within repeatedly such progress and PARTY, in order to avoid hind! the project requirements. SECOND PARTYS Deft. withthe Sub-Contract WORKS in accordance with project requirements. b) Stops the Sub-Contract exceeding seven (7) days; ©) Fails to execute the Sub-Contract obligations under the Sub-Contract, despite ee writing to ee eclots to vexsore defective wane afae Rerasiuatractcalss wasted sequence as shall ‘oll nce to other trades excuse for a period WORKS without reasonable 5 or neglects to comply with any of hia oR as pranaus warn for the FIRST CLAUSE 9: HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) REGULATIONS 9.1 The SECOND PARTY undertakes to comply with all relevant HSE regulations in force at the time of executing the Sub-Contract WORKS, and shall be solely responsible for all costs or damages incurred by his non-compliance therewith, CLAUSE 10: DISPUTES AND APPLICABLE LAW 10.1 This Sub-Contract Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the Law of State of Qatar. Any dispute arising between the Parties in connection with this Sub-Contract Agreement, and unless resolved amicably, shall be referred to the Courts of Qatar. Supply of Manpower — Sub-Contract Agreement No. P-281/A/2020/S2B/SCA-90 Page-4-of 6 ; in Alana lal edi gs, Pe cay 4453 9888 Fax: 4974 4469 0734 s ee larson ‘ © aac ‘This Sub-Contract Agreement is prepare his own copy: whereof, both, written, In witne: first abo On behalf of FIRST PARTY Signature: sees tine oe eee Engr. Monjid O.R. Abdulmajeed Chief Executive Officer Name Position Date ‘Witness (1 Signature: By Position, Engr. Eyad Khader : Chief Operating Officer Date Ke AL ia 4 in two originals and each party shall have parties hereto have hereunto set their harids on the day and year (On behalf of SECOND PARTY Alaxurinr At 1 Had), Signature’ Name Position | PHANAGINS Z Date Witness (2) = FRYE i GENERAL MANAGER 321s: Bode Date Supply of Manpower —Sub-Contract Agreement No. P-281/4/202/S2B/SCA-90 Page - 5- of 6 a construction AI Mana pila - clelibill 53) ‘Yok 974 4453 9888 Fax: 4974 4469 0734 BEA we

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