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Site Organization —_———— a Factors influencing selection and design of temporary services for a construction inciples of storing and Stacking materials at site. Location of equipment. Preparation actual job layout for a building. Organizing labour at site. Prit of > 4.1. INTRODUCTION EE CTION Most people employed in manufacturing industries or factories travel on each working day {0 the same site of employment. Their place of employment will not change for the whole of their working life, unless and until, they change their job. However, this is not exactly the case for persons employed on a building construction site. When a Particular project related to construction work is completed, there is no longer any employment for the labour force at that site. The work force is shifted to another site by the contractor depending upon the availability of work. Construction site can be regarded as a factory producing a building or a set of buildings at @ given site for a short period of time. Organization of construction site refers to systematic Placement and utilisation of resources of construction i.e. manpower, machines and materials. I 's the ar of a good construction manager to utilise all the resources to the best advantage. This chapter deals with various factors influencing selection and design of temporary services, principles of storage and stacking, location of equipment, preparation of job layout and organising labour at site. > 4.2. SITE ORGANIZATION Construction site may be defined as a temporary factory employing resources of men, machines, materials and money. Thus, it is like any other factory, which converts the raw materials (resources) into a finished product (building) by utilising resources, The schematic placement of resources at the construction site of materials, location of equipment, organization of labours etc. 10 is termed as site organization. It includes, providing easy access Jabour, constructing labour houses, and providing potable drinking ‘including storage and stacking Prevent unnecessary congestion {0 site, uninterrupted supply of water, electricity ete. for them. 72 Site, Organization _ 1s » 43. FACTORS INFLUENCING SELECTION AND DESIGN OF TEMPORARY SERVICES FOR A CONSTRUCTION At the construction site, many arrangements for the temporary services have to made for convenient, systematic and efficient conduct of work with minimum interruptions. The plan of systematic arrangements for the construction site is known as Job layout or Site layout Property line — Plumbing contractor 3 storage and office 7 240" ‘Storage for brick and tile ("Reinforcing (Reinforcing steol steel 3 BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION Street Electric contractor ns Timber storage storage and office | for Bick ‘and power saws Street Fig. 4.1. Job layout. The job layout shows the selection and design of following temporary services for a construction work. 1. General office - size and location Godown or Warehouse - size and location Temporary roads Workshops for welder, fitter, electrician etc. Staff accommodation Temporary urinals and lavatories Kitchen Construction plant for repair and maintenance of equipment etc. These temporary services are dismantled after the construction work is over. The various factors which influence the selection and design of above cited temporary services are ; (a) Nature of the project (b) Location of the project eI arr en 74 Eagle's Construction Management and , Accounts (c) Access to the site (d) Availability of space (c) Need for safety measures (A) Availability of labour (8) Availability of construction equipment (h) Availability of construction materials (i) Nature of ground (/) Miscellaneous factors. (@) Nature of the project : The selection and design of temporary services depend upon the nature of the project. If the project is a simple residential building, then the general office, warehouse, temporary roads and Construction plant etc. are not required. However, for large scale multi-purpose projects like dam, ROB (Railway Over Bridge), commercial reall etc., these amenities may be required. (©) Location of the project : The location of the project also affects the organization of construction site. For example, if the project is located in the city heart, no facilities for Sansportation of men, material and equipment are required. However, if the Project is located ata far flung place away from the city, means of transport has to be arranged for the movement of resources of construction, (©) Access to the site : If the access to the site is easier, material and equipment can be there is no need of storing material and machines much in advance and congestion of space can be prevented. However, (@ Availability of space : Availability like office, godown, staff accommodation, (©) Need of safety measures : In certain complex civil engineering projects, provision of safety measures for the workers becomes a dire necessity, such as, construction of dam, thermal Plant, nuclear reactor, tunnel etc, On Such sites, provision of dispensary should be included in job layout. Furthermore, safety measures should also be o Availability ey Fi If the labour is cheaply available at the local site, there is no need of shitting worksforce from a distant site and thus. tem ice like labour accommodation can be avoided, Porary service like labou (@) Availability of construction equipment : If the Construction equipment can be hired at a short notice, there is no necessity of their location at Site, much in advance to the discomfort > site Organization 7 of people working inside the camp. In such cases, construction of repair and maintenance plant can be avoided. (h) Availability of construction materials : Much of the space at the construction site is consumed by storage and stacking of materials like cement, sand, aggregates, steel, wood etc. If the material is locally available at competitive rates, there is no need of congesting the space with their storage too much in advance and thus, the shape of site layout will differ (@ Nature of ground : When the ground at construction site consists of soft and compressible soils, there is a necessity of construction of temporary approach roads for the safe and stable movement of heavy traffic. This is possible by compacting the soil with rollers and subsequently laying water bound macadam roads. @ Miscellaneous factors : Some of the miscellaneous factors given below also affect the selection and design of temporary services ; (i Construction of school for children of labour and staff for long duration projects (Generally, 2 - 5 years). (ii) Water supply and sanitary facilities (construction of OH tank, septic tanks etc.). (iii) Electrical facilities etc. (construction of electrical grid or chamber etc.) (iv) Public health, welfare and recreational facilities (indoor club, library or playground etc.) (v) Construction of a religious place (such as temple or gurudwara) for relieving daily workpressure in employees by means of spiritual prayers. > 4.4. PRINCIPLE OF STORING AND STACKING MATERIALS AT SITE The basic principle of material storage is that, “It should be handled in such a manner that there is a minimum wastage and loss due to deterioration, theft or mixing of foreign matter” Following are some of the important guidelines to be kept in mind for careful handling and storage of construction materials : 1. Materials stored at construction site should be protected from weathering agencies like heat, rain, wind and moisture to prevent their deterioration. For example materials like cement, wooden frames, lime etc. should be properly stored in sheds, kept on raised platforms with adequate water proofing covers. 2. The materials to be used in bulk should be stored near the working site, to reduce lift ‘and lead. However, it should not be stacked too close to the working area, as it will obstruct the routine movement. 3. The materials liable to catch fire, such as, petroleum products, LPG and explosives etc should be properly protected and stored in bins to prevent fire hazards. However, fire extinguishing units should be installed inside the camp to meet any emergency. 4, The materials should be stacked in a systematic way to facilitate their easy counting an inspection by the site incharge. It should be kept moving, on the basis of “first come first use’ i.e. freshly arrived materials shall never be kept or stacked over the material which had arrived earlier. 5. There should be only one gate for ent and small items are kept such as taps, valves, tools, security arrangements should be provided for checking. try and one gate for exit of stores, where costly pipes, sanitary fittings ete. Proper 76 Eagle's Construction Management and Accounts The arrival of all the materials at the construction site should be recorded at the entrance gate. Furthermore, after proper counting or measuring the product by the concerned official, it should be entered in stock register. 6 7. The wareshouse or godowns should be located just adjoining to the main office, to facilitate the easy delivery of material, as well as, to carry out a strict supervision on the material issued. 8. Heavy materials like precast or prestressed beams, columns, slabs and logs of timber etc, should be stored on a properly built and concreted platform. If they are placed directly on a soft soil ground, soil subsidence will occur under their load. 9. Bricks and tiles should be properly stacked on a level ground in convenient heights to facilitate their counting. The height of stack for bricks is limited to 1-5 metres and for tiles upto 1 metre. 10. Fine and coarse aggregate should be stacked separately on a levelled hard surface in such @ manner, that there is no possibility of foreign matter, intermixing with the loose material, uM. The location of crane or hoist should be kept at the site in such a way, that its boom, commands the entire area used for storage of heavy material. B® 4.5. LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT One of the desirable qualities of a successful contractor is to keep himself updated about the latest and modern equipment used in construction industry. A contractor who does not keep informed on latest equipment will soon discover that he is unable to compete with his contemporaries, owing to ever increasing cost of labour. Another important consideration is, the selection of the most suitable equipment for the right job or operation. A contractor can never afford to purchase all types or sizes of equipment. This may be due to limited resources and also due to the reason that, all equipment cannot be used in one project ‘Thus, some of the equipment will always remain idle when not in use. A successful contractor purchases some of the standard equipment, which are mostly used and hires, the other special equipment to be used on rental basis for his construction project. For location of his equipment (owned or purchased) at the construction site, the contractor should take into account the following points : 1. The equipment should be placed near the construction site in such a way, that there is no obstruction to the routine operations. . The hired equipment should be located separately from the owned equipment. All equipment, when idle, should be placed in sheds and properly guarded All equipment should be properly maintained and checked in routine, The oiling and greasing of parts should be done periodically For repair of machines and equipment, a separate construction plant should be located at the camp site. a ‘The spare parts of standard equipment should be available in the stores, . There should be proper location of the machines for their efficient use. For example, power saw should be located in the joinery workshop and power bender in the reinforcement cell. Similarly, concrete mixer should be located in such a way, that it can be easily taken with minimum efforts during placing of concrete operation, Site Organization —— 7 7. Heavy machines should not be located on soft and compressible soils. 8. Noisy at i ate machines should be kept away from general offices and staff ' hereto it must be noted that the equipment either hired or owned, must pay for itself y cant cm re money for the contractor. ‘Equipment use report’ should be regularly prepared to supply the complete information about the use of equipment, when it is working or under repair or in idle state without use. Equipmenttype | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday Power shovel no. 2 4 Dragline no. 6 Truck no. 5 Truck no. 6 Tractor no. 2 Scraper no. 1 Grader no. 3 ] Under pai Working Idle Location Equipment Date Project no. ‘Owner name Fig. 4.2. Equipment use report. 4.6. PREPARATION OF ACTUAL JOB LAYOUT FOR A BUILDING ‘As discussed in Article 4.3, job layout is prepared by the project engineer, before starting actual construction work to show the location of offices, godowns, workshops, stores, accommodation etc, Thus, job layout may be defined as, “A plan of systematic arrangement of temporary services at the work site to facilitate construction” . For preparing actual job layout, the following points should be ensured : 1. The available space should be properly measured and well distributed to include important temporary services like office, warehouse, places for storage of materials and equipment, formwork, reinforcement work etc. The materials should be stored at such a place so that the minimum time is consumed in carrying it to the site of work. 3, Equipment should be located at a proper position without causing disturbance to the routine operations. 4. The general offi facilitate easy access to the visitors moving inside the camp. 5. The godown should be located either clo: r watch of materials issued from the warehouse. ce should be located near the main entrance of construction camp 0 for business purposes and to prevent strangers from se to the office or just adjoining it 10 have a closer Eagle's Construction Management and Accounts 78 6 Canteen and kitchen should be on a clean place and Kept away from the toilets and lavatories. 7. Security check posts should be installed both at entry and exit points. 8. Labour huts and staff accommodation should be separate, but away from the main working area. 9. Job layout should be done in such a way that places of congestion are avoided. In case, there is limitation of space, it is better to omit certain services than to design a congested plan. Some space should be left for parking of vehicles also. 10. For large projects, provision for guest house and dispensary should be provided The actual job layout plan varies from project to project, depending upon the nature of project and available space. A typical job layout plan for a building under construction is given in Fig. 4.3. Entry gate Barbed fncng ae Machines ana Plumbing] Storage for Securty coment raeton Guest ssuorert Pace | “trees | mcs [Canon Suze |OSPeney Soe & stock ad post no.1 Open space “areerert kom — Genera 2 8 office 2 | einen S| *} og i le were: E ie suLo1na uoeR F hn CONSTRUCTION g a 5 E 5 = ° ‘Staff 3 Electrical ls tolet wortshop Tiner gococs Conent Joinery work | store Send Stat stat [Labour] Labour Surplus top sol St ccormotston | toot |tolas | hu cr Oe mater toon ~~ ———> Road Barbed fencing Exit Fig. 4.3. Typical job layout plan. The layout plan can be prepared by any one of the following methods with the help of site plan and working drawings : 1. By drawing plan on gateway sheets : Different colouring patterns and symbols should be used to indicate various objects. These are handy and convenient to show to the visitors, clients and inspection officers. Site Organization a 79 2. By drawing on Plastic sheets : Various objects and other spaces are marked in this case, by special type of wax, which can be easily erased for re-adjustment of the layout plan 3. By constructing models : This is an impressive but expensive technique, which is easily grasped even by a non-technical person, With the help of 3-D models built to scale, the whole area is shown into different compartments as per the best arrangement. 4. By using paper templates : In this method, paper templates of various temporary services required for different purposes are cut and pasted on the site plan in a number of ways. The best arrangement so obtained is adopted as a final job layout. 94.6.1. Details required for preparing job layout For preparing a job layout for any building to be constructed, the following two details are important : 1. Site plan 2. Working drawings. 1, Site plan : It is a map showing the shape and dimensions of a site, its orientation and position in relation to the neighbouring areas. It indicates ; (i) The boundaries of the construction site. (ii) The boundaries of adjoining areas to the site on all sides. (iii) The width and name of adjacent streets, which are to provide the access to the proposed building. (iv) The location and size of any existing room or structure built at the site. (») The position of building or group of buildings, which the owner intends to erect upon this site. (vi) The location of existing water, sewer and power lines if any. (vii) Any other physical feature such as wells, drains, pond, orchard ete. vi’) The north direction. (x) Any other suitable information that may be considered necessary 2. Working drawings : These include plan, elevation and sections of different buildings and other works proposed to be constructed at the site. It consists of ; (i) Floor plans of different buildings, showing sizes of rooms, sizes of openings, positions of walls, staircases, doors, windows and other essential services. (ii) Elevations of each building work from all open sides, showing position of ground level, heights and depths at different points. (iii) Sectional drawings, showing sections passing through walls, staircases and other components, showing detail of footings, walls, columns, floors, slabs, parapets etc. (iv) Terrace plans, showing the drainage and slope of the roof, (») Service plans, indicating water supply lines, sewage disposal plans and other essential services intended to be provided. 80 gie’s Construction Management and Accounts > 4.7. ORGANISING LABOUR AT SITE The proper controlling and handling of labour at site by allotting optimum aon sd work, s0 that the maximum output can be taken is termed as organising labour at sie. labour should be divided into different groups headed by a group leader, so that instructions can be conveyed to them easily, It is the duty of group leader and the supervisor to watch that, nobody should remain idle for want of material or tool. ‘The following important points should be kept in mind while organising labour at construction site 1. There should be continuous and uninterrupted supply of labour as per the requirement, 2. The labour should never remain idle at site, For this, there should be no dearth of material and tools at the camp site. . The labour should be classified as per the labour schedule and right worker should be selected for a particular job. For example, labourers having experience in excavating work should be asked to perform the task of excavation only, whereas labourers having experience in reinforcement work should be asked to assist bar benders. . For getting maximum output from the labour, it should be ensured that material is stacked in such a way, that lead is minimum. . Overtime should not be offered unless it is required. This is because labour engaged in overtime work will not be able to perform efficiently the next day, due to physical and mental strain. * For special type of tasks, the labourers should be given special training, before they are asked to perform, to avoid any accident. _ A successful contractor always keeps some permanent labour. The new labour recruited every time has to be trained as per the requirement, which lowers down the efficiency standards. For exercising proper control over the labour, the contractor should appoint senior most mason or a foreman, as the head of the labour group. It will also enable effective communication and message/instructions can be passed clearly to the labour. . Labour should be trained to do minimum wastage. Also, the working area should be cleared properly after the day’s work. The progress of the workers should be recorded and compared. The drinking water and other basic facilities like toilets and latrines should be made available at the site only, to avoid wastage of time in to and fro movement. . The tools, equipment or other fittings, required for a particular operation should be taken once from the store for the whole day's work, to avoid frequent movement of workers to the store or warehouse. TYPICAL PROBLEMS Problem 1. Prepare a job layout plan showing the following temporary services to be constructed at the construction site. Given ; (i) Size of the site = 100° x 80° (ii) Size of the building to be built = 30° x 60 janization site Orga _ 81 Lene services rome ‘materia store, security check post (2 No’s), kitchen/canteen, : ir huts, reinforce a eek ment area. One gate for entry and one gate for exit Solution : The job layout plan is given below in Fig. 4.4. = 3 l i 5 3 zt | - ass bE zh, aes 3 . $327Le 2| isf ys = 8 L>—| g 2 | ST | | de ; pe 2a : ® a5 BE : Bes oar IL von | a? bt tr Fig. 4.4. Job layout plan. Eagle's Construction Management and Accounts Problem 2. Suppose a mason is doing brickwork and 9 labourers have es attached to him for assistance. Suggest the various operations to be given to each labourer, so that no body remains idle and maximum output is achieved. Solution : The division of the work for labourers should be as given below ; (@) Two labourers should be put for bringing cement and sand. (6) One labourer should be asked to bring water. (©) One labourer should prepare the mortar by inter-mixing cement, sand and water. (4) One labourer should be put for loading the prepared mix in taslas with the help of spade, (©) Two labourers should be used for transporting the mix to the mason, (P) Two labourers should be put for bringing the watered bricks. However, as the mason is a single person only, work should be shifted in between also, such as the labourer used for bringing water should be also asked to water the bricks. One labourer may also be asked to assist the mason for holding sal and level to keep the brick course in plumb, a, Important and Expected Questions ! POOR EMESHONS Qu. What is site organization ? ‘Ans. Construction site may be defined as a temporary factory employing resources of men, machines, materials and money. Thus, it is like a iny other factory, which converts the raw materials (resources) into a finished product (building) by utilising resources. The schematic placement of resources at the construction site ‘i of materials, location of equipment, organization of labours etc. to prevent unnecessary congestion 's termed as site organization. Tt includes, providing easy access 10 site, uninterrupted supply OF labour, constructing labour houses, and providing potable drinking water, electricity etc. for them. including storage and stacking Q2. What are the principles of storing and stacking materials at site ? ‘Ans. The basic principle of material storage is that, “ir should be handled in such a manner that there is a minimum wastage and loss due 10 deterioration, thet or mixing of foreign matter”. Following are some of the important guidelines to be kept in mind for careful handling and storage of construction materials : (Materials stored at construction site should be heat, rain, wind and moisture to prevent their cement, wooden frames, lime etc. should be Platforms with adequate water proofing covers, (i) The materials to be used in bulk should be stored near the working site, to reduce lift and lead. However, it should not be stacked too close to the working area, as it will obstruct the routine movement Protected from weathering agencies like deterioration. For example materials like Properly stored in sheds, kept on raised (ii) The materials Table to catch fire, such as, petroleum products, should be properly protected and stored in bins to prevent five tingushing units should be installed inside the camp 10 meet any LPG and explosives etc. hazards. However, fire emergency. Site Organization 83 Q.3. Describe various factors influencing job layout. ‘Ais, For preparing actual job layout, the following points should be ensured (The available space should be properly measured and well distributed to include important temporary services like office, warehouse, places for storage of materials and equipment, formwork, reinforcement work etc. (ii) The materials should be stored at such a place so that the minimum time is consumed in carrying it to the site of work. (ii) Equipment should be located at a proper position without causing disturbance to the routine operations. (iv) The godown should be located either close to the office or just adjoining it to have a closer watch of materials issued from the warehouse. Q.4. What are the factors which are kept in view while organizing labour at site ? ‘Ans. The following important points should be kept in mind while organising labour at construction site: (There should be continuous and uninterrupted supply of labour as per the requirement. (ii) The labour should never remain idle at site. For this, there should be no dearth of material and tools at the camp site. (ii) For getting maximum output from the labour, it should be ensured that material is stacked in such a way, that lead is minimum. (iv) For special type of tasks, the labourers should be given special training, before they are asked to perform, to avoid any accident. (v) A successful contractor always keeps some permanent labour. The new labour recruited every time has to be trained as per the requirement, which lowers down the efficiency standards. (vi) The tools, equipment or other fittings, required for a particular operation should be taken once from the store for the whole day's work, to avoid frequent movement of workers to the store or warehouse. Q5. Write a short note on site plan. ‘Ans, Site plan is a map showing the shape and dimensions of a site, its orientation and position in relation to the neighbouring areas. It indicates ; () The boundaries of the construction site. (ii) The boundaries of adjoining areas to the site on all sides. (iii) The width and name of adjacent streets, which are to provide the access to the proposed building. (iv) The location and size of any existing room or structure built at the site. (¥) The position of building or group of buildings, which the owner intends to erect upon this site (vi) The location of existing water, sewer and power lines if any. (vii) Any other physical feature such as wells, drains, pond, orchard etc. (viii) The north direction. (ét) Any other suitable information that may be considered necessary. ia Eagle's Constnction Management ang 4, 4 - ty a, Objective Questions A. Fill in the blanks : : ise all the 1. The art of a good construction manager is to utilise all machines, materials ang 2 scenes employing money Construction site is regarded as a eis termed as .. + 10 He best afaage sit . 3. The systematic placement of resources at the construction . as 4. The plan of systematic arrangements for temporary services at the construct 5. Heavy machinery should not be placed directly over fay, that th 6. Construction materials should be handled and stored in such @ way, ere 48 Mitiman . soils. 7. Materials stored at camp site should be protected from ... 8. If the construction project is situated at a lonely place, ... arranged, 9 The construction project is carried out in the form of . 10. With the ever increasing cost of labour, it becomes essential to use measures are required ig 4, B. State true or false : 1, Place of employment of workers employed at construction site never changes. 2, The resources of construction include men, machines, materials and money. 3. Site organization is done by owner of the project. 4. Warehouse and labour huts are included in temporary services for a construction work 5. The basic principle of storing and stacking materials is to prevent deterioration, 6. ‘Lead’ and ‘Lift’ does not affect the efficiency of project. 7. The freshly arrived materials or bags should be consumed first than the materials arrived eae 8. The materials should be stacked in such a way that their counting and inspection is easier 9 Heavy machines should not be placed directly over soft and compressible ground 10. The warehouse should be located away from the general office to prevent disturbance C. Tick the correct answer : 1. Place of employment never changes for people employed in .. (building construction/manufacturing industy) (Machines/Cloth ra) (Job layout/Site pla) (Overhead tank/Warehous!) (different plans/labeur) 2. Which is not a resource of construction site ? 3. The plan of systematic arrangements for the construction site. 4 Which is not a temporary service to be installed at camp site ? 5. The first thing required for site organization is... 6 The location of machines and equipment should be near to (construction site/road sit) site Organization ss 7. For a contractor, the specifications act as .......... (material/guideline) 8, A successful contractor purchases the following type of equipment. (Special equipment/Standard_ equipment) 9, Recreation facilities .......... be provided for labour in large projects. (should/should not) 10, Cement bags are mostly affected by cass» (wind/moistare) 11, Labour should not sit idle for want Of ....c..:00+ (money/material) 12. The height of stack for bricks is limited t0 ........-0+ + (1.5 m/2.0 m) 13. Power circular saw should be located in .......00-: (joinery workshop/electrical workshop) 14, The actual job layout for each project is (same/different) 15. The impressive and expensive technique of preparing layout i8 ...-..:.-.--- (constructing models/preparing plastic sheets) ‘A. Fill in the blanks : 1, resources of construction 2, temporary factory 3. Site organization 4, job layout 5. soft and compressible 6. wastage 7. weathering agencies 8. safety 9. Camp 10. Modern mechanical equipment B, State true or false : 1. False 2. True 3. False 4, True 5. True 6, False 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. False C. Tick the correct answer : 1, manufacturing industry 2. Cloth rags 3. Job layout 4. Overhead tank $. different plans 6. construction site 7. guideline 8, Standard equipment 9. should 10. moisture 11, material 2 1Sm 13, Joinery workshop 14, different 15. constructing models , Review Questions ,s 1. (What do you mean by site organization ? (ii) What are the important factors influencing selection and design of temporary services for a construction ? 2. What are the principles of storing and stacking materials at site ? 3. Write a note on ‘location of equipment’ at construction site, 4. What do you understand by ‘Job layout’ ? Explain the important points to be taken into consideration while preparing actual job layout for a building. 7 onstruction Management ang Accom, es ilding of size 40° x 70’ to be Constr § Draw a typical job layout plan for a residential ad Show telling tempus ms 4 place. The available space for camp site is 120° x rempora in site layout, Office (ii) Warehouse (it) Canteen ; Mixer (©) Shed for location of equipment ~ Tractor, Truck and () Space for location of shuttering and form work (i) Cement store (vii) Space for stacking bricks and tiles, sand and crusher (vi) Labour huts & What are the main poins to be kept in mind while organising labour at site 2

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