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Unemployment hinders economic development as well as worker’s fulfillment.

I came up with this idea by thinking clearly about the meaning of unemployment.
Unemployment is a portion of the labor force who is willing to engage in productive activities
yet fails to do so, it can hinder economic development since the human resources are not utilized

To further discuss, if you are employed, you have money to buy not only what you need
but also what you want. If you have money to buy something, there is a tax that will
circulate/enter in the government and so the demand of the product will increase because there is
a costumer buying. Of course if there’s a demand, there will be a production. If there’s a
production, there is a need for raw materials and labor. Raw materials and labor is equal to
purchases, purchases is equal to money. And that money will go to the government and so there
is money for the wages of those who are employed. Hence, if you are unemployed, you don’t
have a direct impact in the cycle of the economic growth thus hinders the economic

On the other hand, unemployment also hinders the worker’s fulfillment. There is a part in
the powerpoint presentation that mentioned, work is intended for the fulfillment of the worker.
According to my instructor in economics when I was in senior high school, unemployment is
when one person is looking for a job but cannot find a job. Then for short, if one cannot find a
job or is unemployed, thus hinders his/her fulfillment. It hinders the feeling of fulfillment in his
self as well as the feeling of fulfillment when you are able to help and contribute to the economy
and the fulfillment to glorify God. Some of those who are unemployed will feel useless, and by
here the other contemporary problems of unemployment will occur already such as shock,
denial, frustration, depression and pessimism.

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