Philopsophy of Education

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Portfolio Project #12- Philosophy of Education

When I was younger, I would convince all my friends to play school, it was my favorite

game growing up. However, I would only play if I could be the teacher, and if I wasn’t the

teacher, I would throw a fit, I would be the worst “student” possible until my friends gave up and

let me be the teacher. When I was the teacher, I would go to the highest level of “extra” to be the

bet teacher ever. Now, 20 years later, I still have that same picture in my head. I want to be a

teacher, not any teacher but the best teacher. I want to make students fall in love with education,

I want my students to want to come to school and want to be the best version of themselves

every day. I want to start shaping good little humans at a young age and set them up for the best

way to succeed in the future. I really was inspired by 2 teachers in my lifetime. Nicole Clark, my

5th grade teacher, and Michelle Kieslelhorst, my 9th grade biology teacher and my 11th grade

Anatomy teacher. They both were so passionate about their job, which in return made me very

passionate about my schoolwork. They went above and beyond “teaching” they were like a

mentor in life and made me want to be that for my students one day. They were two of the

coolest and nicest, most passionate teachers I had ever had, and I really think my drive to be the

teacher I want to be stemmed very much from them. I think I will be like them because I have a

genuine love for children, and I also am very passionate about having a better future and I truly

believe that students are the next generation, and teachers have a large say in making a better

individual. I know that being a teacher is hard, and there are many struggles and challenges in

the world of teaching, and that is just rising every day. I am not scared of challenges though,

because i just have a passion for bettering the children that it overrules all struggles.

I think with teaching, it is really about technique, you need to make sure you are sticking

to curriculum; however, you don’t want it to be boring. As a teacher I will be very hands on and
really keeping the interest of students. When I was growing up, some of my teachers made the

lessons so boring and that in return made me not want to go to that class. I want to do the

opposite of that, I will make my students excited to come to class every day and eager to see

what fun assignment we are doing today. I do not want to base my teaching off strictly

assessments because, some people simply do not test well. I will make sure all my students feel

welcomed and included in class, no matter what their race, gender, education level, class, etc.

may be. I can say all these things, but I truly believe that I won't really know what it is like and

what I will do until I am in a classroom setting. I could say these things, and do whatever I

please, but until I get in a classroom setting and feel it all out, there is nothing I can really do

because until I am in this situation, I don’t really know. I can say all these things, and say

everything everyone wants to hear, however, until I am in my first day teaching all alone there is

no say to what I will be like. I will strive my very best to be a good teacher, and make students

fall in love with education. I will do everything in my power to be a positive and kind teacher,

and make my students feel at home and welcome to come speak to me no matter what the

situation may be whether it be personal or educational.

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