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Behavior Problem Consequence

Talking without raising hand Just a nice reminder to raise your hand, If the problem
keeps happening we will have to go down a spot on the
behavior chart.

Talking back I will remind you it is not nice to talk back and make you
pull a card on the behavior chart, if the problem occurs
multiple times, a call home.

Getting out of seat without permission You get one reminder, after that it will be a behavior
card pull.

Bringing toys to class The toy will be confinscated untill the end of class and
given back at the end of the day, if it happens again the
toy goes to the office.

Using a cellphone during class The phone will be confiscasted untill the end of class and
given back at the end of the day, if it happens again the
phone goes to the office.

Unauthorized leaving class A call home to your parents, if it keeps happening I will
have to call the office.

Sleeping in class One reminder that isnt okay, and then a call home to the
parent to see if sleeping is an issue at night. If the
problem keeps happening, maybe a trip to the counsler.

Hibitual Tardiness A call home to the parents and possible a parent teacher

Distrupting others A behavior card pull. If it keeps happening a break in

another classroom to do your work in quiet.

Noncompliance A behavior pull as well as a break to do silent work in

another class, also a call home.

Using profanity/vulgar language Behavior pull and a warning, if it happens again a call
Harming classroom pets Behavior pull and a call home, if it keeps happening a trip
to the office.

Innappropriate Familiarity A behavior pull and a warning, if it happens again I will

call home.

Eating in class I will take the item and you will put a behavior card.

Throwing objects A warning and a behavior pull, if it keeps happening a call


Teacher Assult A behavior pull and a call home.

Truancy A call home to make sure everything is okay, and also a

call to the counsler to set up a meeting with all.

Using racial obscentities A call home and also alone time in the back of the

Theft A call home and to the office.

Defacing school or other’s property A call home, and a trip to the office.

Fighting with another student A trip down to the office as well as me calling parents.

Cheating, Lying, Plagiarlizing A call home and you will go to the office.

Possesion of a weapon Sent to the office, no question asked.

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