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5909 Cozumel Place

LV, NV 89131

August 24, 2020

Hey Mrs. K,

I hope you are doing so super good! I am still in school, I changed majors about halfway
through my medical degree. I am currently waiting on a closing date for my very first home! I
have an amazing boyfriend, Nick and we bought our first home together, such a stressful yet
rewarding process. I also have a puppy dog; her name is Bella and she is a 2-year old boxer.
She's such a nut and is so lovey and goofy. Other than that, nothing has really changed for me.
Just working and going to school. I'm sure you are wondering why the heck I am mailing you a
letter in 2020 when technology is far more advanced then this but, I am currently enrolled in
college for an education degree. I was assigned to write a letter to an educational hero of mine,
someone who impacted all my choices and really helped me get to where I am now. Instantly,
before even reading the remainder of the assignment, I knew I was going to be writing you. So
many teachers feel so unimportant to the education of children or in your case young adults. I am
here to tell you that is the opposite of true. As I hit a stop in my educational career I really
thought hard about what I wanted to do. I knew the medical field was not set for my lifestyle I
wanted. I plan on having a large family and being on call so often was something I just did not
want to do, so I took to the drawing board and was thinking hard and long on what to do. During
that time, I decided it would maybe be best for me mentally to take a break and so I did just that.
I worked fulltime and was so drained from that I didn't even have time to think about school. A
year passed by and I was still stuck in the same place, except now I was determined to figure
something out to try and cheer me up a little, so I started to coach an 8-year-old girls softball
team. Let me tell you those little munchkins were so adorable! I loved them so much and they
really opened my eyes up to a few things in the world. So often, teachers really make or break
the love of school for young kids. The first few years of a child's educational career are so
important. After countless complaints from my tiny humans about not liking school, or wishing
they didn’t have to go to school, etc. it clicked for me. I wanted to be the change in the next
generations educational field. I want to make kids love school the same exact way you made me
love school. I want them to feel like they can come to me with whatever problem they feel they
may have whether it be small or large. I want to be a safe and happy environment for every
student that walks through my door, the same way you were for me.
You are the main inspiration I must be better for the world. You taught me what it means
to care and love for students in ways that no student ever really expects from their educator. You
have impacted so many students lifes in such a positive way and I just wanted to write you to let
you know that you are the reason I am who I am today. You have shaped me in more ways than I
will ever be able to explain and for that I am so grateful for you so thank you times a million. I
hope to be half the teacher you are one day. I hope you guys are all good. Stay safe during these
crazy times. Hopefully once this craziness dies down we can get together sometime. Please let
me know if you ever need any help in the classroom, I'd love to come spend a day with you and
help you in any way I can.
Hope to hear from you soon,

Haley Pedersen
Your former anatomy student and student aide

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