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CASE 1: ​Colin, a 7 th

​ ​grader, came to JCOS as a 3 rd ​ ​grader. He was referred by his learning 

consultant and had already been retained a year and attended 3 different schools. Although 
bright with a wonderful memory, he did not have reading or writing skills to match his ability. Like 
most children with learning disabilities (LD). Colin’s struggles were not just academic- they were 
social and emotional too.  

CASE 2: ​Jamie,a 8 th
​ ​grader, came to JCSGO as a 4 th ​ ​grader, her teachers spend a lot of 
time with her. They repeat the same thing time and again. They do not pressurize her to learn 
and remember too many things at the same time. They allowthe childtolearnatherown pace so 
that they don't get stressed. Also a positive re-reinforcement is given to her at regular intervals 
so that she feels encouraged to learn. Whenever she is abletomemorizeshe is given a reward in 
the form of some praise or a sweet. This greatly boosts her moraleand she takes even more 
interest in her work.  

CASE 3: ​Jan was a 13- year old seventh-grade student of average intelligence. During math 
classes, she exhibited a great deal of inattentive behavior and made frequent errors.With the 
support of her teacher, two behavior modifiers introduced a strategy for improving Jan’s work 
rate. One of them worked with Jan everyday duringMathclass,giving Jan a worksheet 
containing math problems. During the first 2 days, when Jan completed two problems 
correctly, the behavior modifier responded with“good work”or“Excellent Job” or some similar 
positive reaction. During the next 2 days, thenumberofproblems to be completed before praise 
was given increased to four. 

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