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安德烈思 2018080063

第 5 周课后作业
“An Inconvenient Truth”观后感

The documentary invites us to reflect on the connection that each and every one of the species
that inhabit our planet has, from microorganisms to the most complex organism of all, the human

The excessive consumerism of every (power) country has already caused severe environmental
problems on the planet, countries such as Bangladesh, India or the Easter Island are places where
climate change and global warming have taken a toll on. Due to deforestation (main economic
resource of these countries) the land has been rendered unusable. These are just examples of the
global change.

We are all one, we all have in common a mother earth, responsible for life on Earth and that is
something that must be taken into account. The cycles of the earth are perfect and harmonious
and the naturally sustain the development of the living beings that inhabit it. Evolution is not just
about generating new technologies that try to fix the problems of a failed system; and
unfortunately, we have associated development with generating megacities for the benefit of a
few and with a consumerist rhythm of life that has been adopted at such an expensive cost.

Although we have done great damage to our home and ourselves as a result, we still have time to
become aware and reverse the clock of the time bomb that we have set in motion with our
unbridled pace of life and consumption. The research and development of sustainable
technologies that take advantage of solar energy or wind energy, for example, are key points to
avoid a global catastrophe that seems fiction, but that is more real than one might believe, this on
the part of the nations and individually what we can do is to become responsible consumers and
not be indifferent to this type of problem that concerns us all.

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