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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2011-2012


END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION: 1st Semester (First Part)
DATE: 3 May 2012 DURATION: 2 hours
EXAMINER: Prof. Franco Simonetto
INSTRUCTIONS: No books, no notes. Any communication among candidates is strictly forbidden.
I Problem Three identical point-like electric charges ( q=3 10 -7 C) are kept still at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The
length of each side is L = 9 cm. Determine:
1) The Coulomb force F acting on each charge.
(Draw an arrow on the top charge to show field direction and verse on the figure aside).
2) The electrostatic energy U of the system
3) The electric field at the center O of the triangle
4) The electrostatic potential at the center O of the triangle
5) The work W performed by the three fixed charges to bring an electron (qe=-e) from very far away up
to the point H placed on the center of the base of the triangle. q H q

II Problem Two infinitely wide planes are placed one in front of the other at a distance d=0.1 m. A positive
charge is uniformly distributed on the plane on the left, with density σ1 = 5.31 x 10 -7 C/m2. On the plane EX + E0
on the right another charge is distributed with density σ2. A uniform electric field, E0 = 5 x 104 V/m,
produced by the charges in the two planes, is found in the region between them (see the figure). +
1) The value of σ2 +
2) The difference between the potential computed in a point placed very near to the inner surface of
1 2
the second plane and that in a point very near to inner surface of the first plane
3) The value of the electric field EX on the left hand side of the first plane
(Draw direction and verse on the figure aside)
Question Units

I.1 F 0.03 0.17 0.44 0.78 0.99

I.2 U 27 10-3 45 10-3 59 10-3 87 10-3 10.2 10-2

I.3 E(O) 0 112.3 245.7 569.9 828.4

I.4 V(O) -42.4 104 -15.6 104 0 15.6 104 42.4 104

I.5 W -15.5 104 -3.2 104 0 3.2 104 15.5 104

II.1 σ2 -8.94 10-7 -3.54 10-7 0 3.54 10-7 8.94 10-7

II.2 V2-V1 -5 103 -2.5 103 0 2.5 103 5 103

III.2 Ex 1 104 2 104 3 104 4 104 5 104

An exercise is correct if, and only if, the right numerical result is found, and the derivation of the result is presented. Therefore the student must :
- mark with a cross the numerical solution in the upper table
- write the units in the last column for the quantity defined in the first column
- write in the booklet provided for this purpose a brief description of the method employed to obtain the result
Each exercise is worth a maximum of three points. Cross missing, or placed on the wrong numerical value, gives zero points. Description missing, gives also zero
point. Units missing costs one point each. Directions missing (see text) cost also one point each

A)When a discontinuous electric field can be found on a macroscopic scale ?

1) Never
2) Traversing the surface of a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium
3) Inside a uniform charge distribution

B) In the MKS system, the force acting between two unitary electric charges, placed at a distance of one meter is:
1) exactly one Newton and attractive
2) about 9 109 Newton and attractive
3) exactly one Newton and repulsive

C) An electric dipole is placed in a region where a uniform electric field is present.

The potential energy is zero if the dipole is directed:
1) In the same direction as the field
2) In the opposite direction as the field
3) In any direction orthogonal to the field direction

D) Which are the conditions for the Gauss theorem ?

1) It's enough to deal with a central field
2) It's enough that the modulus of the elementary field be proportional to the inverse square of the distance  E ∝ r −2 
3) Both the above conditions are necessary

E) What are the conditions defining a conservative field ?

1) It's enough to deal with a central field
2) It's enough that the modulus of the elementary field be proportional to the inverse square of the distance E ∝ r −2 
3) Both the above conditions are necessary

F) The potential, inside a conductor at equilibrium:

1) is constant
2) is zero
3) in fact, it's the gradient of the potential which is constant

G) Choose the right definition of the electron-volt:

1) it's the potential energy of the hydrogen atom
2) it's the overall energy (linking energy) of the hydrogen atom
3) it's the potential energy of a proton subject to the action of a one Volt potential.

Discussion: describe the properties of the electric dipole

Please, choose your solution drawing a cross above the number of the answer you judge correct.
Each solution, if right, is worth three points (+3). A cross placed in the wrong place costs one point (-1).
No cross, zero point (0). The discussion is worth a maximum of ten (10) points.

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