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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2011-2012


END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION: 1st Semester (First Part)
DATE: 3 May 2012 DURATION: 2 hours
EXAMINER: Prof. Franco Simonetto
INSTRUCTIONS: No books, no notes. Any communication among candidates is strictly forbidden.
I Problem Two very long parallel wires are displaced by d=20 cm. On the first wire runs a current i1 = 20 A, on
the other a current i2 = 5 A along the same direction. Compute:
1) The force f for unit length acting on the first wire

2) At what distance X1 from the first wire the intensity of the magnetic field produced by the two wires
i1 i2
is zero.
3) The force f0 for unit length acting on a third wire, placed in between the other two, at a distance d/2
from each, with a current i0=2 A running in the same direction as the other two.
4) The force Fb acting on a coil, surface   = 0 uZ , Σ0=4 cm2, with a current ib = 0.5 A, placed in
between the two wires (1) and (2), at a distance d/2 from each (consider only the action of the wires (1) and(2) ).

II Probleme An ideal solenoid is placed inside the circuit ABDE (figure). The solenoid has a radius r=25 cm,

r a density of coils for unit length n=3000 m-1 , and a current i =i0 (1-e-t/τ), i0 = 5 A e τ=5 s. The resistance of
the circuit ABDE is R=100 Ω. Compute :
F C 1) The maximum value Bmax of the magnetic field in the solenoid
2)The electromotrice force E0 (0) on the closed walk ABDEA at t0=0 sec.
3)The electromotrice force E1 (0) on the closed walk CDEFC at the same time t0=0 sec.
4)The electromotrice force E0 (50τ) on the closed walk ABDEA at t1=50 τ .
E D 5) The charge Q circulatibg in the circuit ABDE from t0 up to t1.
6) The value of the mutal induction coefficient M between the solenoid and the circuit ABDE

Question Unite'

f21 0
−4 −4 −4 −4
I.1 −2.5⋅10 ux −10 ux 10 ux 2.5⋅10 ux

I.2 X1 0.04 0.10 0.16 0.22 il n'existe pas

f0 0
−5 −5 −5 −5
I.1 −6⋅10 ux −2.5⋅10 ux 2.5⋅10 ux 6⋅10 ux

I.4 Fb −6⋅10 ux

−2.5⋅10 ux
0 −8
2.5⋅10 ux
6⋅10 ux

II.1 Bmax
−3 −3 −3 −3 −3
3.1⋅10 6.5⋅10 11.2⋅10 18.9⋅10 23.7⋅10

II.2E0(0) − 7.5⋅10
0 3.4⋅10

II.3E1(0) − 7.5⋅10
0 3.4⋅10

II.4E0 (t1) − 7.5⋅10

0 3.4⋅10

II.5 Q 0 1.5⋅10

II.6 M 0 3.4⋅10

An exercise is correct if, and only if, the right numerical result is found, and the derivation of the result is presented. Therefore the student must :
- mark with a cross the numerical solution in the upper table
- write the units in the last column for the quantity defined in the first column
- write in the booklet provided for this purpose a brief description of the method employed to obtain the result
Each exercise of the first problem is worth a maximum of three points; two points for the exercises of the second problem. Cross missing, or placed on the
wrong numerical value, gives zero points. Description missing, gives also zero point. Units missing costs one point each. Wrong direction cost one point.

A) In which case a discontinuous magnetic field can be found ?

1) Never
2) Traversing the surface of a conductor crossed by a constant current
3) Inside a magnet

B) A conducting coil (closed circuit) is placed within a magnet producing an uniform magnetic field. A constant current
circulates inside the coil. Therefore:
1) There's no magnetic force acting on the coil.
2) There's no magnetic moment acting on the coil.
3) There's no magnetic force, nor magnetic moment acting on the coil.

C) Explain why the flux of the magnetic field B across a closed surface, φΣ(B), must be equal to zero.
1) Because B is a conservative field.
2) That's not true, φΣ(B) can be different from zero.
3) Because magnetic charges (monopoles) do not exist.

D) Take two identical capacitor, capacitance C0. How should they be arranged to produce a new capacitor with
capacitance 1/2 C0 ?
1) make a series.
2) make a parallel.
3) there's no way

E) In classical electromagnetism, Faraday's law of induction, E = -dΦΣ(B)/dt, is due to the action of Lorentz's force if:
1) flux variation is due to a change in the geometry, with fixed magnetic field B
2) flux variation is due to a change in the magnetic field B, with fixed geometrical configuration
3) it's always a consequence of the action of the Lorentz force

F) An electric charge is moving in a region permeated by a magnetic field. The charge kinetic energy:
1) grows
2) decreases
2) stays constant

G) The transformer changes the input voltage V1 into the output voltage V2, exploting Faraday's law. This works:
1) only with direct currents
2) only with alternate currents
3) both with direct and with alternate current.

Discussion: RC circuit

Please, choose your solution drawing a cross above the number of the answer you judge correct.
Each solution, if right, is worth three points (+3). A cross placed in the wrong place costs one point (-1).
No cross, zero point (0). The discussion is worth a maximum of ten (10) points.Probleme I
0 2⋅10 100
1) f =B  d  i u = i 1 i 2 ux = f 21 ux ; f 21= N / m =10
N /m
21 2 i x
2 d 0.2
0 i 1 0 i 2
 x = −
2) B uz  uz
2 x 2   d −x 
i1 i2 1 1 d
Bx = 0 ⇒ −  = 0, x   =
x d −x i1 i2 i2
X1 = d = 16 cm
i 1 i 2
d 0 i 0  i 2− i 1  4⋅10 ⋅2⋅−15 
3) f = i u x B
  = uz =
uz = −6⋅10 uz N / m 
0 0 y
2 2  d /2 0.2

−4 −7
∂B d  0 i 1 i 2 0.3⋅4⋅10 ⋅2⋅10 ⋅4⋅25
 m
4) Fb = ∇   = i b 0
 ⋅B   ux = i b  0 =
ux = 6⋅10 N / m ux
∂x 2 2 d /42

Probleme II
−7 3 −2
1) B MAX = 0 n i 0 =4 ⋅10 3⋅10 5=1.885 10 T
2 −2 −4
d B MAX r 1.9⋅10  625⋅10
2) E  t =−  t = t 0 = = = 7.46⋅10
0 0
dt  5
3) E 1  t 0 =0 (no magnetic field inside)
4) E 0  t 1 =0 (B field is almost constant after 50τ )
2 −2 −4
 −B MAX r −1.9⋅10  625⋅10 −5
5) Q =− = = =−3.73⋅10 C
R R 100
2 −2 −4
 B MAX r 1.9⋅10  625⋅10 −4
6) M = = = = 7.46⋅10 H
i i0 5

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