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Compito di Fisica II per Ingegneria I Sessione Estiva, A.A.


Cognome e Nome __________________________ Matricola _______________

I Problem Four electric charges are fixed at the vertices of a square with side l=50cm. Nearby charges
have opposite sign, while the charges placed on the opposite vertices are equal Q 1=Q3=Q + and
Q2=Q4=Q_(figure). The force acting on each positive charge is zero, while the electrostatic energy of
the system is Ue= -3 10-2 J. Compute:
+ -
1) The absolute value of the ratio R = |Q + /Q _| .
2) The absolute value of the force F_ acting on each negative charge.
3) Draw on the figure the direction and the verse of F⃗− - +
II Problem The plates of a plain capacitor are two squares with side L=20 cm. The distance between the
two is h=2 cm. A rectangular slab of conducting material, sides L and L/2, heigth d=0.5 cm, is inserted as
shown in the picture. The potential is V=12 V. Compute:

1) The modulus of the charge Q on each plate.

2) The ratio between the charge on one plate and that on each side h d V
of the stab r=Q/q .

III Problem A very long electric wire and a rectangular coil, sides a=50 cm and b=5 cm, lie on a
horizontal plain. The longer sides (a) of the coil run parallel to the wire. The current on the wire is
if=2A , that on the coil is=0.5 A. The net force acting on the coil side next to the wire is zero.
1) Compute the distance between the wire and that side
Then both currents are switched off and the coil is displaced near the wire so that their mutual
induction coefficient is M=5 10-8 H. Later on an alternate current is allowed on the wire, i f(t)=i0cos(wt),
con i0=2 A e w=100 p s-1. Compute the maximum vale of the current in the coil, i Ms ,if:
2) Either the coil resistance is Rs=1 W , neglecting coil self induction effects (L s =0) in the coil.
3) Or Rs = 0 and Ls = 6 10-8 H .

Quesito Unita'

I.1 R 0,4 0,8 1,2 2,8 6,5 12,3 -

I.2 F_ 0,12 9.1 10-2 4.2 10-2 1.5 10-2 6.4 10-3 1.3 10-3 N
II.1 Q 6.1 10-10 2.5 10-10 1.1 10-10 7.5 10-11 5.0 10-11 6.4 10-11 C
II.2 r 0,25 0,55 0,95 1,15 1,75 2,5 -
III.1 d 0,01 0,05 0,2 0,35 0,5 0,75 m
III.2 iM 3.14 10-5 2.72 10-5 3.50 10-4 5.06 10-5 2.05 10-4 1.02 10-4 A
III.3 iM 0,45 1,67 3,89 7,98 11,2 26,4 A
Soluzioni (I)

1. Force on each positive charge : F =  2

KQ Q−

K Q 2
=0 , R= ∣ ∣
=2  2 =2 . 8 2

K Q− 2 2
KQ Q− K Q−
2. The force on negative charges is F− = 2 2
 2
= 2
1 −2  2 R . The potential
l 2l 2l
1 4
energy is Ue =  U =U U− , where for the negative charges we have
2 i =1 i
2 2
KQ Q− K Q− KQ−
U− = 2  = 1 −2  2 R = F− ×l  2 and for the positive charges we have
l l 2 l 2

U =
K Q2
l 2
1 −
2 2
 = 0 as R=2  2 (punto 1) . So F− =
l 2 l 2 ∣ ∣∣ ∣
=4 . 2×1 0−2 N .

3. Force is directed to the square center.

L2 1 L2 1
1. C=C1 C2 = 0  0 =2 0 . 6 p F , Q = CV = 250 pC
2 h 2 h −d
2. = = =1 . 7 5
q C2 V C2
0 i f 0 i s if
1. = , d =b =0 . 2 m
2 d 2  b is
d if Mi 0 M i 0
2. E=−M =Ri s , i s t = s i n t , i sM = =3 . 1 4×1 0−5 A
d t R R
d if d is M M
3. M =L , i s = i f , i s , M= i 0 =1 . 6 7 A
d t d t L L

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