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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2012-2013


END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION: 1st Semester (First Part)
DATE: September 2013 DURATION: 2 hours
EXAMINER: Prof. Franco Simonetto
INSTRUCTIONS: No books, no notes. Any communication among candidates is strictly forbidden.
16I Problem Two electric charges are fxed at the points x 0=0 and x1=a=−30 cm of the x axis as in the fgure. The charge at
the origin is q0 = 10-12 C, the other charge is q1 = -4 q0. y
1) Find the point x0 of the x axis where the electric feld is zero, among those listed in the table
2) Find the point x1 along the x axis where the electric potential is minimal.
3) Find the points ym along the y axis where the electric potential is minimal. q1 q0
4) Is the electric feld there equal to zero ? Justify your answer.
a x

II Problem An electric circuit, resistance R=25Ω, has the shape of a circular ring with radius r= 10m. The center of the ring lies in
the origin of the coordinate system. The surrounding space is permeated by a magnetic feld B=0.1 T directed along
the z axis (fgure). At t=0 the ring lies in the horizontal (xy) plain, then it starts a rotation around the y axis with
constant angular velocity, ω=2 rad/s. Neglecting self-induction effects compute:
1. The magnetic energy UB stored inside a sphere centered in the origin of the
system and of radius r=10m.
2. The electromagnetic force  i acting on the circuit at t1= s
3. The force per unit length f acting on the point A (see fgure) of the circuit in that
precise moment.
4. The force acting on the whole circuit at t2=5 s.

Question Units

I.1 x0 -20 -10 0 10 20

I.2 x1 -20 -10 0 10 20

I.3 ym 0 ±2.3 ±8.1 ±12.5 ±15.6

I.4 E=0 ? yes no

II.1 UB 2,5 6,8 16,7 22,9 35,5

II.2 i 0 28,2 45,5 58,9 62,8

II.3 f 0 0,25 0,75 1,25 2,15

II.4 F 0 0,25 0,75 1,25 2,15

An exercise is correct if, and only if, the right numerical result is found, and the derivation of the result is presented. Therefore the student must :
- mark with a cross the numerical solution in the upper table
- write the units in the last column for the quantity defned in the frst column
- write in the booklet provided for this purpose a brief description of the method employed to obtain the result
Each exercise of the frst problem is worth a maximum of three points; two points for the exercises of the second problem. Cross missing, or placed on the
wrong numerical value, gives zero points. Description missing, gives also zero point. Units missing costs one point each. Wrong direction cost one point.

A) In which case a discontinuous magnetic feld can be found ?

1) Never
2) When traversing the surface of a solenoid
3) Inside a magnet

B) Which sentence describes the electrostatic screening effect ?

1) The electric feld outside a hollow conductor does not depend on the charge placed inside the conductor
2) The electric feld inside a hollow conductor does not depend on the charge placed outside the conductor
3) Both the sentences are equally correct

C) Explain why the fux of the magnetic feld E across a closed surface, φΣ(E), must be equal to zero.
1) Because E is a conservative feld.
2) That's not true, φΣ(E) can be different from zero.
3) Because electric charges can only be produced in pairs of opposite sign.

D) Take two identical capacitor, capacitance C0. How should they be arranged to produce a new capacitor with
capacitance 1/2 C0 ?
1) make a series.
2) make a parallel.
3) there's no way

E) Faraday's law of induction, E = -dΦΣ(B)/dt, is NOT due to the action of Lorentz's force if:
1) fux variation is due to a change in the geometry, with fxed magnetic feld B
2) fux variation is due to a change in the magnetic feld B, with fxed geometrical confguration
3) it's always a consequence of the action of the Lorentz force

F) An electric charge is moving in a region permeated by a uniform magnetic feld. The charge trajectory is described by:
1) a parabola
2) a spiral
2) an hyperbole

G) The transformer changes the input voltage E1 into the output voltage E2, exploting Faraday's law. This works:
1) only with direct currents
2) only with alternate currents
3) both with direct and with alternate current.

H) A magnetic dipole is placed initially at rest inside a region permeated by a magnetic feld 
B . The dipole:
1) moves along the same direction and sense of the feld
2) moves along the same direction and sense of the feld gradient
3) it does not move in any case.
Discussion: operation of the RC circuit

Please, choose your solution drawing a cross above the number of the answer you judge correct.
Each solution, if right, is worth four points (+4). A cross placed in the wrong place costs two points (-2). No cross, zero point (0).
The discussion is worth a maximum of ten (10) points.

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