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Google Data Studio templates

In this article you can find templates of reports in Data Studio (DS) created by our team. DS is a tool that allows to create data visualizations
based on different data sets e.g. Google Analytics. The main reason why to use DS reports is that visualisations help to perceive the data trends
easier than complex tables, therefore analyst can make conclusions about the websites performance faster. The reports should help to spot
issues and create new suggestions of growth.

You can use the templates fully or to find ideas for new, more detailed reports.

Don't forget to make a copy of the template you are interested in and only then insert the necessary data.

List of templates:

1. Support Care 24/7 Data Studio report Template for clients w/ EEC tracking
2. Support Care 24/7 Data Studio report Template for clients w/o EEC tracking
3. Detailed Magento 2 data
4. Monthly Report/Analysis - Template
5. [Template] Summary of Website Performance (1-page)
6. [Template] MC M2 Performance Overview (pre and post M2)
7. Sample - A/B Test Results
8. Template of automated shopping & checkout funnel
9. [Template] SEO Benchmarking Report
10. {{EXAMPLE}} SEO Monthly Report

Summary of all DS reports prepared can be found here:


Detailed descriptions of templates and how to work with them

1.& 2. Website performance reports that can be used to gather insights on GENERAL data regarding ecommerce performance and
user interactions with the website.

Support Care 24/7 Data Studio report Template for clients w/ EEC tracking:

Support Care 24/7 Data Studio report Template for clients w/o EEC tracking:

How to use:

1. Open the template and make a copy.

2. Add the source you want to include.

If one of the added sources is a spreadsheet, instructions of how to build shopping stage are given under section "Template of automated
shopping & checkout funnel". Other option is to check Shopping and Checkout funnel data in GA - it won't take as much time as to create
automated funnel in the report.

3. Website performance reports that can be used to gather insights on DETAILED data regarding ecommerce performance and user
interactions with the website.

[Template] - Detailed Magento 2 data

How to use:

1. Open the template and make a copy

2. Add the source you want to include
3. Check if the source you add has all the information asked in the report e.g. if the source has variable pageType or JS Error tracking.
4. Use template of Automated Shopping and Checkout funnel and follow the instructions described here to update funnels.
5. Add additional data you want to include or delete the pages you don't need.

4.DS Report to present data, findings and suggestions in the same document.

As there might be situations when it won't make any sense to insert detailed table in PPT, you can add comments in the report. The following
report was created to briefly inform client on how the performance of the main website KPIs has changed by month.

Note that the data is set-up to show the data of last month. If you are interested in other dates, change the format of every chart. If you'll use the
same report more than once, note that date automatically updates. In case of Cervera, we are rewriting conclusions every month. To save the
data of previous month we download the PDF file.

Monthly Report/Analysis - Template

How to use:

1. Open the template and make a copy

2. Add the source you want to include
3. Use template of Automated Shopping and Checkout funnel and follow the instructions described here to update funnels.
4. Check date period and automatic update set-up.
5. If needed add additional charts.
6. Perform data analysis and change conclusions & suggestions.

5.One-page report of website performance - the main KPIs

The template can be used as one page dashboard to show the main KPIs of ecommerce store. Template has 3 pages although majority of
information is repeated, therefore you can choose the most appropriate dashboard.

[Template] Summary of Website Performance

6.Detailed report to compare the performance of a website before and after migration to M2.

The report is based on Monthly Clubs example with 6 different clubs. It includes dashboards of general performance, traffic acquisition, website
content and user interaction with it.

[Template] MC M2 Performance Overview (pre and post M2)

7.A/B Test performance

The report includes blocks of test description e.g. hypothesis, how variant differs from the original, and charts that describe how test is doing or
how it ended.

Note! This sample was made to share it in article "A/B test analysis by using DS studio", therefore data is random and not all fields are included.
If you are interested to have the exact report we are using, can check LF example - p.28/29.

To prepare report like this you'll need to use spreadsheets and GA Add-ons.

Sample - A/B Test Results

8. Template to create automated shopping and checkout funnels

The purpose of the template is to speed up the process of creating shopping and checkout funnels. This source has instructions, copy-paste
charts and other details that might help to spend less time. The template should not be used separately as it shares the same info in the same
manner as GA funnels. However, it can be good adjustment if more detailed report is made.

How to use:
1. Choose funnel you want to create and copy all charts from template to your report (exclude date and comment fields).
2. Click on the bar chart and add the source you need.
3. Make sure that dimension is “Shopping Stage” and metric “Sessions”.
Bar chart should have filter “Full Shopping Funnel” applied.
4. Mark all scorecards below bar chart and apply correct source. Compare the same date period with GA data to be sure that the set-up is
5. Repeat the same steps with block of abandonments.
6. To calculate drop-offs:
a. Mark on the scorecard that will represent the drop-off of the 1st step.
b. Click on Edit Data Source
c. On both sources add the source you need + change filter to the one that represents the data you need. E.g. if you are
calculating drop-off of the 1st step then 1st source should include Shopping Stage “All visits” and the 2nd source “Product
d. Click on “Save” and change the set-up by following the same logic as described in previous step.
7. Change the formatting according initial report

Note! The template will work if all shopping stages are default GA stages. As in checkout amount of steps differs by client set-up, you might need
to create additional drop-off fields. Here you can read instructions on how to do it: Blended Data

In the 2nd page of template you can find examples how rename shopping and checkout stages and formulas how drop-off rates are calculated.

Template of automated shopping & checkout funnel

9.Template to analyse the performance of the Organic traffic that visits the website.

The report describes the main KPIs of the website and how they differ when all sessions are compared with the performance of Organic traffic. It
has data from not only GA but also from Google Search Console, therefore you can find data of keyword performance as well.

[Template] SEO Benchmarking Report

How to use:

1. Open the template and make a copy

2. Add the source you want to include

10.Detailed SEO Monthly report

The report was prepared for retainer clients to analyse how the websites performance and interaction with it by organic traffic changes from
month to month. It contains data from GA, GSC and Ahref, therefore different spreadsheets with add-ons and data exports should be used.

Part of the report consists of text blocks that describe the main findings and next steps, because of that the report is finished only when data
analysis is made.

How to use:

1. Make a copy and change GA and Search Console source to the one you need. For GSC data use URL Impressions.
2. The report by default will show the performance of the previous month + comparison of previous period or the same period in previous
year. Check every chart in 1-7 page to make sure it shows the period you are interested in. If you'll use the report periodically, when
possible apply period in date formulas instead of specific dates.
3. To create chart “Rankings of Tracked Keywords” in the 1st page:
a. Open document and make a copy
b. Open Add-on - Search Analytics for Sheets - > Open Sidebar (Add-on will collect data from GSC. Before creating the set-up,
make sure your SW has access to it's GSC.)
c. Choose the website, add period you are interested in, group by “query” and make sure that results are shown in Active sheet or
Sheet 1 (the same).
d. In the 1st column of tab “Calculations” insert keywords you want to track.
e. Remember that the most important line in the document is “312” - adjust the table, so it would show correct data and be sure
that formula used in line “312” is included below your data.
f. In tab Ratings_1 you can find data of how amount of impressions by positions have changed month by month. Adjust time
period you want to analyse, collect all data and copy and paste the line “312” from tab “Calculations”. Paste only values. Adjust
“Average position” so all numbers would be without decimals.

4. To create chart “All Sessions by Organic Traffic”:
a. Open document and make a copy
b. In tab Report configuration add GA settings, dates and segments you want to include in the report.
c. Click on Add-ons -> GA -> Run reports. If you don't know the key of segment you need to use, click on create new report and
find segment there. In the template, the report includes data of this and previous year. Segments are based on organic traffic +
all top category landing pages or separate categories e.g.
d. The final reports are marked with red line. Due to method how the data is collected in them it is strongly suggested to rewrite
existing report set-up instead of creating new reports - otherwise it will take a lot of time.
e. Check if data in red reports are the same as in GA. However, keep in mind that there might be minor differences.
5. To create specific Landing page reports:
a. Use the same document you created for previously described chart only in this case choose the spreadsheet of specific segment
6. Keyword reports
a. Open Ahref -> Rank tracker (in top menu) -> Your project -> Keywords
b. Note! In order to work with keywords, you need to have a project and add a list with keywords that will be tracked.
c. Export the list with all keywords (all rows, UTF-8)
d. Open the document and make a copy
e. Click on File -> Import -> Upload -> Choose the file from Ahref -> Insert in the same sheet (rank-tracker.export).
f. In the 2nd column insert keywords you want to track.
g. To find the position use formula =VLOOKUP(B2,'rank-tracker.export'!B:N,3,False)
h. Insert new column and copy values you got
i. Copy values from URLs to URL column and remove domain url.
j. Check if MoM values are correct
k. If in the report metric is added as dimension, click on Edit source and change type to number and aggregation None. Although
aggregation is None by default, you have to click on it again.
l. Some URLs might have position 100. Decide whether to leave 100 or replace position with 0.
7. Backlinks & Referring Domains
a. Open Ahref -> Your Project -> Backlinks -> All and copy the number in
b. Open the document and make a copy
c. Paste the number you got in Ahref and calculate the change
d. Repeat the same steps to find data of Referring domains, Domain Authority (= Domain Ratings). Only now insert them in
appropriate tabs.
8. Competitor Performance
a. Add the list of competitors in Ahref to your project (Ahref -> Rank tracker -> Comp)
b. Open document you created for Backlinks & Referring domains
c. Open tab “Copy Ahref Rank Tracker here
d. Copy - paste data from Ahref
e. Check if all values are passed in tab “Competitors”
9. Competitor Keyword Performance
a. In Ahref open Rank tracker -> Your project -> Comp -> In list with keywords click on Export -> All () rows in UTF-8 http://prntscr.
b. In DS click on Data Source -> Create New -> File Upload -> Choose the file you downloaded from Ahref
c. Wait until file is uploaded and click on “Connect”

{{EXAMPLE}} SEO Monthly Report

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