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Copyright ) 1994, American Society for Microbiology

Characterization of Psychrotrophic Microorganisms

Producing 3-Galactosidase Activities
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Received 17 August 1993/Accepted 13 October 1993

Investigations of psychrotrophic microorganisms have been limited even though the dominant environment
of the Earth is cold and enzymes with high activities at low temperatures could have commercial uses. We have

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isolated and characterized three psychrotrophic strains with 13-galactosidase activities. The isolates, B7, D2,
and D5, were gram-positive, catalase-positive, obligate aerobes. Cells observed with a scanning electron
microscope appeared as rods during the early stages of growth but became coccoid during the stationary phase.
An analysis of the amino acid composition of the cell walls demonstrated the presence of lysine as the
predominant diamino acid in all three isolates. The cell cycle morphology and cell wall composition suggest that
the three isolates are members of the genus Arthrobacter. The 13-galactosidase activities in whole cells were
labile when incubated at 40°C and had temperature optima about 20°C below that of the enzyme encoded by
the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. Electrophoresis of extracts from the isolates in nondenaturing polyacrylamide
gels detected at least two protein bands that hydrolyzed 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-13-D-galactopyranoside
(X-Gal), suggesting the presence of 13-galactosidase isozymes.

Even though the dominant environment of the Earth and dases could also be used to remove lactose from refrigerated
its oceans is below 20°C, we know little about the types and milk so that it could be consumed by people who are lactose
physiology of microorganisms growing at these tempera- intolerant and to convert the lactose in whey from a pollutant
tures. Psychrotrophs, or cold-tolerant microorganisms, must to the more readily fermentable glucose and galactose.
often adapt to temperatures ranging from subzero to above In this study we isolated psychrotrophic microorganisms
30°C. Research examining mechanisms that might permit from fields that had been spread with whey during the
low-temperature growth, such as changes in membrane winter. We screened for microorganisms growing at low
fluidity, regulation of protein synthesis, and production of temperature and producing 3-galactosidase activities. We
heat and cold shock proteins, has been reviewed (4, 5, 7, 8, describe here the characterization of three isolates which
17, 18). However, it is amazing that so little is known about have a rod-coccus cycle typical of Arthrobacter species. We
the diversity and metabolism of psychrotrophic microorgan- have examined the growth and physiology of these isolates
isms considering that vast regions of the globe are subject to and the effect of temperature on the activity and stability of
cold climates and that temperature controls virtually every their 3-galactosidase activities. We found that these isolates
cell reaction. The study of these microorganisms could add contain two or more ,-galactosidase isozymes which sepa-
considerably to our understanding of microbial diversity and rate from one another during electrophoresis in nondenatur-
lead to the discovery of important new enzymes, antibiotics, ing polyacrylamide gels.
and other metabolites.
A long-term objective of our work is to discover novel and
potentially useful cold-active enzymes with high catalytic MATERUILS AND METHODS
activities at temperatures below 20°C. The properties of Bacterial strains. Strains D2, B7, and D5 were isolated
these enzymes would then be compared with those from from Pennsylvania farmlands. Soil samples giving rise to
corresponding proteins from mesophiles and thermophiles, isolates D2 and D5 were fr6m adjacent fields on the same
and the information would be used to determine which farm, and B7 was isolated from a nearby farm. The sites
features are important for functions at different tempera- were selected because the fields had been spread with whey,
tures. In addition, cold-active enzymes could have important which might have served as an enrichment for lactose-
applications in biotechnology, food processing, biomass utilizing microorganisms. The samples were collected in
conversion, molecular biology, etc. To initiate this work, we early spring just after the snow had melted. All samples and
have isolated psychrotrophic microorganisms with 13-galac- media were kept cold during transport and the isolation and
tosidase activities. We selected 3-galactosidase as a model selection procedures. The soil samples were diluted with
enzyme because it is possible to screen numerous colonies
by using chromogenic substrates and there are well-studied 0.9% NaCl and spread onto tryptic soy agar (TSA) with or
counterparts from mesophiles and thermophiles that make without 2% lactose and containing 0.13 mg of 5-bromo-4-
structural comparisons possible. Cold-active 3-galactosi- chloro-3-indolyl-3-D-galactopyranoside (X-Gal) ml-'. Incu-
bation was carried out at 5°C. After approximately 4 to 7
days, colonies which appeared blue were picked and
Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Bio- streaked onto fresh medium. Once the isolates were purified,
chemistry and Molecular Biology, 209 S. Frear, The Pennsylvania the 3-galactosidase activities were determined as described
State University, University Park, PA 16802. Phone: (814) 863-7794. below.
Fax: (814) 863-7024. Electronic mail address: Other strains used in the study were Arthrobacter globi-

formis ATCC 8010 (type strain), obtained from L. E. Casida, NaCl or Z buffer (16) without P-mercaptoethanol, and as-
Jr., and Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, obtained from sayed for 3-galactosidase activity with ortho-nitrophenyl-p-
Mary Jane Tershak, The Pennsylvania State University. D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) as the substrate by the proce-
Growth media and cultivation. M9 served as the minimal dure of Miller (16). To determine whether any enzyme was
medium and was prepared by the method of Miller (16) with secreted, 0.5 ml of the culture medium was added to 0.5 ml
different carbon sources added at 0.2%. Unless otherwise of buffer and assayed by the procedure of Miller (16). The
noted, isolates B7 and D5 and A. globiformis were cultivated specific activity was expressed as micromoles of ortho-
in M9 with no additional supplementation. Isolate D2 had a nitrophenyl produced per minute per milligram of protein.
vitamin requirement, and 1 ml of Basal Medium Eagle Separation of 13-galactosidase activities. Extracts were sub-
Vitamin Solution (GIBCO BRL, Gaithersburg, Md.} was jected to electrophoresis to determine whether the isolates
routinely added per 100 ml of M9. Thiamine (1 ,ug ml- ) was produced more than one ,B-galactosidase isozyme. Cultures
added to M9 for growth of E. coli. Tryptic soy broth (TSB) were grown in M9 medium with 0.2% lactose, except for B7,
and TSA with no added carbohydrate were used for growth for which 1% TSB (10 ml of TSB to 1 liter of minimal
rate and growth range determinations, respectively. Cultures medium) was added to the M9 medium. Cultures were
of isolates D2, D5, and B7 and A. globifonnis were incu- harvested at mid- to late exponential phase. After harvest,

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bated at 25°C on a platform shaker or in a shaking water bath the cells were broken in a French pressure cell at 18,000
at 200 rpm. E. coli cultures were incubated in a shaking lb/in2 and the extracts were concentrated with an Ul-
water bath at 37°C at 300 rpm. trafree-MC filter unit (nominal molecular weight limit,
Characterization of isolates. Initial observations of the cells 100,000; Millipore, Bedford, Mass.). Concentrated extracts
during the tests for the Gram stain reaction suggested that were then subjected to electrophoresis in 7.5% nondenatur-
they were pleomorphic. To further examine this and to ing polyacrylamide gels by the procedure of Laemmli (15)
determine whether the isolates undergo a rod-coccus cycle, without the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Following
cells were prepared for observation under a scanning elec- electrophoresis, the gels were incubated in an assay buffer in
tron microscope. The growth of the isolates in TSB contain- which X-Gal was substituted for ONPG to detect P-galacto-
ing no added carbohydrate at 25°C was monitored by using a sidase activity in situ. Hydrolysis of X-Gal by B-galactosi-
Klett-Summerson colorimeter (Manostat, New York, N.Y.) dase activity formed blue bands within the acrylamide gels.
to harvest the cells at early exponential and stationary
phases. The cells were prepared for scanning electron mi- RESULTS
croscopy by the procedures of Cole (2), which included
collection of the cells by filtration through a Millipore Characterization of isolates. Colonies that grew at 5°C and
Swinney disk holder containing a polycarbonate filter (pore hydrolyzed the chromogen X-Gal were screened for strains
size, 0.2 ,um; Nuclepore Corp., Pleasanton, Calif.). The that made I-galactosidases with temperature optima below
samples were then prepared for microscopy by conventional 35°C. From these we selected three, B7, D2, and D5, for
methods (13) and examined under a JEOL JSM 5400 scan- further characterization. The isolates formed smooth, circu-
ning electron microscope. lar, yellow to cream colonies. The cells were gram positive
Cell wall extracts from isolates D2, D5, and B7 and from but also appeared gram negative during the growth cycle and
Bacillus subtilis and A. globiformis were prepared by the were easily decolorized late in growth. Samples taken at
"rapid screening method" presented in the review by Schle- different times during growth and examined under a scanning
ifer and Kandler (19). The extracts were completely hydro- electron microscope showed elongated, club-shaped cells
lyzed and a quantitative amino acid analysis was performed during exponential growth which fragmented into short rods
at The Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State and coccoid cells later in growth (Fig. 1). The average cell
University. lengths for isolates B7, D2, and D5 were 1.4, 1.2, and 1.2
The production of a variety of other enzymes was deter- ,um, respectively, during the early stage of growth and 0.5,
mined by using API Coryne test strips (Bio-Merieux Vitek, 0.6, and 0.6 ,um, respectively, during the stationary phase.
Inc., Hazelwood, Mo.) and standard assays. Assays were Other tests demonstrated that the isolates were strict
done twice, and if the results were marginal, they were aerobes, did not make acid with glucose as a carbon source,
repeated a third time. Urease production was detected by produced catalase, and were nonmotile. Since the rod-to-
using API strips and urease test broth (BBL, Cockeysville, sphere morphological change and the other physiological
Md.). To detect gelatin hydrolysis, strains were inoculated traits are typical of Arthrobacter species, we analyzed the
onto plates of nutrient agar containing 5% gelatin and the cell walls of the isolates to determine whether lysine, which
plates were flooded with saturated ammonium sulfate after is the characteristic diamino acid present in Arthrobacter
growth to indicate zones of hydrolysis (3). DNA degradation peptidoglycan, was present (Table 1). The results show that
was determined by growing the organisms on nutrient agar the isolates and an A. globiformis type strain contained
with 0.2% DNA and toluidine blue by a method presented in lysine as the dominant diamino acid, whereas B. subtilis,
the Manual of Methods for General Bacteriology (20). included as a control, contained diaminopimelic acid as
Strains were inoculated onto M9 agar which contained, in expected.
addition to 0.5% ax-cellulose (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, In addition, these isolates were sent to MIDI (Microbial
Mo.), 0.2% Casamino Acids, vitamin solution (GIBCO), ID, Inc., Newark, Del.) and to IEA (Industrial and Environ-
trace element mixture (14), and FeSO4 7H20 (0.01 mg/ml) mental Analysts, Inc., Essex Junction, Vt.) to determine
to screen for cellulase activity. Zones of hydrolysis were their fatty acid compositions. Both groups reported that the
detected with 1% Congo red, and the excess dye was washed three strains are similar to each other, with D2 and D5
off with 1 M NaCl (1). The medium used for carbon source possibly more closely related to each other than to B7.
utilization was M9 containing 0.2% carbohydrate. Growth However, the testing services differed in their first choices of
was assessed after 18, 42, 66, and 116 h. genera: IEA suggested Arthrobacter for isolate B7 and
1-Galactosidase assay. Cells were grown in M9 containing Curtobacterium for D2 and D5, whereas MIDI suggested
0.2% lactose, harvested by centrifugation, washed with 0.9% Micrococcus as the most likely genus for all three with


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FIG. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the three isolates showing the morphological changes. Isolates B7 (A), D2 (B), and D5 (C) were
grown in TSB at 25'C and harvested during exponential (panel I) or stationary (panel II) phase. Magnification, x7,500.

second choices of Arthrobacter for B7 and Curtobactenum Curtobacterium strains are generally motile, produce acid
for isolates D2 and D5. Our results showing that the isolates slowly from carbohydrates, and contain ornithine in the
had a rod-coccus cycle (Fig. 1) eliminated the genus Micro- interpeptide bridge of the cell wall (12). Our results (Table 1)
coccus, in which the cells are spheres arranged predomi- showed that ornithine was not present in the cell walls of the
nantly in tetrads or diplococci and the cell shape does not isolates. On the basis of the combination of these results, the
change with medium or culture age (11). Cell pleomorphism isolates had the characteristics associated with the genus
is also not distinctive for members of the genus Curtobacte- Arthrobacter.
rium, although cells can become shorter in older cultures. Growth was tested on minimal medium to determine

TABLE 1. Comparison of the amino acid composition in cell TABLE 3. Comparison of enzyme production among isolates B7,
walls of isolates B7, D2, and D5 and control strains D2, and D5 and A. globiformis
Amino acid composition (% of total pmol)a Production by:
Strain Enzyme
Lys Dpm Om Ala Thr Ser Gly Glu Leu A. globiformis B7 D5 D2
B. subtilis 4.0 15.4 0.2 27.1 1.7 4.7 4.3 18.7 5.3 Nitrate reductiona - - - +
A. globiformis 14.0 1.6 0.4 45.7 1.9 3.4 5.0 9.9 4.1 Alkaline phosphatasea + - - +
Isolate B7 14.8 1.4 0.07 50.0 5.1 3.7 4.1 10.7 2.5 l-Glucuronidasea - + + +
Isolate D5 13.3 1.4 0.01 50.1 5.6 4.0 4.0 10.4 2.5 ot-Glucosidasea + + + +
Isolate D2 13.9 1.8 0.06 46.4 6.0 3.8 4.7 10.8 3.1 P-Glucosidasea + + + +
a The values for the isolates are averages of two amino acid determinations. N-Acetylglucosaminidasea - - - +
The total picomoles were 34,089 for B. subtilis; 19,610 for A. globifornis;
Ureasea, b - _ _ +
21,079 for B7; 31,697 for D5; and 33,519 for D2. Minor amounts of other amino Amylase + + + +
acids are not reported. Gelatinase - + + +
DNase - - + +

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a Production of these enzymes was determined by using the API Coryne
whether the isolates had any additional requirements. Iso- test strip. Symbols: +, clear positive; +, weak reaction; -, represents
lates D5 and B7 grew without added supplements, although negative reaction.
b Production of urease was also determined by using urease test broth
the lag phase for B7 was shortened by the addition of 1% (BBL).
TSB. Isolate D2 had a vitamin requirement and grew only
when the minimal medium was supplemented with Basal
Medium Eagle Vitamin Solution. The growth rates were
determined for cells growing in TSB at 10 and 25°C (Table 2). with the cells for the three isolates (data not shown). The
All the isolates grew more rapidly at both temperatures than assay could have detected 0.0001 U of activity per ml in the
A. globiformis did. In addition, the ability to form colonies medium if it had been present. Cells grown at 25°C were then
on TSA at different temperatures was examined. The iso- assayed at increasing temperatures from 5 to 50°C to obtain
lates grew at 0WC, the lowest temperature tested. Isolated a temperature profile of the P-galactosidase activities (Fig.
colonies did not form above 30°C. A. globiformis had a 2). The results show that the peak activity for isolate D2 was
growth range of 10 to 37°C (Table 2). at 25°C and that the activities for isolates B7 and D5 were
The production of different enzymes was compared by optimal around 30 to 35°C. Activities from cells grown at 5
using API Coryne test strips and indicator plates (Table 3). and 10°C showed similar optima (data not shown). In con-
Isolates B7 and D5 were similar, except that D5 produced trast, the highest activity for the E. coli enzyme was above
DNase, as did D2. Isolate D2, which differed from B7 and D5 50°C, and it had little activity below 20°C, where the en-
because it had a vitamin requirement, also reduced nitrate zymes from the isolates retained about half their highest
and had alkaline phosphatase and urease activities. All three activity. Although E. coli cells have higher specific activi-
isolates had 0-glucuronidase and gelatinase activities, ties, this simply reflects their ability to express more ,-ga-
whereas the A. globiformis ATCC 8010 type strain lacks lactosidase relative to the total cell protein. Other growth
these activities. The carbohydrate utilization patterns were conditions might further induce P-galactosidase synthesis in
similar, except that the isolates grew on lactose whereas A. the isolates or the cloning of the gene could be used to
globiformis ATCC 8010 did not and B7 did not use trehalose. increase the specific activity.
The isolates grew on cellobiose but not cellulose (data not The stability of the P-galactosidase activities was exam-
shown). These results demonstrated that the isolates differed ined by incubating cells at set temperatures for differing
from A. globiformis and from each other. times and then transferring a sample to be assayed at the
Characterization of the 13-galactosidase activities. To deter- respective temperature optimum (Fig. 3). The activities from
mine whether the 1-galactosidase activities were intracellu-
lar or secreted into the medium, we assayed both the culture
media and the whole cells. All the activity was associated
100 1

TABLE 2. Comparison of the growth characteristics of isolates ~80-

B7, D2, and D5 and A. globifonnis
Strain Generation timea (h) at: Growth range
1°oc 25°C (o) ~)40-
A. globifonnis > 13c 2.4 10-37
Isolate B7 4.8 1.5 0-30 20-
Isolate D2 5.3 1.5 0-30
Isolate D5 5.2 1.5 0-30 0-
a Generation times were determined during exponential growth at the
0 10 2~0 30 0 50 60
indicated temperatures in TSB containing no additional carbohydrate. Temperature (°C)
Temperature ranges for growth were determined by examining TSA plates FIG. 2. Measurement of the 3-galactosidase activities from the
for colony formation at 0, 5, 10, 25, 30, 31, 35, 37, and 38°C. The plates were three isolates and E. coli at different temperatures. E. coli (I) was
incubated for 1 month at temperatures below 30'C and 7 to 10 days at 300C and
above before they were discarded. The results give the minimum and grown at 37°C. Isolates B7 (-), D2 (0), and D5 (A) were grown at
maximum temperatures at which isolated colonies were observed. 25°C. The specific activities (micromoles per minute per milligram of
c Generation times were difficult to determine for A. globiformis at 100C protein) at the 100% values were 6.7 for E. coli, 0.51 for B7, 0.26 for
because this is at its lower limit for growth. D2, and 1.2 for D5.

1 2 3 4

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FIG. 4. Migration of 13-galactosidase activities during nondena-
turing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The extracts from E. coli
(lane 1) and isolates B7 (lane 2), D5 (lane 3), and D2 (lane 4) were
subjected to electrophoresis on a 7.5% nondenaturing polyacryl-
amide gel, and the gel was incubated with X-Gal to detect P-galac-
tosidase activity in situ. The image is a scan of a color photograph of
the gel. The scanned image was generated by using an Apple Color
OneScanner and the application Ofoto, version 2.0. The file was
saved in the TIFF format.

results (Fig. 4) show that the E. coli control (lane 1) formed

one band representing 13-galactosidase hydrolysis of X-Gal.
The extracts from the isolates (lanes 2, 3, and 4), however,
;> gave rise to more than one activity band for each isolate.
To determine whether the activity bands represented
different isozymes or were simply aggregates of the same
protein, we examined the effects of changing the polyacryl-
amide concentrations on the migration distance of the bands
or the effects of the pH of the in situ assay buffers on the
intensity of the bands. The intensities of the bands varied
Time (min) independently of each other (data not shown), suggesting
FIG. 3. Thermostability of the ,3-galactosidase activities found in that the activities were from different proteins. Furthermore,
isolates B7 (A), D2 (B), and D5 (C). Cells were grown at 10°C, the intensity of the upper band for isolate B7 was influenced
harvested, and assayed as deslribed in Materials and Methods. The by growth conditions whereas the lower band was present
cell suspensions were incubated at 10°C (-), 35°C (-), 40°C (A), even when glucose or cellobiose was substituted for lactose
45°C (*), and 50°C (O) for the'indicated times and then assayed for as a carbon source. These results were consistent with the
P-galactosidase activity at 25°C for D2 and B7 and 30°C for D5.
activity bands representing different proteins that hydrolyze
the X-Gal chromogen.
The most convincing evidence that isolate B7 can synthe-
all isolates were stable at 10°C but decreased within a few size different isozymes was provided by the cloning of three
minutes when incubated at 50°C. The activity from D2 unique genes encoding P-galactosidase activities (21). One
appeared slightly more stable, with about 50% remaining clone encodes a protein that migrates during nondenaturing
after incubation at 40°C for 120 min. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a position correspond-
Detection of 13-galactosidase activities following polyacryl- ing to the upper band shown in Fig. 4, while a second clone
amide gel electrophoresis. The results in Fig. 3 showed that encodes a protein migrating with the lower band. The third
when cells were incubated at the intermediate temperatures, gene produces a third protein that was not observed for
the 3-galactosidase activity remained relatively constant isolate B7 during growth on lactose.
after an initial loss. One explanation for this result is that the
isolates contain more than one enzyme with 3-galactosidase DISCUSSION
activity and that these isozymes have different temperature
labilities. Bacillus stearothermophilus, for example, has two X-galactosidase gene from E. ccli has been so well
structural genes for 3-galactosidase. The bgaA gene pro- studied and exploited as a reporter gene that the need for
duces an enzyme that is less thermostable than the 3-galac- enzymes with other properties is often overlooked. How-
tosidase encoded by the bgaB gene (6). Therefore we were ever, new ed-galactosidases, such as ones with high activity
interested in determining whether any of our isolates might levels at low temperatures, might prove useful for removing
make more than one form of 3-galactosidase. To examine lactose from refrigerated milk to be consumed by lactose-
this possibility, extracts were subjected to nondenaturing intolerant individuals and for converting the lactose in whey
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the gels were incu- into glucose and galactose to be used as carbon sources in
bated with X-Gal to detect 3-galactosidase activity. The fermentation broths. This report demonstrates that it is

possible to select and isolate psychrotrophs that make cold- globiformis strain (NRRL B-2979) and an A. citreus strain
active 0-galactosidases. Our isolates have ,B-galactosidases (NRRL B-14091) do not use lactose as a carbon source.
with optimal activities about 20°C below that of the E. coli Further study of these and other strains will help determine
enzyme. These isolates are classified as new Arthrobacter whether our isolates are new species and will also help
species on the basis of their rod-to-sphere morphogenesis, explain the function of their different 3-galactosidase
their physiological traits, and the presence of lysine as the isozymes.
primary diamino acid in their cell walls. The results of ,B-galactosidase assays show that these
The genus Arthrobacter comprises a heterogeneous group isolates produce at least one enzyme with peak activities at
of soil bacteria with the rod-to-coccus morphological cycle about 20°C below that for the E. coli enzyme (Fig. 2).
as their major distinguishing feature (9, 10). Comparisons of Activities for the isolates are significant below 20°C, at
the 16S rRNA (9, 22) suggest that the genus Arthrobacter is which less than 10% of the E. coli enzyme activity remains.
related to the other coryneform genera Aureobacterium, Thermostability studies of the activities for the isolates show
Cellulomonas, Curtobacterium, and Microbacterium and is that they are stable at low temperatures but labile when
more distantly related to the genus Brevibacterium. These incubated above about 40°C for 120 min (Fig. 4). Very little
genera are representatives of the high-G+C actinomycete is known about the survival of psychrotrophs in climates

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group of gram-positive bacteria, and distinctions among with wide temperature ranges. One mechanism that micro-
them may be minor. The isolates differ fromAureobacterium organisms could use to adapt to widely varying temperatures
and Curtobacterium species, which contain D-ornithine in- is production of isozymes with different temperature optima.
stead of lysine in the cell wall peptidoglycan (Table 1). Since the isolates synthesize more than one protein with
Microbacterium species also contain lysine as the diamino ,B-galactosidase activity, it is possible that these enzymes are
acid. However, Microbacterium strains produce acid from designed to function at different temperatures. It is also
glucose and have a group B peptidoglycan containing glycine possible that these activities have other, yet to be discovered
and lysine in the interpeptide bridge (19). Thus, the Mi- functions independent of growth on lactose. The discovery
crobacterium cell wall has two to three times more glycine of these Arthrobacter strains containing ,-galactosidase
than glutamate. Since the isolates had only the background isozymes opens new questions and opportunities for explor-
levels of glycine observed for A. globiformis and B. subtilis, ing the regulation and function of these enzymes. We have
their cell wall structures do not resemble that typically found cloned three genes encoding P-galactosidase activities for
for Microbactenum cells. isolate B7 and are purifying these enzymes to determine
It is interesting that the fatty acid profiles determined for which substrates they use and their temperature optima. We
our isolates suggested Micrococcus as a possible genus. are also preparing antibodies to each isozyme synthesized by
Members of the genus Micrococcus would seem to be isolate B7 to be used to measure the amounts of each
unrelated to Arthrobacter on the basis of cell shape. How- P-galactosidase synthesized in cells grown at different tem-
ever, Kocur (11) suggests that the genus Micrococcus is peratures to determine whether their expression is regulated
more closely related to the genus Arthrobacter than to other by temperature.
coccoid genera and that Micrococcus species may be degen-
erate forms of arthrobacters which are locked in the coccoid ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
stage. These similarities are reflected in the fatty acid
profiles. Both the MIDI and IEA testing groups indepen- Scanning electron microscopy was performed at the Electron
dently identified the same predominant fatty acids. The Microscope Facility for the Life Sciences in the Penn State Biotech-
variations in their results may reflect the different data bases nology Institute. We thank R. Walsh for support and help in
preparing materials for microscopy. We thank M. J. Tershak and
used for comparisons. Our results illustrate the need to L. E. Casida, Jr., for providing strains and D. Trimbur, K. Miller,
incorporate results from morphological and physiological and A. Phillips for helpful discussions.
tests when identifying atypical strains. P. Prema was supported by a Biotechnology Overseas Associate-
We found no studies of P-galactosidases from Arthrobac- ship from the Department of Biotechnology, India.
ter species, and our work with the type strain,A. globifonnis
ATCC 8010, shows that it does not use lactose as a carbon REFERENCES
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