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Scene 6 

1. Why does Blanche seem depressed at the beginning of this scene? 

She started explaining her story of her first husband who died long ago.
2. Describe Blanche’s behavior with Mitch. Why is this behavior ironic? 
Blanche starts to be emotional with Mitch when she explains her story. Its ironic because
Blanche usually flirts with him only.
3. What does Blanche tell Mitch about life with Stanley, and what is Mitch’s reaction? 
She tells him about life with Stanley as how he's just trying to be mean towards her and she hates
his actions. "He is insufferably rude. Goes out of his way to offend me." (pg. 92). Mitch's
reaction was shocked, "I'm surprised to hear that."
4. Why does Mitch want to know Blanche’s age? 
Mitch wants to know Blanche's age because his mother wants to know how old she is. "I talked
to my mother about you and she said "How old is Blanche.?" (pg. 94)
5. What does Blanche tell Mitch about her past? Why does she confide in Mitch?
Blanche told Mitch that she had lost a lover, a boy to who she was in love with and she tells
Mitch that he killed himself with a gun shot into the mouth. When Mitch hears this, he pulls her
towards him and kisses her forehead. She confides in Mitch trying to get some relief after telling
him what had happened in her past.
6. How does this incident in Blanche’s past affect her present life? 
She feels like it is her fault that her husband killed himself. She never lives a day without
thinking about the situation.
7. How does Mitch respond to Blanche’s secret about her past? 
He hugs her & is sorry for her.
8. What might Blanche have meant in her last line of this scene? 
That she is happy that she has found someone that loves her.
Scene 7 
1. What news does Stanley reveal about Blanche? How does Stella react to this news? 
 Stanley reveals that she got fired because of past "relationship" with a 17 year old student. Stella
is in shock and disgusted but doesn't want to believe what shes hearing.
2. What is the irony of the song Blanche sings in the bathtub? 
The first part of the song says " say it only a paper moon, sailing over a cardboard sea- but it
wouldn't be make believe if you believed in me" the irony is because they are finding out the
truth and she is singing a song of believing in her when in reality she is a liar.
3. How does Stanley destroy Blanche’s plans for her future? What are Stanley’s plans for
Stanley tells Mitch what Blanche did, if he knows this he won't want to marry her. Stanley
bought Blanche a train ticket.
Scene 8 
1. Describe the situation at the beginning of the scene.
The introduction is somber, the upcoming scene is likely to be sad and destructive.
2. What does Stella say that angers Stanley? What is Stanley’s reaction? Why?
She says he is greasy and should wash his hands and face. Stanley yells at her and breaks a plate.
3. Why does Blanche try to phone Mitch? 
Blanche tries to phone Mitch because its her birthday and she invited him to her birthday dinner,
but Stanley told him some of Blanches secret and he doesn't come to her day dinner so she is
4. What is Stanley’s birthday present for Blanche, and why is it a cruel gift? How does Blanche
Stanley's birthday present to Blanche is a train ticket back to Laurel. It is a cruel gift because
Beaches is there because she needs help and never asked to go back. Blanche immediately
becomes sad, she tries to hold off a smile, but cant and runs into the next room crying, coughing,
and gagging.
5. What is Stanley’s explanation for his actions towards Blanche? 
Stanley figures out Blanche's past Which is the conflict of this chapter.. Blanche has not heard
from Mitch since the last time they were out on date.Stanley gives her a train ticket back to
Laurel and Blanche immediate becomes sad. Blanche and Mitch's relationship has died because
her lies and true self were exposed. throughout this chapter you see Stanley and Stella's
relationship start to die and Stanley thinks it is because of Blanche.
6. How are life and death juxtaposed at the end of this scene?
The relationship is dying, but there is still life in their baby.
 Scene 9
1. When and how does scene 9 begin?
2.  The scene starts in the evening and blanche is drinking and listening to the song that her
husband killed himself to.
3. What is the purpose of the playing of the polka tune, the “Varsouviana”? 
The purpose of the song is to show that blanche is living in despair and sad.
4. The doorbell rings. Blanche discovers that it is Mitch. What does she do before she answers
the door?
5. Blanche hurries to turn off the music ,she also hides the liquor she was drinking and puts
powder on her face.
6. Describe Mitch’s condition and Blanche’s reaction. 
Mitch was in his work clothes and seemed like he had a few drinks before he got there.Blanche
says that she stayed at a hotel call the Trantula Arms where she would trap her victims or where
she had intamacies with strangers.
7. How does Blanch try to deceive Mitch about the liquor? Why doesn’t this work? 
She says she doesn't know what liquor they have. Mitch says that Stanley told him that Blanche
was drinking all the liquor.
8. Why does Mitch destroy the paper lantern? How is this action symbolic? 

Mitch destroy the lantern because he's never seen blanch in full light and only in dime lighting.
this is symbolic because he has destroyed her mask of beauty and innocence

9. What does Blanche say about realism and magic? 

She doesn't want realism. Instead, she prefers the magic of illusion. And rather than the truth,
she lives for "what ought to be." Thus forcing Blanche into the light makes her see things in
their ugly realism
10. What upsets Mitch the most about Blanche? How did he verify the truth about her history? 
Mitch destroys the lamp because he hasn't seen Blanch in clear daylight only at night. It's
symbolic because the light brings out the bad in people.What upsets Mitch the most is that
Blanche lied to him all summer, and Mich verified it by talking to three different men and the all
said that Blanche was shady
9. Why is Blanche’s comparison of herself to a “tarantula” ironic? 
Her description of herself as a tarantula is therefore surprising. There is nothing lovely about
a tarantula, a hairy, repulsive spider with a venomous bite. Comparing herself to such a creature
is Blanche's way of acknowledging the ugly truth about herself to Mitch.
Scene 10 
1. When does scene 10 begin? What is Blanche’s condition? What is Stanley’s condition? 
Scene 10 begins a few hours after Blanche and Mitch's argument. Blanche is hallucinating and is
wearing a tiara and is dressed in an old white satin gown while speaking to imaginary suitors.
Both Blanche's and Stanley's condition are they're drunk.
2. Explain how tension is created with the appearance of Stanley?
Blanche asks about Stella and he tells her that the baby isn't coming until tomorrow which means
Blanche and Stanley are alone in the house together
3. How has Blanche fallen victim to her own illusions? 
she has been drinking a lot and paranoid too much she has been a victim of sympathy or miss
4. Why does Stanley get out his silk pajamas? 
Stanley only wears his silk P's on special occasions like his wedding night and the night of his
sons birth
5. What lies does Blanche tell about Mitch? Why?
Blanche mentioned that Mitch came back to give her flowers and ask for forgiveness she lied
because she wants to be the center of attention so she always lies
6. What is ironic about Blanche’s statement that she cannot forgive Mitch? 
she can't forgive Mitch for it even though she's been telling him lies about her self so he would
want her
7. How does Stanley further humiliate Blanche? 
Stanley rapes Blanche and makes her believe she deserved it
Scene 11 
1. The scene opens to another poker night. How has Stanley’s luck changed since the first poker
night? How is this game symbolic? 
Stanley is winning everything and talking about how lucky he is. it is symbolic BC his luck is
good after Blanche's life is ruined
2. What is Blanche’s condition and how is Stella dealing with it?
Blanche won't eat or drink anything except alcohol Stella does not know how to deal with her
3. What does Shep Huntley represent to Blanche? 
He represents a second chance she wants to use him for his wealth
4. How has Stella deluded herself? What is Eunice’s advice to Stella? 
stella does not know if sending her sister away was the right thing to do. eunice tells stella that
no matter what life goes on and there is nothing you can do about it
5. How does Mitch seem to feel about Blanche at this point? Explain. 
mitch misses blanche he cries in his arms
6. Cite evidence that Blanche seems to be obsessed with purity. 
she says she'll be dropped into the sea in a clean white sack. she asks if the grapes are washed
and she continuously breathes
7. How is Stanley’s tearing the paper lantern from the bulb significant? 
it is significant because the lantern was hiding her ugliness and Stanley stole it
8. What is the significance of Blanche’s final line? 
Blanche needs other people to give her affection and praise. people who know her don't like her
so she depends on people who don't know her to show her respect
9. Cite evidence that a feeling of “continuation” is communicated at the end of the play. 
when Blanche leaves, everyone just goes about their day as if nothing happened
10. How have lighting and sound effects helped establish the play’s atmosphere throughout?
through the blue piano and sound affects of the polka music and gunshot

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