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Alya Rizqi

Bahasa Inggris II – Kelas E

1. Some social habits that makes me got peeved or annoying:

 I get really annoyed when people come into my room, opened the door but
once they leave my room, they forgot to close the door. The reason why I
get annoyed by this is because it makes me have to get up from bed just to
close my own door which is opened by them. And what makes it so hard
to just close the door? Can’t they see that I am inside the room? Also, not
closing the door can cause many flies to come around my room and I hate
getting bites from the flies.
They should have closed the door everytime they bolt into my room.
 Somehow, I don’t fancy talking about my own physiques or someone
else’s physiques. It’s a sensitive topic for me and when people talk about
someone’s appearances or physiques, and they get overboard, I tend to get
annoyed by it. Because I have a very low self-esteem when it comes to my
appareances and I am also insecure for my own features, let alone talking
about other’s physique defects or something quite like that.
They shouldn’t be commenting into other people’s physiques because they
don’t know the struggle behind someone’s appearances.
 I get very annoyed when people underestimate my ability or belittle me in
front of a lot of people. It drives me insane, because I totally know I can’t
ace everything in life but underestimating me because I can’t do one thing,
plus you have to do it in front of a lot of people? It’s just too much and it
makes me annoyed, also can make me very mad. If you don’t know what I
have been through, what efforts I had make, and etc, you don’t get to
belittle me like that. Also it’s a major embarrassment to call me out like
that inappropriately in front of a lot of people. If you want to belittle me,
make sure to do it in private, just face to face.
I think they could have been more understanding of me and my ability if
they have known me for a long time.

2. My past predicament.
One day in my junior high school, we have this annual event where we
have to dress up to school using Kebaya to celebrate Kartini’s Day. So, the night
before school I got everything ready from my Kebaya, to the way I wanna style
my hair, until my shoes. I also try to put a little bit of make up just to make myself
a lot prettier and well-presented. And then the awaiting day comes around, I get
up early in the morning, rushing to style my own self, ironing my clothes and do
my make up, and then I go to school. But once I get out from my car, I forgot to
wear my shoes that I already prepared from the night before. I got really ashamed
and embarrassed, but I have to go to school to mark my presence, so I got out
from my car with my pretty Kebaya, delicate make up and hairstyle, but I have no
shoes. And so, I am barefoot the whole day.

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