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Table of Contents

The Project.......................................................................................................................................3
Components and Methods...............................................................................................................5
1. Floppy wires could move with the brain without causing damage..........................................5
2. A sewing machine instead of a surgeon...................................................................................5
3. A super-powered chip which translates brain activity.............................................................6
Pros and Cons..................................................................................................................................6
Security Issues.................................................................................................................................8
Elon Musk was born on 28 June 1971 in Pretoria , South Africa. As a child, Musk was so lost in
his daydreams of inventions that his parents and doctors requested a test to verify his hearing. At
around the time of his parents ' divorce, when he was 10 years old, Musk developed an interest in
computers. He taught himself how to program, and when he was 12, he sold his first software, a
game he developed called Blastar. He is working to revolutionize transport both on Earth,
through the Tesla electric car manufacturer-and in space, through the SpaceX rocket
manufacturer. He owns 21 per cent of Tesla, but has promised more than half his share as
collateral for loans; Forbes has discounted his share to take the loans into account. He resigned
as chairman in 2018, after making alleged "false claims" about Tesla's private acquisition
strategy, sparking the SEC investigation. SpaceX, Musk's rocket firm, is now estimated at almost
$36 billion. He grew up in South Africa, and immigrated to Canada at the age of 17. He arrived
in the United States as a pupil of transfer to the University of Pennsylvania. Neuralink
Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others to
develop implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs). The company's head office is in San
Francisco. It began in 2016 and was first mentioned publicly in March 2017. Elon Musk teased
the world by confirming his new company, Neuralink, to build implantable brain chips. A lot of
details have now been revealed. A long post on the Wait but Why website, written by Tim
Urban, sets out the history of the venture, its staff and its plans to create what are known as
brain-machine interfaces. The article also goes into depth on neuroscience, outlined along the
way with stick figure sketches, and contains parts of interviews with Musk and other members of
the Neuralink team. Neuralink, based in San Francisco, completes the roster of California firms
led by Musk. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer of Tesla Inc., an electric vehicle
manufacturer and an energy storage firm, and of SpaceX, a rocket and space exploration

The Project
The team is planning to create a system that can be inserted in the brain to support patients that
have certain brain disorders, such as those that have had strokes. Musk said on the blog that
Neuralink plans to put the product to market in about four years. Neuralink aims to create a
"whole-brain interface" or what Urban defines as a "wizard cap" for the brain in more
conversational words on the site. This system would be so thoroughly embedded into the brain
that it would become "part of you," Urban says on the blog. This technology would allow the
brain the ability to connect wirelessly to the cloud — computers and other brains that already
have the interface. While this notion may freak people out, Musk said that the amount of
technology available today already makes people a "cyborg." Musk told the blog that he felt that
brain-machine communication systems could be used by individuals with no medical use in the
next 8 to 10 years. However, the entrepreneur, who is known for his overly ambitious
declarations of the deadline, said that "it depends heavily on the timing of regulatory approvals
and how well our products perform for people with disabilities." Yet Neuralink is zero on one of
Musk's biggest fears — artificial intelligence. The entrepreneur has always been outspoken about
his fear that AI could one day overshadow the human race. He founded a general-purpose
research company named OpenAI, but Neuralink has a far more tangible, revolutionary aim of
creating AI-enabled systems capable of communicating with people's brains.

In July 2019, Neuralink executives and Musk discussed the technologies that the company has
grown to date. The major revelation was a tiny microchip that could, potentially, be inserted
behind a person's ear with tiny threads holding electrodes that blew through the brain. More
news on Neuralink 's success is inevitable, as Musk tweeted on Tuesday, August 25, that the
company will stream a live demo of the "running Neuralink system" on Friday, August 28, at 3
p.m. Pacific time, but it's not yet clear exactly what this demo will mean. Elon Musk doesn't
want to hold to what's already conceivable. He said, in the classical Muskian style, that apart
from treating neural disorders such as Parkinson's, he hoped that Neuralink would one day
promote "symbiosis" between humans and AI. He was also delighted to reveal in 2019 that the
organization had succeeded in bringing a monkey to "power a brain machine."
Components and Methods
1. Floppy wires could move with the brain without causing damage
The wires on the proposed system used by Neuralink could advance the field because of how
floppy they are, according to Andrew Hires, an assistant professor of neurobiology at the
University of California, who spoke to Business Insider following Neuralink 's presentation in
July 2019 and the release of the company's white paper. "The fact that these versatile wires are
being used is a significant advancement, particularly if they are trying to get it to customers,"
Hires said. Each wire is slightly thinner than human hair and carries electrodes that are both
capable of detecting brain activity and, theoretically, stimulating it. "Stiff wires in the brain do a
lot of harm so the brain will move about," Hires added, noting that the living brain is very soft,
much softer than the examples you may have seen in tubes that have been stiffened with
formaldehyde. "It's even softer than jello," he added. Floppy wires like those mentioned by
Neuralink might theoretically be a safer option for any system that is going to spend a long time
in someone's brain because they are less likely to inflame or affect the tissue.

2. A sewing machine instead of a surgeon

One big difficulty with floppy wires is that it can be difficult to thread into the brain, and
something totally different has been developed for this Neuralink. The probes would be
implanted into the brain by a method not dissimilar to the sewing machine, which would use a
hard needle to position the fibers approximately 1 millimeter into the outside surface of the brain
or into the cortex. Hires said the idea of this sewing machine was a major breakthrough. He had
to perform manual insertions of identical instruments into the mice's brains. "Doing these stuff
by hand, these are very fine things ... it's very hard to get a steady hand to do these things
manually," he said. The feature is called online motion correction, which operates by taking a
video of the blood vessels of the brain under a microscope and then using a robot to adjust the
needle to travel with certain blood vessels.
3. A super-powered chip which translates brain activity
The last tool in the arsenal of Neuralink is the chip that can decode the brain stimulation being
picked up by the electrodes. "There's a problem with getting electrical impulses out of the brain,
and that's because they're very weak. Because the more they're going to go along a thin wire, the
more noise they're going to get blurred, because there's still some electrical noise going on in the
world around us. You want to be able to amplify and digitize the signal as close to the source as
possible," Hires stated. "From what they've revealed in their whitepaper, the chip looks beyond
the state of the art ... that's going to allow you to capture more precisely from more locations," he
said. "It's kind of like changing the TV from standard definition to high definition."

Pros and Cons

The potential-invented chip would work to enhance and develop the capacity of the human brain
to have a wonderful ability to memorize, even to install, update, and navigate such software. As a
consequence, it will also change the way people learn.

Next ability, people will learn everything by downloading the content they need and 'save' it in
their brainstorm. So, if there are online books that people will learn as their source, they won't
need to see it in hard copy, they won't even need to read it on a laptop or tablet, so they can even
download the books and 'save' it in their brainstorm.
In fact, this latest technology would also be very useful in the field of medicine. As we know,
the-said Neuralink chip, when it is implanted in the human brain, will have the capacity to
increase the ability of humans to memorize, which means that it would also increase the ability
of humans to remember. By which, this latest chip would also be able to grab any momment
better than human brains will do.

Furthermore, it is very clear that this recently developed chip would be very effective in
supporting people with Alzheimer's disease. In which Alzheimer's disease is a chronic disease
that destroys memories and other vital brain abilities. This Alzheimer's disorder makes people
with the condition quickly forget about everything.

Imagine, when all people on Earth have such implanted chip which make them able to installed,
download as well as saving any softwares, application and documents, honestly saying, the chip
is actually will have the same function as smartphone. In other words, this implanted chip will
subtitute the role of smartphone. Which also means, human beings will not only spend 15 hours
in a day with their smartphone, but after having such implanted-chip in their brain, human will
spend 24/7 with their brainphone!

Nowadays, as we know, everyone's life is controlled by the law that is made by sovereignty or by
the citizens who actually have the power to create the law. What I'm trying to say is that there is
a rule made by a body of people to control people, and people will choose whether or not they
want to follow. However, whether or not they wish to comply, these citizens are implicitly
compelled to obey the law, as we will see from the penalty of those who do not obey the law. In
other words, wherever we are, we are simply governed by the law of supremacy, and we have no
choice but to follow and order the rule.

The first downside is that it would, of course, be impossible for the instructor to offer a close-
book review. In my view, I believe that there will no longer be a close-book review. Since
students can easily take a look at the book that has been installed in their brains, they can open it
during a close-book examination without being caught by the teacher. Therefore, such a close-
book review would no longer be successful.
The ability to minimize the function of the brain's biochemical version. What I'm saying here is
like this, when human beings can easily have world knowledge in their minds by installing,
downloading, and storing it in their brainstorms, human beings would be lazy to learn all this,
they would be lazy to do something called memorizing. The worst scenario would have been that
the day would come that people would only survive by relying on the implanted chip, forget and
even avoid using their biological brain, which would lead to a regression in the brain system.

In a time where this implanted chip is being sold to society, there is a chance of benefiting those
with Alzheimer's disease. The chip is able to help Alzheimer's patient improve their ability to
memorize and help them capture mummies, and also to remember them for a longer time.

It means that there would be more people who love their own ratio. In which, it will help them
believe in science. And that would also mean that the atheists in the world would be improved as

Nowadays, we have so many people out there who want to call out for sovereignty-made-law.
These citizens continue to doubt the legitimacy and justice of the rules. There are also some
people who intentionally do not obey the law because they believe that the law is not deserved to
be obeyed. Why is this thing happening? Because these people think they know what's best for
society. Some of them even think they're the ones who have the ability to make the best law. So,
then, do those thoughts happen? Since people are getting smarter and more interested in giving
their opinion. People nowadays do not want to simply follow the rule without even examining
the law. This is, we can infer that, in reality, people who criticize the law are the product of
people in the world who are getting smarter.

Security Issues
The Neuralink project is still very much at the conceptual level, but Musk claims that technology
will not be a blocker for a long time to come. In his system, a specially trained sewing robot will
literally drill a hole in a person's head and insert a Neuralink chip into their skull, attaching a
thousand little wires to the brain.

This type of development in brain-computer interfaces would mean that people could
communicate directly with computers through their emotions instead of using a keyboard,
mouse, or touchscreen. The average person could find this weird or needless, but for people with
brain disabilities or diseases, adaptive technologies like this might mean a hope at a more regular

Data compromises as you learn of stories frequently take place on a cloud layer, with hackers
seeking ways to penetrate virtualized networks and steal information from a back-end database.
If one of these forms of attacks were to strike the Neuralink initiative, it may be a big step
backwards for brain-based technologies.

Whenever a new piece of technology enters the market, be it software or hardware, hackers see it
as an opening for devastation. They will pursue ways to manipulate bugs in the product in the
hope of either making money off it or actually bringing irritation to the company behind it.

The same scenario is predicted for Elon Musk and Neuralink. The scope for brain-controlled
technologies is enormous, but depends on current means of wireless connectivity. All signs lead
to Neuralink using Bluetooth to communicate between the embedded chip and external
computers, much as wireless keyboards and headphones.

Owing to the fact that the Neuralink facility would need a form of surgical surgery, the Musk
project will need clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before
the implants can be checked. If medical experts consider some danger with the robotic process of
the procedure, the whole project may be put on hold.

Technology will continue to evolve. No one will hinder this advancement of technology. Since,
if people wish to hinder the advancement of technology, it can only be achieved by stopping
people from knowing something. This is, preventing the human being from studying is
something difficult to achieve.

Therefore, we just have to let the technology evolve. Yet we must remember, no matter what
happens in the future, that we must first reinforce our view of life so that we ourselves cannot be
shook by the development of the tsunami of technology.

A lot of futuristic movies, novels, and TV shows theorize a future where you can communicate
with technology through hologram displays. Inventor and business owner Elon Musk thinks he
will take a big step forward with his Neuralink initiative, which will aim to connect the human
brain to electronic devices. As any new piece of technology, Neuralink will certainly come up
against security challenges, with hackers searching for ways to exploit technology.

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