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Sam Tremain

Draft 1

INT. Large Exhibition Hall

Several plinths are lain out neatly across a crowded long

room. On top of the plinths are various knee-sized robots
performing various functions. The room is very modern
looking, minimalist and Japanese in style. Vague echoing
crowed noises can be heard. One of the plinths is labeled
“Skipping Robot” with Japanese translations.

A glum, warn down looking robot is set on top of the

plinth. It is apparent that this part of the hall is less
crowded. The robot is skipping halfheartedly and without

A nasty looking technician notices the underperforming

robot. He looks at him intensely and signifies that he
should skip faster in order to impress the visitors.

The robot huffs dejectedly and begins to speed up.

However he catches himself with his own skipping rope,
and falls from the plinth onto the floor. When he looks
up he sees a very fat man walking in his direction. The
fat man seems not to have noticed him. The little robot
panics, he hops away in the other direction as fast as he
can. He rounds a corner into a smaller corridor to hide.

INT. A Small Empty Corridor, Apparently of Limits to


He sees a large glass door labeled “Fire Exit” with

Japanese translations. He approaches it slowly and looks
awed at the street outside. He turns his head to look
back at the exhibition hall, and back again at the fire
exit (apparently deciding weaver or not to make a run for
it). He turns his head to look at the exhibition room one
more time. But he sees the nasty looking technician at
the end of the corridor.

The Technician looks both alarmed and angry, and runs

towards the robot. The robot is forced into action; he
leaps, presses the bar that opens the fire exit door and
falls out into the street.

Ext. A City Street with lots of cars whizzing by.

The robot looks up at the street seeing tall, shiny,

modern looking buildings. He is on a main road with lots
of cars wising back and forth. General traffic and crowed
noises can be heard. The robot looks over his shoulder
and sees the technician looking furious and talking
frantically on a walky-talky. The technician is moving
towards the robot slowly. The robot looks to the left and
sees a security guard approaching. He looks to the right
and sees another one. The technician begins to lath and
holds out his hands to grab to robot.

The robot examines the skipping rope holders that attach

to his hands magnetically. He turns his head toward the
traffic then again towards the skipping rope, and looks
mischievous. Suddenly, just as the technician is about to
pounce, the robot flings the rope at a passing car and it
carries him away to freedom. The robot disappears over
the horizon, and the technician looks furious.



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