Section (A) Answer The Following Questions by Choosing The Letter of The Best Answer

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A patient is unable to flex the proximal interphalangeal joints as a result of paralysis to .1

?which of the following muscles
A. palmar interossei
B. palmar and dorsal interossei
C. dorsal interossei
D. flexor digitorum superficialis
E. lumbricals

: Primary lateral rotators of the arm are described as including the .2

A. subscapularis and teres major
B. infraspinatus and teres minor
C. supraspinatus and anterior deltoid
D. triceps brachii and latissimus dorsi
E. serratus anterior and rhomboidus major

:Lateral rotation of the arm is provided by muscles innervated by .3

A. C5-T1
B. C8 and T1
C. C7 and C8
D. C5 and C6
E. none of the above

All of the following muscles originate from the common flexor tendon (off the medial .4
:epicondyle of the humerus), EXCEPT
A. palmaris longus
B. flexor carpi ulnaris
C. pronator teres
D. flexor carpi radialis
E. flexor pollicis longus

A supracondylar injury to the median nerve in the arm will result in which of the .5
?following functional deficits
A. complete loss of thenar adduction
B. complete loss of wrist flexion
C. significant loss of forearm pronation
D. complete loss of sensory innervation of the palmar hand

:All of the following muscles are correctly matched with their innervation, EXCEPT .6
A. brachioradialis/ radial nerve
B. flexor carpi ulnaris/ ulnar nerve
C. pronator quadratus/ anterior interosseous nerve
D. abductor digiti minimi/ deep branch of ulnar nerve
E. adductor pollicis/ recurrent branch of median nerve

All the muscles of the flexor compartment of the forearm are supplied by the median .7
:nerve EXCEPT
A. pronator teres
B. flexor digitorum superficialis
C. flexor digitorum profundus
D. flexor carpi ulnaris
E. flexor carpi radialis

?Which muscle : nerve match is INCORRECT .8

A. supraspinatus : suprascapular
B. deltoid : axillary
C. trapezius : spinal accessory
D. pectoralis major : lateral pectoral
E. teres major : radial

A "dropped wrist" usually indicates damage to .9

A. the median nerve
B. the radial nerve
C. the musculocutaneous nerve
D. the ulnar nerve
E. none of the above

In the classic sensory distribution, the pain around the base of the nail of the ring .10
finger would be felt by means of the
A. ulnar and radial nerves
B. ulnar nerve, only
C. median and ulnar nerves
D. radial nerve, only
E. lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve

Which of the following arteries DOES NOT participate in anastomoses around the .11
A. dorsal scapular
B. suprascapular
C. transverse cervical
D. intercostal
E. subscapular

A penetrating wrist wound immediately medial to the tendon of the flexor carpi .12
radialis would most likely injure the
A. radial artery
B. flexor pollicis longus tendon
C. ulnar artery
D. median nerve
E. all of the above

Transmission of force from the hand to the forearm passes through which two carpal .13
?bones that articulate with the radius
A. Hamate and capitate
B. Trapezoid and trapezium
C. Lunate and scaphoid
D. Triquetrum and pisiform
E. Hamate and trapezium
: The distal attachment of the triceps brachii muscles is.14
A. coronoid process of the ulna
B. olecranon process of ulna
C. styloid process of ulna
D. radial notch of ulnar
E. ulnar tuberosity

The TRUE statement about the posterior compartment of the arm.15

A. it receives its motor supply from the median nerve
B. it contains the profunda brachii artery and radial nerve
C. it contains a single elbow flexor
D. its major artery is the brachial
E. it contains the ulnar nerve in its distal part

A structure found in the deltopectoral groove is the.16

A. cephalic vein
B. basilic vein
C. brachial vein
D. radial vein
E. musculocutaneous nerve

In the cubital fossa, the median cubital vein is separated from underlying .17
:neurovascular structures by the
A. investing fascia of the brachialis muscle
B. crural fascia
C. bicipital aponeurosis
D. anconeus muscle
E. tendon of the biceps brachialis muscle

Which of these structures passes deep to the flexor retinaculum at the wrist18 .
A. tendon of the palmaris longus
B. ulnar artery
C. median nerve
D. palmar branch of the ulnar nerve
E. radial artery

: The thumb action that is totally affected by radial nerve trauma is .

A. abduction
B. adduction
C. extension
D. flexion
E. opposition

: The supraglenoid tubercle serves as an attachment for .20

A. the long head of the biceps
B. long head of the triceps
C. medial head of the triceps
D. subscapularis
E. short head of triceps

Damage to the coracobrachialis muscle and its nerve supply would weaken which .21
?motion of the arm and forearm
A. extension
B. rotation
C. flexion
D. supination
E. abduction

?Which of these muscles of the forearm has a double innervation .22

A. flexor digitorum profundus
B. flexor digitorum superficialis
C. pronator teres
D. flexor pollicis longus
E. pronator quadratus

:The muscle that forms the bulk of the anterior axillary fold is the .23
A. latissimus dorsi
B. pectoralis major
C. subscapularis
D. teres minor
E. teres major

Which nerve is probably damaged if a patient cannot abduct the arm beyond 25 .24
A. axillary
B. radial
C. musculocutaneous
D. median
E. ulnar

The middle trunk of the brachial plexus is formed by anterior rami of which spinal .25
?cord segments
A. C7
B. C6 and C7
C. C6
D. C5 and C6
E. C7 and T1

: Loss of pronation of the hand suggests a lesion of the .26

A. median nerve
B. radial nerve
C. ulnar nerve
D. intercostobrachial nerve
E. musculocutaneous nerve

?The medial wall of the axilla is formed by which of the following muscles .27
A. teres major
B. serratus anterior
C. pectoralis major
D. subscapularis
E. pectoralis minor

:A branch of the axillary artery is the .28

A. costocervical
B. vertebral
C. dorsal scapular
D. suprascapular
E. subscapular
:The only rotator cuff muscle that does not contribute to rotation of the arm is the.29
A. teres minor
B. infraspinatus
C. supraspinatus
.D. subscapularis

.The artery that may be palpated deep in the "anatomical snuff box" is the: 30
A. superficial ulnar
B. posterior interosseous
C. cephalic
D. radial
E. deep ulnar


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